Can i disable the multitasking on my tab because it uses memory and i dont use it much or is there a program to clear the multitasking?
Another thing : what do you think the best browser to use for the tab 10.1
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What I do if I don't want an app running in the background is back out of it by pressing the back button until it exits instead of the home button.
For the browser, I prefer the stock one.
Some ROMs like the CM9 ICS 10.1 WiFi Preview that I'm using at the moment, include developer options to do things like limit the number of background processes and stop activities as you exit them. You can even set it so that the back button in ICS can be long-pressed to 'kill' the application and therefore stop it running in the background.
Although you can't disable the multitasking...you can at least get around it.
Im loving the new gingerbread keyboard design, but I noticed I often hit period instead of space bar because I keep just missing it on the right side. I dont even use the smiley button, so is there a way to resize the smiley button or remove it just so I can slide period over and extend the space bar?
aha I had the same issue although this belongs in the q&a section
get to the text section in settings and change the settings of the keyboard so that the voice search is hidden and the settings on keyboard are hidden and then you should have a much larger space bar. i dont use those so i have them set to always hide.
hope this helps. if not then pm me and i will see what other angles i can help you attack this issue with.
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tw allows you to edit how many home screens you have, which is nice because seven just seems like too many for me. however, it always keeps the default home screen at 4, which is really ridiculous. so if I want to have 5 home screens, my default home screen will always be 4...I have searched everywhere and cannot find a solution for this that is not a launcher app. which I don't really want to do because I really like touch wiz. Is there a solution to this problem or not?
also if any dev would maybe want to include something like this in their build? not sure if it is a pressing issue with anyone else I'm just annoyed by the blatant oversight on samsungs behalf.
^that's not constructive.
Get LauncherPro. This will solve your problems.
cant say i figured out how to edit the default home action.
but i suggest keeping all 7 possible windows, and keeping your "home" stuff on page #4. if you dont wanna use the "farther out" pages like #1 and #7 then leave em blank, thats what I do.
Which Screen?
Which screen do you want for your home-screen? An example of how I set a screen as home.
I have 3 screens, but TW wants screen 3 to be home. I want screen 2 to be home.
I add widgets and shortcuts to screen 1 and 2 and delete all screens besides those two.
That defaults home to screen 2.
I then try to add a widget that will not fit on either screen.
TW then automatically adds an additional screen to compensate for the new widget; screen 3.
I then delete the widget and have 3 screens with screen 2 as home.
TouchwizGTG, look it up.
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Just pinch and zoom out on the current homescreen. It will pull up a veiw of all your screens. There you can move them around and delete unwanted pages.
One thing I know is the Verison fascinate ( there galaxy S ) you can select which screen is there home on the tw launcher.
You might try getting one of there roms and pulling their launcher out of it and putting it in yours.
Make sure you backup your good TW launcher.
Make sure you have another launcher installed. ( just in case it dosen't work...
Good luck...
Sent from my Vibrant running TW's latest rom, whatever that may be.
few things i wanted to ask related to android OS and specially features which i or most others would like in the CyanogenMod for the samsung galaxy s2
- is it possible to disable confirmations dialog boxes when u delete all call log or any such delete activity?
- is it possible to have a delete all or edit button on the call log page itself to quickly delete entries in less nubmer of clicks rather than a few more using long press or using the menu button?
- is it possible to hide the video call green button when u dont use it at all?
- is it possible to reduce size or totally hide the contact photo under contacts so more contacts r visible at a time?
- is it possible to hide or remove the search box on contact list?
- is it possible to hide or remove photo box in SMS app
things i would love to see and pay for in the next CyanogenMod for the samsung galaxy s2
- more touch responsive similar to iphone
- remove ascending ringtone
- BLN support
- disable BL on back and menu button while playing games etc
- possibility to rotate screen to left or right coz i noticed angry birds ets by default rotate to left and not to right
- CRT screen effect
- possibility to change lock and unlock screen music
- many other things that r not coming to my mind currently, mayb others can post and get a list ready for what every1 would like to see
i already checked there, most answers not there and if questions r there then not answered
Who cares? This is the wrong forum for your post.
I know inside the call log you can hit menu and then choose which entries you want to delete, can't get much faster than that.
All your other queries cannot be done with standard apps unless you edit their .apks. You're best bet would be to try some alternate contact/dialer/messaging apps, and god knows there's loads of them in the market.
As for your wishes about CyanogenMod, you really should've taken it to the proper place, which would be inside the CyanogenMod thread.
Last I checked, this is not a development thread. Thread closed. Quit posting in the wrong section.
My galaxy s2 menu falters somtime after an software update to android 2.3.4.
Everything works perfect,except the menu. When I switch from pages in the menu it falters sometimes.
At now I have android 2.3.5. And after this software update the menu still sometimes hangs.
can somebody help me with this problem?
I also tried the go launcher them from re android market.
The menu in this theme doesn't falters when I switch the pages.
But when I go back to my original Samsung theme, the menu falters again sometimes.
I hope somebody can help me
@moderator, i have already make a topic like this, but i used the wrong words, i used hangs, en it used to be falters.
i'm not from england or america, and i hope i have this time used the good word.
I think that, crashes a better word is.
The menu crashes somtimes when i switch from pages.
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This may sound like a stupid question but how do I close running apps on a Vodafone smart tab 10? Apps like Firefox and the native browser have otions to exit but other apps just don't dont. I can hit the back or home key but the double window icon next to the home icon shows all running apps but there is seemingly no way to close or exit these. I know how to kill apps through the settings app but this becomes too much when simply trying to just exit apps. Or is it pehaps commonplace to leave numerous apps running in the background until the tab is switched off? The tab runs Honeycomb 3.2.