Sim Locked Again - AT&T Samsung Galaxy S II SGH-I777

I was doing a backup of a ROM and when I rebooted I got a sim locked menu, was shocked and had to flash stock GB and unlock again, anybody have experience with this and what triggered this behavior, would love to know as it seems completely random?

If the phone was not originally unlocked properly or unlocked on ics or jellybean with the unlock app, I've heard others say the same thing. If it was unlocked with the app and it was running gingerbread previously when unlocked as well then I dunno that's weird.

asasione said:
I was doing a backup of a ROM and when I rebooted I got a sim locked menu, was shocked and had to flash stock GB and unlock again, anybody have experience with this and what triggered this behavior, would love to know as it seems completely random?
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This happens to me WHILE I'm using my phone (SlimRom). I'm doing something, next thing you know it'll freeze for a few seconds, then SIM locked
Qwerty-ing it.

naturallyfrozen said:
This happens to me WHILE I'm using my phone (SlimRom). I'm doing something, next thing you know it'll freeze for a few seconds, then SIM locked
Qwerty-ing it.
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If I understand correctly, this is what happens when RIL crashes. Lots of comments about it on i9100 threads, and someone just reported something that entropy thought might be this in the cm10 thread. Up till now apparently it was thought that i777 was immune from this...
Sent from my SGH-I777 using Tapatalk 2

dandrumheller said:
If I understand correctly, this is what happens when RIL crashes. Lots of comments about it on i9100 threads, and someone just reported something that entropy thought might be this in the cm10 thread. Up till now apparently it was thought that i777 was immune from this...
Sent from my SGH-I777 using Tapatalk 2
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I restored my nandroid of Alliance V4 ROM XWLPT and used it for a day and updated apps and some settings and decided to make a newer backup and after was done, reboot and Sim Network Lock menu, was irritated cause I forgot how I did it the first time, thanks to Phalanx7621 commenting in another thread I searched that Galaxy S Unlock app only works on GB and viola, I'm on AOKP 4.1.2 now cause it seems if you re-upload your photos (via Gmail>Contacts on PC) they're in 720x720 resolution now, only works on JB though so that's enough for me to switch, this feature didn't work a month ago so was pleasantly surprised. I think its probably cause I used Lucky Patcher

The same thing happened to me.
I called at&t and got the unlock code because I was going to Chile for a few months. When i entered it I was running stock gingerbread, and uprooted. Rebooted my phone last week and the same thing happened to me. I am glad I had the unlock code saved on Ever note


[Q] freezes! help pleaseee

Hi everyone, I've been having serious problems and if anyone can help me I'd love you forever. I got a rezound a week ago and loved it. I decided to root and rom it and afterwards my screenwould randomly freeze. I tried every GB rom and no matter which rom I was on it would freeze
I thought maybe my phone was defective so I returned my phone and got a once I installed.inef on my new phone it started freezing again. No apps loaded just stock inef. Could it be my sim card? Any help would be greatly appreciated.
mforminio7 said:
Hi everyone, I've been having serious problems and if anyone can help me I'd love you forever. I got a rezound a week ago and loved it. I decided to root and rom it and afterwards my screenwould randomly freeze. I tried every GB rom and no matter which rom I was on it would freeze
I thought maybe my phone was defective so I returned my phone and got a once I installed.inef on my new phone it started freezing again. No apps loaded just stock inef. Could it be my sim card? Any help would be greatly appreciated.
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Is it an actual freeze or is Sense crashing? I saw that a lot when I still had a ROM with Sense. If you're hitting home but not going anywhere then that's probably the case. No real cure for it other than to try unlocking and tossing another ROM on. You could also have something wrong with your SD. Pull that out for a while and see if the freezing/crashing still occurs.
You said no apps loaded so I assume you didn't restore any data from another phone either?
I've been running Ineffabilis for a month now without that issue so it shouldn't be the ROM. What happens after the freeze? Do you have to reboot or does it go away? (I don't know why I'm asking that cuz I don't know how to fix it no matter what your answer! But I like pondering and the more info the better for when someone more knowledgeable comes by.)
You could also try flashing a different kernel and see if that helps. I just put on AnthraX and it's running nice and smooth.
MrSmith (that feels so formal after all these months, I might have to call you Smitty now ), or anyone else... would there be an error log generated somewhere that could be looked at?
mforminio7 said:
Hi everyone, I've been having serious problems and if anyone can help me I'd love you forever. I got a rezound a week ago and loved it. I decided to root and rom it and afterwards my screenwould randomly freeze. I tried every GB rom and no matter which rom I was on it would freeze
I thought maybe my phone was defective so I returned my phone and got a once I installed.inef on my new phone it started freezing again. No apps loaded just stock inef. Could it be my sim card? Any help would be greatly appreciated.
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I think the problem is in the kernel and not the rom. I had issues with gingerbread rom/kernel combinations. What are you using to control your CPU? Just making sure you aren't using more than one app, but since you didn't mention that you may not be adjusting clock speed at all.
I would recommend flashing an ICS leak and Sebastians modified kernel and seeing how that does. It's not as stable as an OTA but I don't see problems with random reboots and freezes on ICS even when overclocked to 1.7.
Hi guys thanks for the replys. Its not the kernel or rom because I've tried every gb kernel and every gb rom and my problem still persists. And I've swapped out dif as well so I'm really scratching my head lol. Could it be the sim card? I think it needs to be hardware related but my last resound had the same issue but the sim is the same. And when it freezes I mean the screen just stops updating. You can press the buttons but the screen will stay frozen until a battery pull. Thanks!
maybe go get a new phone if u say u have tried all those things?
mforminio7 said:
Hi guys thanks for the replys. Its not the kernel or rom because I've tried every gb kernel and every gb rom and my problem still persists. And I've swapped out dif as well so I'm really scratching my head lol. Could it be the sim card? I think it needs to be hardware related but my last resound had the same issue but the sim is the same. And when it freezes I mean the screen just stops updating. You can press the buttons but the screen will stay frozen until a battery pull. Thanks!
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Yeah, see about getting a new SIM from Verizon then and see if that works since that's the only constant.
Just got a brand new rezound yesterday.. returned my last rezound for the same issue but they used my old sim. Idk what could be causing it
Make them give you a new SIM.
feralicious said:
Make them give you a new SIM.
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Yea Ill pick one up tonight and update the thread. Hopefully that's the problem. Thanks for the suggestions fera
Didn't solve my problem.. I'm really out of ideas at this point and its so frustrating BC the phone is sick
I would try running the RUU and bring it back to stock and see what happens.
Yes I would also recommend relocking and installing the latest RUU and see what it does. If it persists you will be stock unrooted and should be able to have them replace it under warranty.
Sent from my ADR6425LVW using Tapatalk
I actually think the cause of my lockups were due to some buil.prop edits. Does anyone have the debug.sf.hw=1 gpu tweak in their rom? And if so are you experiencing any lockups? I ahve used the RUU and everything was fine but all these roms look to yummy to stay away from lol

[Q] Face Unlock on Phone Bricker

The dreaded face unlock bug. I have been experiencing this for several days now, on and off with no particular rhyme or reason. I'll explain the bug. I press the power key to enable the phone, after 2 or 3 seconds the camera comes on, this is where is gets sticky. Sometimes it does not recognize me (like if I have my glasses on, or a hat) and gives me the keyboard to enter the pin. Other times it just dies, picture still on the screen, no combination of buttons unfreezes the phone, I have to yank the battery and start all over again.
I am rooted running Phone Bricker 2.1, stock kernel, and everything else, although I was going to try a different modem, apparently in my area a different modem works better.
I've seen numerous posts on the international version of our phone but nothing for the I-777, do I have a phone problem, or is this just an expected errata from running 'leaked' software?
Also are there any fixes anyone is aware of? I love the face unlock feature and I guess I could disable it.
One clue that might shed some light on the subject, as soon as I unlock my phone, if I use the pull down menu and mess with Wifi at all, the phone all but dies. It does recover but it takes awhile.
Thanks for any insight or a link I missed.
And happy Easter!
Phone-Bricker is not based on the leak, its from i9100 LP3 (o2 carrier) base.
Not sure what the face unlock bug is but I tried it before without any problems.
Try using Entropy's latest kernel named Zombie Ass!
I am running Phone Bricker and also use the Face Unlock feature, with no problems whatsoever. But then, I've only had my phone since Friday.
Sent from my SGH-I777 using xda premium
LiLChris06 said:
Phone-Bricker is not based on the leak, its from i9100 LP3 (o2 carrier) base.
Not sure what the face unlock bug is but I tried it before without any problems.
Try using Entropy's latest kernel named Zombie Ass!
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I was able to find the Kernel, thanks again.
Thank you my friend.
Were you over/under clocking?
I don't think the ICS kernels support that. I would get the same problem with the slide unlock screen, and all I did was change the governor, using the stock frequencies.
Sent from my Galaxy S II (i777)
Well I had SetCPU installled, but the Kernel does not support overclocking so I saw no need for the application and removed it.
I started from scratch, I did a factory wipe/ cleared Dalvik cache and reinstalled the ROM, both versions 2.0.1 and 2.1, also the mail fix. I installed the modem that shows the best performance where I live now, and also installed Entropy's new Kernel (again at least from a cursory look it maxxes out at 1.2 GHz)
I'll know more after today, I'll post here tonight after work and we'll see how things are going now.
Well face unlock seemed to work perfectly, i'll chock it up to some strange code bug.
Odd thing my mic out would not work all day, however connected to headphones here at home it's working fine. I guess it could be the radio at work or a co-worker who is sick of my music who borked it so I can't use my phone as an MP3 player.
Overall I gotta say I am extremely happy.
Thanks all for your help!
Great thread title.
Thread title added.
I noticed I omitted it and tried to add it after the fact....
No such luck, sorry.
Hi LiLChris06 - Is the face unlock an app? If so do you think it would work on your gingerbread 2.3.6 rom?
superdog404 said:
Hi LiLChris06 - Is the face unlock an app? If so do you think it would work on your gingerbread 2.3.6 rom?
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Doubt it would work, its meant for ICS.

[Q] My phone has started eating incoming texts across multiple ROMs, find the cause?

I was running SHOstock2 v5.4 for a while when I found out that I simply stopped receiving incoming texts. The weird part was that outgoing still worked fine, I just never saw new ones come in. Before realizing I could fix it via software, I had AT&T reactivate my phone, as well as replace the SIM card. In any case, I have been using SHOstock2 basically since it came out (RC3?) and this is the first time I've ever had a problem like this.
Thinking it might be a ROM glitch, I reflashed v5.4 over top, without a wipe. No dice.
Next was the kernel, I flashed Siyah v4.3.3 w/ MS. No dice.
I wiped and went back to AT&T's stock UCLE5 and got a bunch of texts. Hazah.
After that, I flashed back to v5.4, restored all my apps/data, and continued being able to text... but only for a day or so.
I wiped and went back to v5.2, which I'd used for a month or so before jumping to v5.4. I've been slowly restoring apps (sometimes with data, mostly without) as I need them.
Today, I went back to not being able to receive texts. The only thing I can think of that changed today was an update to ExTweaks, but I can't imagine that's related?
I guess the only thing I haven't messed with yet is the modem, which might make sense, but I don't know enough about those to start trying new ones. Moreover, I don't understand why it would work for a while and then bomb out. I see that SHOstock2 v6.0 is out now, so maybe I'll upgrade to that tonight and see if I have any better luck with that.
So, assuming it comes back, where do I look next? Is there any logging I should turn on, or logs I can check, or something? I can't tolerate having to reflash weekly, particularly knowing that it worked for a *long* time before.
xasbo said:
I was running SHOstock2 v5.4 for a while when I found out that I simply stopped receiving incoming texts. The weird part was that outgoing still worked fine, I just never saw new ones come in. Before realizing I could fix it via software, I had AT&T reactivate my phone, as well as replace the SIM card. In any case, I have been using SHOstock2 basically since it came out (RC3?) and this is the first time I've ever had a problem like this.
Thinking it might be a ROM glitch, I reflashed v5.4 over top, without a wipe. No dice.
Next was the kernel, I flashed Siyah v4.3.3 w/ MS. No dice.
I wiped and went back to AT&T's stock UCLE5 and got a bunch of texts. Hazah.
After that, I flashed back to v5.4, restored all my apps/data, and continued being able to text... but only for a day or so.
I wiped and went back to v5.2, which I'd used for a month or so before jumping to v5.4. I've been slowly restoring apps (sometimes with data, mostly without) as I need them.
Today, I went back to not being able to receive texts. The only thing I can think of that changed today was an update to ExTweaks, but I can't imagine that's related?
I guess the only thing I haven't messed with yet is the modem, which might make sense, but I don't know enough about those to start trying new ones. Moreover, I don't understand why it would work for a while and then bomb out. I see that SHOstock2 v6.0 is out now, so maybe I'll upgrade to that tonight and see if I have any better luck with that.
So, assuming it comes back, where do I look next? Is there any logging I should turn on, or logs I can check, or something? I can't tolerate having to reflash weekly, particularly knowing that it worked for a *long* time before.
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Look at the shostockthread its been covered a lot
Sent from my GS4 running CM11 Kandy Kane
122ninjas said:
Look at the shostockthread its been covered a lot
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I found a post talking about moving the SIM to another phone, that didn't fix the problem. A message came in on the other phone, but moving back stills exhibits the problem on the SGS2. Is there something else I missed?
xasbo said:
I found a post talking about moving the SIM to another phone, that didn't fix the problem. A message came in on the other phone, but moving back stills exhibits the problem on the SGS2. Is there something else I missed?
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Sho said that it was a problem with at t
Sent from my GS4 running CM11 Kandy Kane
What modem are u currently running? Just out of curiosity.
122ninjas said:
Sho said that it was a problem with at t
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There's gotta be some aspect about it that has to do with SHOstock2, though ... as soon as I go back to a stock ICS ROM, no issue. I did it again last night and then flashed to SHOstock2 v6.0. All good so far, no apps/data restored yet. v6.0 came with a lot more apps than v5.4, needs some de-bloat - might be from Google backup, though, since I had just come from a stock ROM.
Phalanx7621 said:
What modem are u currently running? Just out of curiosity.
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I was using whatever came with v5.4, and v5.2 (separately). SHOstock2 v6.0 comes with baseband I777UCLD4.
edit: v5.4 was using UCLD4 as well. v5.2 might have been UCLE5? Hard to tell from the changelog.
Try this page worked for me.
Sent from my SGH-I777 using Tapatalk 2
RareAir23 said:
Try this page worked for me.
Sent from my SGH-I777 using Tapatalk 2
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Earlier in another thread it was said APN's have no effect on text, just mms.
But for other reasons, I tried to use that and other similar apn's on my Sii running Shostock 6.0. It only allows you to select 3 different "apn type" which aren't in the suggested post.
RareAir23 said:
Try this page worked for me.
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Thanks for the suggestion, but as moopile pointed out messing with your APN will only change MMS behavior. However, if the problem crops up again I may give it a try anyway. I'm on SHOstock2 v6.0 now, but I haven't run tibu to get any of my apps back yet...
Yeah I know, but odd when I did it that it instantly pushed my texts through and haven't had an issue since. Coincidence or fix
Sent from my GS2 rockin the latest SHOstock2 rom
I'm running a different ROM based on GB. I've been having trouble receiving texts since 10/31. In my case, it's definitely an ATT problem. Today about 17:00 I spontaneously received about 60 texts that go back the last 3 days.
RareAir23 said:
Yeah I know, but odd when I did it that it instantly pushed my texts through and haven't had an issue since. Coincidence or fix
Sent from my GS2 rockin the latest SHOstock2 rom
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Interesting.... Doesn't make sense but anything is possible.
I had this issue on Mystik's Rom as well. Actually was on aberration the first time it happened, Mystik's the second. Both times flashing an i777 based Rom fixed the issue. I had it set up to dual boot semi and aberration. Aberration was my daily driver, but when I stopped getting texts I would just boot into semi and they would come through. After the third time I just went to semi as my daily driver and haven't had any issues since. Don't know if it has to do with semi being based on an official AT&T release vs an international release. All I know is it works.
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I777 using xda app-developers app
litesout said:
I had this issue on Mystik's Rom as well. Actually was on aberration the first time it happened, Mystik's the second. Both times flashing an i777 based Rom fixed the issue. I had it set up to dual boot semi and aberration. Aberration was my daily driver, but when I stopped getting texts I would just boot into semi and they would come through. After the third time I just went to semi as my daily driver and haven't had any issues since. Don't know if it has to do with semi being based on an official AT&T release vs an international release. All I know is it works.
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I777 using xda app-developers app
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It might have something to do with it but I don't know. It doesn't make sense to me. The funny thing is it happened to both my wife and I at the same time. It hasn't happened again since but we'll see. I'm hoping it happens on a weekend so I can just try a ton of stuff.
Edit: it also seems to only have happened since 4.0.4
Sent from my SGH-I777 using Tapatalk 2
Oddly enough Sho, it always happened to me on the weekend. 3 weekends in a row actually. That coincidence almost led me to believe it was an AT&T issue, but now I'm not so sure. Either way, I'm really curious to know what caused it.
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I777 using xda app-developers app
litesout said:
Oddly enough Sho, it always happened to me on the weekend. 3 weekends in a row actually. That coincidence almost led me to believe it was an AT&T issue, but now I'm not so sure. Either way, I'm really curious to know what caused it.
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I777 using xda app-developers app
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We'll see. It's going on 2 weeks now that it hasn't happened.
Sent from my SGH-I777 using Tapatalk 2
shoman94 said:
We'll see. It's going on 2 weeks now that it hasn't happened.
Sent from my SGH-I777 using Tapatalk 2
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Wish I could say the same the "bug " hit me again this weekend, notnsure the cause but I can't live with texting all of a sudden stop working. Flashed another rom and boom 5k text messages. Wish I could figure out what is going on but alas no luck. Unfortunately moved to another rom to see if it happens there. Will update.
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I777 using Tapatalk 2 sadly missing my SHOstock2 ROM :thumbdown:
RareAir23 said:
Wish I could say the same the "bug " hit me again this weekend, notnsure the cause but I can't live with texting all of a sudden stop working. Flashed another rom and boom 5k text messages. Wish I could figure out what is going on but alas no luck. Unfortunately moved to another rom to see if it happens there. Will update.
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I777 using Tapatalk 2 sadly missing my SHOstock2 ROM :thumbdown:
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Happened to me again on the morning of the 8th. Sim swap fixed as usual.
litesout said:
I had this issue on Mystik's Rom as well. Actually was on aberration the first time it happened, Mystik's the second. Both times flashing an i777 based Rom fixed the issue. I had it set up to dual boot semi and aberration. Aberration was my daily driver, but when I stopped getting texts I would just boot into semi and they would come through.
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This is a sweet idea. I'm going to set up a dual boot with the stock ICS ROM right now.
shoman94 said:
It might have something to do with it but I don't know. It doesn't make sense to me. The funny thing is it happened to both my wife and I at the same time. It hasn't happened again since but we'll see. I'm hoping it happens on a weekend so I can just try a ton of stuff.
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I agree, the 4.0.4 time frame seems about right. I'm back on this thread because it happened again to me tonight, been on v6.0 since my last post )(about a week). Here's to you repro'ing in the next 24h!
xasbo said:
This is a sweet idea. I'm going to set up a dual boot with the stock ICS ROM right now.
I agree, the 4.0.4 time frame seems about right. I'm back on this thread because it happened again to me tonight, been on v6.0 since my last post )(about a week). Here's to you repro'ing in the next 24h!
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Happened to me today as well! I'm not getting several texts and some texts are coming with garbled giberish. It's definitely an ATT issue.

GSM/CDMA... Not even sure what to put on the subject line.

So I just wanted to share something really weird and ask if anyone has ever seen anything like it before.
I recently flashed the last AOKP update, and my phone was running phenomenally. I went out last night and my battery died because I forgot to charge it... No biggie. Got home, turned it on, no signal. Odd, since I have pretty decent service in the area. After doing the usual troubleshooting of cycling airplane mode, I tried pulling the battery and sim. That also didn't work. I went into settings to check my APNs, and instead of the usual menu, I saw only 4 options. The option to select APNs wasn't even there. The last one said "Set CDMA..." something. I forget the rest. Wish I had remembered to take a screenshot. In "About Phone", my baseband was blank. Tried reflashing back to LC5 radio. Still nothing. Did a full wipe and reflash of the ROM, and that got me back in business. Right now, all is well. I was just unaware that a phone could magically switch over to CDMA, even if there is no CDMA radio in an i777.
Any thoughts on the cause?
ROM: Task's AOKP 4.14
Kernel: Stock
Radio: UCLL6 when issue started. Now on UCPLC5
Not an issue that's related to the rom, as far as I know. Unless others have reported this issue and I've missed it. If you do a full wipe and re flash as you've done and don't install any programs for a good 24 to 48 hours, and nothing of the sort happens again, odds are it has something to do with an app you installed. Unless your service provider maybe was experiencing problems at the time.
Phalanx7621 said:
Not an issue that's related to the rom, as far as I know. Unless others have reported this issue and I've missed it. If you do a full wipe and re flash as you've done and don't install any programs for a good 24 to 48 hours, and nothing of the sort happens again, odds are it has something to do with an app you installed. Unless your service provider maybe was experiencing problems at the time.
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No, definitely an anomaly. Not something that anyone else has reported. I called AT&T to verify if there were any issues in the area or with my account, and everything checked out. I haven't downloaded a new application in months. I restored from TiBu right after reflashing and everything is still good. Like I said, not trying to report it or anything; just looking for thoughts.
You meant APN and baseband NEVER come to live? If that's the case, then I haven't heard or read any report about it.
If it's up and running like normal AFTER 5 minutes, then it's has been reported many many times last week.
votinh said:
You meant APN and baseband NEVER come to live? If that's the case, then I haven't heard or read any report about it.
If it's up and running like normal AFTER 5 minutes, then it's has been reported many many times last week.
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No... More like APN and baseband were completely fine for almost a week, and then it suddenly stopped working while I was asleep.
nycmalu said:
No... More like APN and baseband were completely fine for almost a week, and then it suddenly stopped working while I was asleep.
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Well, that's new to me.
Reflash with clean installtion?
I know none of us want to factory reset but some cases, we have to.
This is odd but in no way, shape, or form can a i777 transform its hardware to support CDMA
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus
Pirateghost said:
This is odd but in no way, shape, or form can a i777 transform its hardware to support CDMA
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus
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Yes I do agree. ....this is so strange that im putting my phone under 24/7 surveillance. No way I wanna see my phone transformed to CDMA
Sent from SGH-S959G
Pirateghost said:
This is odd but in no way, shape, or form can a i777 transform its hardware to support CDMA
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus
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This is what I thought. I have a feeling that since AOKP is based of CM, there is code built in to support both CDMA and GSM. Somehow, the software glitched, and made the switch.
nycmalu said:
This is what I thought. I have a feeling that since AOKP is based of CM, there is code built in to support both CDMA and GSM. Somehow, the software glitched, and made the switch.
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I did confirm your theory. ...playing around to prduce same problem and yes ...very true. ....will play with logcat on next time to save and shoot to CM Team:screwy:
Sent from SGH-S959G
samprocat said:
I did confirm your theory. ...playing around to prduce same problem and yes ...very true. ....will play with logcat on next time to save and shoot to CM Team:screwy:
Sent from SGH-S959G
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I don't know how you did it, but I'm glad you were able to reproduce the issue. At least I know I'm not crazy.
nycmalu said:
I don't know how you did it, but I'm glad you were able to reproduce the issue. At least I know I'm not crazy.
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Yes this prop is built in rom just can't find the way to trigger this with log cat on......just need some more playing till this occurre again
Sent from SGH-S959G

Cannot make or receive calls

Here is my situation. I cannot make any calls. It sits on dialing then eventually just "hangs up". If someone calls me it goes straight to voice mail like it would do if it was turned off. I often get no network errors also. Data and sms work like normal.
Here is what I have done.
Called Verizon. Got a new sim. No change.
Reflashed back to stock 4.1.1 in Odin. No change.
flashed mj9 radio in Odin. No change.
Rooted and unlocked usually casual. No change.
Flashed alliance 26. No change.
I have cleared data in the phone app in settings.
Mobile network shows as cdma/lte. Access Point is vzwinternet. I have pulled the sim and let it sit for a few minutes. I have pulled the sim and powered on, then powered off and put the sim back in. That is what I have found from searching Google and it doesn't work.
I'm going to call Verizon again. I want them to reset everything associated with my number.
In the meantine, does anyone have any suggestions?
Sent from my SCH-I605 using Tapatalk
Unlocked bootloader and VRUEMJ9
I am in nearly the same position. I currently have a Service State of "Out of Service" and Mobile network state of "Disconnected". Occasionally it will show connected and I will receive emails. I cannot make or receive calls, I cannot send or receive texts. My phone shows connected to Verizon and LTE, imei showing correctly, as is the serial number. Currently on baseband i605 VRUEMJ9 and recovery is TWRP I have flashed many roms to the phone, but this problem occurred when flashing slimrom 4.4.2. I backed up with Nandroid prior to flashing and when the problem surfaced I tried to restore in TWRP, but it won't correct the problem. I was on CM 10.1.3 prior to trying to move to 4.4.2 and that is what my backup is of(CM10.1.3). Currently I have gone down to Slim rom 4.3 build 2.1 as it seems to be the most stable and results in the most things working. My first question to the community is, I thought i605 VRUEMJ9 baseband had a LOCKED bootloader? How is it that I have custom recovery, have installed at least 3 different roms, etc? I bought the phone 2nd hand and this is the way it came to me. The level of complexity on Note 2 is far and away worse than S3. If anyone has any ideas on what is corrupted(EFS or what) and what my best course of action should be to preserve my unlocked bootloader and root and ability to flash custom roms. Is it possible since my bootloader "appears" to be unlocked that I could flash a different radio(baseband) replacing the problematic VRUEMJ9? Every tutorial on repairing situations like these seem to point you in the direction of going back to 100% stock which isn't something I'm willing to try at this point given I currently have an unlocked bootloader.
I have changed out the sim, spoken to Verizon who have reset everything on the account. I think it's time to replace the phone and sell this one to someone who wants to take it to a MVNO.
michigan66 said:
Here is my situation. I cannot make any calls. It sits on dialing then eventually just "hangs up". If someone calls me it goes straight to voice mail like it would do if it was turned off. I often get no network errors also. Data and sms work like normal.
Here is what I have done.
Called Verizon. Got a new sim. No change.
Reflashed back to stock 4.1.1 in Odin. No change.
flashed mj9 radio in Odin. No change.
Rooted and unlocked usually casual. No change.
Flashed alliance 26. No change.
I have cleared data in the phone app in settings.
Mobile network shows as cdma/lte. Access Point is vzwinternet. I have pulled the sim and let it sit for a few minutes. I have pulled the sim and powered on, then powered off and put the sim back in. That is what I have found from searching Google and it doesn't work.
I'm going to call Verizon again. I want them to reset everything associated with my number.
In the meantine, does anyone have any suggestions?
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For ****s and giggles this weird method fixed texting for several of us that was broke even a Odin the trying everything under the sun. Let me know if some whack chance it works.
SuperSU 1.93:
1.) Wipe everything raw
2.) Flash 4.4.2 TW Wip Build 1 and flash SuperSU 1.93
3.) Boot up and try to send a few texts. They will fail everytime as texting is broke in this build (but this is how the magic happens)
4.) Reboot, maybe try and send a few more texts again (again they will fail)
5.) Reboot into recovery and wipe everything raw
6.) Flash latest CM11 or any other AOSP rom
7.) Reboot and Profit!
Credits to lacoursiere18 for this early kitkat build.
natgasguy said:
I am in nearly the same position. I currently have a Service State of "Out of Service" and Mobile network state of "Disconnected". Occasionally it will show connected and I will receive emails. I cannot make or receive calls, I cannot send or receive texts. My phone shows connected to Verizon and LTE, imei showing correctly, as is the serial number. Currently on baseband i605 VRUEMJ9 and recovery is TWRP I have flashed many roms to the phone, but this problem occurred when flashing slimrom 4.4.2. I backed up with Nandroid prior to flashing and when the problem surfaced I tried to restore in TWRP, but it won't correct the problem. I was on CM 10.1.3 prior to trying to move to 4.4.2 and that is what my backup is of(CM10.1.3). Currently I have gone down to Slim rom 4.3 build 2.1 as it seems to be the most stable and results in the most things working. My first question to the community is, I thought i605 VRUEMJ9 baseband had a LOCKED bootloader? How is it that I have custom recovery, have installed at least 3 different roms, etc? I bought the phone 2nd hand and this is the way it came to me. The level of complexity on Note 2 is far and away worse than S3. If anyone has any ideas on what is corrupted(EFS or what) and what my best course of action should be to preserve my unlocked bootloader and root and ability to flash custom roms. Is it possible since my bootloader "appears" to be unlocked that I could flash a different radio(baseband) replacing the problematic VRUEMJ9? Every tutorial on repairing situations like these seem to point you in the direction of going back to 100% stock which isn't something I'm willing to try at this point given I currently have an unlocked bootloader.
I have changed out the sim, spoken to Verizon who have reset everything on the account. I think it's time to replace the phone and sell this one to someone who wants to take it to a MVNO.
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If your flashing roms your fully unlocked.
Sent from my SCH-I605 using Tapatalk
DreamFX said:
For ****s and giggles this weird method fixed texting for several of us that was broke even a Odin the trying everything under the sun. Let me know if some whack chance it works.
SuperSU 1.93:
1.) Wipe everything raw
2.) Flash 4.4.2 TW Wip Build 1 and flash SuperSU 1.93
3.) Boot up and try to send a few texts. They will fail everytime as texting is broke in this build (but this is how the magic happens)
4.) Reboot, maybe try and send a few more texts again (again they will fail)
5.) Reboot into recovery and wipe everything raw
6.) Flash latest CM11 or any other AOSP rom
7.) Reboot and Profit!
Credits to lacoursiere18 for this early kitkat build.
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Are you using TWRP or philz?
Sent from my SCH-I605 using Tapatalk
Fully unlocked...
michigan66 said:
If your flashing roms your fully unlocked.
Sent from my SCH-I605 using Tapatalk
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Ok, if I'm fully unlocked can I replace the radio/baseband? Which one should I switch to? I am not digging having i605 VRUEMJ9 on the phone and I think it would be safer to have one of the better basebands....
natgasguy said:
Ok, if I'm fully unlocked can I replace the radio/baseband? Which one should I switch to? I am not digging having i605 VRUEMJ9 on the phone and I think it would be safer to have one of the better basebands....
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There are flash able zips in the touch wiz 4.4.2 threads.
Sent from my SCH-I605 using Tapatalk
michigan66 said:
Are you using TWRP or philz?
Sent from my SCH-I605 using Tapatalk
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DreamFX said:
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Didn't work. Mobile network not available error. I really don't understand why it make calls. If data and sms didn't work it would make more sense.
michigan66 said:
Didn't work. Mobile network not available error. I really don't understand why it make calls. If data and sms didn't work it would make more sense.
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so weird
---------- Post added at 06:42 PM ---------- Previous post was at 06:41 PM ----------
DreamFX said:
so weird
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Did you try a different phone to see if it works?
DreamFX said:
so weird
---------- Post added at 06:42 PM ---------- Previous post was at 06:41 PM ----------
Did you try a different phone to see if it works?
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No. Verizon said it's a network error. They are sending out a technician to check things in the area. I don't have a lot of faith in that one though. If I put the sim in my wife's phone......I can just swap them back and everything will be normal again right? I don't need to call verizon or anything to do it?
Sent from my SCH-I605 using Tapatalk
michigan66 said:
No. Verizon said it's a network error. They are sending out a technician to check things in the area. I don't have a lot of faith in that one though. If I put the sim in my wife's phone......I can just swap them back and everything will be normal again right? I don't need to call verizon or anything to do it?
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You have to call or setup online it's a pain in the ass. It never worked for me by just swapping.
DreamFX said:
You have to call or setup online it's a pain in the ass. It never worked for me by just swapping.
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I thought I would give you an update since you are heavy aosp user. I was thinking about how this happened. I installed slim ROM and suddenly I couldn't make calls.
So today I thought I would try an aosp ROM just to give it a shot. I installed slim and magically I could make calls. I have no idea why it worked.
I wonder if slim uses some sort of different coding? I am gonna backup and try a TW ROM to see it that works now too.
Sent from my SCH-I605 using Tapatalk
michigan66 said:
I thought I would give you an update since you are heavy aosp user. I was thinking about how this happened. I installed slim ROM and suddenly I couldn't make calls.
So today I thought I would try an aosp ROM just to give it a shot. I installed slim and magically I could make calls. I have no idea why it worked.
I wonder if slim uses some sort of different coding? I am gonna backup and try a TW ROM to see it that works now too.
Sent from my SCH-I605 using Tapatalk
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So so weird. But can't say I'm surprised. I could text for months on just tw roms and never on aosp. You can make calls on aosp but not tw. Just laughing to myself. It's not funny but I I'm laughing because I know the frustration your going through. Let me know if tw now works and good luck buddy.
DreamFX said:
So so weird. But can't say I'm surprised. I could text for months on just tw roms and never on aosp. You can make calls on aosp but not tw. Just laughing to myself. It's not funny but I I'm laughing because I know the frustration your going through. Let me know if tw now works and good luck buddy.
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Works perfect. It's really bizarre. Either flashing slim reset something or Verizon fixed the network problem. Just glad it's fixed. Thanks for all the help!!
Sent from my SCH-I605 using Tapatalk
Which rom exactly
michigan66 said:
I thought I would give you an update since you are heavy aosp user. I was thinking about how this happened. I installed slim ROM and suddenly I couldn't make calls.
So today I thought I would try an aosp ROM just to give it a shot. I installed slim and magically I could make calls. I have no idea why it worked.
I wonder if slim uses some sort of different coding? I am gonna backup and try a TW ROM to see it that works now too.
Sent from my SCH-I605 using Tapatalk
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Which aosp ROM did you try to get it to work? I'm still having the same problem.
natgasguy said:
Which aosp ROM did you try to get it to work? I'm still having the same problem.
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Slim is what I flashed. Verizon did say there was a network problem. . Not sure which one it was that fixed it.
Sent from my SCH-I605 using Tapatalk
I'm having a same issue here.
I got a locked MJ9, and it has terrible signal with all three major carriers (AT&T, VERIZON, TMOBILE).
I upgraded to ND7, and have the same problem.
When the phone goes to sleep, it looks like the antennae goes to sleep as well.
So the phone doesn't even receive the phone calls.
Only when I initiate a phone call once, it starts receiving the call.
Has anyone have success with any particular rom? As you can see, my only options are stock roms since I have locked bootloader.

