WI-FI problem on ICS! - Sony Ericsson Xperia Neo, Pro

I use ICS beta (MT15i_Neo_ICS_ROM_v1.2.zip) with NightElf kernel. All works perfect, also wi-fi works perfect without one wifi access point (my home)! On all wifi points it works, but on one it not connect fast, it connect-disconnect-connect-cisconnect... after some time it connect, but sometimes it is so long! I tried many ICS roms, some problem! With Intek kernel wifi not work at all...
Have to resolve this?

Reginal Wi-Fi problems been talked a about many times before
Sent from my MT15i using Tapatalk

i got same problem
Sent from my MT15i using XDA

Have same issue and yes Kormatoes, have tried the regional fixes which none seem to work going back to GB and everything is working but ICS is brilliant and the only bug I seem to encounter and I am not the only one is the WiFi bug, I have yet to get a kernel/rom to work with WiFi properly. at least not with my homes WiFi, maybe it's something else? if it were to be a regional problem then perhaps why would it work in other places besides the home? maybe it has problems with specific WiFi channels? or something else? just trying to be of help here when I get some spare time.

I dont seem to have this problem on any network, so try KA13 ROM with NightElf kernel on that page. Maybe it helps...

KA13 wifi works better than other roms, today we'll have a new realease.

Can you point me in the direction of these regional fixes? Googled around and also searched the forums but can't seem to find anything to suggest that there are regional baseband files or any specific fixes to be had.
Many thanks in advance!

Hi all,
i already mention this issues in this post...please take a look..
i think, the best for me now, is waiting for my regional ics release...


Wifi connectivity issue on new Sony ICS ??? share your experience here !

Hi all,
I noticed wifi connectivity issue on new ICS ROM. I tried both ICS official and custom ROM. Both are having same issue. For wifi It seems GB is better than ICS !!!
- when i download something, sometime connection dropped and reconnect in a second.
- when i open a pages on browser, get delay to load a normal page. It seems mobile network is better than wifi
Did anyone feel the same, please share your commend here.
Also a thread i found on sony forum, replicate the same issue!!!
Yes even i am having the same issue...
this is already posted mates,
look here:
i report this.
Pandemic said:
this is already posted mates,
look here:
i report this.
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I cross check the router with GB Neo v mobile, working great !, Also i am using wifi at office, working with ICS same result (Office router can be connect over 1000 in a time).
However is a GB problem too
Finally is emerging the bad wifi module we have on 2011 Sony, and is not ICS the cause, but probably it shows better the lack of wifi.
Keep in mind that the issue is hardware, this chip can't guarantee a stable connection and a stable reception of the beacons.
See the immense discussion on sony support forum about "xperia keep dropping wifi connection".
There is nothing to do, bad hardware and stop.
Who didn't experience the problem with GB was only lucky, try to change the router or download a ubunto distro and see like it drops.
maRRRco89 said:
However is a GB problem too
Finally is emerging the bad wifi module we have on 2011 Sony, and is not ICS the cause, but probably it shows better the lack of wifi.
Keep in mind that the issue is hardware, this chip can't guarantee a stable connection and a stable reception of the beacons.
See the immense discussion on sony support forum about "xperia keep dropping wifi connection".
There is nothing to do, bad hardware and stop.
Who didn't experience the problem with GB was only lucky, try to change the router or download a ubunto distro and see like it drops.
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i have no wifi problems also with my router on ICS.
The same issue for my NEO
The same issue for my NEO
wait for an update by sony or go for can custom rom
Pandemic said:
i have no wifi problems also with my router on ICS.
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Ok, your mobile maybe dont have any issue with ICS wifi, Let's wait to see others commend !!!
Shrihari007 said:
wait for an update by sony or go for can custom rom
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I used both custom and official rom, same problem !!!
Here is thread with same problem: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1599459
and as you can see problems got solved with replacing router.
There are 2 problems in ICS with WiFi.
1) people can't connect AT ALL to their routers, which worked on GB,
2) dropout issues.
So many of you who have those problems, by this time you could create list of routers which have that problem, and see if there is pattern.
Or wait some dev who have that problem to fix it, as it's hard to create something if you don't experience that problem.
maRRRco89 said:
or download a ubunto distro and see like it drops.
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Then, tell me who can fix this problem, i will exchange my mobile with him
Its really hard to download or browse without wifi
please no double threads

an internet problem(new thread)

In short: after a while (I'm not sure how much can happen in an hour and can also within 6-10 ..) Internet just getting crazy and not work anymore, he decides not to work any more and even have signs of reception (also with full reception that is four bars) and even I connected to the quick (and the problem is not the network because it happens basically everywhere) I tried to fix it through the Recovery: <advence> toggle wifi premmision tried through the tarminal emulator things short, I can not find a solution and I'm sure the problem is the kernel that before I installed it and I just had the ROM with the web to work right without the kernel .. but this phone is worth 1 doller that the games barely moving .. so if possible I need a solution that will work on this kernel! Please Help
I have not officially released ROM CM7 of Mic
Franco kernel gamer kernelV20
Cell Phones: lg optimus one p500
sorry for bed english-google chrome translate
plz help ! i will be very gratitude to helpers!
please help some one?
Try a different rom or kernel maybe?
I use this ROM:
I've never had a problem with WiFi with it. If you keep having the problem, it may be your phone that is buggy and if you have a warranty you should have it fixed.
sirp0p0 said:
Try a different rom or kernel maybe?
I use this ROM:
I've never had a problem with WiFi with it. If you keep having the problem, it may be your phone that is buggy and if you have a warranty you should have it fixed.
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how games are running on this rom?multi touch is ebaled?
and its not a phone problem beacuse its happing just in my kernel... i tried to re install the rom (which mean the kernel return to stock) and the internet was fine
other help plz?
dokvader114 said:
other help plz?
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Please only post once, when someone can help you they will post a reply.
Anyway onto the main topic, Basically as said above by Sirp0p0, I would try another ROM, Personally I have no idea what kind of ROM to try, just off the top of my head GTR (Gamer - Talho - ROM), but that is only based on the screenshots, I personally have not tried it.
Just from my own experience, try out different ROMs, find the one that you personally like and suites your own style. If any bugs / issues are found, read the forum / previous posts there maybe updates or updates coming.
When you say it happens everywhere, please describe what you mean.. If you mean everywhere _in_ your house then it maybe a router problem / DHCP disconnecting you, it could also be a screen time out issue, I know that when I am connected VIA wifi to my net, if my screen locks, my internet disconnects (on stock p500 GB rom ver, 2.3.3).
In short it could be various things, to be able to help you can you give us some more information, your rom, build number, can you provide any screenshots? Also how are you trying to access the internet? Through what application exactly? It is also possible it's a buggy app? but these are just my thoughts and ideas, maybe some other XDA members will be able to help you or give you more info than me.
everywhere=my house..school ..friend house and stuff like this.. and what you are talking about is wifi sleep policy i turn it to never so it isnt my problem..but ty for trying
any body else?plz help?
Please help someone
resac said:
Please help someone
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dun use franco kernel it is a little buggy and wifi was one oem its bug
Sent from my LG-P500
but no other kernel are good for gaming like this one
SolNZ said:
Personally I have no idea what kind of ROM to try, just off the top of my head GTR (Gamer - Talho - ROM), but that is only based on the screenshots, I personally have not tried it.
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I've tried GTR, and it's pretty good. Based on CM7.

ICS update WiFi/Router issues

Sorry to bother the community with something thats probably a waste of time. But I need a professionals help/advice. I just recently got the Amaze from a relative and it was on GB when I recieved it. The stock kernel worked just fine, I was able to connect to wifi perfectly with no hassles. But as soon as I recieved the OTA ICS it stopped working.
I did some research and found out the ICS kernels dont like certain settings on WiFi routers, but for the life of me I couldnt find what settings worked. So I decided to S-Off and Root. I installed fauxs kernel at the time which was v008 and everything worked again! Wifi was good but a little spotty at times. But as faux continues to develop awesome kernels the latest just does not work with my wifi router.
Does anyone have any clue on why the kernel does not like my router? I have a DLink, also anyone know how to combine faux kernels v008 to the latest v11. At least I could try to get the modules that worked in v008 and make a hybrid with v11 so I could get the best of both worlds.
Ive actually tried to combine the two kernels in many ways but keep coming up with "WiFi error" when trying to turn it on.
I am certain that some where someone has done this but ive tried Googling it and tried advance searching through XDA but cant find anything that actually helps me understand how to.
Thanks again!
Sent from my Amaze 4G with S-Off
Have your tried to setup WiFi Manually? You know type in the network id then password. It should work. That's how I got mine to work with faux latest build.. but I have a netgear router so that could also be a factor. But its worth a shot.
G1Master said:
Sorry to bother the community with something thats probably a waste of time. But I need a professionals help/advice. I just recently got the Amaze from a relative and it was on GB when I recieved it. The stock kernel worked just fine, I was able to connect to wifi perfectly with no hassles. But as soon as I recieved the OTA ICS it stopped working.
I did some research and found out the ICS kernels dont like certain settings on WiFi routers, but for the life of me I couldnt find what settings worked. So I decided to S-Off and Root. I installed fauxs kernel at the time which was v008 and everything worked again! Wifi was good but a little spotty at times. But as faux continues to develop awesome kernels the latest just does not work with my wifi router.
Does anyone have any clue on why the kernel does not like my router? I have a DLink, also if no one does know could some one help me out in telling what files I could combine faux kernels v008 to the latest v11. At least I could try to get the modules that worked in v008 and make a hybrid with v11 so I could get the best of both worlds...
Thanks again!
Sent from my Amaze 4G with S-Off
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Did you copy the modules from version 8 to version 11? Or replace them ?
Sent from my HTC_Amaze_4G using xda premium
Double0EK said:
Have your tried to setup WiFi Manually? You know type in the network id then password. It should work. That's how I got mine to work with faux latest build.. but I have a netgear router so that could also be a factor. But its worth a shot.
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Actually No I have not tried that. Will do now. I will let you know what happens.
So I tried to flash v11 and flashed it twice. Rebooted afterwards. Told the WiFi to forget my router. Did it manually and still the same thing.
Double0EK said:
Have your tried to setup WiFi Manually? You know type in the network id then password. It should work. That's how I got mine to work with faux latest build.. but I have a netgear router so that could also be a factor. But its worth a shot.
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Yes I have actually tried to copy the whole Modules folder from v008 to v11 and no go. I get "WiFi Error" once that happens I have to re install the whole rom again.
I even tried to do copy the Modules folder from v008 to Kozmiks kernel, just for sh*ts and giggles. Major fail. Same thing "WiFi Error."
Basically any kernel (even stock) but v008, the WiFi scans connects to my router. Go to test it out . Google page loads about 1/4th of the way and just chokes.
Wow 164 reviews and only 2 ppl have tried to help. Thanks XDA.
G1Master said:
Wow 164 reviews and only 2 ppl have tried to help. Thanks XDA.
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hey, I tried to help in your other thread.. the kind of security you are using on your router(there are so many options, some of which android just can't handle), the kind of router.. there are so many factors involved that may be the issue.
We can try to help you out, but besides switching modules from the version of the kernel that is working for you to the newest release, the "why" is beyond anyone but a kernel dev.. there's only so much the community can do.
Sent from my HTC_Amaze_4G using xda app-developers app
I don't know if this would help but maybe if you change the broadcast channel on your router perhapsk
Flash 8 thru 11 cuz 8 was messy n 9 was good but 10went back to stock module's,n 11 its the good one
Sent from my HTC_Amaze_4G using xda premium
Silentbtdeadly said:
hey, I tried to help in your other thread.. the kind of security you are using on your router(there are so many options, some of which android just can't handle), the kind of router.. there are so many factors involved that may be the issue.
We can try to help you out, but besides switching modules from the version of the kernel that is working for you to the newest release, the "why" is beyond anyone but a kernel dev.. there's only so much the community can do.
Sent from my HTC_Amaze_4G using xda app-developers app
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aznvi3tric3guy said:
I don't know if this would help but maybe if you change the broadcast channel on your router perhapsk
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invisiblefire101 said:
Flash 8 thru 11 cuz 8 was messy n 9 was good but 10went back to stock module's,n 11 its the good one
Sent from my HTC_Amaze_4G using xda premium
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SBD I did thank you though sir. Everyone thank you for your information as well. I'm just going to give up on it really. Ive tried many ways to configure my router. Ive reset the whole router more than 10 times back to Default settings and messed with the settings in every way possible.
The D-Link Dir-601 is old anyways perhaps I just need a new router. Just doest make sense on why one kernel works and One version of the phone works as well. Stock GB or Modded GB from NRG works. ICS just doenst like it for one reason or another.
I think ive managed to make a hyrbrid of V8 and V11 faux123 kernels. Combined moduels and the zImage from the Kernel folder as well. Some how the zImage made it bootable. Not sure if in V11 kernel makes the cpu1 go offline. but it does. Ill let ya'll know what happens
Thread can be closed

Does anyone really know...?

...why the wifi problem is sporadically happening in the JB ROMS?
I have tried most of the leaked and modded ROMS from early CM10 to Faryaabs Supernexus builds to the latest leaked firmware on 29th Aug.
However, whichever leak it was that first exhibited a wifi problem for the (unlucky) select few seems to have knackered my chances of connecting to wifi properly on all subsequent JB ROMS - even if wifi worked before. eg. Supernexus build 2 was all good on the wifi front, I only had probs with a few bugs and the camera lag. I flashed it again today though to find that it doesn't want to let me connect to my router.
This was the same with Omega v16, v16.1 and v17.
It seems to be reported that it is connected to router security settings and I know there is a 'fix' out there for it but the fix that I tried only made the wifi slightly better and was peppered with 'unable to establish secure connection' warnings when out and about.
Can anyone add to this or highlight an alternative solution? I have spent the last 30 or so evenings religiously reading the forums and if anything I'm a bit confused and bewildered
I'm on Omega v13 atm and cannot fault it (but I want Google Now) and I attach a snap of my current set up in case it has a bearing on where I'm going wrong.
Sent from my GT-I9300 using xda app-developers app
Lolpoppa said:
...why the wifi problem is sporadically happening in the JB ROMS?
I have tried most of the leaked and modded ROMS from early CM10 to Faryaabs Supernexus builds to the latest leaked firmware on 29th Aug.
However, whichever leak it was that first exhibited a wifi problem for the (unlucky) select few seems to have knackered my chances of connecting to wifi properly on all subsequent JB ROMS - even if wifi worked before. eg. Supernexus build 2 was all good on the wifi front, I only had probs with a few bugs and the camera lag. I flashed it again today though to find that it doesn't want to let me connect to my router.
This was the same with Omega v16, v16.1 and v17.
It seems to be reported that it is connected to router security settings and I know there is a 'fix' out there for it but the fix that I tried only made the wifi slightly better and was peppered with 'unable to establish secure connection' warnings when out and about.
Can anyone add to this or highlight an alternative solution? I have spent the last 30 or so evenings religiously reading the forums and if anything I'm a bit confused and bewildered
I'm on Omega v13 atm and cannot fault it (but I want Google Now) and I attach a snap of my current set up in case it has a bearing on where I'm going wrong.
Sent from my GT-I9300 using xda app-developers app
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Well if it helps anyone I eventually found a work around.
After numerous different combinations of ROM, kernel and modem is finally got wifi working on a JB ROM
I was using Omega v13 and then I flashed the latest Siyah kernel ( http://db.tt/PgmwhO96).
After this I have been able to flash JB based ROMS over the top with no issues with wifi whatsoever
Sent from my GT-I9300 using xda app-developers app
Lolpoppa said:
Well if it helps anyone I eventually found a work around.
After numerous different combinations of ROM, kernel and modem is finally got wifi working on a JB ROM
I was using Omega v13 and then I flashed the latest Siyah kernel ( http://db.tt/PgmwhO96).
After this I have been able to flash JB based ROMS over the top with no issues with wifi whatsoever
Sent from my GT-I9300 using xda app-developers app
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Try ROMOW Rom , Wifi with WPA2 encryption works fine since version 3


I have installed almost all ICS based roms and excepting Xperia ICS and HeHappy rom (yeah, the old one - stable.. I cant find it ), my wi-fi connection is really-really slow with these roms (sometimes it takes even one minute to connect a website, and I cant watch video on Youtube (even in low quality)
In all gingerbread and froyo roms - there is no problem with my wifi connection (its a high speed wifi).
Now, its just me or you guys have the same wifi problem? I dont use 3g to connect on web. Its a bug or what? its very weird...
Nope, never had that kind of a problem, been using ics roms for a long time now, have u tried reflashing with wiping everything?
Sent from my LG-P500 using xda app-developers app
No problem here, with any of the ROMs I've tried.
BTW, which hephappy ROM is the one you said you can't find?
used many ics roms and didnt have any issues
for hephappy's and many others go to clockworkmod.com
I've never seen any major difference in WiFi reception in the ROMs that I have used in the past. I seem to get slightly better reception than I used to in GB ROMs.
Sent from my LG-P500
if ots solved, where is the solution?

