[Q] Face Unlock on Phone Bricker - AT&T Samsung Galaxy S II SGH-I777

The dreaded face unlock bug. I have been experiencing this for several days now, on and off with no particular rhyme or reason. I'll explain the bug. I press the power key to enable the phone, after 2 or 3 seconds the camera comes on, this is where is gets sticky. Sometimes it does not recognize me (like if I have my glasses on, or a hat) and gives me the keyboard to enter the pin. Other times it just dies, picture still on the screen, no combination of buttons unfreezes the phone, I have to yank the battery and start all over again.
I am rooted running Phone Bricker 2.1, stock kernel, and everything else, although I was going to try a different modem, apparently in my area a different modem works better.
I've seen numerous posts on the international version of our phone but nothing for the I-777, do I have a phone problem, or is this just an expected errata from running 'leaked' software?
Also are there any fixes anyone is aware of? I love the face unlock feature and I guess I could disable it.
One clue that might shed some light on the subject, as soon as I unlock my phone, if I use the pull down menu and mess with Wifi at all, the phone all but dies. It does recover but it takes awhile.
Thanks for any insight or a link I missed.
And happy Easter!

Phone-Bricker is not based on the leak, its from i9100 LP3 (o2 carrier) base.
Not sure what the face unlock bug is but I tried it before without any problems.
Try using Entropy's latest kernel named Zombie Ass!

I am running Phone Bricker and also use the Face Unlock feature, with no problems whatsoever. But then, I've only had my phone since Friday.
Sent from my SGH-I777 using xda premium

LiLChris06 said:
Phone-Bricker is not based on the leak, its from i9100 LP3 (o2 carrier) base.
Not sure what the face unlock bug is but I tried it before without any problems.
Try using Entropy's latest kernel named Zombie Ass!
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I was able to find the Kernel, thanks again.
Thank you my friend.

Were you over/under clocking?
I don't think the ICS kernels support that. I would get the same problem with the slide unlock screen, and all I did was change the governor, using the stock frequencies.
Sent from my Galaxy S II (i777)

Well I had SetCPU installled, but the Kernel does not support overclocking so I saw no need for the application and removed it.
I started from scratch, I did a factory wipe/ cleared Dalvik cache and reinstalled the ROM, both versions 2.0.1 and 2.1, also the mail fix. I installed the modem that shows the best performance where I live now, and also installed Entropy's new Kernel (again at least from a cursory look it maxxes out at 1.2 GHz)
I'll know more after today, I'll post here tonight after work and we'll see how things are going now.

Well face unlock seemed to work perfectly, i'll chock it up to some strange code bug.
Odd thing my mic out would not work all day, however connected to headphones here at home it's working fine. I guess it could be the radio at work or a co-worker who is sick of my music who borked it so I can't use my phone as an MP3 player.
Overall I gotta say I am extremely happy.
Thanks all for your help!

Great thread title.

Thread title added.

I noticed I omitted it and tried to add it after the fact....
No such luck, sorry.

Hi LiLChris06 - Is the face unlock an app? If so do you think it would work on your gingerbread 2.3.6 rom?

superdog404 said:
Hi LiLChris06 - Is the face unlock an app? If so do you think it would work on your gingerbread 2.3.6 rom?
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Doubt it would work, its meant for ICS.


VirusRom ?

I have had VirusRom installed for about a week now. Overall I love it.
Here is my problem though. When I am making a call the screen will lock. I have to push the power button to bring back up the screen in order to hang up the call.
Shouldn't the proximity sensor know when I pull it away from my face so I can hang up the call? It did before I went to this rom, was still using stock rom at that point.
Anyone know of a way to fix this problem? I have tried to post this question on the VirusRom forum, Since I think it is a bug with the rom, but am not allowed. It says you need 10 posts to be able to do that, Still I get that too even though I am over ten posts. Oh well on that though.
This could be a deal breaker for me and VirusRom. As it is quite frustrating to me. If anyone has any thoughts on how to get around this I would be thankful.
It's due to the kernel Virus installed in teh rom. It's one of Ziggy's first kernels and it has a bug that prevents the screen from turning on after/during a call as you describe.
Fix: Install a new kernel.
There are several on here to use, or you can search PPCGeeks / Ziggy to find his new kernels, which he has now fixed the proximity sensor issue.
Thanks for the answer. I downloaded kernal manager from the market. Any specific recommendations for a kernel? Adrynalyne's seem to be the most stable, but maybe I should stick with a stock kernal.
You can't go wrong with one of Adry's kernels. You should start with one those.
Sent from my BAMF'd T-Bolt
I had the same problem. I installed the new radio which was supposed to fix it and it did. But Im having trouble with the data connection, so I flashed back to the stock radio.
Ziggy's new kernal upgrade has fixed this issue. Id suggest downloading that. It works great and super crisp and fast over the version that came with the ROM and the proximity issue is fixed, been testing it for myself and all is good.
Check the VirusRom thread for info.
Ok, So I flashed one of Adrynalyne's kernals and now I don't have 3g or 4g. Just 1x. So do I flash another kernal, maybe the stock one, and the problem is solved? That will put it back the way it was right?
nope that did not work, I flashed Adrynalyne's stock rom and still just 1x. What have I done? What do I need to do to put it back? SInce I keep rom backups everytime I flash a ROM, I am going to flash back to the previous version that did have 3g and 4g working. I hope that works. The kernal is part of the ROM, correct?
Now this is getting frustrating. Flashed back to the previous working virus rom the one I had before the kernel update, and it still is only 1x. Wouldn't the kernel be part of the rom? Why did this not work? What can I do now?
Ok, since the rom is not the problem3g/4g problem, I reflashed the kernal to ziggy's updated kernal. And that did not solve the proximity sensor problem. I still have to unlock the screen to hangup the phone. Kind of strange I think, since that was supposed to be one of the fixes in the kernal.
Any thoughts on this?
Use Adrynalyne's kernel
I use the 4.3 and it runs perfectly fine and the prox sensor works, his are in Kernel Manager also so it will be an easy fix.
oscar615 said:
Ok, since the rom is not the problem3g/4g problem, I reflashed the kernal to ziggy's updated kernal. And that did not solve the proximity sensor problem. I still have to unlock the screen to hangup the phone. Kind of strange I think, since that was supposed to be one of the fixes in the kernal.
Any thoughts on this?
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verizon 3g might still be down?

GPS won't work

Hey guys, I'm what you would call somewhat of a novice user. My GPS when using the actual satellites doesn't work anymore. It can only use the cell tower triangulation method which is useless for the turn by turn navigation app. It worked fine until I followed this guide to flash custom roms, unlock the bootloader etc. http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=113626
After I did that, the battery life was very poor so I installed edgan's kernel from the same page. The phone, rom, battery etc worked great except the GPS. Any ideas how I can fix this? I'm on Bell Canada if that makes a difference. Any more info let me know! Thanks.
edgan's kernel ? its old ...
Try testing the GPS with softwares like: https://market.android.com/details?id=com.chartcross.gpstest and https://market.android.com/details?id=com.eclipsim.gpsstatus2
I recommend you unlock your bootloader, install recovery with ROM Manager, install good rom such as CM7 or Aura or DarkSide or HomaBase, install the latest radio and good kernel if you want.
http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1136261 (unlocking bootloader)
https://market.android.com/details?id=com.koushikdutta.rommanager (recovery)
http://forum.xda-developers.com/forumdisplay.php?f=997 (ROMS section)
http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1163009 (Bell gingerbread radio)
http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1156040 (updated kernel)
Ok I have Rom manager and my bootloader is already unlocked. I'm gonna try installing that kernel you gave me there, see if that fixes the GPS issue. I don't understand what a radio does, should I install that one too? I'm honestly fine with this rom I and how it looks but I just really want the GPS fixed cause I use it a lot.
Sent from my MB860 using xda premium
Ok the new kernel didn't help so maybe I'll try the radio. I'm not gonna bother unless someone thinks this will help because I've read elsewhere that it's a risky procedure.
Sent from my MB860 using xda premium
Actually seems to be working now just took awhile to lock on. Thanks for the kernel!
Sent from my MB860 using xda premium
I suppose this is somewhat of an update. Kernel seems good, good battery life. The GPS works now but takes an eternity to lock on. Can someone suggest a fix? Would a new rom, radio etc fix that? I hate to be such a bother but I use the GPS daily for jogging and turn by turn navigation. I'm inexperienced and don't want to cause further problems so I'll wait this time before I do anything. Thanks again.
Sent from my MB860 using xda premium
Try this guide for fixing GPS problems : https://code.google.com/p/atrix-dev-team/wiki/FAQ
Other than that, i think you should full wipe everything (data,cache,dalvik-from recovery), install a new rom, install new radio, install the faux123 kernel.
I did all this yesterday and my gps now works great and locks in a few seconds .
There seems to be some kind of inconsistent GPS issue with the Atrix. On my Atrix (US-ATT) sometimes, but not always the GPS will not get a "fix". This seems to only happen occasionly however. It seems to work better if the first use of the day is when the phone has cell tower service.
Perhaps there is a related GPS issue. The Atrix only registers an "accuracy" value of zero.
This has been noted in the following link:http://community.developer.motorola...o-Location-Accuracy-on-Gingerbread/td-p/17116
Ok well I've tried a new kernel, used GPS status to calibrate compass and installed a new radio and nothing has worked. I'm assuming I need a new rom then. Can anyone suggest a good rom? I saw the CyanogenMod 7 thread but it says the fingerprint scanner won't work. I use that all the time so I would prefer not to sacrifice it if there are other good roms out there. I'm hoping for some suggestions and then I'll get on that to see if it fixes my GPS issue. Thanks guys.
Search here: http://forum.xda-developers.com/forumdisplay.php?f=997
Look at their features, read the comments and pick the one the look good to you.
If I am having trouble with my GPS I will...
turn the phone off
take out the battery
then put it back in.
Most of the time the GPS will then work.
i've never had the gps not work completely on the atrix. i've noticed that with certain roms and radios will take longer to get a signal and less reliable once locked. not sure if this will fix your gps problem but try flashing homebase its one of the best roms out there and gps works great for me, i get a signal lock in my house. it also doesnt loose any features like CM7 with webtop and fingerprint. it will install the latest kernal(faux), rom(2.3.4), and radio(1.77.30). its very easy to flash just use CWM or rom manager. theres a few versions of homebase, try the blue chronic and update using blue chronic 6.2. remember to clear cache before you flash and run the finalizer after the update.
Thank you for the recommendation. I didn't see this before I installed the alien rom and I must say I love the look. The GPS works great now too. Everything is in working order and worked fine for about 3 days and then today my battery wouldn't charge past 65%. I'm in the process of killing it to 0 and then charging it back up too see if that will fix it. Anyone else heard of this?
Sent from my MB860 using xda premium
rush381 said:
Thank you for the recommendation. I didn't see this before I installed the alien rom and I must say I love the look. The GPS works great now too. Everything is in working order and worked fine for about 3 days and then today my battery wouldn't charge past 65%. I'm in the process of killing it to 0 and then charging it back up too see if that will fix it. Anyone else heard of this?
Sent from my MB860 using xda premium
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The battery thing happened to me yesterday on stock GB. I think Diviance mentioned that he's seen this a few times on Aura, as well as some other ROMs. I just kept using it as normal, and I think after my 3rd charge it went back to 100. (I had just re-calibrated my battery so I was too lazy to do it again.)
You can try discharging as you mentioned, but other than that I haven't seen a sure fire fix for this. It seems to pop up over and over, across different ROMs.
Oh as long as it fixes itself eventually, no worries. Thanks alot for the info!
Sent from my MB860 using xda premium

ICS 4.0.3 leaked 1/12/2012 (my review)

So I installed it last night and it works great for the most part. The main issues I'm experiencing are the back and search hardware buttons do not work (home is back) nor do they light up, no incoming or out going sound on voice calls, and short battery life. After work I typically have about 70% battery left, today the phone died as I left. And I didn't check to see if the GPS, BT, and Cameras work. i heard video recording doesn't work on the international SGS2 with 4.0.3
anyone else tried it yet?
Here is a link to the Galaxys2root.com video where I found the link to the file.
What rom?
What ROM did you install? I looked at the ones listed under the AT&T GS2, and the only one close to ICS was the ICScreweD rom, which is not ICS.
Well, here's hoping that we get some ICS love soon...
cogcaviz24 said:
So I installed it last night and it works great for the most part. The main issues I'm experiencing are the back and search hardware buttons do not work (home is back) nor do they light up, no incoming or out going sound on voice calls, and short battery life. After work I typically have about 70% battery left, today the phone died as I left. And I didn't check to see if the GPS, BT, and Cameras work. i heard video recording doesn't work on the international SGS2 with 4.0.3
anyone else tried it yet?
Here is a link to the Galaxys2root.com video where I found the link to the file.
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You installed an international rom on your ATT phone. Hopefully you're able to flash it back to normal and a boot loader didn't come with it. Good luck.
Red5 is probably 3 seconds away from locking this lol
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I777 using XDA App
A link to the rom is in the description of the video.
this is for the i9100 int'l SGS2 btw, NOT FOR AT&T I777
Matt112211 said:
What ROM did you install? I looked at the ones listed under the AT&T GS2, and the only one close to ICS was the ICScreweD rom, which is not ICS.
Well, here's hoping that we get some ICS love soon...
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He installed one of the leaked samsung roms. It is for the international version and so it will have the softkey and call problems like he described.
It is obviously not something you would use as a daily driver, but it is fun to see what is on the way sometimes.
Thanks for not saying what ROM it was or thats its an international version so that other people that dont/cant read will flash and then we have 65146510484 threads started because their phone dosent work.
So to answer the OP question: No, because this rom isnt made for our phone... which is why about 40% your phone didnt work.
Thread closed.

[Q] PIN keeps locking on any CM10 flavour I tested

I'm close to throwing myself behind a driving bus...
No matter what CM10 I try, the phone randomly locks its SIM card again and again.
Sometimes it just takes minutes, sometimes 2 hours.
No rebooting or so, it just "loses" its PIN.
Reenter and all fine...'til next time that is...
I was coming from rooted 4.0.3 stock, but now, whatever CM10 I install, same behaviour.
Be it CM10 AOSP, AOKP, vSync exp., doesn't matter.
The last one I remember to have been stable was nightly CM AOSP 21092012.
So I tried to do search, XDA...Google...answers sounded to me as if it could have been this ominous RIL thingy.
So I got myself getRIL which installed me an other RIL to my original BUKP baseband.
No help.
I read of people recommending LQ6 modem.
Installed it, added LPQ RIL.
Same ****.
Changed RIL to LQB.
But still...
Now, is there anything I have overseen?
Or is this a known issue I was not aware of?
I mean, yes, it's not an officially released FW and I wouldn't bother to deal with one bug or two, but if I can't rely on at least being available and reachable by phone, this unfortunately is a no go for me.
If at least it would wave the white flag so you knew when it happened...
So, any other help possible, folks, or do I have to revert to stock ICS?
Damn, I really love CM10, especially the latest vSync of today is running like...yeah...butter, I guess...
Lindexslp said:
I'm close to throwing myself behind a driving bus...
No matter what CM10 I try, the phone randomly locks its SIM card again and again.
Sometimes it just takes minutes, sometimes 2 hours.
No rebooting or so, it just "loses" its PIN.
Reenter and all fine...'til next time that is...
I was coming from rooted 4.0.3 stock, but now, whatever CM10 I install, same behaviour.
Be it CM10 AOSP, AOKP, vSync exp., doesn't matter.
The last one I remember to have been stable was nightly CM AOSP 21092012.
So I tried to do search, XDA...Google...answers sounded to me as if it could have been this ominous RIL thingy.
So I got myself getRIL which installed me an other RIL to my original BUKP baseband.
No help.
I read of people recommending LQ6 modem.
Installed it, added LPQ RIL.
Same ****.
Changed RIL to LQB.
But still...
Now, is there anything I have overseen?
Or is this a known issue I was not aware of?
I mean, yes, it's not an officially released FW and I wouldn't bother to deal with one bug or two, but if I can't rely on at least being available and reachable by phone, this unfortunately is a no go for me.
If at least it would wave the white flag so you knew when it happened...
So, any other help possible, folks, or do I have to revert to stock ICS?
Damn, I really love CM10, especially the latest vSync of today is running like...yeah...butter, I guess...
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Flash another kernel!
Jokesy said:
Flash another kernel!
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Ok...true, this would explain why my 21092012 nightly didn't have that problem - I had used the Siyah kernel with it back then.
This would mean to reintroduce the mem leak for now as far as I understand which is at least better because you know when the necessary reboot happens.
I'll give it a try, especially as the mem leak should be fixed in one of the next builds, I guess.
Thanx again for your help!

Sim Locked Again

I was doing a backup of a ROM and when I rebooted I got a sim locked menu, was shocked and had to flash stock GB and unlock again, anybody have experience with this and what triggered this behavior, would love to know as it seems completely random?
If the phone was not originally unlocked properly or unlocked on ics or jellybean with the unlock app, I've heard others say the same thing. If it was unlocked with the app and it was running gingerbread previously when unlocked as well then I dunno that's weird.
asasione said:
I was doing a backup of a ROM and when I rebooted I got a sim locked menu, was shocked and had to flash stock GB and unlock again, anybody have experience with this and what triggered this behavior, would love to know as it seems completely random?
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This happens to me WHILE I'm using my phone (SlimRom). I'm doing something, next thing you know it'll freeze for a few seconds, then SIM locked
Qwerty-ing it.
naturallyfrozen said:
This happens to me WHILE I'm using my phone (SlimRom). I'm doing something, next thing you know it'll freeze for a few seconds, then SIM locked
Qwerty-ing it.
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If I understand correctly, this is what happens when RIL crashes. Lots of comments about it on i9100 threads, and someone just reported something that entropy thought might be this in the cm10 thread. Up till now apparently it was thought that i777 was immune from this...
Sent from my SGH-I777 using Tapatalk 2
dandrumheller said:
If I understand correctly, this is what happens when RIL crashes. Lots of comments about it on i9100 threads, and someone just reported something that entropy thought might be this in the cm10 thread. Up till now apparently it was thought that i777 was immune from this...
Sent from my SGH-I777 using Tapatalk 2
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I restored my nandroid of Alliance V4 ROM XWLPT and used it for a day and updated apps and some settings and decided to make a newer backup and after was done, reboot and Sim Network Lock menu, was irritated cause I forgot how I did it the first time, thanks to Phalanx7621 commenting in another thread I searched that Galaxy S Unlock app only works on GB and viola, I'm on AOKP 4.1.2 now cause it seems if you re-upload your photos (via Gmail>Contacts on PC) they're in 720x720 resolution now, only works on JB though so that's enough for me to switch, this feature didn't work a month ago so was pleasantly surprised. I think its probably cause I used Lucky Patcher
The same thing happened to me.
I called at&t and got the unlock code because I was going to Chile for a few months. When i entered it I was running stock gingerbread, and uprooted. Rebooted my phone last week and the same thing happened to me. I am glad I had the unlock code saved on Ever note

