I9100 is Slow, and Keeps force closing, tried differnt roms and kernels, but no luck - Galaxy S II Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

Hi all,
I have a Samsung Galaxy S2 I9100, which is Rooted, and is Currently Running "Pure ICS v7.2" and kernel "Siyah v3"
just after i rooted my phone about 4 months ago, i stuffed my phone up a bit, and i had to reflash a new firmware to get it to work again, but ever since then, my phone has always been really sluggish and slow, and lots of apps keep force closing. i have tried heaps of different roms including: Pure ics v7.2, Checkrom v38, stock XXLPH, and a few others. but they are all the same. i have also tried the kernels: Stock Sammy kernel, Chainfire, And siyah v3 and v2, but nothing has worked, i tried restoreing a CWM back up of my original rom (the one that was on my phone when i got it) but it did not work properly, they were all the same - Slow and sluggish, and apps force close.
i was wondering if anyone knew what i could do to get my phone working again. because when i first rooted my phone, it never force closed and frooze or anything, it just worked perfectly, it only started not working properly after i flashed a status bar mod, and the phone got in to a boot loop, but i fixed that, but it still does not work properly
i have read what other people have said about the kernels and roms i have used, and they all said that it worked great, and that they got not force closes, but i keep getting them.
Thanks in advance to anyone who can help
Cheers Corey

remove ur ext card an boot,an even i face tht prblm look at my sign doun...but i managd to make tricks its long an now it works but one thing u shld hav noticed is stuff ur phone an nothing happens unless u reboot thts were the prblm starts

How about flashing your stock firmware and perform root again. Maybe you can get the phone working right
Sent from my GT-I9100 using xda premium

Did you remember wipe?
Sent from my sgs2 running cm9


Phone Bricked? Help Please

So my touchscreen didnt want to work anymore yesterday.
I restarted my phone several times and it didnt work.
I then went into xrecovery and clicked 'fix permissions'
Then more stuff didnt want to work anymore
I reinstalled the update.zip file, did a factory reset etc
And now my phone is stuck at the boot with 'Sony Ericsson'
I had minicm6 v6 on my phone (u20i)
I tried reinstalling a backed up zip, but still nothing.
What now?
If you made a backup you should try to restore that.
Sent from my Xploded Dinc2
Edit: Got my phone working, but now when I download something from the market, the phone restarts when it installs ?
Have you figured out the reason why it keeps restarting? If not I would try to reflash the rom.
Keep us updated.
Sent from my Xploded Dinc2
Ok I did another factory reset and cleared dalvik cache.
Everything is working good now
No problem that's is what this community is here for
Sent from my Xploded Dinc2
Soooo now that everything is working fine again, would anyone like to recommend me a new ROM to install? Some CM7 mod/rom maybe?
Which ones are the best?
(I know there is a list with all of the roms available for my phone, just thought I'd ask)
Im not sure which roms are available for your phone but cm7 is always a good choice.
Sent from my Xploded Dinc2 using xda premium
I ended up in installing CyanoCream Sandwich v2.0
Looking good so far
demozzracy said:
Soooo now that everything is working fine again, would anyone like to recommend me a new ROM to install? Some CM7 mod/rom maybe?
Which ones are the best?
(I know there is a list with all of the roms available for my phone, just thought I'd ask)
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Check this one Its the best one and quite fast then other ROMS
I had Stornmix V2 installed for a couple of weeks and it's fast and stable...I really like it.
The only problem I noticed is that when I'm using the video camera, the phone just freezes and I need to remove the battery to make it work again.
The problem with that one is the requirements:
Unlocked bootloader
Latest version of the nAa kernel
I dont know if I have those things on my phone.
And Im not too sure on how to put it on, if i have too
CyanoCream Sandwich is a bit slow to be honest. I think I will be looking for a new one to install
You will learn little by little by searching through the forums. Unlocking takes some time and some patience.
If you only follow the instructions step by step then you will get an unlocked bootloader and you can install any kernel. dont worry, you will get it soon.
my regards and good luck for that.

[Q] Problem: Every ICS -> Crash in HS - Plz help

Hey guys,
here is what is going on with my German Vodafone I9100
After using Sensation Rom for a few months, I finally decided to make the transition to Android 4.
The first rom I tried, was the Simplistic ICS by LegendK95
Installing from CWM worked like a charm, booting worked like a charm, but whatever I tried to do, the phone freezed in homescreen randomly after 5-30 seconds. Only a restart bring it back to work, only to make it freeze again after the mentionend time span.
Whatever I did (waiting in home screen, pulling down the statusbar, scrolling in app drawer) the phone always freezes.
After dozen of restarts, I installed the rom again, the problem stayed.
Then I decided to go to stock 4.0.3 (LP6). Installation via Odin worked like a charm. Booting worked like a charm, but the homescreen-freeze-problem got even worse.
I also tried to reinstall the stock LP6, but the phone now even froze in CWM mode, while data reset AND WHILE INSTALLING THE FW.
Now I got a soft brick in my hands.
So, I installed stock 2.3.3. via Odin. The phone now worked flawless again. No freezes, no no nothing. Just a working phone.
My final try was to install the latest CM9 build.
Guess what happend?
The legendary homescreen freeze. That nobody else appear to have. YAY
So, somehow my phone seems to be allergic to Android 4.
Can somebody please help me?
PS: Yes, I followed the instructions every firmware provided.
Honestly you want an honest answer. Stay clear of ICS leaks and yes that means even cm9. Reason being. Because of what they are. Leaks and nothing official. Not saying that they are not good but if you look at the original android development can you see any actual ICS roms? No. Why you asking? Because no kernel sources have been released and nothing is far from stable yet. Even cm9 builds codeworkx has on the thread title experimental. So my advice. Flash a Gingerbread custom rom slap on it the ICS by vertumus and your good to go till the official stuff get released.
Maybe before flashing ICS you should fully wipe your device to get rid of all previous ROM data from Gingerbread as they,I imagine,wont be very compatable.
Boot to recovery and go to "mounts and storage" and format System/Data/cache and then factory reset.Then flash the Rom via recovery(install zip).If its an Odin flash then reboot and flash via Odin.
Hi suarez,
thanx for your opinion. I read a lot of threads before updating and came to the conclusion that the current releases, even CM9 seem to be pretty stable.
Also I found no one having issues like that.
Hi cooza,
I did that.
Klammeraffe said:
Hi suarez,
thanx for your opinion. I read a lot of threads before updating and came to the conclusion that the current releases, even CM9 seem to be pretty stable.
Also I found no one having issues like that.
Hi cooza,
I did that.
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No problem my friend. But I still stand by what I said though. For me to make the jump is a no go yet. Yes they might be stable but so far I still read problems regarding video forever, this is not working that does not work and that most issues will be solved once kernel source is available. Hence why still the experimental on cm9.thread.
Sent from my GT-I9100 using xda premium
Suarez7 said:
No problem my friend. But I still stand by what I said though. For me to make the jump is a no go yet. Yes they might be stable but so far I still read problems regarding video forever, this is not working that does not work and that most issues will be solved once kernel source is available. Hence why still the experimental on cm9.thread.
Sent from my GT-I9100 using xda premium
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Yes, but if you're not that big into watching/recording videos on your SGS2, it's pretty freaking stable.
Installing the latest experimental build of CM9 is probably the best thing I've done to my SGS2 as of late. It's just so... Nice.
I cannot get rid of that problem.
I really need help on this.
Some new information:
I also tried to flash the leaked stock LP2. Same result.
This FW crashed on first start, when the Samsung Apps are installed.
Still some little success:
When flashing from stock BUGKJ2 straight to LegendK95's Simplistic ICS rom, I was able to get it to run, until I have to restart the phone.
But this was the only rom capable of doing so. Every other fw failed.
So, I now can have ICS on my phone but only until I restart the phone.
After reboot, the phone crashes again after some seconds.
Additionally the CWM Recovery doesnt work as long as I have a ICS rom on it.
It also occasionally crashes. Preferrably when I try to flash a new rom, leaving me a shiny brick
Here are the steps to get Simplistic ICS run until reboot:
1. Put the file on internal memory.
2. Go to recovery: wipe data/factoy reset, wipe cache, wipe dalvik, wipe battery, format system, format data, format cache
3. Flash from internal sd
4. Reboot
Klammeraffe said:
Some new information:
I also tried to flash the leaked stock LP2. Same result.
This FW crashed on first start, when the Samsung Apps are installed.
Still some little success:
When flashing from stock BUGKJ2 straight to LegendK95's Simplistic ICS rom, I was able to get it to run, until I have to restart the phone.
But this was the only rom capable of doing so. Every other fw failed.
So, I now can have ICS on my phone but only until I restart the phone.
After reboot, the phone crashes again after some seconds.
Additionally the CWM Recovery doesnt work as long as I have a ICS rom on it.
It also occasionally crashes. Preferrably when I try to flash a new rom, leaving me a shiny brick
Here are the steps to get Simplistic ICS run until reboot:
1. Put the file on internal memory.
2. Go to recovery: wipe data/factoy reset, wipe cache, wipe dalvik, wipe battery, format system, format data, format cache
3. Flash from internal sd
4. Reboot
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Maybe the problem is the stock firmware you first flash.I searched for it but cant find it,is it carrier branded?..BUG sounds like it to me.Maybe you should fully wipe your phone (format System/Cache/Data) and first flash something like XWKL1 and then the ICS ROM.If the ICS ROM you are going to flash has a multi CSC package in it then it wont matter what F/W you flash first.
hello cooza,
i had to go back to stock 2.3.3 because my phone was a brick after flashing any ics rom.
i tried to flash simplistic ics and cm9 via cwm, i dont know if those contain multi_csc.
however, the leaked stock roms, lp2 and lp6 both contain multi_csc that i flashed via odin.
here are all the steps i tried:
fail 1: flashing from sensation rom 3 (2.3.6) to simplistic ics
fail 2: flashing from 2.3.3 to cm9/simplistic ics
fail 3: flashing from bricked ics to stock lp6
fail 4: flashing from 2.3.3. to 2.3.5. (latest official release via kies) to cm9/simplistic ics/stock lp6
fail 5: flashing from 2.3.3 to leaked stock lp6 inluding the pit-file provided
nevertheless, flashing from 2.3.5 to simplistic ics worked until restarting the phone. however, cwm was not working correctly then. so, surely i could have tried to let the phone on for forever, but as soon as i would want to flash a new firmware, i would have got a brick left, because cwm would crash during installation of the new one.
there must be some help out there
thanx for trying cooza. much appreciated.
You might have a damaged bootloader.Although its not needed you could try a JTag.A JTag is used to bring a hard bricked phone back to life.You dont have a hard bricked phone but what it also does is repairs any damage that the bootloader may have.Costs about 25 to 30 euros.As a last resort you could give it a go if your phone is going to give you constant reboot problems and not let you flash firmwares.It should also repair any repartition faults because it completely wipes the bootloader before repairing it.The phone will come back like the first day you got it.check the link below out and use it to find one close to you if you choose to do one.I had an i9000 done last September here in Spain and it came back perfect from a hard brick soo I know it works.I used the link below.
Seems like the very last option to me
Would a broken bootloader allow me to run 2.3.X flawless?
Question does Samsung stock firmware work .
As it seems all your problems are from using a buggy unreleased test rom not from using Samsung released firmware .
I would if it was my problem .
Clean Slate for those that balls up the firmware .Or need to return to service or decide if its hardware/firmware problem .
Backup data first if phone is working .
Boot CWM recovery
Mounts and Storage
Format cache data system sd card wiping everything on the phone .
Remove battery
Boot to download mode
Open Odin
Install correct Samsung stock firmware for your phone model .
Test phone works .
hi JJ,
thanks for your post.
as i said, the phone is working fine on stock android 2.3.X as well as custom firmwares using 2.3.X.
However, all 4.0.X firmwares I tested, showed the same behaviour: crashing my phone in homescreen (or anywhere else after booting) AND in cwm after 10 to 30 seconds.
only simplistic ics custom rom worked fine until first reboot. then it crashed as well. everytime.
I tested 2 stock firmwares of samsung and 2 custom roms.
I also tested flashing 4.0.3 (CM9) on a friends SGS2 using the same procedure I used on my phone. It worked on first try and he`s now a happy android 4 user.
right now i`m running on CM7 but i wanna uprage to android 4.
up to this date there is no official released 4.0.3 rom for the sgs2 but how can it be that I have the only phone showing such a behaviour while everyone else has a 99% stable fw for the same phone using the same rom?
Mate,at least it works,thats the important thing.I can understand that its frustrating when the only Firmware/customROM you want doesnt work in your phone and only your phone but we are talking about BETA version ROMs.If there is something for some reason blocking the ICS ROM then it is possible that the JTag will clear it up as it wipes and repears the bootloader as I mentioned so any corrupt data will dissappear.Ive had a bricked phone done and it still works perfectly today but never a phone in your situation.Its possible but never having done so I cant guarantee it.If you want give it a go.You got nothing to loose except 20 or 30 bucks for your efforts.
I have exactly the same issue with a "german" Galaxy S2. I tried to install the {CWM}İCS REMİX ROM v8.4 ULTİMATE ONLİNE XXLP6 4.0.3 resurrection NO-WİPE
Followed ofcourse the installation instructions letter for letter. It doesn't go over the logo screen. ( And yes I am aware it takes several minutes for such an installation to finish)
I read in that thread of at least another 3-4 people with the same issue.
Going back to any 2.3.x works as usual.
If you take the time and read the various ICS posts one inescapable fact will arise .
ICS suffers from many varied problems with no two users reporting identical problems .
That is compounded by two factors one the boot loader and two as a beta test rom for some strange reason those with very little knowledge rush to install it .
But hey save money on the Samsung testing department just leak your Alphas and Betas .
For me i will play with a test rom for an hour or two but thats it i require a stable rom for daily use . It will need vast improvement for me to consider the final release of ICS for daily use .
spytrek said:
I have exactly the same issue with a "german" Galaxy S2. I tried to install the {CWM}İCS REMİX ROM v8.4 ULTİMATE ONLİNE XXLP6 4.0.3 resurrection NO-WİPE
Followed ofcourse the installation instructions letter for letter. It doesn't go over the logo screen. ( And yes I am aware it takes several minutes for such an installation to finish)
I read in that thread of at least another 3-4 people with the same issue.
Going back to any 2.3.x works as usual.
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GSMArena say that Samsung are launching ICS for the S2 in march
with this I imagine that stable ICS custom ROMs are just around the corner so if you can wait a few months more you will be able to flash a stable safe ROM without any problems.Until then the BETA versions that are out at the moment are going to cause these types of things.
I had these same isues with KP8 on my s2. I fixed them by flashing LP6 directly over kp8 without wiping anything. I think it may have something to do with the phone drivers you have installed on your pc. They may be damaged and be producing some kind of error on the flashing proccess. I recomend that you hard reset to 2.3.x and reinstall kies on your pc. That should reinstall phone drivers too. And make sure kies is NoT running while using odin. Kies doesent like odin
Sent from my GT-I9100 using Tapatalk
I have patience As long as I fallback to a functional rom everyting is cool. As for the alpha-beta testing, I have nothing against it and I didn't complain about it. Till March I hope the S3 is out so I can pass my S2 to my better half ...

Help please!!!

I bought Samsung Galaxy Ace for my daughter and installed custom rom, everything was fine, worked so fast and smooth.
She was using Facebook when phone/screen became unresponsive. No matter what, reboot/battery remove, its still not responding.
Something like that happened when I took phone first time from box and started registration and etc. But it happened few seconds only. During the rooting, then flashing custom rom everything was fine.
Now, I am trying reboot and once it was responsive but then still stack.
The other problem is this phone I bought from 3 Network UK and now I can't find any stock rom for it. I was searching several hours for it, no luck. I want to return it to store but I am afraid if I'm not install 3 UK stock rom they will not take it back.
Please, if you have same experience about screen unresponsiveness, or have know where I can get 3 Network UK stock rom 2.3.6 version will be great.
d.iverieli said:
I bought Samsung Galaxy Ace for my daughter and installed custom rom, everything was fine, worked so fast and smooth.
She was using Facebook when phone/screen became unresponsive. No matter what, reboot/battery remove, its still not responding.
Something like that happened when I took phone first time from box and started registration and etc. But it happened few seconds only. During the rooting, then flashing custom rom everything was fine.
Now, I am trying reboot and once it was responsive but then still stack.
The other problem is this phone I bought from 3 Network UK and now I can't find any stock rom for it. I was searching several hours for it, no luck. I want to return it to store but I am afraid if I'm not install 3 UK stock rom they will not take it back.
Please, if you have same experience about screen unresponsiveness, or have know where I can get 3 Network UK stock rom 2.3.6 version will be great.
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I am also new to these modifications and stuff. However, just like any thing with processors, for me I think it would be about the ram and stuff. You need to free up some space I guess for you to get the phone running good again.
If this helps, check this thread.. http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1427612
It is already included in most custom roms.
I know you already know this, but if for some reason, you may need more info. Check this out. http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1034145
I hope this helps though.
Thanks for quick response jangs_momoi!
I tried first link and installed it. Also I tried several custom roms but no luck. The screen is still unresponsive, other buttons works, I meant phone is working not freeze but screen is not.
Even if I try flash stock rom, it doesn't helps because I need 3 network stock rom not european one.
d.iverieli said:
Thanks for quick response jangs_momoi!
I tried first link and installed it. Also I tried several custom roms but no luck. The screen is still unresponsive, other buttons works, I meant phone is working not freeze but screen is not.
Even if I try flash stock rom, it doesn't helps because I need 3 network stock rom not european one.
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I really hope someone is able to give you a link to get that stock rom you need. I believe the screen is really the problem.
Thank you very much for you help. Yes, I hope someone will know link for stock rom, I still searching for it but nothing yet.
Have a nice day.
You have a nice day too.
d.iverieli said:
I bought Samsung Galaxy Ace for my daughter and installed custom rom, everything was fine, worked so fast and smooth.
She was using Facebook when phone/screen became unresponsive. No matter what, reboot/battery remove, its still not responding.
Something like that happened when I took phone first time from box and started registration and etc. But it happened few seconds only. During the rooting, then flashing custom rom everything was fine.
Now, I am trying reboot and once it was responsive but then still stack.
The other problem is this phone I bought from 3 Network UK and now I can't find any stock rom for it. I was searching several hours for it, no luck. I want to return it to store but I am afraid if I'm not install 3 UK stock rom they will not take it back.
Please, if you have same experience about screen unresponsiveness, or have know where I can get 3 Network UK stock rom 2.3.6 version will be great.
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Maybe this thread can help you : http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1034145
Did you try reflashing original rom using samsung kies?
Sent from my GT-S5830

[Q] ROM + Cleaning Advice

Hey everyone. I have a friend who has been attempting to root and install roms on his i777 device for a while now and every time it seems like something else gets screwy. I have an HTC so I know little about the process of working on his Samsung device, I thought it would be about the same but it seems way more complicated... Anyway I think all his problems started with a bad ROM he installed unknowingly when he first attempted to root his phone. And since then he has went to ICS then back to Gingerbread and it keeps getting more crazy. He has tried to do a factory reset on it but it fails half way through now so it wont even let him pull that off.
So my two questions are:
1) What is the best way to get this phone completely cleared up?
2) And what is a good/dependable Gingerbread ROM for this device?
I did a bit of digging on ROMs and found several in the "AT&T Samsung Galaxy SII i777 Index" thread. But since I dont have this device I cant try any of them out for him, and like I said early I know little on Samsung devices.
Thanks for any help!
Bakuro117 said:
Hey everyone. I have a friend who has been attempting to root and install roms on his i777 device for a while now and every time it seems like something else gets screwy. I have an HTC so I know little about the process of working on his Samsung device, I thought it would be about the same but it seems way more complicated... Anyway I think all his problems started with a bad ROM he installed unknowingly when he first attempted to root his phone. And since then he has went to ICS then back to Gingerbread and it keeps getting more crazy. He has tried to do a factory reset on it but it fails half way through now so it wont even let him pull that off.
So my two questions are:
1) What is the best way to get this phone completely cleared up?
2) And what is a good/dependable Gingerbread ROM for this device?
I did a bit of digging on ROMs and found several in the "AT&T Samsung Galaxy SII i777 Index" thread. But since I dont have this device I cant try any of them out for him, and like I said early I know little on Samsung devices.
Thanks for any help!
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1) Full wipe in CWM.
2) No one uses Gingerbread ROMS anymore (for the most part). As a matter of a fact we'll be getting Jellybean soon! Stick to an ICS rom, I recommend either AOKP or CM9.
EDIT: If he wants more of a stock feel, try out Mystics Glory.
Ok. Number one, if he wiped with the stock ics kernel installed, there's a chance he messed up his phone. The stock ics kernel had a severe bug in it. Number two, after he's no longer in ics stock kernel , do a full wipe including system, data, cache, dalvik, and run kernel cleaning script. Thirdly, there are a number of roms out there. Tell him to try them and see which one fits.
Sent from my MB860 using Tapatalk 2
I thought about doing all the wipes as well. I wasnt sure if they would work or not though because he cant backup and the factory restore isnt working. I told him to try it through CWM and recovery apparently neither are working well.
And he doesnt want ICS anymore because they changed how the phone connects with tether. With Gingerbread he just had to freeze Tethering Manager to get it to work in ICS Tethering Manager doesnt exist anymore so the same process doesnt work.
However Im sure he would like an ICS ROM if it unlocked tethering for him. The illuminati ROM on my Vivid unlocked the tethering for me, is there something similar for the i777?
Bakuro117 said:
I thought about doing all the wipes as well. I wasnt sure if they would work or not though because he cant backup and the factory restore isnt working. I told him to try it through CWM and recovery apparently neither are working well.
And he doesnt want ICS anymore because they changed how the phone connects with tether. With Gingerbread he just had to freeze Tethering Manager to get it to work in ICS Tethering Manager doesnt exist anymore so the same process doesnt work.
However Im sure he would like an ICS ROM if it unlocked tethering for him. The illuminati ROM on my Vivid unlocked the tethering for me, is there something similar for the i777?
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In AOKP you can tether with no issues(it also unlocks it). As far as the other stuff, if he did a full wipe like the post above said, with stock recovery. His phone may be messed up
Alright thanks for the help. I'll see if we can get anywhere this afternoon with AOKP. I'll be back after we see where that gets us! lol

Weird issues with my Ace.

So I noticed something really really weird with my phone this week. With the release of TouchWiz Ressurected, I wanted to install it it, so I flashed stock ROM, to flash the new ROM afterwards. Issues started right here, but I didn't think it was a big deal.
Instead of rebooting after flashing with ODIN, I had to turn the phone on myself, after which everything seemed normal.
Then, i flashed TouchWiz Ressurected, but noticed some of my carrier's apps from stock ROM were still there. I was told by SpaceCaker that it was due to an error at flashing, which made sense, even though I did the same process I always do and it's always worked. So I flashed stock ROM again.
And now it gets really weird. using the same usual process that's always worked for me, I flashed stock ROM via Odin and the phone got stuck on the Samsung logo after the boot animation from my carrier. It kinda seemed like it was working, the phone even vibrated for a little bit like it does when it's ready to boot, and then the screen turned off as if the inactivity time had passed, but the Samsung logo was there.
I downloaded a new PIT file from the proper thread and reflashed the Stock ROM. Same issue happened.
Then I flashed TouchWiz Ressurected ROM anyways, and it actually seems to work fine. it's just not as fast as TouchWiz Ressurection 9.5 was, but I don't know if that0s my phone or the ROM.
So your saying that you fixed it already? You dont have to create a thread but thanks for sharing. This might be helpful for the future.
Sent from my GT-S5830i using XDA Free mobile app
The thing is I don't lknow if it's solved. I don't know if the phone will boot next time I flash the Stock ROM, I don't know if this low speed is normal, because it seems to have decreased from the previous version of the ROM... We'll see, it's working for now.
Resurrected Rom,is a little slow compare to Resurrection Rom according to some user, so I think its nornal.
Sent from my GT-S5830i using XDA Free mobile app

