Issue in recovery mode - Galaxy Tab 10.1 Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

So... as you can see in the video below the tablet works perfectly normal ,no problems at all.
Unless i go into the recovery.
This tablet is brand new, unboxed only yesterday and i havn't changed anything. One of the first things i wanted to do was get a custom rom on it, however i obviously can't
Any ideas? Warranty return?

HOLY ****, would you look at that lag at the start.
I do have to admit that the jumping screen syncs with Taio Cruz pretty well. /sarcasm
Then again, I would like to know how "New" this is, if it's brand new, get it replaced, if it's not that new, well, you tried CWM and see if it made a difference?

Yeah sorry about the music ha. Girlfriends the guilty one.
Well, the tablet came with 3.2 installed so i'm assuming it's been recently produced.
I have put CWM on it via download mode (download mode doesn't have the graphical issue) but CMW brings the same result.
Im guessing i need to return it? It's well within its warranty.

Try this:

Coffeebeans said:
Try this:
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Epic. Thank you very much

That fix does not either would be keen to know if CraiGDaniel got his working in recovery. I have tried 3 different root fixes so far still no go.
Found solution:


TF 201 bricked?

So I changed a few things in the build.prop-file to get incompatible apps work on my TF 201 but then I somehow restarted it and now it won't boot anymore. Well it shows up the Asus logo and so one but then the screen just stays black (but still illuminated).
I already wiped the data and tried the recovery mode (with the Volume-down/up-button) but they didnt work, it still doesnt boot.
So any ideas which could help me? Im thankful for every help I can get
Maybe let the battery run out. There is also the reset button in the pinhole next to the SD card slot.
Why do people keep taking such risks. There has been a few threads already of some trying to do the same thing and bricking their device. Where these apps so great n important to now have possibly bricked your device? Instead of editing build. Props you could've used another device with same screen size resolution. For example a gameloft game, modern combat 3. Won't work on Prime because it says its incompatible. That is b.s. Prime just wasn't added to support list yet. So I used an Acer500 , same screen size resolution, version and it worked perfectly. A simple wrkaround without risking editing the app and causing a possible bootloop or brick.
Hope you get it up n running soon. Maybe letting the battery completely die and charging back up may clear whatever you did. I won't risk anything till atleast bootloader unlocked n we have recovery also. GOOD LUCK.
I already let the battery run out twice but it doesnt help, when I plug it in again, it just boots normally till the part where the screen stays black.
And the reset button under the sd card slot just reboots the device normally.
try to return it from wherever you bought it they will never even know what happened to it
fliger5 said:
So I changed a few things in the build.prop-file to get incompatible apps work on my TF 201 but then I somehow restarted it and now it won't boot anymore. Well it shows up the Asus logo and so one but then the screen just stays black (but still illuminated).
I already wiped the data and tried the recovery mode (with the Volume-down/up-button) but they didnt work, it still doesnt boot.
So any ideas which could help me? Im thankful for every help I can get
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I have the same problem with being stuck in bootloop. I've done the pinhole reset, as well as the power+volume reset... nothing works. I've let the battery drain.. nothing.
I just got off the phone with Asus customer support. They told me to return the tablet. Guess where I'm going today? Best Buy and returning it.
And yes, I'll probably get another Prime. They are just so Beautiful!
tylermaciaszek said:
try to return it from wherever you bought it they will never even know what happened to it
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You sure about that? I bought it from Amazon btw. But I read that some people got the same problem by just applying an official firmware update, so I guess it's really possible that they will never find out what really happened .
but I think there's no other possibility but returning it. :/
I'll give you $50 for it. J/K.... Good luck getting it running.
I don't quite understand how some people can make changes with out us being able to use Clockwork recovery yet. I would return it, they will probably give you a replacement.
Wait til Feb. Asus will prolly release a restore tool along with the bootloader unlock. Like the ruu for htc phones.
Sent from my Transformer Prime TF201 using xda premium
fliger5 said:
You sure about that? I bought it from Amazon btw. But I read that some people got the same problem by just applying an official firmware update, so I guess it's really possible that they will never find out what really happened .
but I think there's no other possibility but returning it. :/
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Yes. I just did it today. Got the new one on order.
Yes. I just did it today. Got the new one on order.
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And did you have to say anything how it happened? If yes, what did you tell them?
fliger5 said:
And did you have to say anything how it happened? If yes, what did you tell them?
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Nope. Didn't have to tell them anything. It wouldn't leave the bootloader screen. So I did both types of factory resets. They only way thy find out that I rooted it is when it gets back to Asus, they are somehow to get a computer to recognize it (mine won't), and look at the root files therein.
I had no problem returning mine!
Hope that helps!
Did you at least make a backup of the build.prop? I think the system will make one automatically I am just not sure how to go about getting it. I would guess if you can get into it with adb you could pull the backup rename it and push it to the /system. I don't know the commands but I am guessing someone who has posted stuff in the development section does, maybe that would work. Also, I am not sure there is a way to clear the cache/dalvik cache. Maybe through adb somehow which might have to be done as well.
I just don't know enough about adb and the commands to get it done.
Problem is, adb doesnt work because the device isnt recognized. It always says "No device found" or anything like that. Well I'll send it back to Amazon but I think they will send it then to Asus, so there's a chance that they will find it out, right?

Accidently Hard Bricked SGS2

Hi all, im new to this android rooting stuff, i have jailbroken many apple devices, but im a big noob with rooting.
ill start from the start, i rooted my samsung galaxy s2 (I9210T) the other day with a stock ROM, using Odin and what not, it worked, no issues, but some non-market apps werent working but because of the stock ROM. So i followed a link that led me to "XDA"
In a hurry to root my phone with a custom ROM, i accidentally used a rom made for the I777, it booted and it all worked, just not the touch buttons at the bottom, (obviously), so again i downloaded a new ROM to get these buttons to work, and thinking im smart, i thought i could skip a step, and instead of flashing the phone again with odin, i loaded the clockwork recovery, and loaded this new ROM, without unloading the other thinking it would work, rebooted it, BUT it didnt reboot, it wont stay on, attempting to get into recovery is futile, and the phone is completely unresponsive, the computer makes the USB connection noises everytime i plug it in and take it out, but thats it, i do realise what ive done is completely idiotic and stupid, but is there anyway possible to recover my phone without having to take it in, or get a JTAG done?
Thanks to anyone who has a solution.
Citrus94 said:
Hi all, im new to this android rooting stuff, i have jailbroken many apple devices, but im a big noob with rooting.
ill start from the start, i rooted my samsung galaxy s2 (I9210T) the other day with a stock ROM, using Odin and what not, it worked, no issues, but some non-market apps werent working but because of the stock ROM. So i followed a link that led me to "XDA"
In a hurry to root my phone with a custom ROM, i accidentally used a rom made for the I777, it booted and it all worked, just not the touch buttons at the bottom, (obviously), so again i downloaded a new ROM to get these buttons to work, and thinking im smart, i thought i could skip a step, and instead of flashing the phone again with odin, i loaded the clockwork recovery, and loaded this new ROM, without unloading the other thinking it would work, rebooted it, BUT it didnt reboot, it wont stay on, attempting to get into recovery is futile, and the phone is completely unresponsive, the computer makes the USB connection noises everytime i plug it in and take it out, but thats it, i do realise what ive done is completely idiotic and stupid, but is there anyway possible to recover my phone without having to take it in, or get a JTAG done?
Thanks to anyone who has a solution.
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well first sorry for ur present state ma8, if ur phone is not able to get into dwnld mode than its really difficult to do anything except for a JTAG done
just try using the three button combo Vol dwn + home + pwr butt and check for dwnld mode if u find success then flash a stock rom and u will get out of the situation
yeah, ive tried that so many times, too many to count, but, when doing it while its plugged into my computer, it makes the "USB disconnected" noise, which is weird.
i dont know where i can get a JTAG done, as i only recently saw it, not looked into it, im assuming phone repair shops do them? or can samsung do them even if the warruntee is voided, would they do it for a price? :s
Citrus94 said:
yeah, ive tried that so many times, too many to count, but, when doing it while its plugged into my computer, it makes the "USB disconnected" noise, which is weird.
i dont know where i can get a JTAG done, as i only recently saw it, not looked into it, im assuming phone repair shops do them? or can samsung do them even if the warruntee is voided, would they do it for a price? :s
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the samsung people will defenetly do it, please check the same with them regarding the price etc
Citrus94 said:
yeah, ive tried that so many times, too many to count, but, when doing it while its plugged into my computer, it makes the "USB disconnected" noise, which is weird.
i dont know where i can get a JTAG done, as i only recently saw it, not looked into it, im assuming phone repair shops do them? or can samsung do them even if the warruntee is voided, would they do it for a price? :s
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as u said u hear the usb connection sound when u connect ur phone
try using a usb jig
there may b chances of getting the phone in download mode
u can buy a usb jig from ebay
Sun90 said:
the samsung people will defenetly do it, please check the same with them regarding the price etc
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well ill see about travelling into town after i find the price then, just hopefully it doesnt take long, will be away in a week :S
Thanks anyway sun90, just need to make sure there was nothing that can be done first, definately wont be making that mistake again LOL
neerajganga said:
as u said u hear the usb connection sound when u connect ur phone
try using a usb jig
there may b chances of getting the phone in download mode
u can buy a usb jig from ebay
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that actually might work!! hope it does, atleast the jigs are cheap, orded one off ebay, should be here soon..... fingers crossed.
Erm, jig might help, but sounds like you've flashed a bad bootloader. Or a good bootloader, if you've got a I777. On the bright side, you've now got a really attractive paper weight. People will think your incredibly rich when you throw around a Galaxy S II just you just don't give a ****. Next time you're at a club single out the sluttiest girl there, go up to her and ask if she will have sex with you for a Galaxy S II, tell her the phone is out of battery, then go and do your business. When you hand over the phone make sure you are confident and humorous about it, give her a charging cable to make it look super legit. Oh and you should probably be wearing a balaclava throughout the whole process, you don't want her seeking revenge when she knows she's been used.
postfatal said:
Erm, jig might help, but sounds like you've flashed a bad bootloader. Or a good bootloader, if you've got a I777. On the bright side, you've now got a really attractive paper weight. People will think your incredibly rich when you throw around a Galaxy S II just you just don't give a ****. Next time you're at a club single out the sluttiest girl there, go up to her and ask if she will have sex with you for a Galaxy S II, tell her the phone is out of battery, then go and do your business. When you hand over the phone make sure you are confident and humorous about it, give her a charging cable to make it look super legit. Oh and you should probably be wearing a balaclava throughout the whole process, you don't want her seeking revenge when she knows she's been used.
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As funny as what you said is XD i dont think telstra will be too happy that im using my phone to get with chicks, maybe after the 24 months is up XD
funny stuff just happened, i sent my phone away to get fixed, and it took them two weeks +
way too long, and when i got it back, i didnt have to pay, and this is what the samsung team did, as follows: Removed and replaced LCD screen with a new one, removed and replaced FPCB, checked main PCB, software upgraded, cleaned contacts, re-aligned connectors, reset to manufacturers specifications.
in other words, thanks to my Jig i bought off ebay, THEY DIDNT HAVE A CLUE WTH HAPPENED WITH IT!, but far out, what a repair eh?
Take a look at this, they can resurrect hard bricked phones:
The total price is about £40 I think, hopefully it can be fixed! good luck!

Back from repair : no more random reboots but dock not working !

So I sent my Atrix for repair as I couldn't stand the random reboots. It came back unfixed. I sent it again, this time warning Motorola that I wouldn't be ok with it coming back unfixed again and so it got back finally fixed.
However, the phone doesn't recognize the multimedia dock anymore ! Media center through HDMI works fine but not the dock : the phone doesn't charge nor does the audio work through the speaks I plug the dock to.
Do you think this is a software issue or an hardware one, something they messed up while repairing it.
If I have to send it one more time, I'll go nuts...
Thanks !
DannyBiker said:
So I sent my Atrix for repair as I couldn't stand the random reboots. It came back unfixed. I sent it again, this time warning Motorola that I wouldn't be ok with it coming back unfixed again and so it got back finally fixed.
However, the phone doesn't recognize the multimedia dock anymore ! Media center through HDMI works fine but not the dock : the phone doesn't charge nor does the audio work through the speaks I plug the dock to.
Do you think this is a software issue or an hardware one, something they messed up while repairing it.
If I have to send it one more time, I'll go nuts...
Thanks !
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I'd guess that those things worked when it left, but not when it came back, that it would be a hardware issue if the software was unchanged. Just a thought though, do you have any mods installed or are you running a pure stock ROM?
Maybe they've noticed CM7 is better than their stock and they flashed CM7. :highfive:
lehjr said:
I'd guess that those things worked when it left, but not when it came back, that it would be a hardware issue if the software was unchanged. Just a thought though, do you have any mods installed or are you running a pure stock ROM?
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Pure stock. And yes, it was working before it left for repair...
DannyBiker said:
Pure stock. And yes, it was working before it left for repair...
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In that case I would say it's very likely that they broke something else. Their Facebook staff may be able to put you in touch with someone who can help as well as they seem to have access to people that the CSR's don't, or they may just delete your post. Motorola's Facebook did have a large number of complaints regarding issues with repairs a couple months ago, but they suddenly disappeared, most likely due to trying to do damage control (reputation management). There's also their forums, where the discussion of anything other than stock functionality is pretty much taboo. But yes, if it worked before, it should work now.
lehjr said:
In that case I would say it's very likely that they broke something else. Their Facebook staff may be able to put you in touch with someone who can help as well as they seem to have access to people that the CSR's don't, or they may just delete your post. Motorola's Facebook did have a large number of complaints regarding issues with repairs a couple months ago, but they suddenly disappeared, most likely due to trying to do damage control (reputation management). There's also their forums, where the discussion of anything other than stock functionality is pretty much taboo. But yes, if it worked before, it should work now.
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Was it sent in on warranty or did you pay to have it fixed. Either way I feel for you because I know I sent my 2 atrixes in total of 3 times and even though they were fixed/replaced under warranty I still paid about $45 shipping in the end. Everyone on atrix forums keeps praising motorola build quality but I have failed to see it in mine or my wife's atrixes.
affiatic said:
Was it sent in on warranty or did you pay to have it fixed. Either way I feel for you because I know I sent my 2 atrixes in total of 3 times and even though they were fixed/replaced under warranty I still paid about $45 shipping in the end. Everyone on atrix forums keeps praising motorola build quality but I have failed to see it in mine or my wife's atrixes.
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I think we're starting to see quite a few cases of storage related failures. I am a bit perplexed as what some consider to be qualifying characteristics of "build quality" myself.
lehjr said:
I think we're starting to see quite a few cases of storage related failures. I am a bit perplexed as what some consider to be qualifying characteristics of "build quality" myself.
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I myself see having to send them in on hardware issues within the 1st year as poor build quality. A new replacement they sent me froze on GPS then would not boot past moto screen as if it bricked itself. Was replaced with another new one after another 15$ I paid for shipping
I think some think USA company means quality. My new atrixes shipped from Mexico
Yeah, I'll have to pay to send it back again as well...
Do you think it's worth trying to flash a custom rom to see if it "fixes" it ?
DannyBiker said:
Yeah, I'll have to pay to send it back again as well...
Do you think it's worth trying to flash a custom rom to see if it "fixes" it ?
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No, because it's likely that they would use that in order to blame you for whatever is wrong with the device. If it's a hardware issue, no amount of third party software is going to fix it. I would however try to get in contact higher up in the chain of command regarding the issue. It's one thing to ship a device with a defect, it's another thing to have to ship the same device back and forth continuously to get it fixed. And the sad part is that this is just one of many similar stories regarding repairs. I guess that "New Motorola" just isn't quite so new after all.
lehjr said:
No, because it's likely that they would use that in order to blame you for whatever is wrong with the device. If it's a hardware issue, no amount of third party software is going to fix it. I would however try to get in contact higher up in the chain of command regarding the issue. It's one thing to ship a device with a defect, it's another thing to have to ship the same device back and forth continuously to get it fixed. And the sad part is that this is just one of many similar stories regarding repairs. I guess that "New Motorola" just isn't quite so new after all.
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I would do a factory reset in recovery. My wife's came back with same issues it was sent in with. They replaced the screen for her. The proximity sensor still wasn't working right someone recommended factory reset from recovery. It fixed it for her. Before that I knew nothing about stock recovery
affiatic said:
I would do a factory reset in recovery. My wife's came back with same issues it was sent in with. They replaced the screen for her. The proximity sensor still wasn't working right someone recommended factory reset from recovery. It fixed it for her. Before that I knew nothing about stock recovery
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Hmmm, I was assuming that was already done
lehjr said:
Hmmm, I was assuming that was already done
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Yes but sometimes people don't realize there is more than one way to do a factory reset on stock. Until about a year ago I thought you could only do this through settings. Recovery is the best way I now know
A good tutorial for that ?
'Cause that's what I meant when I asked if flashing a custom ROM would help : can it be something that isn't properly setup at a software level ? I tried flashing the stcok rom again with RSDLite but it didn't delete any data so I'm not sure it really reset anything.
Thanks !
DannyBiker said:
A good tutorial for that ?
'Cause that's what I meant when I asked if flashing a custom ROM would help : can it be something that isn't properly setup at a software level ? I tried flashing the stcok rom again with RSDLite but it didn't delete any data so I'm not sure it really reset anything.
Thanks !
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You mean a guide to factory reset the device in recovery? I thought that was in the manual, but it isn't, although I did find it here.
So I did a factory reset from Recovery, which worked as all was wiped. However, still no luck with the dock.
The reason I asked if trying to install a custom rom was a good idea is because I'm wondering if flashing another Webtop version or the HDMI-hack could make it work. To be clear : do you think that the fact that the Factory Reset didn't work establishes that it's hardware issue ?
DannyBiker said:
However, the phone doesn't recognize the multimedia dock anymore ! Media center through HDMI works fine but not the dock : the phone doesn't charge nor does the audio work through the speaks I plug the dock to
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As you're able to attach the HDMI and this works are you sure it's not the dock that's faulty? Had a quick look around and came across this... also, have you tried to clean ect connectors/ports. Might be worth a try
I should try again but I have two docks and the other one doesn't work either. However, I do feel that the AC connector doesn't feel really stable when inside the just moves around. I'd have to try with the the other's dock AC cable but it's an UK one and I need an adapter.
The thing is that the dock wasn't touched while the phone was under repair so I don't see how it can break just like that.
As I stated before, connection through HDMI to a TV-set works fine as well as charging with the power cord.
EDIT : saw the link you shared and it feels like the exact same issue indeed !
Well, it's fixed...kinda.
I unlocked it and flashed the "fixed webtop addon" from CSROM. It still wasn't working but with it, I got that the message saying that the device was not in charge anymore when I disconnected from the dock, which it didn't before; it wasn't charging however.
I don't think that was relevant but then I decided to give a look at the dock again and removed the top of it and...tadaaa, it worked ! From what I understand, the dock's connectors were not entering the the phone's inputs enough. I still think it's because they ****ed up during repair but heck, I won't send it back for that...
Good to hear you got it working

[Q] HELP! My phone wont let me do anything

After scouring for two days I am just giving up and asking for help. Here is what happened. I have a At&t Galaxy Note. It was rooted but very glitchy. Kept shutting off, weird lines going through the screen, my camera didnt work. I know for that process I did TWRP and cyanogenmod. I went back to att stock from a forum found here. After I did that I had no google apps anywhere. SO my brother found some thing. He put it on my phone after I had restored back to a previous version that did have them. Now my phone wont stay on for longer than a minute. I cant get it to recognize on my computer. So I cant even try to get into it to see if I can fix anything. Everytime I conntect it, a message pops up that says that it cannot install MTP... Even if I restore again, as I have tried. It is still not letting me use it. Then my brother decided to re root it I guess. And that is all well and fine but i still cant use my phone. I saw something about a .zip that removes gapps but I havent been able to use that as my phone just wont install it in recovery mode. Can someone please please help me!!!!
luvpudds said:
After scouring for two days I am just giving up and asking for help. Here is what happened. I have a At&t Galaxy Note. It was rooted but very glitchy. Kept shutting off, weird lines going through the screen, my camera didnt work. I know for that process I did TWRP and cyanogenmod. I went back to att stock from a forum found here. After I did that I had no google apps anywhere. SO my brother found some thing. He put it on my phone after I had restored back to a previous version that did have them. Now my phone wont stay on for longer than a minute. I cant get it to recognize on my computer. So I cant even try to get into it to see if I can fix anything. Everytime I conntect it, a message pops up that says that it cannot install MTP... Even if I restore again, as I have tried. It is still not letting me use it. Then my brother decided to re root it I guess. And that is all well and fine but i still cant use my phone. I saw something about a .zip that removes gapps but I havent been able to use that as my phone just wont install it in recovery mode. Can someone please please help me!!!!
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wow. the first few sentences were making sense, then you just lost it grammar wise and lost me. it would have helped knowing what ROM was on your phone. from symptoms it sounds as if t was a 4.2 ROM with no GAPPS and some serious OC/UV issues.
but you lost me with your English and the "TWRP and CYANOGENMOD thingy" i know what they are obviously, but what you did with them is a HUGE guessing game. one person not knowing what they are doing is bad enough, but two of you.......... cant do that man. kind of like masturbating with someone elses hand man. who cleans up the mess.
absolute clean slate is going to be you best option in my opinion. the "Super Everything Thread" is going to be your new best friend.
read it, live it, learn it......................understand it. put yourself in position to help yourself first.
tutorals on YOUTUBE can help too.
can you get DOWNLOAD MODE?
do you have ODIN?
do you have PDA/ TAR files you need?
you may need to re-install the DRIVERS for phone on computer
there is a glossary in Super thread, that is why i capped these words. key points and things you need to do. its a marathon not a sprint.
go slow, one step at time, understand what you are doing. even rehearse it, i did. be confident in what you are doing. make sure you have files for I717.
read the OP's for ROM's
some need GAPPS (4.2) and some don't (4.1.2) or Touchwiz
the new 4.3 will also need GAPPS and there are 4.2 and 4.3 GAPPS. again make sure you have right files. all the more reason to take your time.
and uh, don't just let someone flash whatever on your phone, that's how you get a BRICK.
good luck and let us know.
if i have stated anything wrong, someone else will be buy to correct.
nothing wrong with how i am telling, others just may have shortcuts.
what you do with it is up to you, i just like to understand what i am doing, cause i will have to fix it.
but keep us posted
captemo said:
wow. the first few sentences were making sense, then you just lost it grammar wise and lost me. it would have helped knowing what ROM was on your phone. from symptoms it sounds as if t was a 4.2 ROM with no GAPPS and some serious OC/UV issues.
but you lost me with your English and the "TWRP and CYANOGENMOD thingy" i know what they are obviously, but what you did with them is a HUGE guessing game. one person not knowing what they are doing is bad enough, but two of you.......... cant do that man. kind of like masturbating with someone elses hand man. who cleans up the mess.
absolute clean slate is going to be you best option in my opinion. the "Super Everything Thread" is going to be your new best friend.
read it, live it, learn it......................understand it. put yourself in position to help yourself first.
tutorals on YOUTUBE can help too.
can you get DOWNLOAD MODE?
do you have ODIN?
do you have PDA/ TAR files you need?
you may need to re-install the DRIVERS for phone on computer
there is a glossary in Super thread, that is why i capped these words. key points and things you need to do. its a marathon not a sprint.
go slow, one step at time, understand what you are doing. even rehearse it, i did. be confident in what you are doing. make sure you have files for I717.
read the OP's for ROM's
some need GAPPS (4.2) and some don't (4.1.2) or Touchwiz
the new 4.3 will also need GAPPS and there are 4.2 and 4.3 GAPPS. again make sure you have right files. all the more reason to take your time.
and uh, don't just let someone flash whatever on your phone, that's how you get a BRICK.
good luck and let us know.
if i have stated anything wrong, someone else will be buy to correct.
nothing wrong with how i am telling, others just may have shortcuts.
what you do with it is up to you, i just like to understand what i am doing, cause i will have to fix it.
but keep us posted
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Im sorry, Im just really frustrated. My phone was working fine yesterday and now its a very expensive paperweight. And not only that but Im having problems with my laptop. Apparently the hard drive just went clonkers for no reason and now I have to put in a new one. Yes I can get into download mode. Yes I have Odin. Yes I have the PDA/TAR files. I made sure everything was for the sgh i717. I read each process ten times before I did it. I installed my drivers from the Samsung website. I think my problem is that the internal sd card isnt being recognized. When I go into recovery mode, which is CMW btw, it gives me an eemc 07 error message and says it cant mount. When I can get my phone to stay on long enough for thecpu to recognize it it doesnt say sd card just phone memory. I will be sure to read the super everything thread. As for a ROM there isnt one on here. If I try to put one one it wont install and keeps saying that eemc 07 error message. Thanks for responding. Im spiraling in self-pity right now but im determined to get my phone back.
If you get it back to stock, do a complete erase/format, and your still having all these glitches, there's a good chance there's hardware issues. Especially if your not able to see the external SD card etc.
If your the original owner (I.E. you got it from a dealer with a plan), and you can get your counter reset to 0 on stock with these issues still showing up, it might be easiest to take it in and get a replacement. That is, if you have a warranty option available.
Ragnarkov said:
If you get it back to stock, do a complete erase/format, and your still having all these glitches, there's a good chance there's hardware issues. Especially if your not able to see the external SD card etc.
If your the original owner (I.E. you got it from a dealer with a plan), and you can get your counter reset to 0 on stock with these issues still showing up, it might be easiest to take it in and get a replacement. That is, if you have a warranty option available.
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Its not the external sd but the internal one. Its just gone... I know that this is the problem at this point. But I have no idea how to resolve that issue. I have no idea where it is or how to get it back. I have been on xda and droidforums for an extreme amount of time trying to find a solution but nothing going. The only way I have seen to reset my counter is to use triangle away. As I cannot even use my phone due to freezing and restarting I cannot even install that app. I am hoping that one person in the wide world has had this problem and fixed it and will read this and tell me how to fix it.
Status 7 means you need to update you recovery
Sent from my SGH-I717 using xda app-developers app
Thanks for all the help. Took it it AT&T. Now my phone is working properly if a slight bit laggy. But at least its working.
luvpudds said:
Thanks for all the help. Took it it AT&T. Now my phone is working properly if a slight bit laggy. But at least its working.
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so where are you at then?
what does your phone show as running?
settings/about phone
are you just going to leave it or are you still going to pursue customizing?
captemo said:
so where are you at then?
what does your phone show as running?
settings/about phone
are you just going to leave it or are you still going to pursue customizing?
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I'm running 4.1.2 now. I will not be customizing like that for some time. I might think about it later but I'm so glad to have it back I'm just going to enjoy it for awhile.
luvpudds said:
I'm running 4.1.2 now. I will not be customizing like that for some time. I might think about it later but I'm so glad to have it back I'm just going to enjoy it for awhile.
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you know, something going wrong with mine was my biggest worry. when I decide to screw something up, I can really screw something up. so I was very hesitant. it probably took me 2-3 months to get the courage to flash. but that was most likely a good thing. it made me be very thorough in the process.
all I am saying is don't let it completely discourage you. you have time.
glad you got phone back, I know it can be a bit of a scary thing. I have come across an issue or two myself and actually surprised myself by fixing myself. actually a pretty good feeling.
anyway, stick around, there are some pretty amazing folks here.
captemo said:
one person not knowing what they are doing is bad enough, but two of you.......... cant do that man. kind of like masturbating with someone elses hand man. who cleans up the mess.
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Rofl. Now I have a completely different vision when I see captemo advise a full wipe to someone.
Sent from my SGH-I717 using Tapatalk 4
Bubbajoe40356 said:
Rofl. Now I have a completely different vision when I see captemo advise a full wipe to someone.
Sent from my SGH-I717 using Tapatalk 4
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Well I think we just lost our "FamilyFriendly" label.
rangercaptain said:
Well I think we just lost our "FamilyFriendly" label.
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Well at least our PG-13 rating anyway. Tell me it wasn't pretty funny though
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I717 using xda app-developers app
rangercaptain said:
Well I think we just lost our "FamilyFriendly" label.
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I don't know ... They looked like they were pretty friendly.....for family
Sent from my SGH-I717 using Tapatalk 4

I cant re-boot into recovery after changing motherboard and then an update.

Hello all,
My first post here and I cant really think of a better place where I might get help beyond the endless trawling through the internets. I have already done. My hair is going even more grey!
I have a problem that I just cant work out.. I have already spent far too many hours trying to find ways to fix. So its best I ask here and maybe someone will know how to fix it.
I have a Note 2. Owned it since new and its been fantastic, does everything I need out of a phone and I want to keep it working. I have no interest in buying a new phone ( nor that I can afford it! )
About 6 weeks ago it died after I had let the battery run flat over night. It just would not turn on. I tried all the internet fixes and nothing worked. Sudden death syndrome I think its called. Fairly common with these I have learned.
I bought a new motherboard from China on Aliexpress. Good feedback from seller. $35. It arrived two weeks ago. I swapped the motherboards and the new one worked. I had to change the phone over to English and re-load my favourite apps, exciting.. just like getting a new phone again
It worked well enough and I was happy. I noted that in the about section, plus in the apps draw, SUPERSU. I looked this up and figured that maybe the main chip had been rooted. Possibly that the motherboard was atually a fixed secondhand one, possibly they use another chipset that needs rooting to work? I don't know but it worked so I left it.
One thing that did annoy me was that when I connected my phone via USB to the laptop (a Samsung) the photo thumbnails would not show up like they used to. I looked this up and it was common. I suggested fix was to look for phone updates on Kies.
Then about 4 days ago I decided to install Samsung Kies onto my computer and update the phone. It said there were updates to install and I clicked go.
I went through the process and it all looked good until when the update process said it had finished. Then the phone just started to flash the Samsung symbol on and off, spaced every two seconds. Bugger!
So I tried a recovery mode on kies, that did not work. I tried booting into recovery (all three keys, volume up) and it does nothing at all. Samsung just keeps flashing on and off. I have tried everything!
However- it will boot into download mode so I have tried reloading the correct Samsung firmware back on with Odin three, several times! Everytime when it re-boots it just flashes. Cant get into recovery.
This is now where I am at. I want to know how to get into recovery via my PC. Maybe through some program. But I don't know how. I'll happily load on a new ROM but not sure which and most seem to need me to be able to change some settings within the phone first...which I cant obviously do. I have looked into Omegadroid and Lineage which both appeal. But there seems to be no way I can load them on from where I am at with this phone.
I am hoping that there some sort of program I can use to 'hard re-set' or wipe the phone completely start again?
Any help and suggestions very welcome. I am not at all adept at programming so keep it all in laymans terms (I have already learned so much in the last few days that my brain might well explode!)
Thank you in advance,
yoeddynz said:
I bought a new motherboard from China on Aliexpress. Good feedback from seller. $35. It arrived two weeks ago. I swapped the motherboards and the new one worked. I had to change the phone over to English and re-load my favourite apps, exciting.. just like getting a new phone again
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Hi Alex, Welcome to XDA-Developers!
It sounds like your Note needs a full wipe indeed. But first, I wouldn't have used AliExpress if I were you! These Chinese shops cannot be trusted when it comes to spare parts.
It worked well enough and I was happy. I noted that in the about section, plus in the apps draw, SUPERSU. I looked this up and figured that maybe the main chip had been rooted. Possibly that the motherboard was atually a fixed secondhand one, possibly they use another chipset that needs rooting to work? I don't know but it worked so I left it.
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It's very possible that the mother was a second hand one. So, so it might have been rooted by the last owner.
However- it will boot into download mode so I have tried reloading the correct Samsung firmware back on with Odin three, several times! Everytime when it re-boots it just flashes. Cant get into recovery.
I am hoping that there some sort of program I can use to 'hard re-set' or wipe the phone completely start again?
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Actually, this is what Odin software really does. If it fails, I'm afraid you'll have to take it to a repair shop again. Or maybe you can try another firmware. If you can remember the build number that was in "About" section before you flash it with Odin, then we could figure out what you were using in the first place. Perhaps by installing the firmware of that build number, you'll get it to boot.
And oh! The correct recovery mode combination is "HOME + Volume Up + Power Button". You mentioned "All three buttons + Volume Up" (4 buttons ?!), I assume then that you meant "HOME + Volume Down + Power + Volume UP"
Hey thanks for the reply- sorry for the late reply back..
When I plugged it into Kies I had no intention to do anything other than a usual Samsung update so I didnt look up the build number or any other info beforehand.
Well..that is one leasson learned!
Yeah- it was a typo when I said what keys I pressed. In order to try and get into the recovery mode I did indeed press 'home, power and volume up'. But nothing ever happens... the Samsung symbol just keeps on flashing away...mocking me
Is there any other program out there that I could try? I downloaded a program called Z3X Samsung tool. Used for flashing I believe? It installed fine but when activated, with the phone connected in download mode all I got was a prompt saying 'Cant find chip'
yoeddynz said:
Hey thanks for the reply- sorry for the late reply back..
When I plugged it into Kies I had no intention to do anything other than a usual Samsung update so I didnt look up the build number or any other info beforehand.
Well..that is one leasson learned!
Yeah- it was a typo when I said what keys I pressed. In order to try and get into the recovery mode I did indeed press 'home, power and volume up'. But nothing ever happens... the Samsung symbol just keeps on flashing away...mocking me
Is there any other program out there that I could try? I downloaded a program called Z3X Samsung tool. Used for flashing I believe? It installed fine but when activated, with the phone connected in download mode all I got was a prompt saying 'Cant find chip'
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I don't think there is any other tool you can use besides ODIN. The Z3X Software appears to require a flashing hardware (the box). In order to be able to flash your device using this tool, you'll need that box first. So, your best shot right now is to take the phone to a repair center. They often have device flashing hardwares (like the Z3X box) which provide convenient results but ultimately costs few bucks (compared to ODIN which is free if it works for you).
One last explanation to what your device is experiencing is that the motherboard is somewhat not working again. I really don't like this one either, but you can't ignore it. If you had bought it from a local shop or repair center, perhaps they could have assisted you in the current situation or maybe they could have even replaced it with another one.
I hope you'll find a way to revive your Note 2. There isn't much I can suggest anymore right now, as I have moved away from Samsung since 2014 (I owned the Note 2 aswell! Great device at that time).
Nonta72 said:
I hope you'll find a way to revive your Note 2. There isn't much I can suggest anymore right now, as I have moved away from Samsung since 2014 (I owned the Note 2 aswell! Great device at that time).
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Yeah thanks. I'll try the repair centre in the city next time I visit the big smoke. The phone certainly worked well for me but if its indeed dead, again, all is not lost because things have moved on and its bloody amazing what phones one can get now for half what I paid when I bought the Note 2.
If I get it fixed I'll certainly post up a reply with details just to help add to the info on this thread that might help other Note 2/Samsung owners in a similar way.
yoeddynz said:
Yeah thanks. I'll try the repair centre in the city next time I visit the big smoke. The phone certainly worked well for me but if its indeed dead, again, all is not lost because things have moved on and its bloody amazing what phones one can get now for half what I paid when I bought the Note 2.
If I get it fixed I'll certainly post up a reply with details just to help add to the info on this thread that might help other Note 2/Samsung owners in a similar way.
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That's the whole spirit of XDA.
Thank you for understanding and good luck. :fingers-crossed:
Ok people of XDA. Here's and update. So I had no luck getting my Note 2 working again. I then bought a brand new Note 4 to see me through and that turned out to be a load of grief too....(Note 4 not liking the Marshmallow update and constantly freezing or rebooting, often every few minutes) oh my. When will the hurting stop?.... but that's another story kids
Anyway- while the Note 4 was out of action I decided I'd better sort the Note 2 out. I ordered another mother board from Aliexpress but before ordering I went through the available board listings, sent the same question off to each seller asking about any potential issues similar to what I have experienced with my current board and waited for replies. The seller that answered with the best reply that gave me some confidence got the sale. Another $35 NZD and this time it actually arrived after about 8 days from ordering.
I fitted the new board and as soon as the phone turned on, changed the language to English and promptly turned auto updates off- just in case.
Its been running perfectly ever since with no problems at all. After the fiasco I have now been having with my Note 4 (which has now been replaced thank fark) using the old Note 2 feels somewhat like jumping from a modern car with all the bells and whistles but too much to go wrong, into a nice old classic that is simplicity itself.
So now I'm off to look for answers on why the hell my Note 4 constantly wants me to download another update just after I have installed the last one.............

