ICS update WiFi/Router issues - HTC Amaze 4G

Sorry to bother the community with something thats probably a waste of time. But I need a professionals help/advice. I just recently got the Amaze from a relative and it was on GB when I recieved it. The stock kernel worked just fine, I was able to connect to wifi perfectly with no hassles. But as soon as I recieved the OTA ICS it stopped working.
I did some research and found out the ICS kernels dont like certain settings on WiFi routers, but for the life of me I couldnt find what settings worked. So I decided to S-Off and Root. I installed fauxs kernel at the time which was v008 and everything worked again! Wifi was good but a little spotty at times. But as faux continues to develop awesome kernels the latest just does not work with my wifi router.
Does anyone have any clue on why the kernel does not like my router? I have a DLink, also anyone know how to combine faux kernels v008 to the latest v11. At least I could try to get the modules that worked in v008 and make a hybrid with v11 so I could get the best of both worlds.
Ive actually tried to combine the two kernels in many ways but keep coming up with "WiFi error" when trying to turn it on.
I am certain that some where someone has done this but ive tried Googling it and tried advance searching through XDA but cant find anything that actually helps me understand how to.
Thanks again!
Sent from my Amaze 4G with S-Off

Have your tried to setup WiFi Manually? You know type in the network id then password. It should work. That's how I got mine to work with faux latest build.. but I have a netgear router so that could also be a factor. But its worth a shot.

G1Master said:
Sorry to bother the community with something thats probably a waste of time. But I need a professionals help/advice. I just recently got the Amaze from a relative and it was on GB when I recieved it. The stock kernel worked just fine, I was able to connect to wifi perfectly with no hassles. But as soon as I recieved the OTA ICS it stopped working.
I did some research and found out the ICS kernels dont like certain settings on WiFi routers, but for the life of me I couldnt find what settings worked. So I decided to S-Off and Root. I installed fauxs kernel at the time which was v008 and everything worked again! Wifi was good but a little spotty at times. But as faux continues to develop awesome kernels the latest just does not work with my wifi router.
Does anyone have any clue on why the kernel does not like my router? I have a DLink, also if no one does know could some one help me out in telling what files I could combine faux kernels v008 to the latest v11. At least I could try to get the modules that worked in v008 and make a hybrid with v11 so I could get the best of both worlds...
Thanks again!
Sent from my Amaze 4G with S-Off
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Did you copy the modules from version 8 to version 11? Or replace them ?
Sent from my HTC_Amaze_4G using xda premium

Double0EK said:
Have your tried to setup WiFi Manually? You know type in the network id then password. It should work. That's how I got mine to work with faux latest build.. but I have a netgear router so that could also be a factor. But its worth a shot.
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Actually No I have not tried that. Will do now. I will let you know what happens.
So I tried to flash v11 and flashed it twice. Rebooted afterwards. Told the WiFi to forget my router. Did it manually and still the same thing.

Double0EK said:
Have your tried to setup WiFi Manually? You know type in the network id then password. It should work. That's how I got mine to work with faux latest build.. but I have a netgear router so that could also be a factor. But its worth a shot.
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Yes I have actually tried to copy the whole Modules folder from v008 to v11 and no go. I get "WiFi Error" once that happens I have to re install the whole rom again.
I even tried to do copy the Modules folder from v008 to Kozmiks kernel, just for sh*ts and giggles. Major fail. Same thing "WiFi Error."
Basically any kernel (even stock) but v008, the WiFi scans connects to my router. Go to test it out . Google page loads about 1/4th of the way and just chokes.

Wow 164 reviews and only 2 ppl have tried to help. Thanks XDA.

G1Master said:
Wow 164 reviews and only 2 ppl have tried to help. Thanks XDA.
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hey, I tried to help in your other thread.. the kind of security you are using on your router(there are so many options, some of which android just can't handle), the kind of router.. there are so many factors involved that may be the issue.
We can try to help you out, but besides switching modules from the version of the kernel that is working for you to the newest release, the "why" is beyond anyone but a kernel dev.. there's only so much the community can do.
Sent from my HTC_Amaze_4G using xda app-developers app

I don't know if this would help but maybe if you change the broadcast channel on your router perhapsk

Flash 8 thru 11 cuz 8 was messy n 9 was good but 10went back to stock module's,n 11 its the good one
Sent from my HTC_Amaze_4G using xda premium

Silentbtdeadly said:
hey, I tried to help in your other thread.. the kind of security you are using on your router(there are so many options, some of which android just can't handle), the kind of router.. there are so many factors involved that may be the issue.
We can try to help you out, but besides switching modules from the version of the kernel that is working for you to the newest release, the "why" is beyond anyone but a kernel dev.. there's only so much the community can do.
Sent from my HTC_Amaze_4G using xda app-developers app
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aznvi3tric3guy said:
I don't know if this would help but maybe if you change the broadcast channel on your router perhapsk
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invisiblefire101 said:
Flash 8 thru 11 cuz 8 was messy n 9 was good but 10went back to stock module's,n 11 its the good one
Sent from my HTC_Amaze_4G using xda premium
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SBD I did thank you though sir. Everyone thank you for your information as well. I'm just going to give up on it really. Ive tried many ways to configure my router. Ive reset the whole router more than 10 times back to Default settings and messed with the settings in every way possible.
The D-Link Dir-601 is old anyways perhaps I just need a new router. Just doest make sense on why one kernel works and One version of the phone works as well. Stock GB or Modded GB from NRG works. ICS just doenst like it for one reason or another.
I think ive managed to make a hyrbrid of V8 and V11 faux123 kernels. Combined moduels and the zImage from the Kernel folder as well. Some how the zImage made it bootable. Not sure if in V11 kernel makes the cpu1 go offline. but it does. Ill let ya'll know what happens
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Wifi Calling. Am I stuck on the same Rom forever?

Long Story short I would have to walk down the block to use my phone at work. Wifi calling is a necessity. When I got my phone it was already flashed to a ROM that to this day I have no clue what it is. I know it is some version of JK6. Anyways Wifi calling is decently stable though I am having some minor issues with wifi connection and my battery is awful. If I flash a new modem would this interfere with the wifi calling's stability?
And having that in mind is there a list of what ROMS include wifi calling? (or can it be installed on any ROM, because I would really like to try Axura or Nero) but I can not go without it on my phone.
vlcano57 said:
Long Story short I would have to walk down the block to use my phone at work. Wifi calling is a necessity. When I got my phone it was already flashed to a ROM that to this day I have no clue what it is. I know it is some version of JK6. Anyways Wifi calling is decently stable though I am having some minor issues with wifi connection and my battery is awful. If I flash a new modem would this interfere with the wifi calling's stability?
And having that in mind is there a list of what ROMS include wifi calling? (or can it be installed on any ROM, because I would really like to try Axura or Nero) but I can not go without it on my phone.
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I'm sure it can work with axura, I've tried it, not sure about nero, but it should work.
The devs removed wifi calling from roms because its a HUGE battery hog, but I'm sure you can find a .apk on xda, or 4 shared.
I'm running Nero V3 and Wificalling works fine. It even seems to work better then my old JK2 based ROM. I'm using the .apk linked from the slightly better gingerbread theme found here in the vibrant themes section.
Flash a new rom and if the rom does not have the .apk just d/load it... no issues at all with the new roms.
Thanks guys I wasnt sure if the program was ROM Specific or required certain files/settings blah blah blah. But if it should work with any newer Rom I guess I should just get over this fear of flashing and pull the trigger. monkey1911 Ill give that a search right now so at least I can put it in my arsenal. Ill let y'all know my results. Thanks for the help!
I finally took the leap tonight and flashed nero 4.1 (maybe ill do 5 eventually but I like this for my first flash.)
I installed wifi calling and it works great. Had a struggle restoring my contacts because what's on google contacts is not correct and it wants to override what I restored using titanium which is correct so I had to shut it off and re restore the contacts after.
Only issue I am having is my camera advises me the firmware is not current and says continue yes or no. Any fix for this? Thanks for the help guys I am finally glad I got the audacity to flash
Sent from my SGH-T959 using XDA App

[APP] Android Wifi Tethering 3.1 pre106 Working!!!

For all of you who wanted tethering to be easy and clean on the Amaze I present to you the Android Wifi Tethering app in working order:
This is still somewhat beta but I have tested it and confirmed it works. Couple of key things to note though. You MUST choose Amaze in Device Profile and you must select "Routing Fix".
For more info on the development of this version check out the bug report that got it started:
My heart felt thanks go out to the team and Android Wifi Tether for throwing us a bone here and getting this up and running!!!
For rooted users only it seems
F033x said:
For rooted users only it seems
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Yes of course! Im sorry I just assumed that everyone knew that. But yes you must be rooted which is quite a simple process!
2sh0rt said:
Yes of course! Im sorry I just assumed that everyone knew that. But yes you must be rooted which is quite a simple process!
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Very simple, if I can do it, anyone can. And I did.
Didn't work for me, just sent me to T-Mobiles page for ordering wi-fi tethering.
E-MAC said:
Didn't work for me, just sent me to T-Mobiles page for ordering wi-fi tethering.
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What is your setup? Are you stock or running a custom rom?
It seems to fc in sense 3.5. Let me see if other versions work.
Edit: 3.1 beta7 works
Thanks!!! It's working for me. I'm rooted and using the stock Rom.
how to put it on?
I have tried 4 different roms on my amaze. Quiksense 3, beastmod, bulletproof, and something else. I wasn’t successful with any to get the wifi, tethering or Bluetooth to work. How do I use your download and make it work on any one of these roms. Kinda new to all this so if u can describe in simple English whether I need to go from the recovery mode from sd or rom manager, it’d be appreciated. Thanks
civiliancone41 said:
I have tried 4 different roms on my amaze. Quiksense 3, beastmod, bulletproof, and something else. I wasn’t successful with any to get the wifi, tethering or Bluetooth to work. How do I use your download and make it work on any one of these roms. Kinda new to all this so if u can describe in simple English whether I need to go from the recovery mode from sd or rom manager, it’d be appreciated. Thanks
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You have to manually flash a kernel with custom ROMs
Sent from my HTC Amaze 4G using xda premium
Im confused? If we are talking bout wireless thering for another wifi device to connect to your phone. I use my amaze all the time and I haven't rooted mine yet because im waiting for Ice Cream Sandwich .
no go for me. Just rooted, using stock ROM.
tried both the newest beta (v3_1_beta11) and pre106. I see the hotspot from my PC and the log on the phone looks good, but the attempted connection times out.
read this, http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?p=21476900
no need to ROOT. Just delete all the tethering APNs.

why my amaze can't see my wifi???

my amaze takes about 4-5minutes to find and connect my wifi i've tried about 5or 6 roms and every one of them happens the same thing.....
but recently i've tried the fastamaze and the nightmare one and my wifi is detected within 0.5 seconds and i can connect to it....if someone has any ideas on why this happens please tell me!
slaude said:
my amaze takes about 4-5minutes to find and connect my wifi i've tried about 5or 6 roms and every one of them happens the same thing.....
but recently i've tried the fastamaze and the nightmare one and my wifi is detected within 0.5 seconds and i can connect to it....if someone has any ideas on why this happens please tell me!
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It's a stock bug, once the devs get a good foothold in the ICS foundation, it's gonna be fixed, just a little patience for now, k?
yeah ok but why the nightmare rom and the fastamaze rom work flawlessly , the wifi that is... they're on ics too.?
slaude said:
yeah ok but why the nightmare rom and the fastamaze rom work flawlessly , the wifi that is... they're on ics too.?
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Yeah but you see the difference is, most of the roms are stock based, therefore the bug is still there, nightmare and fastamaze on the other hand had to be built from the ground up when it came to hardware things like wifi, so until the guys have some source to work with or have the time to make their fixes from those roms workable on stock, it's gonna be a little glitchy.
i wonder why the phone can see all my neighbors wifi except mine it takes like 5minutes!?
slaude said:
i wonder why the phone can see all my neighbors wifi except mine it takes like 5minutes!?
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Everybody has this issue, been puzzling for a while now, the home router is always the only one to he harder to be detected, gonna play with my moms phone later and check it out.
Sent from a Galaxy Nexus?
try changing your wireless security type on your router. WPA personal AES works well for me.
I mistakenly deleted my nandroid of my original stock shipped ics rom. When i try to go back to stock with one of the stock roms listed, any wifi is detected but will not connect. Goes through the authenticating and obtaining ip address and juststrats over. I can use energy rom and no problem.
mike102871 said:
I mistakenly deleted my nandroid of my original stock shipped ics rom. When i try to go back to stock with one of the stock roms listed, any wifi is detected but will not connect. Goes through the authenticating and obtaining ip address and juststrats over. I can use energy rom and no problem.
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Reflash the kernel manually.
Sent from a Galaxy Nexus?
Dark Nightmare said:
Reflash the kernel manually.
Sent from a Galaxy Nexus?
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I have tried this many times. WIFI just will not connect on any of the stock roms. Im on energy and its fine.
mike102871 said:
I have tried this many times. WIFI just will not connect on any of the stock roms. Im on energy and its fine.
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I guess the glitch seems to be worse for you than normal, not much I can say unless someone pulls the files from energy and make a flashable for your phone.
slaude said:
my amaze takes about 4-5minutes to find and connect my wifi i've tried about 5or 6 roms and every one of them happens the same thing.....
but recently i've tried the fastamaze and the nightmare one and my wifi is detected within 0.5 seconds and i can connect to it....if someone has any ideas on why this happens please tell me!
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I'm using NRG and the stock ICS radio, and my WiFi connects within a few seconds. Connects instantly, but takes a few seconds to acquire IP addresses & etc.
I think I have the same issue...
I just flashed CM10 onto my Transformer Prime & I'm experiencing the same issue that you describe; the device can see each & every WiFi network in the neighborhood except mine. Please forgive my ignorance but I am not familiar with your device; is it running Jellybean? Your post came up in a Google search that I did re my problem & your post is the closest to describing my problem. Sorry if I am barking up the wrong tree but I've been pulling my hair out trying to sort this one out so any clue would be a massive help to me at this stage.

[Q] Androwook 1.4 GPS

I have successfully unlocked and rooted my TP with TWRP for the first time. I flashed Androwook 1.4 and I have some 'newbie' questions...
1. My gps has always worked fine until now. I have checked all three boxes in the location services folder. What am I missing? I have been one of the lucky ones who has had no wi-fi or gps issues... until now.
2. Before I rooted I found a program that would help Youtube/videos load better but now I can't find it. (I have been searching threads for days now) Any suggestions to speed up Youtube?
3. What are some good root apps that will help the performance of my TP. I flashed the 1.8ghz version of Androwook and this is already a HUGE improvement over stock, now I'm power drunk... need more!
Long time lurker, I have used XDA to root my Infuse and now my TP. Huge thanks to all the devs for making my toys better than the manufacturers can.
Thanks in advance for any suggestions.
JF76 said:
I have successfully unlocked and rooted my TP with TWRP for the first time. I flashed Androwook 1.4 and I have some 'newbie' questions...
1. My gps has always worked fine until now. I have checked all three boxes in the location services folder. What am I missing? I have been one of the lucky ones who has had no wi-fi or gps issues... until now.
2. Before I rooted I found a program that would help Youtube/videos load better but now I can't find it. (I have been searching threads for days now) Any suggestions to speed up Youtube?
3. What are some good root apps that will help the performance of my TP. I flashed the 1.8ghz version of Androwook and this is already a HUGE improvement over stock, now I'm power drunk... need more!
Long time lurker, I have used XDA to root my Infuse and now my TP. Huge thanks to all the devs for making my toys better than the manufacturers can.
Thanks in advance for any suggestions.
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An answer to both questions is Pimp my Rom. It's a mod package with scripts, tweaks, and a universal GPS fix that might help you. I'll link to it at the bottom of this post. It's an app so it's easy.
McJesus15 said:
An answer to both questions is Pimp my Rom. It's a mod package with scripts, tweaks, and a universal GPS fix that might help you. I'll link to it at the bottom of this post. It's an app so it's easy.
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That worked... for the gps. Thanks for the response.
Now if I can figure out this flash thing. If I load a custom ICS rom will I get flash back? If so what is a good rom to try?
JF76 said:
That worked... for the gps. Thanks for the response.
Now if I can figure out this flash thing. If I load a custom ICS rom will I get flash back? If so what is a good rom to try?
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you can not load an ics rom
you can however get flash working by either side loading from another source or clicking the flash installer in /system/app
Hey when you say that it worked for your gps, which settings did you enable? I'm having the same problem as you were with the gps not working, but it always did before. I even downloaded "gps test" and it seems like it's not even trying to look for a satellite. All of the location services are checked in the settings.
mmerlina said:
Hey when you say that it worked for your gps, which settings did you enable? I'm having the same problem as you were with the gps not working, but it always did before. I even downloaded "gps test" and it seems like it's not even trying to look for a satellite. All of the location services are checked in the settings.
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Try the GPS fix in the development forum of the tf201. It's gonna be a page it two.back
Sent from my Zio using xda app-developers app
Damn, thought that was going to work, but no luck there either. I flashed it from recovery and it all went through okay, but still having the same problem. It's like the gps is completely unresponsive.
mmerlina said:
Damn, thought that was going to work, but no luck there either. I flashed it from recovery and it all went through okay, but still having the same problem. It's like the gps is completely unresponsive.
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That sounds like a hardware issue. Does gps work on any other rom? Like you can flash rom x and gps works but on rom y it doesn't?
Sent from my Zio using xda app-developers app
I am going to try flashing AOKP JB Unofficial real quick and see if it's working in there. I've been through several roms since I've had my prime and I don't really remember when the last time I noticed it working was. It definitely worked when I got it and through a couple roms, and then up until some point.
---------- Post added at 11:05 AM ---------- Previous post was at 10:31 AM ----------
Damn, no luck on the other rom either, I guess I have a bigger problem. I even went outside and gave it like 10 minutes to see if it would find something, but nothing Guess I'm in trouble here. ;/
mmerlina said:
Hey when you say that it worked for your gps, which settings did you enable? I'm having the same problem as you were with the gps not working, but it always did before. I even downloaded "gps test" and it seems like it's not even trying to look for a satellite. All of the location services are checked in the settings.
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I checked everything in the pimp my rom app. After that wifi wasn't working so I unchecked all of the wifi fixes. I'm not sure what fixed it but it works now. This is the first rom I've flashed so I'm not sure if it works with other roms.
I'm still having issues with flash in Web pages. That was the main reason I got and android and not an iPad. I can't believe they just dropped it like that and I'm surprised there is not more of an uproar about it. I tried the flash 1.1 apk and it worked for a minute then the TP rebooted itself and now I'm back to the "need current flash to play this video". PITA.
whycali said:
you can not load an ics rom
you can however get flash working by either side loading from another source or clicking the flash installer in /system/app
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JF76 said:
I checked everything in the pimp my rom app. After that wifi wasn't working so I unchecked all of the wifi fixes. I'm not sure what fixed it but it works now. This is the first rom I've flashed so I'm not sure if it works with other roms.
I'm still having issues with flash in Web pages. That was the main reason I got and android and not an iPad. I can't believe they just dropped it like that and I'm surprised there is not more of an uproar about it. I tried the flash 1.1 apk and it worked for a minute then the TP rebooted itself and now I'm back to the "need current flash to play this video". PITA.
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1.1? when I said to side load it I meant to go find a the new version and use that. look here http://forum.xda-developers.com/showpost.php?p=34020903&postcount=11
whycali said:
1.1? when I said to side load it I meant to go find a the new version and use that. look here http://forum.xda-developers.com/showpost.php?p=34020903&postcount=11
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Yea that's the one. I loaded it straight from that link... Same thing... It works for a little while ten reboots TP then no flash. I can re load it and it works for a little while then... Same thing. GPS is intermittent too... Worked sometimes.. Other times the weather/clock widget say "could not refresh". Also I can't switch to performance mode sometimes?
I'm gonna try a stock JB rom. Any suggestions? (the problem might not be the rom, it might be operator error)
JF76 said:
Yea that's the one. I loaded it straight from that link... Same thing... It works for a little while ten reboots TP then no flash. I can re load it and it works for a little while then... Same thing. GPS is intermittent too... Worked sometimes.. Other times the weather/clock widget say "could not refresh". Also I can't switch to performance mode sometimes?
I'm gonna try a stock JB rom. Any suggestions? (the problem might not be the rom, it might be operator error)
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Androwook 1.4 is a stock rom
whycali said:
Androwook 1.4 is a stock rom
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Then "another" rom. Thanks for correcting my ignorance.. :/ thanks for the suggestion, or lack of.
Also the battery died this morning in about 3hrs. I ran the battery calibrator last night and it hasn't helped. Not sure what's going on but this thing worked good for a couple of days after I rooted it. Now it's falling apart.
JF76 said:
Then "another" rom. Thanks for correcting my ignorance.. :/ thanks for the suggestion, or lack of.
Also the battery died this morning in about 3hrs. I ran the battery calibrator last night and it hasn't helped. Not sure what's going on but this thing worked good for a couple of days after I rooted it. Now it's falling apart.
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these are two other stock roms. I dont think your problems have as much to do with the rom as something else but you are welcome to flash whatever you wish.
whycali said:
these are two other stock roms. I dont think your problems have as much to do with the rom as something else but you are welcome to flash whatever you wish.
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Actually I have the same problem since i installed HB 1.4.
Everytime I reboot my prime, flash does not work anymore and I have to re-install it.
nathm said:
Actually I have the same problem since i installed HB 1.4.
Everytime I reboot my prime, flash does not work anymore and I have to re-install it.
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1.5 will be out soon with flash built in and working properly. That should fix that issue.

[Q] CM7 Wifi Tether, WPA/WPA2 ?

Heya Guys,
I'm running CM7 on my Atrix, using either MROM(hv) or Faux123 Kernels depending on my mood
I've been using android-wifi-tether, and can connect using WEP, but I've never been able to get WPA/WPA2 to work. Been doing some searching, and reading, found some similar issues, but none Atrix CM7 specific, so at this point I dont know if I'm barking up the wrong tree or not.
I'm not sure if the inability to get WPA/WPA2 to work is specific to the app, or the rom, or kernel, or some particular combination.
Any suggestions on where and/or what to look for? i.e. Where to start?
Or maybe some one can suggest and app they already know works with the aforementioned rom/kernel combinations?
Thanks for any guidance.
OK, so no one has a clue apparently....
Is anyone using wifi tethering on CM7 with working WPA2? If so, what app are you using? What kernel?
Just tried it, works flawlessly (it's just slow, I don't have good signal here). Both open and wpa2. I don't ever use tethering so I don't really care if it works, but apparently it does.
I'm not using any app, just what's built into the ROM. I'm using MROM but not with the original kernel, I forgot which kernel I'm using. Either from official CM7 or from TopSmarts.
ravilov said:
Just tried it, works flawlessly (it's just slow, I don't have good signal here). Both open and wpa2. I don't ever use tethering so I don't really care if it works, but apparently it does.
I'm not using any app, just what's built into the ROM. I'm using MROM but not with the original kernel, I forgot which kernel I'm using. Either from official CM7 or from TopSmarts.
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Thanks Ravilov
I must have something something hosed up somewhere then. Maybe time to give MROM a try. When you get a chance, please let me know what kernel youre using. I would think it would be OK with MROMs own kernel, but who know these days, lol.

