Whats the most STABLE rom with wifi tethering WORKING? - HTC Rezound

Long story short, lost my Nexus, switched to this for $200 bucks last night
Rooted, s-off, unlocked and on GB RUU. Every ROM I've tried, the wifi tethering doesn't work. I've tried all the old tricks.
Can anyone suggest a ROM that has it??
Thanks guys!

YoungSkeezy said:
Long story short, lost my Nexus, switched to this for $200 bucks last night
Rooted, s-off, unlocked and on GB RUU. Every ROM I've tried, the wifi tethering doesn't work. I've tried all the old tricks.
Can anyone suggest a ROM that has it??
Thanks guys!
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Every single rom I've tried wifi tether works for me you just have to make sure you check the right things:
Device: galaxy Nexus lte
Check routing fix
And I check reload wifi driver for good measure.

im on newts rls 3.2.1 sense 4.0 and tether works and very stable also on ics ruu

I would recommend a Sense 3.6 ROM vs the Sense 4.0 ROMS. I am on CleanROM 4.4 and it works flawlessly. Wifi Tether works great as well. Just follow the directions on the CleanRom thread.

Po1soNNN said:
Every single rom I've tried wifi tether works for me you just have to make sure you check the right things:
Device: galaxy Nexus lte
Check routing fix
And I check reload wifi driver for good measure.
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When you say check the routing fix. and reload wifi driver, you mean on the phone itself right?
I know the devices that I want to use with it work fine. The Gnex wifi tether worked like a dream.

follow instructions in first post for GB.

nrfitchett4 said:
follow instructions in first post for GB.
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YoungSkeezy said:
When you say check the routing fix. and reload wifi driver, you mean on the phone itself right?
I know the devices that I want to use with it work fine. The Gnex wifi tether worked like a dream.
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Yeah on the phone itself. If you want you can grab delete the app from /system/app and flash the zip provided in the link.

wifi tether works on ICS better, the only downside is battery life is a little worse on ICS

YoungSkeezy said:
When you say check the routing fix. and reload wifi driver, you mean on the phone itself right?
I know the devices that I want to use with it work fine. The Gnex wifi tether worked like a dream.
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In the settings on the Wi-Fi tether app.
Sent from my ADR6425LVW using Tapatalk 2

Love you guys, thanks a ton. Working well

If the ROM doesn't have it already, can't hurt to upgrade to the latest release.


Flyer not picking up hot spot

I have a Droid 1 and it is rooted. When I run Barnacle tether my Flyer does not show that there are any wifi signals in the area. I do not have trouble connecting to my house wifi but I would really like it if I can get my Flyer to tether to my phone.
I know barnacle is working properly because I am using it right now with my netbook.
After doing some more searching it seems like this a problem with all tablets, and the only fix is to root the tablet. So I guess I will be patiently waiting for root.
I can connect to my evo using the wifi tether app. I would suspect that its the barnacle app and not the flyer.
I can connect to my Desire Z WiFi hotspot running CM7.
I think Barnacle creates an Ad-Hoc network and that may be why the Flyer doesn't connect. It works fine with my Inspire 4G which doesn't use that method.
ricwhic414 said:
After doing some more searching it seems like this a problem with all tablets, and the only fix is to root the tablet. So I guess I will be patiently waiting for root.
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I am in the same boat, droid 1 patiently waiting for a way to tether to the htc flyer
I connect my HTC Flyer to my phone with no problem.
Yeah the issue is that the wifi hotspot you created is adhoc. If you use the froyo built-in tethering, that should work.
I think the problem is the Droid 1 and how it creates a hotspot. Because I have used both barnacle and also wifi tether with the same results. My netbook can see it but not my tablet.
I am not sure why this is because I am also running CM7, but I guess it must be the way the Droid 1 is. And until the flyer gets rooted there is nothing I can do about it.
kkinder said:
Yeah the issue is that the wifi hotspot you created is adhoc. If you use the froyo built-in tethering, that should work.
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As in the one you have to pay for through verizon? I don't like tethering that much. lol. Id rather just wait then.
Cm7 has built in WiFi tethering. You don't need an app to do it. I suggest trying that under the WiFi settings. You don't have to pay for it.
ricwhic414 said:
As in the one you have to pay for through verizon? I don't like tethering that much. lol. Id rather just wait then.
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I don't know. Tmobile doesn't charge. But I doubt you'd have to pay if it's a third party ROM like cyanogenmod.
kkinder said:
I don't know. Tmobile doesn't charge. But I doubt you'd have to pay if it's a third party ROM like cyanogenmod.
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O ok I know what you are talking about. I will try that I just need to find a cable.
kkinder said:
Yeah the issue is that the wifi hotspot you created is adhoc. If you use the froyo built-in tethering, that should work.
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Barnacle won't work with my Droid X but WiFi Tether works great.
It works on my
I have a htc evo with mikfroyo and my hotspot works good with my htc flyer i dont have any problems
I have a rooted d1 running Project Elite 4.2 flawlessly. I can connect anything including an iPod Touch to my droid via Wireless Tether app with the exception of my Flyer tab.
Why is the tablet different then everything else? It does not even see the d1.
Any suggestions other than changing ROMS? PE 4.2 has been the best on my phone.
TemplesOfSyrinx said:
I have a rooted d1 running Project Elite 4.2 flawlessly. I can connect anything including an iPod Touch to my droid via Wireless Tether app with the exception of my Flyer tab.
Why is the tablet different then everything else? It does not even see the d1.
Any suggestions other than changing ROMS? PE 4.2 has been the best on my phone.
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Thats exactly why I started this thread. I agree PE 4.2 is amazing you should try some of the new GB roms they have really come a long way.
If we get the flyer rooted there are some apps and some .zip files out there that can fix this for us. We just need root access.
As someone already suggested, it sounds like the Flyer's wireless client doesn't recognize ad-hoc networking. Only infrastructure networking like hotspots, office and home WiFi.
Maybe there's and apps with better control of the wireless stack.
ricwhic414 said:
Thats exactly why I started this thread. I agree PE 4.2 is amazing you should try some of the new GB roms they have really come a long way.
If we get the flyer rooted there are some apps and some .zip files out there that can fix this for us. We just need root access.
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I have tried several of the gingerbread Roms with poor results. PE, liquid and cm7 all run great at first but become very buggy after a day or so. My d1 likes PE 4.2 the best.
Are there other tether apps that don't use ad-hoc?

New to Rooting for HTC thunderbolt

I am new at this. I got my thunderbolt a month ago and it already has the new firmware. So, was wondering from tomorrow onwards, can this phone be rooted to get free wifi/hotspot (plus the new firmware) or I have to pay $20 per month
as I will be on a road trip for like 15 days and need this to work properly.
any suggestions from gurus here would be great.
If you have the where with all to root it, the Synergy rom has the unlocked hotspot. Do not know about other roms because I am new to the Tbolt. I am coming from an Evo.
Yes all roms have the hotspot feature and you can get them after root. I use the hotspot feature on CM7 and its working great.
Oh so you guys are using the integrated hotspot feature and not the downloadable app from the market?
Since I can't post in the dev forum yet: I still have a TB with the day1 rom/radio/everything, and I refused all the updates so far. Are the instructions in the root thread still applicable to me?
DaedalusZR1 said:
Since I can't post in the dev forum yet: I still have a TB with the day1 rom/radio/everything, and I refused all the updates so far. Are the instructions in the root thread still applicable to me?
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Nice avatar
you'll need root to get free wireless tethering. If your ROM doesn't have it built in, there's always barnacle...
After seeing the above replies, does anyone know if the Das Bamf 3.0 RC4 has a built in mobile hotspot like mentioned in the synergy rom? Or do we have to use Wireless tether for root users/barnacle?
rester555 said:
After seeing the above replies, does anyone know if the Das Bamf 3.0 RC4 has a built in mobile hotspot like mentioned in the synergy rom? Or do we have to use Wireless tether for root users/barnacle?
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Wireless tether
sent from my BAMF'n thunderbolt.
Wireless tether works great on my rooted T-Bolt. I had stock rom Froyo until last night, now I have Gingerbread 2.3.4 and wifi tether is working great still. You can even download it from the market as long as you do it via wifi and turn off your radio.
Which version are you using and what settings are you using? Did you set it to a specific device profile?
I tried 2.07 and it connects, but dies after about 2 or 3 minutes.
I tried the 3.1beta and cannot get that to connect at all.
Any assistance you could provide is greatly appreciated.
try Inj3ctTh3ory rom wireless tether is cooked in the rom

[Q] Looking for a ROM that meets my wish list

Here's my wish list, in order of priority:
working wired tether
My Verizon
NFL mobile
The wired tether seems to be the sticking point. I think the leaks started disabling it after a certain date, at which point it was disabled in a lot of roms. It works in Das bamf 1.0.4, but later versions broke it but fixed My Verizon and NFL.
I've tried several others and haven't found one that works yet. Anyone have a ROM that covers these bases? Would CM7 work, minus the sense?
I think Sky Raider will fit all of that except for maybe My Verizon. There is an update coming soon but I don't know if My Verizon was something given much attention.
BAMF SoaB (Sense 3.5) works for all of that except I have no idea on the nfl mobile. I don't follow team sports.
KillaSense is my Rom. It's GB with the latest base 2.11.605.5, stock Sense 2.1, working wifi tether (go to wifi tether app, hit menu, settings, check routing fix and your good to go), working my Verizon, and I had NFL mobile working (hint: try signing in to my Verizon app first). Check it out.
Sent from my HTC ThunderBolt powered by KillaSense 3.0
Wired tether didn't work on SoaB or KillaSense. Keep in mind that I am talking about WIRED tether (aka Internet Connection Mode), not WiFi. The PC I'm tethering to doesn't have a wireless card.
SoaB didn't even have it in the menu options. If you can find it, let me know - it is a great looking ROM. KillaSense had the option, but when you check the box, the wheel just spins forever and doesn't do anything.
Wired Tether worked on SkyRaider, but My Verizon didn't. Wired tether is more important to me, so I'm going to stick with that until I find a different ROM that fits all of my needs. Thanks guys!
Pretty simple move files needed to make my Verizon work to skyraider. The file names escape me at the time, its like signonengine, ssopermissions, and my Verizon something to that effect.
If I helped you in any way please use the thank you button
brad r said:
Wired tether didn't work on SoaB or KillaSense. Keep in mind that I am talking about WIRED tether (aka Internet Connection Mode), not WiFi. The PC I'm tethering to doesn't have a wireless card.
SoaB didn't even have it in the menu options. If you can find it, let me know - it is a great looking ROM. KillaSense had the option, but when you check the box, the wheel just spins forever and doesn't do anything.
Wired Tether worked on SkyRaider, but My Verizon didn't. Wired tether is more important to me, so I'm going to stick with that until I find a different ROM that fits all of my needs. Thanks guys!
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all you need is the vzwssoengine and the ssopermission,copy to system/app change permissions,set network to cdma only(no prl),start myverizon ap,login, set network back and it works,that fix is what,4 months old
Sent from my ADR6400L using xda premium
satseaker said:
all you need is the vzwssoengine and the ssopermission,copy to system/app change permissions,set network to cdma only(no prl),start myverizon ap,login, set network back and it works,that fix is what,4 months old
Sent from my ADR6400L using xda premium
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Yeah I found that somewhere else. I didn't need to do the first part, just the part about logging in under no PRL.
I was on a super old froyo rom until recently because I was too lazy and almost everything worked that I needed. So I wasn't up on any of the new fixes. Thanks.
is all good,if it aint broke dont fix it and out ain't obsolete if it still does what you want it to do!
Sent from my ADR6400L using xda premium
I use Synergy rom (latest nightly) and I can do all you asked for - though I have yet to try nfl. I use my verizon on a regular basis though so it should work. Also if wired tether is an all the time thing think about PDA net, I use to use that when i would wire-tether alot.
Why not use the rooted stock 605.5 gingerbread? Does all of the above and still root for any apps you want it for. I just downloaded My Verizon from market and it works. I'm using it b/c it seems to be giving me the best battery life i've ever had. I'm confused as to why as stock roms normally kill my battery, but i guess results will vary.

[APP] Android Wifi Tethering 3.1 pre106 Working!!!

For all of you who wanted tethering to be easy and clean on the Amaze I present to you the Android Wifi Tethering app in working order:
This is still somewhat beta but I have tested it and confirmed it works. Couple of key things to note though. You MUST choose Amaze in Device Profile and you must select "Routing Fix".
For more info on the development of this version check out the bug report that got it started:
My heart felt thanks go out to the team and Android Wifi Tether for throwing us a bone here and getting this up and running!!!
For rooted users only it seems
F033x said:
For rooted users only it seems
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Yes of course! Im sorry I just assumed that everyone knew that. But yes you must be rooted which is quite a simple process!
2sh0rt said:
Yes of course! Im sorry I just assumed that everyone knew that. But yes you must be rooted which is quite a simple process!
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Very simple, if I can do it, anyone can. And I did.
Didn't work for me, just sent me to T-Mobiles page for ordering wi-fi tethering.
E-MAC said:
Didn't work for me, just sent me to T-Mobiles page for ordering wi-fi tethering.
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What is your setup? Are you stock or running a custom rom?
It seems to fc in sense 3.5. Let me see if other versions work.
Edit: 3.1 beta7 works
Thanks!!! It's working for me. I'm rooted and using the stock Rom.
how to put it on?
I have tried 4 different roms on my amaze. Quiksense 3, beastmod, bulletproof, and something else. I wasn’t successful with any to get the wifi, tethering or Bluetooth to work. How do I use your download and make it work on any one of these roms. Kinda new to all this so if u can describe in simple English whether I need to go from the recovery mode from sd or rom manager, it’d be appreciated. Thanks
civiliancone41 said:
I have tried 4 different roms on my amaze. Quiksense 3, beastmod, bulletproof, and something else. I wasn’t successful with any to get the wifi, tethering or Bluetooth to work. How do I use your download and make it work on any one of these roms. Kinda new to all this so if u can describe in simple English whether I need to go from the recovery mode from sd or rom manager, it’d be appreciated. Thanks
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You have to manually flash a kernel with custom ROMs
Sent from my HTC Amaze 4G using xda premium
Im confused? If we are talking bout wireless thering for another wifi device to connect to your phone. I use my amaze all the time and I haven't rooted mine yet because im waiting for Ice Cream Sandwich .
no go for me. Just rooted, using stock ROM.
tried both the newest beta (v3_1_beta11) and pre106. I see the hotspot from my PC and the log on the phone looks good, but the attempted connection times out.
read this, http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?p=21476900
no need to ROOT. Just delete all the tethering APNs.

[Q] Need to unlock ATT tethering with custom rom on Atrix 4g

I have a rooted, and radio unlocked Atrix 4g. I didn't install the rom (bough it used), but it says that it is the zch45inxdroid55. I went to the Cairbbean for a week and was using a 3G/4G plan with tethering (go figure that they could get a 2GB tethering plan with calls and text for under $50US, with 2GB more for just over $10 more) and the phone REFUSED to do mobile hotspot or usb tethering. I tried the "ro.mot.entitlement_check=false" trick. the build.prop did NOT have this entitlement line in there originally, so i added it. The APN already has tether in it. I restarted and tried again, with no luck. Can someone PLEASE PLEASE help me.
It should be noted that i can use my lapdock already with no problems, just not the mobile hotspot
Thank you!
Have you tried the barnacle app? It reportedly works on most ROMs, regardless of any ROM quirks.
GenesisFactor said:
It should be noted that i can use my
Thank you!
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LOL, good to know that you can use your thank yous.
Try Cyanogenmod nightly, cm7 based roms are they only ones giving me a reliable tether.
Sent from my MB860 using Tapatalk 2
WiFi Tether works best!
ravilov said:
Have you tried the barnacle app? It reportedly works on most ROMs, regardless of any ROM quirks.
LOL, good to know that you can use your thank yous.
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lol, mama raised me to be polite...and also to be quick on the trigger. Was a little too quick there, but i edited that lol. Will try barnacle in a sec
So there is no way to get this disabled and use the "standard" way of bluetooth or usb tethering. honestly would like a BT option.

