Just curious as to what speeds other people are getting on 3's network in London. Phone used to have a very nice 3-5mbps down on average until this month. Now I'm getting 0.4 - 0.6mpbs down on average. Tried the NEKF2 modem that was optimised for 3's network on gingerbread. Then I tried the NELP2 modem bundled with their ICS rom.
ran a quick speedtest for you.i get ping 239ms 3452 download and 2853 upload, sat here in st johnswood using ki4 modem and cm9 nighty....
Hey, just wondering what the best modem for rogers is? I went through the Canadian users thread and there were 4-5 that people recommended, but they were semi-old posts. I have the international GS2 and i'm getting really bad reception with the latest hyperdroid.
I have the same situation as you and i live in vancouver...... For the fastest download speeds try the latest modem which is lp6... even though this is a ics modem it works with any firmware rom... Right now it is KH3 which gets me fairly good signal and great battery life
Click the thanks button if my post helped you
Bump -- Anyone else have any advice? I'll try out the modems above.
Update after further testing you must flash Ki3 it give me 3 to 4 bars at all times voice calling is great and data speeds are excellent
So what Kernel/Modem/ROM combo are you using and what kind of connection speeds are you getting?
I am trying to find out if we can get T-Mobile users faster HSPA speeds on our Notes similar to the Skyrocket users, at least the ones who are getting slow speeds. Please share.
Telus radio with saurom rc4 here. Speeds on mine have been as high as 11Mbps in Maryland.
I just unlocked a Note last night so I'm experimenting. I am curious to see what the consensus is here.
latest saurom rom rcvi with the kernel that came with it. Dags kernel i think
I am also using the telus radio. But my speeds dont even reach 1mbps.. and im in a good coverage area too.
timgt do you have any more info that i can replicate like you so i can hopefully get my speeds up?
Saurom with telus modem and saurom kernel fix
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I717 on T-Mobile using Tapatalk 2 Beta-4
Sorry. I didn't do anything special besides flash the telus radio and changed the build.prop file. My speeds aren't perfect but here is a screenshot of some tests I ran at different times over the last 2 days or so.
I tried flashing holonote kernel but it freezes at Samsung boot screen. I had to use the holonote saurom fix to get it to work again. Afterwards, my download speeds seems to have finally gone pass 1Mbps.
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I717 on T-Mobile using Tapatalk 2 Beta-4
I'm using The Unofficial with the new Blaze modem. I like it so far except the battery life is iffy. Not sure if it's related to either of them?
using saurom, and latest blaze modem
however, here's what im running in to
the latest blaze modem that was released yesterday has increased my speeds by alot
yesterday when i was on telus sgh t989 modem, i was getting about 386kbps at my house and only 2 bars of service. on top of that, at the time it seemed as though my 4g was having a bunch of micro disconnects. also my upload was around 2kbps
today i come home and try the latest blaze modem, and my download went up to 3.8kbps (decent improvement i would say), but my upload is around 10mbps... when looking at the other thread for the blaze release, there was word on some sort of update, so im hoping that will yield me better results
Just wondering if any of you have achieved reasonable data speeds on HSPA with ICS. On a stock rom i have under 100 ping and get anywhere from 3-8 mb/s down but with the att ics got 1-2 mb/s with 2-300+ ping. I also tested out a few other modems the only one that was decent was an ics telus modem I found in a tmo thread on here. I got similar results to stock for about a minute then I would lose connection. Any thoughts or advice would be great
Flash any ics rom and then reflash stock gb radio. In baseband it will say unknown but should still function with ics leak.
icenight89 said:
Flash any ics rom and then reflash stock gb radio. In baseband it will say unknown but should still function with ics leak.
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previously tried that but lost connection and thought it didn't work, i'm going to try again now
edit: wasn't working at first flicked airplane mode on and off now it's working
ICS rom
What ICS rom are you guys running?
I got the Note yesterday and want to flash but am unsure what rom to use.
I tired that method like a hundred times. It doesnt work with any gingerbread modem.
Bell Vancouver here
40 Mbps down / 25 Mbps up - LTE - Stock GB/Noteworthy ICS
12-14 Mbps down / 3-4 Mbps up - HSPA - Stock GB/Noteworthy ICS
All other ICS roms I've tried are in and around the same at HSPA. I've only encountered speed issues with DAGr8's Alpha II at LTE speeds, which is a know issue.
I got the same speeds but had problems with the radio turning off and very high ping
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I717 using Tapatalk 2
hey, I own a i9100T (I recently discovered about the T at the end) and I'm trying out a few modems to find out which one gives me the best reception and battery times.
my question is does the 3G/H/H+ icon on the top mean anything about the quality of the connectivity or reception?
I remember seeing some 3G icon when I was on GB, which I haven't seen on ICS rom/modems (in my home, haven't tried outside).
with some modems I tried, I've seen H, others H/H+["USDPA 7.2mbps"], and with GB modems, I've seen more 3G ["UMTS 384kbps"]. does this mean I get better connectivity with 3G and I should stick with this one, or is it just semantics?
or perhaps the 3g is the worse of the two, as the 'noted' speeds would imply? (i'm leaning towards this answer...)
Thank You!!
found out that while most of the modems give me the same speed (may have something to do with network speed limits), I have different connections using other modems.
the most stable H+ connection is with the Thai TDCLP3
H connection is with most of ICS modems, including 4.0.4 ones
3G (UMTS) connection is stable with GB modems.
as I understand it now, H+ > H > 3G, right? (as to icons. HSPA > HSDPA > UMTS)
tech details:
I'm on an XWLPD rom as a base (w/ CF 5.5).
I might be on a 2MbPS limit contract, not sure about it.
now, when I've tested the various modems, most of them (except the original XXLPW and KP8 modems) gave me approx. the same results of about: 1950 dl, 940 ul, ping 50-100.
(LPW and KP8 gave me weird ul of about 50KbPS)
all in the same location, about the same time, and tested at least 2/3 times using the same app [speed test].
the modems I tried:
XXLPW (low ul)
XXKP8 (low ul)
TLLJP8 (branded Pelephone, IL - stock 4.0.3 modem on my network)
TDOLP4 (4.0.3)
TJJKI2 (one in which I've seen the 3G icon, but GB modem, 2.3.5)
TJJKF3 (same as TJJKI2, but a bit lower numbers, GB modem, 2.3.3)
TDCLP3 (4.0.3)
found most of them to be pretty much equivalent as to dl/ul speed. haven't tested other aspects seriously.
Mbps > kbps.
H+ > H > 3G
On a whim I ran a speedtest (Ookla Speedtest app) with my Note II. The results back were fairly discouraging - at best I get about 5.5 Mbps download, 5.5 Mbps upload. More often I get 2 or 3 Mbps download and 1 or 2 Mbps upload.
A friend on T-Mobile's LTE (different phone, admittedly - HTC One) gets 10-12 Mbps downloads.
I've run this test on the stock ROM, Jellybeans 21 and Cyanogenmod 10.2 (10/29 build) - the results are all about the same. I've checked that LTE is selected as the network and done clean installs of all three, no change.
Is this normal/average performance? I'm no expert, but I am surprised at what I seem to be low speeds for LTE. Thoughts or suggestions?
What baseband are you using?
Sent from my SCH-I605 using Tapatalk
drarkanex said:
What baseband are you using?
Sent from my SCH-I605 using Tapatalk
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I'm on VRAMC3
I've noticed that I get absolutely astounding speed results at 3 or 4 bars (up to 26 Mbps). When it is at 1 or 2 bars, it is abysmally low (1-2 Mbps at the low end, 6-7 Mbps at the high end).
I'm pleased at the results when I have full reception, but the dropoff seems pretty extreme. Call me a noob (newb?), but I would have thought 2 bars would be sufficient coverage for double digit speeds.