Weird issues with my Ace. - Galaxy Ace S5830i Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

So I noticed something really really weird with my phone this week. With the release of TouchWiz Ressurected, I wanted to install it it, so I flashed stock ROM, to flash the new ROM afterwards. Issues started right here, but I didn't think it was a big deal.
Instead of rebooting after flashing with ODIN, I had to turn the phone on myself, after which everything seemed normal.
Then, i flashed TouchWiz Ressurected, but noticed some of my carrier's apps from stock ROM were still there. I was told by SpaceCaker that it was due to an error at flashing, which made sense, even though I did the same process I always do and it's always worked. So I flashed stock ROM again.
And now it gets really weird. using the same usual process that's always worked for me, I flashed stock ROM via Odin and the phone got stuck on the Samsung logo after the boot animation from my carrier. It kinda seemed like it was working, the phone even vibrated for a little bit like it does when it's ready to boot, and then the screen turned off as if the inactivity time had passed, but the Samsung logo was there.
I downloaded a new PIT file from the proper thread and reflashed the Stock ROM. Same issue happened.
Then I flashed TouchWiz Ressurected ROM anyways, and it actually seems to work fine. it's just not as fast as TouchWiz Ressurection 9.5 was, but I don't know if that0s my phone or the ROM.

So your saying that you fixed it already? You dont have to create a thread but thanks for sharing. This might be helpful for the future.
Sent from my GT-S5830i using XDA Free mobile app

The thing is I don't lknow if it's solved. I don't know if the phone will boot next time I flash the Stock ROM, I don't know if this low speed is normal, because it seems to have decreased from the previous version of the ROM... We'll see, it's working for now.

Resurrected Rom,is a little slow compare to Resurrection Rom according to some user, so I think its nornal.
Sent from my GT-S5830i using XDA Free mobile app


Help please!!!

I bought Samsung Galaxy Ace for my daughter and installed custom rom, everything was fine, worked so fast and smooth.
She was using Facebook when phone/screen became unresponsive. No matter what, reboot/battery remove, its still not responding.
Something like that happened when I took phone first time from box and started registration and etc. But it happened few seconds only. During the rooting, then flashing custom rom everything was fine.
Now, I am trying reboot and once it was responsive but then still stack.
The other problem is this phone I bought from 3 Network UK and now I can't find any stock rom for it. I was searching several hours for it, no luck. I want to return it to store but I am afraid if I'm not install 3 UK stock rom they will not take it back.
Please, if you have same experience about screen unresponsiveness, or have know where I can get 3 Network UK stock rom 2.3.6 version will be great.
d.iverieli said:
I bought Samsung Galaxy Ace for my daughter and installed custom rom, everything was fine, worked so fast and smooth.
She was using Facebook when phone/screen became unresponsive. No matter what, reboot/battery remove, its still not responding.
Something like that happened when I took phone first time from box and started registration and etc. But it happened few seconds only. During the rooting, then flashing custom rom everything was fine.
Now, I am trying reboot and once it was responsive but then still stack.
The other problem is this phone I bought from 3 Network UK and now I can't find any stock rom for it. I was searching several hours for it, no luck. I want to return it to store but I am afraid if I'm not install 3 UK stock rom they will not take it back.
Please, if you have same experience about screen unresponsiveness, or have know where I can get 3 Network UK stock rom 2.3.6 version will be great.
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I am also new to these modifications and stuff. However, just like any thing with processors, for me I think it would be about the ram and stuff. You need to free up some space I guess for you to get the phone running good again.
If this helps, check this thread..
It is already included in most custom roms.
I know you already know this, but if for some reason, you may need more info. Check this out.
I hope this helps though.
Thanks for quick response jangs_momoi!
I tried first link and installed it. Also I tried several custom roms but no luck. The screen is still unresponsive, other buttons works, I meant phone is working not freeze but screen is not.
Even if I try flash stock rom, it doesn't helps because I need 3 network stock rom not european one.
d.iverieli said:
Thanks for quick response jangs_momoi!
I tried first link and installed it. Also I tried several custom roms but no luck. The screen is still unresponsive, other buttons works, I meant phone is working not freeze but screen is not.
Even if I try flash stock rom, it doesn't helps because I need 3 network stock rom not european one.
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I really hope someone is able to give you a link to get that stock rom you need. I believe the screen is really the problem.
Thank you very much for you help. Yes, I hope someone will know link for stock rom, I still searching for it but nothing yet.
Have a nice day.
You have a nice day too.
d.iverieli said:
I bought Samsung Galaxy Ace for my daughter and installed custom rom, everything was fine, worked so fast and smooth.
She was using Facebook when phone/screen became unresponsive. No matter what, reboot/battery remove, its still not responding.
Something like that happened when I took phone first time from box and started registration and etc. But it happened few seconds only. During the rooting, then flashing custom rom everything was fine.
Now, I am trying reboot and once it was responsive but then still stack.
The other problem is this phone I bought from 3 Network UK and now I can't find any stock rom for it. I was searching several hours for it, no luck. I want to return it to store but I am afraid if I'm not install 3 UK stock rom they will not take it back.
Please, if you have same experience about screen unresponsiveness, or have know where I can get 3 Network UK stock rom 2.3.6 version will be great.
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Maybe this thread can help you :
Did you try reflashing original rom using samsung kies?
Sent from my GT-S5830

I9100 is Slow, and Keeps force closing, tried differnt roms and kernels, but no luck

Hi all,
I have a Samsung Galaxy S2 I9100, which is Rooted, and is Currently Running "Pure ICS v7.2" and kernel "Siyah v3"
just after i rooted my phone about 4 months ago, i stuffed my phone up a bit, and i had to reflash a new firmware to get it to work again, but ever since then, my phone has always been really sluggish and slow, and lots of apps keep force closing. i have tried heaps of different roms including: Pure ics v7.2, Checkrom v38, stock XXLPH, and a few others. but they are all the same. i have also tried the kernels: Stock Sammy kernel, Chainfire, And siyah v3 and v2, but nothing has worked, i tried restoreing a CWM back up of my original rom (the one that was on my phone when i got it) but it did not work properly, they were all the same - Slow and sluggish, and apps force close.
i was wondering if anyone knew what i could do to get my phone working again. because when i first rooted my phone, it never force closed and frooze or anything, it just worked perfectly, it only started not working properly after i flashed a status bar mod, and the phone got in to a boot loop, but i fixed that, but it still does not work properly
i have read what other people have said about the kernels and roms i have used, and they all said that it worked great, and that they got not force closes, but i keep getting them.
Thanks in advance to anyone who can help
Cheers Corey
remove ur ext card an boot,an even i face tht prblm look at my sign doun...but i managd to make tricks its long an now it works but one thing u shld hav noticed is stuff ur phone an nothing happens unless u reboot thts were the prblm starts
How about flashing your stock firmware and perform root again. Maybe you can get the phone working right
Sent from my GT-I9100 using xda premium
Did you remember wipe?
Sent from my sgs2 running cm9

[Q] Frustrated at constantly having to reflash ROMs

Hello first of all I would like to thank all the great developers for the great ROMs out there.
Second I would like to warn everyone that this is a "first world problem rant" that I'm about to write up with a legit frustration I have.
I have a rooted Samsung Galaxy S4 from ATT and the only reason I got this phone over any other Android phone is the great camera and the screen.
I absolutely hate TouchWiz. It's bloated, slow and painfully ugly (to me). For this reason I decided to try out Flashing roms.
For the last couple of weeks (months maybe?) I have been using Cyanogenmod 10.1 stable with not many problems. Mostly camera issues but no biggie.
My frustration is the following: CyanogenMod has had two stable updates for my phone to go from 10.1 to 10.2 and, though it flashes perfectly, every time I reboot the phone the phone gets stuck on the "Samsung Custom (lock)" screen and I am forced to go into TWRP and reflash 10.1+Gapp from my SD carfd.. This happens EVERY TIME. With CM10.1 I can restart the phone just fine by the way. It's 10.2 and other Roms that make get stuck on the Samsung Custom (lock) screen.
So i decided to try out Gummy ROM because Kit Kat
I put the ROM in my SD card, Formated, Wiped and Installed. Worked like a charm until the camera wasnt working that well. I read the forums and said to restart to fix the camera.. Guess what?...AGAIN....Stuck on Samsung Custom (lock) screen.
My frustrations is that pretty much EVERY Rom that I have tried minus CM10.1 has done this to me and I have no idea what I'm doing wrong.
I have tried battery pulls, waiting 30 seconds, wiped dalvik, cache, etc. Fixed Permissions....everything and I have to reflash the ROMs almost 99% of the time unless I use CM10.1. I am tired of reading forums to fix this so here I am asking for your help.
NOTE: Most, if not all of these ROMs are designed for ATT.
I have no idea what else to do so any help would be great.
Current ROM: Gummy 1.1-11-21-13-UNOFFICIAL
Android 4.4
Baseband version
Kernel Version
3.4 g0-Elite-Kernel-ga719cb
Build Number:
Google Apps:
TWRP Version
I have no idea and I'm not about to restart phone and go through the pain of reflashing the ROM again as I just did. I will punch so many babies if I have to do this again!'
Thanks for listening.
I had the same problem and switched to Philz Touch instead of TWRP, I like TWRP a lot more and most people say its more stable, but that's what fixed it for me.
Sent from my SCH-I545 using XDA Premium 4 mobile app
Umm... Don't reboot
Sent from my SCH-I545 using xda app-developers app
I have read, on CM's site somewhere I believe, they recommend using CWM for a recovery. I use and have no issues with getting stuck at the boot logo. There was an issue with that but CM addressed it in one of the nightlies about two weeks ago.
I had that issue when I had a newer twrp recovery I have the .2 whatever one and I havnt had it since.

[Q] I got a boot loop and almost bricked my phone and I don´t know why

Before continuing reading, please keep in mind that the problem I am asking support for was already solved for my own. What I want to know is how did it happen. For prevention, you know.
It all started when I flashed the Black Box ROM 2.0.2 ( It flashed normally, without any problem. But, since it lacked the Xposed Framework, I installed it manually, downloading from its thread, and choosing a full install. Using the Framework I downloaded Gravity Box and the Youtube Adaway, before downloading Youtube. Since the modules needed a reboot to work, I rebooted. And this is when the bad things started to happen.
The ROM did not start. It went through the BlackBox logo, but when it appeared that the SIM unlock was going to pop up, then the phone turned off. This happened many times. So I decided to do a full wipe and install another ROM. The problem was that the phone didn´t allowed me to access the recovery.
I was using the PhilZ Touch 6, but when I pressed Volume up+Menu+Power it did not work. The only thing that worked was the Odin Menu, and I got stuck at it, I couldn´t get out the Odin Menu. So, seeing that the phone wasnt going to work anyways, I flashed a 4.3 stock ROM through Odin.
As I suspected, the ROM got stuck at boot, and got a bootloop. So then I flashed another recovery, and flashed good ol´ CWM. And It worked..for a while. The phone would shut down after some seconds. So then I tried to flash TWRP, but it lasted about one second and then the phone shut down again.
Since I was using Odin 3.03, I downloaded Odin 3-04 Moded Edition, from the Modem thread, and then reflashed CWM. In this time, it worked without failing, and I could do a full wipe and flashing an old Cyanogenmod 4.2.2 ROM, finally solving the problem. The day after I flashed Ultima ROM and at the moment it goes fine, without any problem. Which is weird, because it too uses Gravity Box and Xposed Modules. I even installed new modules, rebooted the phone and it works fine, without any problem.
What I want for the people here is that someone explains to me what happened, because the BlackBox ROM looked gorgeous and I wanted to give it a long try. And because I spent an entire night solving that problem, and well, I wont sleep in peace until I get to know what happened to that bastard
r1k1v1 said:
Before continuing reading, please keep in mind that the problem I am asking support for was already solved for my own. What I want to know is how did it happen. For prevention, you know.
It all started when I flashed the Black Box ROM 2.0.2 ( It flashed normally, without any problem. But, since it lacked the Xposed Framework, I installed it manually, downloading from its thread, and choosing a full install. Using the Framework I downloaded Gravity Box and the Youtube Adaway, before downloading Youtube. Since the modules needed a reboot to work, I rebooted. And this is when the bad things started to happen.
The ROM did not start. It went through the BlackBox logo, but when it appeared that the SIM unlock was going to pop up, then the phone turned off. This happened many times. So I decided to do a full wipe and install another ROM. The problem was that the phone didn´t allowed me to access the recovery.
I was using the PhilZ Touch 6, but when I pressed Volume up+Menu+Power it did not work. The only thing that worked was the Odin Menu, and I got stuck at it, I couldn´t get out the Odin Menu. So, seeing that the phone wasnt going to work anyways, I flashed a 4.3 stock ROM through Odin.
As I suspected, the ROM got stuck at boot, and got a bootloop. So then I flashed another recovery, and flashed good ol´ CWM. And It worked..for a while. The phone would shut down after some seconds. So then I tried to flash TWRP, but it lasted about one second and then the phone shut down again.
Since I was using Odin 3.03, I downloaded Odin 3-04 Moded Edition, from the Modem thread, and then reflashed CWM. In this time, it worked without failing, and I could do a full wipe and flashing an old Cyanogenmod 4.2.2 ROM, finally solving the problem. The day after I flashed Ultima ROM and at the moment it goes fine, without any problem. Which is weird, because it too uses Gravity Box and Xposed Modules. I even installed new modules, rebooted the phone and it works fine, without any problem.
What I want for the people here is that someone explains to me what happened, because the BlackBox ROM looked gorgeous and I wanted to give it a long try. And because I spent an entire night solving that problem, and well, I wont sleep in peace until I get to know what happened to that bastard
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OK first black box already has xposed in ROM control settings.. so maybe because you manually installed it it may have caused conflicts... Don't know why you got a recovery bootloop... but maybe due to same problems... And I am also using blackbox 2.1 and so far it is fantastic...
Sent from my GT-I9300 using xda app-developers app
Partition structure on these phones is very fragile, one bad shutdown can corrupt one or more partitions at the same time. I'd suggest the combination of mods applied caused the kernel panic, while data was being written.
Subsequent events read like normal solution to corruption, it shouldn't happen again but best to apply framework mods one at a time.
Sent from my GT-I9300 using Tapatalk
kunal1540 said:
OK first black box already has xposed in ROM control settings.. so maybe because you manually installed it it may have caused conflicts... Don't know why you got a recovery bootloop... but maybe due to same problems... And I am also using blackbox 2.1 and so far it is fantastic...
Sent from my GT-I9300 using xda app-developers app
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Hmm, I don´t remember that the BlackBox 2.0.2 had any Framework...thats why I did a manual installation. But I will try the new version 2.1. Hopefully the problems may have been solved.
boomboomer said:
Partition structure on these phones is very fragile, one bad shutdown can corrupt one or more partitions at the same time. I'd suggest the combination of mods applied caused the kernel panic, while data was being written.
Subsequent events read like normal solution to corruption, it shouldn't happen again but best to apply framework mods one at a time.
Sent from my GT-I9300 using Tapatalk
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Interesting. So I have to apply mods one by one? Or can I add multiple mods because corruption has already been solved?
On a side note, when I boot the phone the red exclamation mark that used to appear has disappeared. Does that means that I somewhat reseted the flash counter to 0?

ROM Freeze and Pixels on screen

Hey guys,
I just went from 4.4 KitKat CyanFox back to 4.3 AllianceROM Sammy because it was a bit unstable in my opinion ( The connection to the camera always got lost). So after I did that, my phone freeze every time an have these pixels in red sometimes and also green but i couldnt explain myself why. after rebooting the rom it often doesnt start. Before I flashed the AllianceROM I flashed another Sammy Rom with the same problems.
I took a picture to make it easier for you to find out.
I am not sure whats wrong with it maybe you can help me. Google couldnt :/
Sounds like hardware, flash a full stock rom after a factory reset to test.
Sent from my GT-I9300 using Tapatalk
Just installed the stock ROM. Flashed it with Odin 3-part. Worked well. Then i put my SIM card and installed Whatsapp, also worked well.
But after starting the Play Store it was the same but now in blue.
You really think it is the hardware or Is it fixable?

