[APP] Android Wifi Tethering 3.1 pre106 Working!!! - HTC Amaze 4G

For all of you who wanted tethering to be easy and clean on the Amaze I present to you the Android Wifi Tethering app in working order:
This is still somewhat beta but I have tested it and confirmed it works. Couple of key things to note though. You MUST choose Amaze in Device Profile and you must select "Routing Fix".
For more info on the development of this version check out the bug report that got it started:
My heart felt thanks go out to the team and Android Wifi Tether for throwing us a bone here and getting this up and running!!!

For rooted users only it seems

F033x said:
For rooted users only it seems
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Yes of course! Im sorry I just assumed that everyone knew that. But yes you must be rooted which is quite a simple process!

2sh0rt said:
Yes of course! Im sorry I just assumed that everyone knew that. But yes you must be rooted which is quite a simple process!
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Very simple, if I can do it, anyone can. And I did.

Didn't work for me, just sent me to T-Mobiles page for ordering wi-fi tethering.

E-MAC said:
Didn't work for me, just sent me to T-Mobiles page for ordering wi-fi tethering.
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What is your setup? Are you stock or running a custom rom?

It seems to fc in sense 3.5. Let me see if other versions work.
Edit: 3.1 beta7 works

Thanks!!! It's working for me. I'm rooted and using the stock Rom.

how to put it on?
I have tried 4 different roms on my amaze. Quiksense 3, beastmod, bulletproof, and something else. I wasn’t successful with any to get the wifi, tethering or Bluetooth to work. How do I use your download and make it work on any one of these roms. Kinda new to all this so if u can describe in simple English whether I need to go from the recovery mode from sd or rom manager, it’d be appreciated. Thanks

civiliancone41 said:
I have tried 4 different roms on my amaze. Quiksense 3, beastmod, bulletproof, and something else. I wasn’t successful with any to get the wifi, tethering or Bluetooth to work. How do I use your download and make it work on any one of these roms. Kinda new to all this so if u can describe in simple English whether I need to go from the recovery mode from sd or rom manager, it’d be appreciated. Thanks
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You have to manually flash a kernel with custom ROMs
Sent from my HTC Amaze 4G using xda premium

Im confused? If we are talking bout wireless thering for another wifi device to connect to your phone. I use my amaze all the time and I haven't rooted mine yet because im waiting for Ice Cream Sandwich .

no go for me. Just rooted, using stock ROM.
tried both the newest beta (v3_1_beta11) and pre106. I see the hotspot from my PC and the log on the phone looks good, but the attempted connection times out.

read this, http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?p=21476900

no need to ROOT. Just delete all the tethering APNs.


Whats the most STABLE rom with wifi tethering WORKING?

Long story short, lost my Nexus, switched to this for $200 bucks last night
Rooted, s-off, unlocked and on GB RUU. Every ROM I've tried, the wifi tethering doesn't work. I've tried all the old tricks.
Can anyone suggest a ROM that has it??
Thanks guys!
YoungSkeezy said:
Long story short, lost my Nexus, switched to this for $200 bucks last night
Rooted, s-off, unlocked and on GB RUU. Every ROM I've tried, the wifi tethering doesn't work. I've tried all the old tricks.
Can anyone suggest a ROM that has it??
Thanks guys!
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Every single rom I've tried wifi tether works for me you just have to make sure you check the right things:
Device: galaxy Nexus lte
Check routing fix
And I check reload wifi driver for good measure.
im on newts rls 3.2.1 sense 4.0 and tether works and very stable also on ics ruu
I would recommend a Sense 3.6 ROM vs the Sense 4.0 ROMS. I am on CleanROM 4.4 and it works flawlessly. Wifi Tether works great as well. Just follow the directions on the CleanRom thread.
Po1soNNN said:
Every single rom I've tried wifi tether works for me you just have to make sure you check the right things:
Device: galaxy Nexus lte
Check routing fix
And I check reload wifi driver for good measure.
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When you say check the routing fix. and reload wifi driver, you mean on the phone itself right?
I know the devices that I want to use with it work fine. The Gnex wifi tether worked like a dream.
follow instructions in first post for GB.
nrfitchett4 said:
follow instructions in first post for GB.
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YoungSkeezy said:
When you say check the routing fix. and reload wifi driver, you mean on the phone itself right?
I know the devices that I want to use with it work fine. The Gnex wifi tether worked like a dream.
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Yeah on the phone itself. If you want you can grab delete the app from /system/app and flash the zip provided in the link.
wifi tether works on ICS better, the only downside is battery life is a little worse on ICS
YoungSkeezy said:
When you say check the routing fix. and reload wifi driver, you mean on the phone itself right?
I know the devices that I want to use with it work fine. The Gnex wifi tether worked like a dream.
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In the settings on the Wi-Fi tether app.
Sent from my ADR6425LVW using Tapatalk 2
Love you guys, thanks a ton. Working well
If the ROM doesn't have it already, can't hurt to upgrade to the latest release.

ICS update WiFi/Router issues

Sorry to bother the community with something thats probably a waste of time. But I need a professionals help/advice. I just recently got the Amaze from a relative and it was on GB when I recieved it. The stock kernel worked just fine, I was able to connect to wifi perfectly with no hassles. But as soon as I recieved the OTA ICS it stopped working.
I did some research and found out the ICS kernels dont like certain settings on WiFi routers, but for the life of me I couldnt find what settings worked. So I decided to S-Off and Root. I installed fauxs kernel at the time which was v008 and everything worked again! Wifi was good but a little spotty at times. But as faux continues to develop awesome kernels the latest just does not work with my wifi router.
Does anyone have any clue on why the kernel does not like my router? I have a DLink, also anyone know how to combine faux kernels v008 to the latest v11. At least I could try to get the modules that worked in v008 and make a hybrid with v11 so I could get the best of both worlds.
Ive actually tried to combine the two kernels in many ways but keep coming up with "WiFi error" when trying to turn it on.
I am certain that some where someone has done this but ive tried Googling it and tried advance searching through XDA but cant find anything that actually helps me understand how to.
Thanks again!
Sent from my Amaze 4G with S-Off
Have your tried to setup WiFi Manually? You know type in the network id then password. It should work. That's how I got mine to work with faux latest build.. but I have a netgear router so that could also be a factor. But its worth a shot.
G1Master said:
Sorry to bother the community with something thats probably a waste of time. But I need a professionals help/advice. I just recently got the Amaze from a relative and it was on GB when I recieved it. The stock kernel worked just fine, I was able to connect to wifi perfectly with no hassles. But as soon as I recieved the OTA ICS it stopped working.
I did some research and found out the ICS kernels dont like certain settings on WiFi routers, but for the life of me I couldnt find what settings worked. So I decided to S-Off and Root. I installed fauxs kernel at the time which was v008 and everything worked again! Wifi was good but a little spotty at times. But as faux continues to develop awesome kernels the latest just does not work with my wifi router.
Does anyone have any clue on why the kernel does not like my router? I have a DLink, also if no one does know could some one help me out in telling what files I could combine faux kernels v008 to the latest v11. At least I could try to get the modules that worked in v008 and make a hybrid with v11 so I could get the best of both worlds...
Thanks again!
Sent from my Amaze 4G with S-Off
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Did you copy the modules from version 8 to version 11? Or replace them ?
Sent from my HTC_Amaze_4G using xda premium
Double0EK said:
Have your tried to setup WiFi Manually? You know type in the network id then password. It should work. That's how I got mine to work with faux latest build.. but I have a netgear router so that could also be a factor. But its worth a shot.
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Actually No I have not tried that. Will do now. I will let you know what happens.
So I tried to flash v11 and flashed it twice. Rebooted afterwards. Told the WiFi to forget my router. Did it manually and still the same thing.
Double0EK said:
Have your tried to setup WiFi Manually? You know type in the network id then password. It should work. That's how I got mine to work with faux latest build.. but I have a netgear router so that could also be a factor. But its worth a shot.
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Yes I have actually tried to copy the whole Modules folder from v008 to v11 and no go. I get "WiFi Error" once that happens I have to re install the whole rom again.
I even tried to do copy the Modules folder from v008 to Kozmiks kernel, just for sh*ts and giggles. Major fail. Same thing "WiFi Error."
Basically any kernel (even stock) but v008, the WiFi scans connects to my router. Go to test it out . Google page loads about 1/4th of the way and just chokes.
Wow 164 reviews and only 2 ppl have tried to help. Thanks XDA.
G1Master said:
Wow 164 reviews and only 2 ppl have tried to help. Thanks XDA.
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hey, I tried to help in your other thread.. the kind of security you are using on your router(there are so many options, some of which android just can't handle), the kind of router.. there are so many factors involved that may be the issue.
We can try to help you out, but besides switching modules from the version of the kernel that is working for you to the newest release, the "why" is beyond anyone but a kernel dev.. there's only so much the community can do.
Sent from my HTC_Amaze_4G using xda app-developers app
I don't know if this would help but maybe if you change the broadcast channel on your router perhapsk
Flash 8 thru 11 cuz 8 was messy n 9 was good but 10went back to stock module's,n 11 its the good one
Sent from my HTC_Amaze_4G using xda premium
Silentbtdeadly said:
hey, I tried to help in your other thread.. the kind of security you are using on your router(there are so many options, some of which android just can't handle), the kind of router.. there are so many factors involved that may be the issue.
We can try to help you out, but besides switching modules from the version of the kernel that is working for you to the newest release, the "why" is beyond anyone but a kernel dev.. there's only so much the community can do.
Sent from my HTC_Amaze_4G using xda app-developers app
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aznvi3tric3guy said:
I don't know if this would help but maybe if you change the broadcast channel on your router perhapsk
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invisiblefire101 said:
Flash 8 thru 11 cuz 8 was messy n 9 was good but 10went back to stock module's,n 11 its the good one
Sent from my HTC_Amaze_4G using xda premium
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SBD I did thank you though sir. Everyone thank you for your information as well. I'm just going to give up on it really. Ive tried many ways to configure my router. Ive reset the whole router more than 10 times back to Default settings and messed with the settings in every way possible.
The D-Link Dir-601 is old anyways perhaps I just need a new router. Just doest make sense on why one kernel works and One version of the phone works as well. Stock GB or Modded GB from NRG works. ICS just doenst like it for one reason or another.
I think ive managed to make a hyrbrid of V8 and V11 faux123 kernels. Combined moduels and the zImage from the Kernel folder as well. Some how the zImage made it bootable. Not sure if in V11 kernel makes the cpu1 go offline. but it does. Ill let ya'll know what happens
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[Q] 4.2.2 WIFI tethering workaround?

I love the CM 10.1 build of 4.2.2. It is my dream phone right now. The problem is that no WIFI tethering works on it as of yet. If anyone has anything working I'd love to be proven wrong. This is a show-stopper for me. I can't use bluetooth because my laptop doesn't have bluetooth.
I tried every tethering app out there. Barnacle was the best in that it reported the errors it was seeing instead of just refusing to work.
Anyway, I am thinking of working around the problem by keeping a ROM stored as a TWRP backup that I can restore when I need tethering. I don't need tethering on a moment's notice.
I would like the tethering ROM as slim as possible. I haven't tried any yet. Would a restore be any faster with a slim ROM?
Can someone suggest what ROM I should use that has a small footprint and can restore quickly? I'm thinking that I won't have any apps and no account logged in. If I'm tethering I will be using the other device for email etc. And I'm sure the phone will work no matter what I'm running.
Can anyone suggest a better workaround than this?
I pretty much tether all day with my jellybam install. It has been a rock solid performer on my note and has kept me from having the itch to try any of the 4.2.1 ROMs.
There is supposed to be a new version released tomorrow, but quite frankly , I don't know whether I'll bother as the current version is exceptionally stable ( with flaps kernel )...
I'm sure with cm 10.1 going nightly, they'll have tethering fixed shortly. Its a pretty important feature for many of us.
crutzulee said:
I pretty much tether all day with my jellybam install. It has been a rock solid performer on my note and has kept me from having the itch to try any of the 4.2.1 ROMs.
There is supposed to be a new version released tomorrow, but quite frankly , I don't know whether I'll bother as the current version is exceptionally stable ( with flaps kernel )...
I'm sure with cm 10.1 going nightly, they'll have tethering fixed shortly. Its a pretty important feature for many of us.
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I tried jellyblam for quincyatt and I got a boot loop. I went back to recovery and wiped everything again, reinstalled, and I still got a boot loop. Oh well. Thanks for the suggestion.
mchahn said:
I tried jellyblam for quincyatt and I got a boot loop. I went back to recovery and wiped everything again, reinstalled, and I still got a boot loop. Oh well. Thanks for the suggestion.
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Sounds like a bad download...Did you download straight to your phone? While I've never had this issue, I have heard that some prefer to download to their computers and transfer the zip to their phones..
You might be right. I did download it to my PC and copy over the zip. However, I had trouble copying and I had to copy a second time. So, I'll try again.
I did a fresh download, copied, wiped, flashed, and it didn't work. Apparently bam won't run on my phone.
...and your using the latest version of twrp?
Yes. I checked. I might be doing something wrong but I doubt it. I'm guessing there is a bug somewhere that rarely shows up. Until the source code is available these custom roms are somewhat a shot in the dark.
I'm just going to go back to my ICS backup when i need tethering. I guess I started this thread with the hope that someone would have a workaround. I really like 4.2.2 and I've decided to live with this. Maybe it will be fixed soon?
Thanks for your help.
The only tethering app that seems to work is "Open Garden." It's in the Play Store but you'll have to side-load it if on AT&T.
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I717 using xda premium
thx -- I couldn't find apk anywhere, I'll look again. Is that bluetooth only? I need wifi.
apk is not on their home page. Any idea where to find it?
How do you keep AT&T from seeing that you're tethering?
knoshann said:
How do you keep AT&T from seeing that you're tethering?
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I don't know who you are replying to, but I tethered all the time with ATT when using ICS. I didn't know they were trying to block it.
For a while they were changing people's plans to a tethering plan if AT&T caught them tethering. I got a warning email myself.
knoshann said:
For a while they were changing people's plans to a tethering plan if AT&T caught them tethering. I got a warning email myself.
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I know that Verizon has folded tethering into the normal data plans. They make it sound like a benefit but they're raising the overall price so they are really forcing you to buy tethering. I thought ATT and the others were going the same way.
I assume they realized they couldn't enforce it any other way.
mchahn said:
thx -- I couldn't find apk anywhere, I'll look again. Is that bluetooth only? I need wifi.
apk is not on their home page. Any idea where to find it?
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Assuming you're looking for Open Garden, go to http://www.open garden.com and tap the big orange Get APK button to download.
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I717 using xda premium
chp said:
Assuming you're looking for Open Garden, go to http://www.open garden.com and tap the big orange Get APK button to download.
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I717 using xda premium
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I've been to their home page a million times because everyone said you could get the apk there. I was going crazy because all I ever saw was a big orange button to download a version for windows. I had just now typed a reply to you that said you were crazy and then it hit me. You meant to go there on the phone! I'd only been there from my laptop.
Thanks, I'll give it a try now.
-- later --
As I feared, open garden is bluetooth only.
I was researching the hotspot issue that only a few users have been having and found that it is inherent to android 4.1.2 and newer. What I found out:
"Throughout the previous iterations of Android (<4.1.2), Android has not identified for the carriers which data is for tethering, and which is not.
Android 4.1.2 introduced that ability (and requirement) for Android devices to properly flag when data is for tethering purposes. This is the first time this has been used in a vanilla release of Android...
For everyone frustrated by this update to Android: Android respecting a carrier's request to know if data is for a tethered device IS NOT A BUG. IT IS A FEATURE. It's not a feature for users like you and me, it's a feature for manufacturers like Samsung and HTC, so they can in turn build devices that carriers can have more control over.
So, to be clear, THIS IS NOT A BUG. Google INTENDED to respect carrier tethering rules. The only way to circumvent this is to either get a plan from your carrier that allows tethering, revert to a build of Android of 4.1.1 or earlier (I used wugfresh NRT tools, google it, they're amazing and simple: FOR NEXUS DEVICES ONLY, SORRY), or for a developer to find and KILL THE ****ING ABILITY FOR ANDROID TO TAG DATA AS TETHERING DATA and release that to the public; either by providing an modded Android image, or as an app (much less likely to work unless you're rooted)."
Copied from a past on another forum, and apparently I can't post a link to it.
Even though I clicked on Thanks, I'd like to thank you again for that clear explanation. I'm sure it won't take long for that to be hacked.
i think the next nightly may fix it
Next to fix on next Nightly
msm8660: Add Wi-Fi AP module args (i wonder if this is it?)
rkpsym ftewed
I sent JamieD a message about it a few days ago. I'm not sure if all developers were aware with source of the problem. Its especially hard when only some users report having an issue. Hopefully they get it working soon.

[Q] I have rooted with three purposes: Wifi tether, LTE signal and bluetooth. Help?

So after many people telling me that the only way to accomplish what I want is to root...I did. For the first time ever, in over 5 years of Android ownership. So will itemize the issues at at hand and ask relevant questions and state what I have done within each one. But first, you should know I rooted using this method http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=2026938 and I have SuperSU version 1.25, and still running stock ROM and I am S-On.
Issue 1: Wifi tether.
I have downloaded Wifi Tether version 3.2 Beta 2 and I got it to work. The issue is, is there a better performing app or a way to get this one to perform faster? I get about 2mbps on speedtest.net on my phone while the tethered devices get 0.72mbps..I want to get the same on both. Anybody know how?
Issue 2: LTE connectivity.
Many know the LTE connectivity on LTE Evo sucks the big one. So now that I am rooted, what can I do to improve it? Specific ROM? Specific App? custom radio drivers?
Issue 3: Bluetooth
Within my 3 questions here, I am obviously also asking for ROM recommendations, but I have heard certain ROMs break bluetooth and I wanna avoid that at all costs. But the real issue is not the latter. My concern is AVRCP bluetooth profile. I need it to be version 1.3 or higher in order for my phone to send track/album art info to my car's Display Audio/Navigation screen. This is something I have been trying to figure out for years, I posted many threads on this here http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1728786 and here http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1702047 and also here http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1553950
The difference is that back then, I was not willing to root, but now, I'm already rooted.
So shoot me some solutions, and forever change my life! O well respected community of android tinkerers!
Now for issue 3 (bluetooth), if you guys know a way to get this issue http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1702047 to work, that would also help me. Here is the OP post quoted
darkleafar said:
So I just recently upgraded from an Evo 3D to the Evo 4g LTE, and the phone is gorgeous and all, but I've lost a major feature and it is scaring the hell out of me, I hope you guys can help:
Intro to my problem:
I have a 2012 Prius V, which has built in Bluetooth and an USB port. My Evo 3D lacked the right level of bluetooth AVRCP profile needed in order to display track names, artwork, etc, on my Prius Nav screen through bluetooth. So to work around that, I would plug in my Evo 3D into the Prius's USB port, then I would select "Disk drive/USB mass storage mode" on the phone and voila! My car saw all my music, complete with track names, album artwork, etc.
My main problem:
All of my music is in my 16GB MicroSD card, so I figured just putting it into my new LTE Evo would suffice...but it didnt. When I plug in my LTE Evo, the "Disk drive/USB mass storage mode" NO LONGER triggers my car detecting it. I noticed a new option, called "Media Sync." Selecting that WILL trigger my car dectecting the phone storage, but it ONLY detects the BUILT IN phone storage, not what's on my MicroSD card.
What's even worse...
Also, if you are wondering, the LTE Evo, despite having Bluetooth 4.0, STILL DOES NOT have the right level of AVRCP needed to display album artwork and track names over bluetooth. I was very, extremely disappointed when I realized this. I ve always been a loyal Anti-Apple/Pro-Windows/pro-Android kinda tech guy, but how come Iphones have been able to do this (track names and album artwork over bluetooth) for several years and this new super phone of ours cannot?
Where I need your help:
How can I make it so that my car can recognize my MicroSD card, not just my phone's storage?
I'm not gonna be forced to stick my music into my phone's built in storage instead of my MicroSD card, am I?
Isnt there any software/firmware or mods/rooting stuff I can do to enable tracknames and album artwork over bluetooth on this phone, since it already has bluetooth 4.0 after all?
Well, thank you very much for your time and I hope y'all have some awesome answers, more than greatly appreciated.
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1.MeanBean Rom I get awesome tether speeds
2. Known issue there is no fix
3. MeanBean Rom
Sent from my EVO using xda premium
scoot0073 said:
1.MeanBean Rom I get awesome tether speeds
2. Known issue there is no fix
3. MeanBean Rom
Sent from my EVO using xda premium
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So you know for a fact MeanBean ROM will fix both bluetooth AVRCP profile issue and Wifi tether speeds? Cuz if so, sir, you just made my day!
darkleafar said:
So you know for a fact MeanBean ROM will fix both bluetooth AVRCP profile issue and Wifi tether speeds? Cuz if so, sir, you just made my day!
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Mean bean fixes only your #1 issue...
1.3 AVCRP Bluetooth profile is not available even on a custom kernel, since meanbean uses stock kernel with elemental X over clock modules, it doesn't have the fix for your issue #3, I've read somewhere else about this feature that even the iphone has but not this phone... Good Luck!
Sent from my EVO using xda app-developers app
jocarog said:
Mean bean fixes only your #1 issue...
1.3 AVCRP Bluetooth profile is not available even on a custom kernel, since meanbean uses stock kernel with elemental X over clock modules, it doesn't have the fix for your issue #3, I've read somewhere else about this feature that even the iphone has but not this phone... Good Luck!
Sent from my EVO using xda app-developers app
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I was told CyanogenMod fixed this. Any truth to this claims?
Yea I miss read about the Bluetooth part, my bad Homie
Sent from my EVO using xda premium
Im running cyanogen mod but my car stereo doesn't have that profile so I can't test for you, plus I haven't been able to drive in a month after a surgery... I remember somebody asking thicklizard about this feature in his arc reactor thread and also in the meanbean thread... Maybe you can pm a kernel developer and see what's involved into getting this feature to work on our phones...
Sent from my EVO using xda app-developers app
jocarog said:
Im running cyanogen mod but my car stereo doesn't have that profile so I can't test for you, plus I haven't been able to drive in a month after a surgery... I remember somebody asking thicklizard about this feature in his arc reactor thread and also in the meanbean thread... Maybe you can pm a kernel developer and see what's involved into getting this feature to work on our phones...
Sent from my EVO using xda app-developers app
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Dude I just rooted for the first time ever. I could not begin to tell you who develops kernels to save my life. But I would have to be S-Off for a custom kernel, right? Anybody with Cyanogen Mod wants to chime in on whether AVRCP 1.3 or higher is present?
Holy crap! A google search answered my own question, they claim AVRCP 1.3 was working on Cyanogen Mod 10.0 but that it broke on 10.1. Link here https://jira.cyanogenmod.org/browse/CYAN-20
So, can I just flash 10.0 to my phone? what is the difference between 10.0 and 10.1? are they both jellybean builds?
And another thing, the wife was testing the wifi tether on my phone with her I PAD and connection breaks after about 15 minutes. So it looks like it isnt working after all. I just like turns off by itself. Anybody know why this could be?
darkleafar said:
And another thing, the wife was testing the wifi tether on my phone with her I PAD and connection breaks after about 15 minutes. So it looks like it isnt working after all. I just like turns off by itself. Anybody know why this could be?
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There is a setting that can be turning it off in the app by itself or it could be the jellybean task killer what rom is she using? And yea you can flash cm 10.0, is jellybean 4.1; cm 10.1 is jellybean 4.2... If you are s-on just remember to extract the boot.img and flash it on fastboot with this command: fastboot flash boot boot.img.
Good Luck!
jocarog said:
There is a setting that can be turning it off in the app by itself or it could be the jellybean task killer what rom is she using? And yea you can flash cm 10.0, is jellybean 4.1; cm 10.1 is jellybean 4.2... If you are s-on just remember to extract the boot.img and flash it on fastboot with this command: fastboot flash boot boot.img.
Good Luck!
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BUt i was just told if I have RUU 3.16 then i have to downgrade to 3.15 because the 3.16 touchscreen drivers are too new and have not been implemented into the kernel in any AOSP ROMs. correct?
darkleafar said:
BUt i was just told if I have RUU 3.16 then i have to downgrade to 3.15 because the 3.16 touchscreen drivers are too new and have not been implemented into the kernel in any AOSP ROMs. correct?
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Correct, for that you need to be s-off... Backup all of your stuff and head over to the dirty Racun thread or Facepalm...in the original android development section...

Wifi Calling with Revolution HD?

Hi guys,
I have a T-Mobile HTC One and last night I unlocked, rooted, and flashed ARHD 30.0. I used to have the capability of Wifi calling, which T-Mobile offers for free. For those of you unfamiliar who may be familiar with a substitute, this feature allows users to call and text over Wifi, which is especially useful when service is unavailable.
Ever since I flashed the ROM, this feature doesn't show up in my settings. Does anyone know of a substitute that has the same or similar features? Also, does anyone know of the newest Revolution ROM that includes this capability? I'd like the newest possible ROM.
I believe when T mobile release 4.3 for the One the devs will be able to include wifi calling in their ROMs. I don't know of any alternatives. 4.3 is supposed to go out on Monday so it shouldn't too much longer...
Sent from my HTC One using xda app-developers app
OK great. So you think it should be available in the next couple of weeks? Does Mike make these ROMs specifically for different carriers or is it a one ROM fits all kind of thing?
Also, if I flash a newer ROM, do I lose all my data on my phone? And if so, is there a way to backup and restore everything including my apps and settings?
I'm pretty new to this. Thanks for your help.
If you're on 4.1.2 right on you're going to get some annoying problems when first updating.
You'll most likely just want to do a complete wipe of your entire phone. (backup what you need)
There is a adb command you can run, check the trickdroid website there's a tutorial.
If we get an update Monday, Wi-Fi calling should be added relatively quickly to the existing ROMs. Like a day or two.
Sent from my HTC One using Tapatalk
xxquicksh0txx said:
If you're on 4.1.2 right on you're going to get some annoying problems when first updating.
You'll most likely just want to do a complete wipe of your entire phone. (backup what you need)
There is a adb command you can run, check the trickdroid website there's a tutorial.
If we get an update Monday, Wi-Fi calling should be added relatively quickly to the existing ROMs. Like a day or two.
Sent from my HTC One using Tapatalk
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Ok great. Will the new Revolution HD ROM have a different version number? I just want to make sure I don't miss it. And when it is released, where will be the first place it will be announced? I'm very anxious to get my W-Fi calling back, since I have poor reception at school and work, but Wi-Fi is more readily available.
ez53436 said:
Ok great. Will the new Revolution HD ROM have a different version number? I just want to make sure I don't miss it. And when it is released, where will be the first place it will be announced? I'm very anxious to get my W-Fi calling back, since I have poor reception at school and work, but Wi-Fi is more readily available.
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FYI, Insertcoin 5.0-5 incorporated the latest T-Mo update, and now has working Wi-fi calling on T-Mobile. ARHD will likely upgrade soon too, but these roms are somewhat similar and Insertcoin runs great. Here's a link:
Hmm. I may have to try InsertCoin if Mike doesn't update his ROM. He just released a new version of ARHD (31.0) and it doesn't say anywhere that he's added WiFi calling. So I'm not sure if he is planning on doing it in the next couple of weeks or if he's just going to forget about it.
ez53436 said:
Hmm. I may have to try InsertCoin if Mike doesn't update his ROM. He just released a new version of ARHD (31.0) and it doesn't say anywhere that he's added WiFi calling. So I'm not sure if he is planning on doing it in the next couple of weeks or if he's just going to forget about it.
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I bit the bullet and tried insert coin, not too impressed compared to trickdroid although it's probably just due to my ignorance.
No back4menu baked in
Seems a bit sluggish compared to trickdroid, which was already noticibly slower than when I first flashed it months ago
Didn't remove all the bloat I asked it to
Didn't allow my play store apps to auto d/l (weird one - tried two flashes and no dice, tried a different 4.3 rom and all my apps came right back)
That said, it is 4.3 with wifi calling but I'm still rolling back to 4.1.2 for now and sending trickdroids guy 10$ on paypal with a note about wifi calling
BableMan said:
I bit the bullet and tried insert coin, not too impressed compared to trickdroid although it's probably just due to my ignorance.
No back4menu baked in
Seems a bit sluggish compared to trickdroid, which was already noticibly slower than when I first flashed it months ago
Didn't remove all the bloat I asked it to
Didn't allow my play store apps to auto d/l (weird one - tried two flashes and no dice, tried a different 4.3 rom and all my apps came right back)
That said, it is 4.3 with wifi calling but I'm still rolling back to 4.1.2 for now and sending trickdroids guy 10$ on paypal with a note about wifi calling
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There's a 4.3 Rom by beholdthis, I think, that has Wi-Fi calling and works perfectly well. And it's customizable with add-ons.
Sent from my HTC One using Tapatalk
BableMan said:
I bit the bullet and tried insert coin, not too impressed compared to trickdroid although it's probably just due to my ignorance.
No back4menu baked in
Seems a bit sluggish compared to trickdroid, which was already noticibly slower than when I first flashed it months ago
Didn't remove all the bloat I asked it to
Didn't allow my play store apps to auto d/l (weird one - tried two flashes and no dice, tried a different 4.3 rom and all my apps came right back)
That said, it is 4.3 with wifi calling but I'm still rolling back to 4.1.2 for now and sending trickdroids guy 10$ on paypal with a note about wifi calling
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Hmmm I came from Trickdroid, then ARHD and have stayed on Insertcoin; zero lag here and no problems auto downloading apps at all. Also Xposed mods work too. But, everyone has their rom preferences, so good luck!
Thanks for the suggestions everyone. behold_this's ROM looks promising, but I messaged mike and he said wifi calling "will come" so I think I'm going to hold off for a few more weeks and hopefully he'll have made the ROM by then.
:laugh: Good to know im actually looking for a rom with wifi calling since i dont have great coverage where i live. ill check the mentioned roms out, although was really interested on pacman rom
I will be keeping an eye out for this as well. I sent a PM to the developer for AR HD a day or so ago asking, but no response yet.
I'm no developer, but this seems like it would be pretty simple and quick to implement the WiFi calling feature from the stock T-Mobile ROM which came out almost three weeks ago. I'm really surprised it isn't out yet, especially as he seems to know that people are waiting for it. Then again, most of us aren't paying him for his work. I just don't know how much longer to wait... I seem to have terrible service and WiFi all the time.
mrDmola said:
I will be keeping an eye out for this as well. I sent a PM to the developer for AR HD a day or so ago asking, but no response yet.
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It's not as easy as you might think. To implement Wi-Fi calling into a rom the base HAS to be the tmobile base. It's not as easy as ripping an apk out.
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blackangst said:
It's not as easy as you might think. To implement Wi-Fi calling into a rom the base HAS to be the tmobile base. It's not as easy as ripping an apk out.
Sent from my HTC One using xda app-developers app
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Um, is that exactly what we have now that the 4.3 update has been pushing HTC One Roms?
mrDmola said:
Um, is that exactly what we have now that the 4.3 update has been pushing HTC One Roms?
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Just because the 4.3 update has pushed out doesnt mean a dev is using it as the base. Some are, some arent.

