[Q] I have rooted with three purposes: Wifi tether, LTE signal and bluetooth. Help? - Sprint HTC EVO 4G LTE

So after many people telling me that the only way to accomplish what I want is to root...I did. For the first time ever, in over 5 years of Android ownership. So will itemize the issues at at hand and ask relevant questions and state what I have done within each one. But first, you should know I rooted using this method http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=2026938 and I have SuperSU version 1.25, and still running stock ROM and I am S-On.
Issue 1: Wifi tether.
I have downloaded Wifi Tether version 3.2 Beta 2 and I got it to work. The issue is, is there a better performing app or a way to get this one to perform faster? I get about 2mbps on speedtest.net on my phone while the tethered devices get 0.72mbps..I want to get the same on both. Anybody know how?
Issue 2: LTE connectivity.
Many know the LTE connectivity on LTE Evo sucks the big one. So now that I am rooted, what can I do to improve it? Specific ROM? Specific App? custom radio drivers?
Issue 3: Bluetooth
Within my 3 questions here, I am obviously also asking for ROM recommendations, but I have heard certain ROMs break bluetooth and I wanna avoid that at all costs. But the real issue is not the latter. My concern is AVRCP bluetooth profile. I need it to be version 1.3 or higher in order for my phone to send track/album art info to my car's Display Audio/Navigation screen. This is something I have been trying to figure out for years, I posted many threads on this here http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1728786 and here http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1702047 and also here http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1553950
The difference is that back then, I was not willing to root, but now, I'm already rooted.
So shoot me some solutions, and forever change my life! O well respected community of android tinkerers!

Now for issue 3 (bluetooth), if you guys know a way to get this issue http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1702047 to work, that would also help me. Here is the OP post quoted
darkleafar said:
So I just recently upgraded from an Evo 3D to the Evo 4g LTE, and the phone is gorgeous and all, but I've lost a major feature and it is scaring the hell out of me, I hope you guys can help:
Intro to my problem:
I have a 2012 Prius V, which has built in Bluetooth and an USB port. My Evo 3D lacked the right level of bluetooth AVRCP profile needed in order to display track names, artwork, etc, on my Prius Nav screen through bluetooth. So to work around that, I would plug in my Evo 3D into the Prius's USB port, then I would select "Disk drive/USB mass storage mode" on the phone and voila! My car saw all my music, complete with track names, album artwork, etc.
My main problem:
All of my music is in my 16GB MicroSD card, so I figured just putting it into my new LTE Evo would suffice...but it didnt. When I plug in my LTE Evo, the "Disk drive/USB mass storage mode" NO LONGER triggers my car detecting it. I noticed a new option, called "Media Sync." Selecting that WILL trigger my car dectecting the phone storage, but it ONLY detects the BUILT IN phone storage, not what's on my MicroSD card.
What's even worse...
Also, if you are wondering, the LTE Evo, despite having Bluetooth 4.0, STILL DOES NOT have the right level of AVRCP needed to display album artwork and track names over bluetooth. I was very, extremely disappointed when I realized this. I ve always been a loyal Anti-Apple/Pro-Windows/pro-Android kinda tech guy, but how come Iphones have been able to do this (track names and album artwork over bluetooth) for several years and this new super phone of ours cannot?
Where I need your help:
How can I make it so that my car can recognize my MicroSD card, not just my phone's storage?
I'm not gonna be forced to stick my music into my phone's built in storage instead of my MicroSD card, am I?
Isnt there any software/firmware or mods/rooting stuff I can do to enable tracknames and album artwork over bluetooth on this phone, since it already has bluetooth 4.0 after all?
Well, thank you very much for your time and I hope y'all have some awesome answers, more than greatly appreciated.
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1.MeanBean Rom I get awesome tether speeds
2. Known issue there is no fix
3. MeanBean Rom
Sent from my EVO using xda premium

scoot0073 said:
1.MeanBean Rom I get awesome tether speeds
2. Known issue there is no fix
3. MeanBean Rom
Sent from my EVO using xda premium
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So you know for a fact MeanBean ROM will fix both bluetooth AVRCP profile issue and Wifi tether speeds? Cuz if so, sir, you just made my day!

darkleafar said:
So you know for a fact MeanBean ROM will fix both bluetooth AVRCP profile issue and Wifi tether speeds? Cuz if so, sir, you just made my day!
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Mean bean fixes only your #1 issue...
1.3 AVCRP Bluetooth profile is not available even on a custom kernel, since meanbean uses stock kernel with elemental X over clock modules, it doesn't have the fix for your issue #3, I've read somewhere else about this feature that even the iphone has but not this phone... Good Luck!
Sent from my EVO using xda app-developers app

jocarog said:
Mean bean fixes only your #1 issue...
1.3 AVCRP Bluetooth profile is not available even on a custom kernel, since meanbean uses stock kernel with elemental X over clock modules, it doesn't have the fix for your issue #3, I've read somewhere else about this feature that even the iphone has but not this phone... Good Luck!
Sent from my EVO using xda app-developers app
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I was told CyanogenMod fixed this. Any truth to this claims?

Yea I miss read about the Bluetooth part, my bad Homie
Sent from my EVO using xda premium

Im running cyanogen mod but my car stereo doesn't have that profile so I can't test for you, plus I haven't been able to drive in a month after a surgery... I remember somebody asking thicklizard about this feature in his arc reactor thread and also in the meanbean thread... Maybe you can pm a kernel developer and see what's involved into getting this feature to work on our phones...
Sent from my EVO using xda app-developers app

jocarog said:
Im running cyanogen mod but my car stereo doesn't have that profile so I can't test for you, plus I haven't been able to drive in a month after a surgery... I remember somebody asking thicklizard about this feature in his arc reactor thread and also in the meanbean thread... Maybe you can pm a kernel developer and see what's involved into getting this feature to work on our phones...
Sent from my EVO using xda app-developers app
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Dude I just rooted for the first time ever. I could not begin to tell you who develops kernels to save my life. But I would have to be S-Off for a custom kernel, right? Anybody with Cyanogen Mod wants to chime in on whether AVRCP 1.3 or higher is present?

Holy crap! A google search answered my own question, they claim AVRCP 1.3 was working on Cyanogen Mod 10.0 but that it broke on 10.1. Link here https://jira.cyanogenmod.org/browse/CYAN-20
So, can I just flash 10.0 to my phone? what is the difference between 10.0 and 10.1? are they both jellybean builds?

And another thing, the wife was testing the wifi tether on my phone with her I PAD and connection breaks after about 15 minutes. So it looks like it isnt working after all. I just like turns off by itself. Anybody know why this could be?

darkleafar said:
And another thing, the wife was testing the wifi tether on my phone with her I PAD and connection breaks after about 15 minutes. So it looks like it isnt working after all. I just like turns off by itself. Anybody know why this could be?
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There is a setting that can be turning it off in the app by itself or it could be the jellybean task killer what rom is she using? And yea you can flash cm 10.0, is jellybean 4.1; cm 10.1 is jellybean 4.2... If you are s-on just remember to extract the boot.img and flash it on fastboot with this command: fastboot flash boot boot.img.
Good Luck!

jocarog said:
There is a setting that can be turning it off in the app by itself or it could be the jellybean task killer what rom is she using? And yea you can flash cm 10.0, is jellybean 4.1; cm 10.1 is jellybean 4.2... If you are s-on just remember to extract the boot.img and flash it on fastboot with this command: fastboot flash boot boot.img.
Good Luck!
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BUt i was just told if I have RUU 3.16 then i have to downgrade to 3.15 because the 3.16 touchscreen drivers are too new and have not been implemented into the kernel in any AOSP ROMs. correct?

darkleafar said:
BUt i was just told if I have RUU 3.16 then i have to downgrade to 3.15 because the 3.16 touchscreen drivers are too new and have not been implemented into the kernel in any AOSP ROMs. correct?
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Correct, for that you need to be s-off... Backup all of your stuff and head over to the dirty Racun thread or Facepalm...in the original android development section...


[APP] Android Wifi Tethering 3.1 pre106 Working!!!

For all of you who wanted tethering to be easy and clean on the Amaze I present to you the Android Wifi Tethering app in working order:
This is still somewhat beta but I have tested it and confirmed it works. Couple of key things to note though. You MUST choose Amaze in Device Profile and you must select "Routing Fix".
For more info on the development of this version check out the bug report that got it started:
My heart felt thanks go out to the team and Android Wifi Tether for throwing us a bone here and getting this up and running!!!
For rooted users only it seems
F033x said:
For rooted users only it seems
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Yes of course! Im sorry I just assumed that everyone knew that. But yes you must be rooted which is quite a simple process!
2sh0rt said:
Yes of course! Im sorry I just assumed that everyone knew that. But yes you must be rooted which is quite a simple process!
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Very simple, if I can do it, anyone can. And I did.
Didn't work for me, just sent me to T-Mobiles page for ordering wi-fi tethering.
E-MAC said:
Didn't work for me, just sent me to T-Mobiles page for ordering wi-fi tethering.
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What is your setup? Are you stock or running a custom rom?
It seems to fc in sense 3.5. Let me see if other versions work.
Edit: 3.1 beta7 works
Thanks!!! It's working for me. I'm rooted and using the stock Rom.
how to put it on?
I have tried 4 different roms on my amaze. Quiksense 3, beastmod, bulletproof, and something else. I wasn’t successful with any to get the wifi, tethering or Bluetooth to work. How do I use your download and make it work on any one of these roms. Kinda new to all this so if u can describe in simple English whether I need to go from the recovery mode from sd or rom manager, it’d be appreciated. Thanks
civiliancone41 said:
I have tried 4 different roms on my amaze. Quiksense 3, beastmod, bulletproof, and something else. I wasn’t successful with any to get the wifi, tethering or Bluetooth to work. How do I use your download and make it work on any one of these roms. Kinda new to all this so if u can describe in simple English whether I need to go from the recovery mode from sd or rom manager, it’d be appreciated. Thanks
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You have to manually flash a kernel with custom ROMs
Sent from my HTC Amaze 4G using xda premium
Im confused? If we are talking bout wireless thering for another wifi device to connect to your phone. I use my amaze all the time and I haven't rooted mine yet because im waiting for Ice Cream Sandwich .
no go for me. Just rooted, using stock ROM.
tried both the newest beta (v3_1_beta11) and pre106. I see the hotspot from my PC and the log on the phone looks good, but the attempted connection times out.
read this, http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?p=21476900
no need to ROOT. Just delete all the tethering APNs.

[Q] Bluetooth not discovering any devices, Help?

Hate to make my first post an issue post, but I have searched all over XDA for the answer and couldnt find anything particular to my issue. I flashed CM10 to my phone and noticed my Bluetooth would turn on but would not pick up any devices in device search. I tried multiple speakers and headsets and nothing would work. I did a hard wipe and installed MeanBean thinking that it was a ROM related issue. Tried it again on MeanBean and same issue. I tried fixing permissions and Bluetooth Fix app and still nothing. Can anyone help?
(I am on the latest radio/firmware and v.06 MeanBean)
Same exact issue !
cauger24 said:
Hate to make my first post an issue post, but I have searched all over XDA for the answer and couldnt find anything particular to my issue. I flashed CM10 to my phone and noticed my Bluetooth would turn on but would not pick up any devices in device search. I tried multiple speakers and headsets and nothing would work. I did a hard wipe and installed MeanBean thinking that it was a ROM related issue. Tried it again on MeanBean and same issue. I tried fixing permissions and Bluetooth Fix app and still nothing. Can anyone help?
(I am on the latest radio/firmware and v.06 MeanBean)
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My evo lte has been doing this for as long as i can remember also. I've been through dozens of roms and full wipes and still no bluetooth at all, not even recognizable.
Try deleting everything that is paired or was paired and then reboot. You may have Bluetooth defects if that still doesnt work. I have used on many sense roms, cm10, 10.1 varients with no problems. Hope that helps.
Sent from my EVO using xda app-developers app
Im having the same issue
I have updated my radios and noticed that i lost my Bluetooth connectivity. I was originally running meanrom ics until JB came around. Then updated my radios and moved to JB MeanBean. I did an Ruu and got it back to stock. No dice, stock rom Bluetooth still cannot find or be found. I tried my laptop ipad macbook car audio everything and nothing works. I ve never had any issues with my phone and it seems after Jelly Bean Bluetooth is non existent.
Currently I am running
Twrp 2.3.1
Arc Reactor Kernel
Is there a way to see if the actual Bluetooth is borked or if its working properly, "if its sending a signal"?
Is it possible that something happened when upgrading that the BlueTooth became corrupted? or can it just plain old stop working, died?
At that point if it's Borked on several roms
Then it's time to take it into sprint. That's a manufacturer defect / issue and they should swap it out. Assuming you bought legit from them
Sent from my EVO using Tapatalk 2
Yes I bought it legit when it came out. I also have the insurance plan with Sprint. The only thing I'm worried about is the new hboot and unlocking/rooting the new phone .
But I guess if it means a new phone then I guess its best... To get a fresh new evo
Sent from my EVO using xda app-developers app

[Q] FM radio on roms

any hope of getting FM radio support on roms (I'm mainly using cyanogenmod, usually sportsstar's). I've tried the port of the apk for the fm radio (wouldn't run) and some spirit radio apk (loud static all channels). Thanks.
I'm using spirit and it works fine. You do need to have a headset plugged in though for an antenna
Sent from my HTC_Amaze_4G using xda app-developers app
yeah. ok thanks, I guess I will try again.
your welcome
reebokhcfr said:
yeah. ok thanks, I guess I will try again.
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Are you using the feb 3rd beta version of spirit?
The stock FM radio is probably going to need to be rebuilt to make it work. Or there is just some strange file that is missing or not configured right.
chevycowboyusa said:
Are you using the feb 3rd beta version of spirit?
The stock FM radio is probably going to need to be rebuilt to make it work. Or there is just some strange file that is missing or not configured right.
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Sense Apps do not work on AOSP roms. And can't be made to work...
FM Radio
dcacklam said:
Sense Apps do not work on AOSP roms. And can't be made to work...
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Hi Dave! Thanks for the response
I thought there was an FM radio app in the CM Builds??
There are people using Spirit on CM10 (other devices) and I have got Spirit working on Sense 4 (even though the built in one doesn't work)
I have tried my darndest to get Spirit radio to work. All I get is white noise.
What am I missing or not configured? I did search the site, but wasn't able to
find the answer.
mgp53 said:
I have tried my darndest to get Spirit radio to work. All I get is white noise.
What am I missing or not configured? I did search the site, but wasn't able to
find the answer.
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I couldn't get it to work either on the PacMan rom
I just flashed SpeedRom 9.0 Beta 1 and the FM Radio app works because SpeedROM is still a sense based ROM but looks like JellyBean.
Viper Radio
chevycowboyusa said:
I'm using spirit and it works fine. You do need to have a headset plugged in though for an antenna
Sent from my HTC_Amaze_4G using xda app-developers app
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I have used viper from version 1.6.6, and, the fm radio never worked. even when i used spirit FM it only just make noise as if no station is working.
kodunmit said:
I have used viper from version 1.6.6, and, the fm radio never worked. even when i used spirit FM it only just make noise as if no station is working.
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That's strange. Where are you located?
I'm in California.
Not much proof, but this is it working.
Sent from my HTC_Amaze_4G using xda app-developers app
chevycowboyusa said:
That's strange. Where are you located?
I'm in California.
Not much proof, but this is it working.
Sent from my HTC_Amaze_4G using xda app-developers app
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I have the same issue with Sportsstar's CM10.1. Sprit FM just gives me static (though I can occasionally hear the slightest bit of an actual station). I think I read in his thread that radio firmware is missing from CM10.1. Is that something one can flash after the fact?
JimDandy68 said:
I have the same issue with Sportsstar's CM10.1. Sprit FM just gives me static (though I can occasionally hear the slightest bit of an actual station). I think I read in his thread that radio firmware is missing from CM10.1. Is that something one can flash after the fact?
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There is a difference Between the Radio firmware for the hardware (flashed thru hboot) and possibly radio drivers in the ROM.
You can flash the ICS Radio update, link in my Viper thread or ARHD thread, that will update you to the most recent radio "Firmware"
You do need to have an antenna (wired headset) and you have to manually tune the radio station.
I'll test it on CM10.1 later this weekend and I'll let you know what I can figure out!
chevycowboyusa said:
There is a difference Between the Radio firmware for the hardware (flashed thru hboot) and possibly radio drivers in the ROM.
You can flash the ICS Radio update, link in my Viper thread or ARHD thread, that will update you to the most recent radio "Firmware"
You do need to have an antenna (wired headset) and you have to manually tune the radio station.
I'll test it on CM10.1 later this weekend and I'll let you know what I can figure out!
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Thanks, Chevy
I can't find the reference I was talking about, but here's a reference to missing drivers: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=2010901
And if this is what you're talking about for a radio update - http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?p=42317972&highlight=radio+update#post42317972 - that matches my current baseband version.
FM radio works on ICS ROMs, like ARHD and SpeedRom, I know. I also know I need a headset attached - only way it ever worked. I've seen other threads about Spirit FM just producing static, so I don't know if it's that app and this device. Anyway, thanks for whatever you can figure out. My thought was that flashing anything ICS on JB wouldn't work, but I don't know.
JimDandy68 said:
Thanks, Chevy
I can't find the reference I was talking about, but here's a reference to missing drivers: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=2010901
And if this is what you're talking about for a radio update - http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?p=42317972&highlight=radio+update#post42317972 - that matches my current baseband version.
FM radio works on ICS ROMs, like ARHD and SpeedRom, I know. I also know I need a headset attached - only way it ever worked. I've seen other threads about Spirit FM just producing static, so I don't know if it's that app and this device. Anyway, thanks for whatever you can figure out. My thought was that flashing anything ICS on JB wouldn't work, but I don't know.
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Just want to ask again on this thread, has anyone ever gotten Spirit FM or another FM radio apk to work on a JB ROM (non-sense-based)? Chevy mentioned the Spirit FM 3rd beta, but not sure whether he was talking about having it work on a JB ROM or on Viper. ICS ROMs mostly have the stock radio app working, so not an issue there.
There is code in the CM base sources allowing for radio apps like spirit FM, now whether the devs working on it here have enabled it or gone through the task of debugging to ensure it works is a different story. Tytung has it working well in his CM ROMs for the HD2. I purchased it (spirit) to use on his ROMs so I do know it can work with CM if the developer chooses to. Frankly, for me this capability isn't as important as resolving the other outstanding issues which are keeping JellyBean from being fully functional and truly stable on our devices.
Odysseus1962 said:
There is code in the CM base sources allowing for radio apps like spirit FM, now whether the devs working on it here have enabled it or gone through the task of debugging to ensure it works is a different story. Tytung has it working well in his CM ROMs for the HD2. I purchased it (spirit) to use on his ROMs so I do know it can work with CM if the developer chooses to. Frankly, for me this capability isn't as important as resolving the other outstanding issues which are keeping JellyBean from being fully functional and truly stable on our devices.
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Yeah, I'm really just trying to find out if anyone has gotten something working on the Amaze, not any other device. For me, the showstoppers on CM10.1 were uncontrolled in-call volume (evidently working in Evervolv), audio drop-outs when listening to music, and lack of FM radio. Otherwise, it seemed really solid. I'm kinda tired of laggy ICS ROMS, but everything works.
JimDandy68 said:
Yeah, I'm really just trying to find out if anyone has gotten something working on the Amaze, not any other device. For me, the showstoppers on CM10.1 were uncontrolled in-call volume (evidently working in Evervolv), audio drop-outs when listening to music, and lack of FM radio. Otherwise, it seemed really solid. I'm kinda tired of laggy ICS ROMS, but everything works.
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I know what you're talking about. I think many here, myself included, wish that development was further along. Frankly, I find it sad and ironic that my old HD2, which was a Windows phone, has had fully functional usable stable Jellybean ROMs for a well over a year and it never had any sources released to develop from.
The sad truth is that the Amaze is a great device that wasn't marketed well, so few units were sold. Too few at least for it to have developed a devoted loyal following. If you follow the threads you see that there was never a large volume of development for it and that most of the early adopters have long since moved on to other devices. I'm just glad that we're now experiencing a second wave with new folks stepping up and trying.
I'm optimistic that the issues currently afflicting these builds can be resolved and that our Amazes will get a new lease on life. We just need to have a bit more patience, they're getting closer to nailing it. Once one gets it right the others will learn and use in their development. Then we'll have all kinds of jellybean and KitKat flavors to choose from.
Odysseus1962 said:
I'm optimistic that the issues currently afflicting these builds can be resolved and that our Amazes will get a new lease on life. We just need to have a bit more patience, they're getting closer to nailing it. Once one gets it right the others will learn and use in their development. Then we'll have all kinds of jellybean and KitKat flavors to choose from.
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Hope your optimism proves right. It's amazing (no pun intended) that anyone spends there time doing this kind of dev work at all. Pretty sure I'll never buy another HTC device, too.
JimDandy68 said:
Hope your optimism proves right. It's amazing (no pun intended) that anyone spends there time doing this kind of dev work at all. Pretty sure I'll never buy another HTC device, too.
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I wouldn't be so down on HTC. They may not have been the most supportive manufacturer when it comes to outside development, but they've also produced some of the most groundbreaking innovative products. They're in financial trouble now, as their market share has eroded, and haven't had a breakout device in some time. They realize this and have begun making incremental improvements within the development community in an attempt to improve it's perception. The thing is who are you going to jump ship to? Samsung is already undermining android by developing Its own market place for apps that can only run on their devices and has announced It's developing its own proprietary OS. Since they're the biggest player in this device market, they could easily splinter Android and force other manufacturers to do the same to compete.
The point is, if there's one thing I've learned from my 50 years on this planet is to never say never about anything.
Odysseus1962 said:
The point is, if there's one thing I've learned from my 50 years on this planet is to never say never about anything.
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Point taken. I'm 45 and evidently haven't learned anything. :cyclops:
Time to go back to a landline.

Bluetooth for Sense 4.0 Roms

I have been playing around with a few sense 4 ROMs. And unfortunately polluting some threads with ranting
I'd like to open a discussion with anyone who might have some ideas to try.
Here's what I have so far.
I'm beta testing viper amaze 1.6.3
1. I have Bluetooth communication between a Bluetooth ear piece, a Motorola stereo headset, and my laptop thru a rocket fish BT USB adapter.
2. All BT devices are seen when searching for devices.
3. It will pair the device and get a confirmation of " pairing successful" on all three devices.
A. No device that I have tried to pair will ask for a pin code. It's automatically pairing!
4. My Laptop sent a message to the screen on my phone to confirm that it was the correct device connected.
5. Bluetoothd isn't stopping after it's started. Only dies after a full reboot.
6. After tampering with some files in system/data/data I got the HTC FM app to turn on. It didn't do much. And wouldn't turn off.
7. I have asked faux to add some files to his kernel. I hope this narrows it down!
So it's close. I would say it's 90% working. It just doesn't complete or latch the connection.
One more thought is that the FM radio app uses the BT radio so that's why FM radio doesn't work either. But spirit FM radio does. It will fail if BT is trying to connect. But when the bt radio is idle it will work.
I have the decompiled FM radio app and I'm currently digging thru the files.
Any ideas?
Sent from my HTC_Amaze_4G using xda app-developers app
chevycowboyusa said:
I have been playing around with a few sense 4 ROMs. And unfortunately polluting some threads with ranting
I'd like to open a discussion with anyone who might have some ideas to try.
Here's what I have so far.
I'm beta testing viper amaze 1.6.3
1. I have Bluetooth communication between a Bluetooth ear piece, a Motorola stereo headset, and my laptop thru a rocket fish BT USB adapter.
2. All BT devices are seen when searching for devices.
3. It will pair the device and get a confirmation of " pairing successful" on all three devices.
4. My Laptop sent a message to the screen on my phone to confirm that it was the correct device connected.
So it's close. I would say it's 90% working. It just doesn't complete or latch the connection.
One more thought is that the FM radio app uses the BT radio so that's why FM radio doesn't work either. But spirit FM radio does. It will fail if BT is trying to connect. But when the bt radio is idle it will work.
If someone could decompile the stock FM radio app we could see what is trying to do and why it fails. Or figure out how spirit is accessing the BT radio.
Any ideas?
Sent from my HTC_Amaze_4G using xda app-developers app
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I decompiled FM_Radio.apk and FMRadioService.apk. download link: -> http://www.mediafire.com/?75nmb8x1vb5e0jp
Got it
ali_k182 said:
I decompiled FM_Radio.apk and FMRadioService.apk. download link: -> http://www.mediafire.com/?75nmb8x1vb5e0jp
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Thank you. I'm going to scour through it to see if I can find whats supposed to turn on and off the bt radio.
Can you decompile the FM radio app from a 3.6 rom too??
I'll compare them and see what I can find.
Just a thought...
I'm fairly new to all this so bare with me on this one... Lol I was thinking about past ROMs and how removing certain bloatware could potentially damage the ROM you were on... Is it possible that the commands missing for Bluetooth to work fully are embedded in a bloatware app??? I don't think it would be a far-fetched idea for T-Mobile/HTC to code things in such a way that one of their apps would have to run in the background in order for Bluetooth to function properly. Kind of a fail-safe to ensure that their bloat stays on the phone...
It's not to far fetched in theory. And yes, some of the bloatware broke things when you removed them, like the stock ticker, because it was looking for something that had been removed.
This however goes a little deeper. The software came from a different device. And most all of the bloatware that is HTC stuff is there.
It has a slightly different file structure on sense 4.0 than the 3.6. Some files have been modified or combined. Our kernel is the same from what I can tell so far.
I'm running faux 26. So these new files are probably not in the kernel.
The biggest change is a file called BcrmBluetoothservices.apk where we used to have a file called BluetoothFtps.apk.
I think this is the first hurdle.
And thank you for your input! I think if enough of us can knock our heads together we can figure this out.
Sent from my HTC_Amaze_4G using xda app-developers app
Yea with multiple people brainstorming on the matter... Someone's bound to come up with a solution! Has anyone taken a logcat of a bluetooth running on a Sense 3.6 rom and compared it with the logcat of a Sense 4 rom?
I don't know .but I flashed energy 3.6 and will do a little playing tomorrow..
Sent from my HTC_Amaze_4G using xda app-developers app
Still waiting for the stable Sense rom for amaze , but dont see any development on this from december last year.
navneet_bhaskar said:
Still waiting for the stable Sense rom for amaze , but dont see any development on this from december last year.
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There's a few stable, at least I consider stable. Just depends on what you can live without.
I'm going to try my hand at porting... I'm shooting for a "Stock" sense 4 rom. no extras. no tweaks. just working and then we can go from there.
Auto pairing
Does anyone know how to stop the phone from automatically enter the pin code for recognized devices.
The devices are trying to pair and its getting an incorrect pin code. I think this might be a step in the right direction....
Bluetooth MAC Address
I just noticed the bluetooth mac address isn't showing up on my phone!
Has to be turned on... DUH!
Good job! when you get it fixed I'll be sure to update nightmare sense
Sent from my Nexus 4 using xda premium
sportsstar89 said:
Good job! when you get it fixed I'll be sure to update nightmare sense
Sent from my Nexus 4 using xda premium
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I hope it works!
Sense Rom
navneet_bhaskar said:
Still waiting for the stable Sense rom for amaze , but dont see any development on this from december last year.
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I've been updating The Viper Amaze rom. and it's Stable. There are some broken things bluetooth/wifi tether.wifi calling, but everything is pretty much stable for a sense 4.1 rom.
chevycowboyusa said:
I've been updating The Viper Amaze rom. and it's Stable. There are some broken things bluetooth/wifi tether.wifi calling, but everything is pretty much stable for a sense 4.1 rom.
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hell yeah,it is pretty stable!

[Q] Viper Rom Bluetooth snap crackle pop

Couldnt find any fix in the related threads. I have an EVO LTE running Viper Rom. running flawless except annoying cracle/pop from music playback on a bluetooth speaker. talking on a bluetooth headset is fine. HTC suggested some things but nothing worked. My sons bone stock EVO LTE works fine on the same devices. Rom is so awesome I can live with this issue if there is no fix. I can use a cord. Thnak you for any replies.
Are you using a separate kernel?
Sent from my EVO using Tapatalk 2
No known BT issues with noise etc., like the other poster added, sounds like possible kernel issues?
Sent from my Evo 4G LTE using xda app-developers app
thicklizard said:
Are you using a separate kernel?
Sent from my EVO using Tapatalk 2
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using what came with the Viper Rom, 3.4.10-g19136fe
Might be a third party app, I will try booting in safe mode.
drich66 said:
Couldnt find any fix in the related threads. I have an EVO LTE running Viper Rom. running flawless except annoying cracle/pop from music playback on a bluetooth speaker. talking on a bluetooth headset is fine. HTC suggested some things but nothing worked. My sons bone stock EVO LTE works fine on the same devices. Rom is so awesome I can live with this issue if there is no fix. I can use a cord. Thnak you for any replies.
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Just an update on my b/t situation. it is 100% crystal clear....Used kernal tuner turn up the minimum frequency from the minimum 384 to around 500 or more. Just set a profile for when i plan on using b/t that will use the higher frequencies. Not sure why this fixes it, but love it now.
Bluetooth transmit from vehicle = snap, crackle, pop
HTC One (m7) loaded with ViperOne 5.8.0 Pro. Via bluetooth, I can place calls but the caller can't hear me, though I can hear them. Music plays nicely, but not being able to transmit is a problem. Any solutions? I'm new to this whole deal, so I've given all I know to provide.
yamaf15e said:
HTC One (m7) loaded with ViperOne 5.8.0 Pro. Via bluetooth, I can place calls but the caller can't hear me, though I can hear them. Music plays nicely, but not being able to transmit is a problem. Any solutions? I'm new to this whole deal, so I've given all I know to provide.
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This is the EVO LTE forums, so you might want to visit the M7 forums. Also, make sure the microphone in your bluetooth device is working properly. Are you using the bluetooth through a car, or an actual headset/earpiece?
aarsyl said:
This is the EVO LTE forums, so you might want to visit the M7 forums. Also, make sure the microphone in your bluetooth device is working properly. Are you using the bluetooth through a car, or an actual headset/earpiece?
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Thanks for the forum tip. I am quite shaky on the use of the correct forum. Anyway the problem was solved by flashing a different kernel. 3.4.10-EliteLunar when combined with ViperOne 5.8.0 on my HTC ONE works fine now. Both myself an another person were NOT able to talk though the vehicle system, hands free. Now we can. Passing along that information even though it is not EVO LTE specific...maybe it might help someone.

