[Q] Frustrated at constantly having to reflash ROMs - Verizon Samsung Galaxy S 4

Hello first of all I would like to thank all the great developers for the great ROMs out there.
Second I would like to warn everyone that this is a "first world problem rant" that I'm about to write up with a legit frustration I have.
I have a rooted Samsung Galaxy S4 from ATT and the only reason I got this phone over any other Android phone is the great camera and the screen.
I absolutely hate TouchWiz. It's bloated, slow and painfully ugly (to me). For this reason I decided to try out Flashing roms.
For the last couple of weeks (months maybe?) I have been using Cyanogenmod 10.1 stable with not many problems. Mostly camera issues but no biggie.
My frustration is the following: CyanogenMod has had two stable updates for my phone to go from 10.1 to 10.2 and, though it flashes perfectly, every time I reboot the phone the phone gets stuck on the "Samsung Custom (lock)" screen and I am forced to go into TWRP and reflash 10.1+Gapp from my SD carfd.. This happens EVERY TIME. With CM10.1 I can restart the phone just fine by the way. It's 10.2 and other Roms that make get stuck on the Samsung Custom (lock) screen.
So i decided to try out Gummy ROM because Kit Kat
I put the ROM in my SD card, Formated, Wiped and Installed. Worked like a charm until the camera wasnt working that well. I read the forums and said to restart to fix the camera.. Guess what?...AGAIN....Stuck on Samsung Custom (lock) screen.
My frustrations is that pretty much EVERY Rom that I have tried minus CM10.1 has done this to me and I have no idea what I'm doing wrong.
I have tried battery pulls, waiting 30 seconds, wiped dalvik, cache, etc. Fixed Permissions....everything and I have to reflash the ROMs almost 99% of the time unless I use CM10.1. I am tired of reading forums to fix this so here I am asking for your help.
NOTE: Most, if not all of these ROMs are designed for ATT.
I have no idea what else to do so any help would be great.
Current ROM: Gummy 1.1-11-21-13-UNOFFICIAL
Android 4.4
Baseband version
Kernel Version
3.4 g0-Elite-Kernel-ga719cb
Build Number:
Google Apps:
TWRP Version
I have no idea and I'm not about to restart phone and go through the pain of reflashing the ROM again as I just did. I will punch so many babies if I have to do this again!'
Thanks for listening.

I had the same problem and switched to Philz Touch instead of TWRP, I like TWRP a lot more and most people say its more stable, but that's what fixed it for me.
Sent from my SCH-I545 using XDA Premium 4 mobile app

Umm... Don't reboot
Sent from my SCH-I545 using xda app-developers app

I have read, on CM's site somewhere I believe, they recommend using CWM for a recovery. I use and have no issues with getting stuck at the boot logo. There was an issue with that but CM addressed it in one of the nightlies about two weeks ago.

I had that issue when I had a newer twrp recovery I have the .2 whatever one and I havnt had it since.


Clockworkmod suspected problems

Recently, I rooted my phone with unrevoked. At random times when turning on my Aria, at the Htc logo screen, my battery will vibrate multiple times before Cyanogen 7 android logo appears. I changed out my battery, unrooted then rooted again only to have this problem. I'm using the lasted Google gapps posted on XDA and don't think it's that. I tried stable and nightly r roms with no change. I believe it's possible that a bug in Unrevoked, Clockwork mod could be at fault. Again, this is at random times when turning on my phone. If anyone knows something are at times experienced this, please post it here.
I don't know what causes it exactly, maybe DT's apps2sd. But I have this too.
gods_archangel said:
Recently, I rooted my phone with unrevoked. At random times when turning on my Aria, at the Htc logo screen, my battery will vibrate multiple times before Cyanogen 7 android logo appears. I changed out my battery, unrooted then rooted again only to have this problem. I'm using the lasted Google gapps posted on XDA and don't think it's that. I tried stable and nightly r roms with no change. I believe it's possible that a bug in Unrevoked, Clockwork mod could be at fault. Again, this is at random times when turning on my phone. If anyone knows something are at times experienced this, please post it here.
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This is not a problem with Unrevoked or Clockwork. It means the ROM you have installed has something weird going on that causes it to restart a few times before booting normally. This has happened to me also when using CM7, but only after I had installed a different kernel. It never happened to me with the original default kernel, and it's also never happened with any other ROM (CM6 or any of the Sense ROMs).
Just curious, but can you tell us exactly which ROM you're using, and whether you installed a custom kernel on top of it?
drumist said:
This is not a problem with Unrevoked or Clockwork. It means the ROM you have installed has something weird going on that causes it to restart a few times before booting normally. This has happened to me also when using CM7, but only after I had installed a different kernel. It never happened to me with the original default kernel, and it's also never happened with any other ROM (CM6 or any of the Sense ROMs).
Just curious, but can you tell us exactly which ROM you're using, and whether you installed a custom kernel on top of it?
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I was using RC4, 7.0.3 and trying some of the latest nightly roms. This isn't my first Aria phone that I rooted. My first one didn't have this problem but I forgot which Google gapps version that was used at the time. If it were the gapps, the phone would go in a endless loop at the Cyanogen android boot screen but I'm having this multiple vibrate problem like it keeps rebooting at random on the HTC boot screen when turning on the phone. I changed out my battery for a new one which didn't fix it. At this moment, I unrooted and flashed the original stock rom and no problems are popping up. I believe it's a unknown bug in Clockwork.
gods_archangel said:
I was using RC4, 7.0.3 and trying some of the latest nightly roms. This isn't my first Aria phone that I rooted. My first one didn't have this problem but I forgot which Google gapps version that was used at the time. If it were the gapps, the phone would go in a endless loop at the Cyanogen android boot screen but I'm having this multiple vibrate problem like it keeps rebooting at random on the HTC boot screen when turning on the phone. I changed out my battery for a new one which didn't fix it. At this moment, I unrooted and flashed the original stock rom and no problems are popping up. I believe it's a unknown bug in Clockwork.
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Well, I suppose it could be. You might want to try formatting boot and system partitions before installing the ROM to see if that clears it up. We already know Clockwork doesn't clear the system partition properly when installing ROMs that use Edify scripts.

[Q] Phone Constantly Crashing

I'm on my 2nd S3 now. First one suffered from the "sudden death syndrome".
My 2nd S3 has been perfectly fine bar the odd lock up. It's rooted and flashed with Supernexus by Faryab on v4.2.2
It has been freezing a lot lately, maybe 3 or 4 times a day but over the past few hours, it's now locked up approximately 20-30 times and I have to keep the power button pressed to reboot it. I've uninstalled any apps I have installed over the past few days. Booted into recovery and cleared cache and davlik cache (it's now saying Android is Upgrading upon every reboot). I can't even get time to backup my apps using Titanium Backup without it crashing.
What is going on anybody? Any help is much appreciated.
Try having a read of the freezing thread over in general.
boomboomer said:
Try having a read of the freezing thread over in general.
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Thanks. It appears my full microSD card was causing the problem. Cleared a few movies off it last night and it's not crashed since. Fingers crossed!
5aq1b said:
Thanks. It appears my full microSD card was causing the problem. Cleared a few movies off it last night and it's not crashed since. Fingers crossed!
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I guess i spoke too soon. More crashes again today
Did you do a full wipe including system format before installing the ROM? . It may be a data problem. Don't forget that 4.2.2 is also a beta firmware mate and not official like 4.1.2 so these things can happen. Also there are no custom kernels to flash to try and see if it's kernel based either.
cooza said:
Did you do a full wipe including system format before installing the ROM? . It may be a data problem. Don't forget that 4.2.2 is also a beta firmware mate and not official like 4.1.2 so these things can happen. Also there are no custom kernels to flash to try and see if it's kernel based either.
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Hey, yeah I did a full wipe including system format before I installed the new ROM. I've had this ROM for probably 3 months now and haven't had any problems with it up until the last few weeks. Infact 4.1.2 was killing my battery in a matter of hours. 4.2.2 ROM made me love my phone again as it fixed my battery woes!
This is so frustrating...
4.2.2 being a beta version can do this but re-installing can sometimes cure it though. Changing the kernel in 4.1.2 can give you better battery if you play around with a few and if course is more stable being an official release too. You can also try a different 4.2.2 ROM. They aren't all the same.
Thanks for the reply. Im not too comfortable/confident in changing kernels due to my lack of knowledge on them!
I do however like Faryabs ROMS as I like the original Android flavoured ROMS.
Will try a reinstall!
Same Problem
5aq1b said:
Thanks for the reply. Im not too comfortable/confident in changing kernels due to my lack of knowledge on them!
I do however like Faryabs ROMS as I like the original Android flavoured ROMS.
Will try a reinstall!
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I have the exact same issue, I was running Faryaabs rom version M1, Android 4.2.2. And a couple of days ago, I noticed it started freezing, and I have to reboot with power button. Now I installed the leaked Touchwiz 4.2.2. but the freezing remains and it has started to be worse. As you mention, 20-30 times a day. I have noticed though, when I shutt of internet, both wifi and 3/4G I get less crashes. Have you noticed the same?
If you find a solution, please inform me to.
Niko_v said:
I have the exact same issue, I was running Faryaabs rom version M1, Android 4.2.2. And a couple of days ago, I noticed it started freezing, and I have to reboot with power button. Now I installed the leaked Touchwiz 4.2.2. but the freezing remains and it has started to be worse. As you mention, 20-30 times a day. I have noticed though, when I shutt of internet, both wifi and 3/4G I get less crashes. Have you noticed the same?
If you find a solution, please inform me to.
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I think you may have found it
Wifi for example is controled by the kernel but there is no source codes released by Samsung so thats why there are no custom 4.2.2 kernels available for the S3 or you could flash one and most likely sort the problem out.
Its a shame cos there are for other phones on this version.
Hi dude
I went to the freezing thread here and found that the DFG method solved it all. So for anyone willing to try this please head over to that thread or just download the dummy file generator apps (2 in app store) although one is only necessary.
Gl and ty for the reaponse
Xda 4life
Sent from my GT-I9300 using xda app-developers app

Constant issues with rooted S4.

Hi all,
Long time lurker of XDA and Android user/modder since before Gingerbread. I want to apologize in advance if this post is either in the wrong section, and/or if something similar has already been answered/solved in another thread. I did multiple searches with nothing coming up as a direct hit, or even close for that matter.
I recently purchased an S4 from VZW (Mid-Late July). I rooted and installed TWRP (Forgive me if that's not the exact version...) and flashed AOSP ROMs here and there. After a month or so, I started coming across an issue within all ROMs where I couldn't receive or make calls without my phone either freezing or rebooting. Anything I flashed, or modded, failed to remedy this. I tried different GApps packages, 4.2.2 and 4.3 ROMs, different kernels, and both radios, and absolutely NOTHING solved this. I searched everywhere (Even rootzwiki, forgive me fellow XDA members!), and could not find anyone with the same issue.
I attempted upgrading to TWRP and even tried CWM, and that didn't help either. Eventually, things got so bad that I couldn't boot into ANY ROM, 4.2.2 or 4.3. After nearly 10 hours of trying to unbrick my phone, I finally managed to install Beanstalk 4.3, and while it was working incredibly buggy (Not Beanstalk's fault, the developer is a great developer!) nor could I make calls, I could still send texts and emails. I was able to FINALLY get the Odin3 application to work when I got home from work, and was able to flash the stock MDK image. From there I followed the steps to properly root and install TWRP I installed Slim's Beta 5 4.3 ROM and GApps and everything was working properly! Calling, everything! However, when I made a reboot, it froze. Stuck in the "Samsung Unlocked" screen for over an hour. I pulled the battery, booted into recovery and did a factory reset/cache and dalvik wipe. It still didn't boot. From there I did a full wipe, and data format, installed Beanstalks newest 4.3 ROM and GApps, and everything loaded properly. Then I couldn't make or receive calls without the same issue. I then did the superwipe/format and installed PAC's newest nightly and GApps package, and was able to make calls, but then got stuck when rebooting, even after factory resets and cache/dalvik wipes. After multiple attempts, I gave up and reflashed the stock MDK Samsung image in Odin3 and am leaving it as is until someone here can help me.
I know this post was incredibly wordy, and I apologize for that, but I wanted to give you guys as much information as possible and explain where this all started, as it may lead to why I'm having these problems. I appreciate any and all responses and I will answer any question any of you have to the best of my ability. Please someone save me from the horror that is TouchWiz!
First, make a NANDROID if it is working perfect on the stock ROM. This is my first step after root and recovery so that I can always fall back on something to check if there is a hardware problem, or just some sort of (system) file problem. Plus, it'll save you time if you have to go back.
Not sure that it matters, but is the stock ROM odexed, or deodexed?
The calling thing reminds me of when you use the phone overseas but it has yet to be unlocked. When you root, do you check with Root Checker? Do you have SuperSU installed? How about BusyBox? I know some items require BusyBox in order to work, but SuperSU should be installed.
As far as SuperSU, do you update it before switching back to the original kernel? One thing I noted is to be absolutely sure you do so in order to not lose your root when completing the rooting steps. I imagine this could cause other problems too.
I also suggest not using TWRP 2.6, which many people will tell you is quite buggy. Best to use the previous version.
The only other things I can suggest is ALWAYS doing a full wipe of everything before adding a new ROM. I used to do this to be sure I incurred no problems on my SGS3, because if I didn't there would always be something buggy happening.
Hope this helps.
Heatshiver said:
First, make a NANDROID if it is working perfect on the stock ROM. This is my first step after root and recovery so that I can always fall back on something to check if there is a hardware problem, or just some sort of (system) file problem. Plus, it'll save you time if you have to go back.
Not sure that it matters, but is the stock ROM odexed, or deodexed?
The calling thing reminds me of when you use the phone overseas but it has yet to be unlocked. When you root, do you check with Root Checker? Do you have SuperSU installed? How about BusyBox? I know some items require BusyBox in order to work, but SuperSU should be installed.
As far as SuperSU, do you update it before switching back to the original kernel? One thing I noted is to be absolutely sure you do so in order to not lose your root when completing the rooting steps. I imagine this could cause other problems too.
I also suggest not using TWRP 2.6, which many people will tell you is quite buggy. Best to use the previous version.
The only other things I can suggest is ALWAYS doing a full wipe of everything before adding a new ROM. I used to do this to be sure I incurred no problems on my SGS3, because if I didn't there would always be something buggy happening.
Hope this helps.
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Thank you, Heatshiver!
I always do a full wipe unless I'm doing a dirty flash for a ROM update. I will try reverting back to TWRP (Whichever version that happens to be, I think it's .0.2) tonight and report my results. Also, just to clarify, I always make sure I have the most updated SuperSU/Superuser (Usually the former) and BusyBox.
I appreciate the suggestion.
teemunknee said:
Hi all,
Long time lurker of XDA and Android user/modder since before Gingerbread. I want to apologize in advance if this post is either in the wrong section, and/or if something similar has already been answered/solved in another thread. I did multiple searches with nothing coming up as a direct hit, or even close for that matter.
I recently purchased an S4 from VZW (Mid-Late July). I rooted and installed TWRP (Forgive me if that's not the exact version...) and flashed AOSP ROMs here and there. After a month or so, I started coming across an issue within all ROMs where I couldn't receive or make calls without my phone either freezing or rebooting. Anything I flashed, or modded, failed to remedy this. I tried different GApps packages, 4.2.2 and 4.3 ROMs, different kernels, and both radios, and absolutely NOTHING solved this. I searched everywhere (Even rootzwiki, forgive me fellow XDA members!), and could not find anyone with the same issue.
I attempted upgrading to TWRP and even tried CWM, and that didn't help either. Eventually, things got so bad that I couldn't boot into ANY ROM, 4.2.2 or 4.3. After nearly 10 hours of trying to unbrick my phone, I finally managed to install Beanstalk 4.3, and while it was working incredibly buggy (Not Beanstalk's fault, the developer is a great developer!) nor could I make calls, I could still send texts and emails. I was able to FINALLY get the Odin3 application to work when I got home from work, and was able to flash the stock MDK image. From there I followed the steps to properly root and install TWRP I installed Slim's Beta 5 4.3 ROM and GApps and everything was working properly! Calling, everything! However, when I made a reboot, it froze. Stuck in the "Samsung Unlocked" screen for over an hour. I pulled the battery, booted into recovery and did a factory reset/cache and dalvik wipe. It still didn't boot. From there I did a full wipe, and data format, installed Beanstalks newest 4.3 ROM and GApps, and everything loaded properly. Then I couldn't make or receive calls without the same issue. I then did the superwipe/format and installed PAC's newest nightly and GApps package, and was able to make calls, but then got stuck when rebooting, even after factory resets and cache/dalvik wipes. After multiple attempts, I gave up and reflashed the stock MDK Samsung image in Odin3 and am leaving it as is until someone here can help me.
I know this post was incredibly wordy, and I apologize for that, but I wanted to give you guys as much information as possible and explain where this all started, as it may lead to why I'm having these problems. I appreciate any and all responses and I will answer any question any of you have to the best of my ability. Please someone save me from the horror that is TouchWiz!
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sorry for your troubles, but I am always baffled the way people just toss that word "brick" round
Your phone was no anywhere NEAR being a brick...
You simply are playing with fire flashing AOSP ROMs and not knowing how to fix the issues.
AOSP ROMs aren't technically "made" for our phones, the developers do a great job at making it seem like they are, though.
On the SG3 we had an EFS backup that Synergy discovered incase you flash an AOSP and get stuck in roaming which was quite often at first with AOSP, that was easy to fix, but with this phone I would be careful with AOSP ROMs, even myself, with a locked bootloader wouldn't flash anything besides TW, although I am biased as AOSP is my flavor.
I am sorry if this post comes off harsh or any other bad word. It's not meant for that..
Just to kindly ask you to do some research on what a "bricked phone" truly is.
it's a brick.. meaning won't power on, won't get a light when charging, nothing, your phone is just that, a $600 brick. and the only way to bring back to life IIRC is Jtagging the phone.. which requires taking the phone apart and jtagging the motherboard.
I hope you the best my friend.
As much as I love AOSP, I would have to agree with the poster above. I know TW is a pain but there are some pretty good ROMs in that flavor that you shouldn't have any problems with. I've had the no call issue on AOSP, and even though they are nice and free up quite a bit of room it's not worth missing calls over or constantly flashing. Maybe once our bootloader is unlocked things will become different but I'd stick with TW until that happens. I can confirm that TWRP 2.6 is very buggy...you'll have to download the 2.5 version and flash it instead of goomanager they install they latest version everytime I believe.
andybones said:
sorry for your troubles, but I am always baffled the way people just toss that word "brick" round
Your phone was no anywhere NEAR being a brick...
You simply are playing with fire flashing AOSP ROMs and not knowing how to fix the issues.
AOSP ROMs aren't technically "made" for our phones, the developers do a great job at making it seem like they are, though.
On the SG3 we had an EFS backup that Synergy discovered incase you flash an AOSP and get stuck in roaming which was quite often at first with AOSP, that was easy to fix, but with this phone I would be careful with AOSP ROMs, even myself, with a locked bootloader wouldn't flash anything besides TW, although I am biased as AOSP is my flavor.
I am sorry if this post comes off harsh or any other bad word. It's not meant for that..
Just to kindly ask you to do some research on what a "bricked phone" truly is.
it's a brick.. meaning won't power on, won't get a light when charging, nothing, your phone is just that, a $600 brick. and the only way to bring back to life IIRC is Jtagging the phone.. which requires taking the phone apart and jtagging the motherboard.
I hope you the best my friend.
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Next time, I'll just say "Soft-bricked". Thank you for your reply.
You also may want to try CWM recovery if everything else fails. I like TWRP but I kept having the exact problem you have. I switched and haven't had a problem since.
Sent from my SCH-I545
slim6596 said:
You also may want to try CWM recovery if everything else fails. I like TWRP but I kept having the exact problem you have. I switched and haven't had a problem since.
Sent from my SCH-I545
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Would you mind telling me which version of CWM you're using? I haven't gone back to CWM since I went back to stock two nights ago.
Thank you for the idea!
I also forgot to mention that I haven't been able to connect to 4G radios since before I started having issues with AOSP ROMs. Currently I'm on Eclipse's TW (With AOSP Styling) ROM. Everything appears to be working fine, other than 4G.
I've tried the SIM pull and reset, and nothing. I've tried manually setting it to LTE only, at least when I was able to do so when AOSP ROMs would boot for me, and nothing. I have a Galaxy Nexus that I booted up with this SIM in and I get 4G signal. Any Ideas?
Also, when I was on the stock image (MDK) I didn't have 4G either.
Has anyone else run across this issue? (MODS: Let a me know if I should create another thread, or search more intensively. I haven't seen a thread with this exact same situation. Plenty of 4G issue threads, but none with the same issues I've previously had, and I think it may have something to do with my past modding.)
teemunknee said:
Would you mind telling me which version of CWM you're using? I haven't gone back to CWM since I went back to stock two nights ago.
Thank you for the idea!
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Philz touch modded CWM. Don't have a link though. Sorry.
Sent from my SCH-I545
slim6596 said:
Philz touch modded CWM. Don't have a link though. Sorry.
Sent from my SCH-I545
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Thanks! I installed CWM Touch and flashed Eclipse's TW/AOSP ROM and everything works well, but it's still no AOSP ROM.
Hi all,
I'd like to thank everyone for the suggestions.
An update: Currently I'm on Eclipse's TW v2.0 ROM (TW, with AOSP Styling) and everything works properly. My current recovery is CWM Touch, and I'm not experiencing any booting or calling issues. 4G is the only thing I don't have working.
I'm hoping that someone with my same problem can give me another idea so I can get an AOSP ROM working, preferably with 4G. I'm sure some, if not most, understand my dislike of TouchWiz and strong preference towards stock Android/stock Android based ROMs. Slim6596 said that he uses Philz Modded CWM Recovery and has no issues anymore. Could that really be my solution?
Again, thank you all for your help and ideas. I love XDA for this reason.
slim6596 said:
Philz touch modded CWM. Don't have a link though. Sorry.
Sent from my SCH-I545
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Hi Slim,
Sorry to bother, but I was curious if you were specifically using the LOKI patched version, or just the regular version?
teemunknee said:
Hi Slim,
Sorry to bother, but I was curious if you were specifically using the LOKI patched version, or just the regular version?
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Loki patched, I believe.
Sent from my SCH-I545
slim6596 said:
Loki patched, I believe.
Sent from my SCH-I545
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Thanks!! I installed the Loki-Patched version last night.
I tried flashing two AOSP ROMs, but have no radio signal at all. I'll experiment.
teemunknee said:
Thanks!! I installed the Loki-Patched version last night.
I tried flashing two AOSP ROMs, but have no radio signal at all. I'll experiment.
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I have stuck to TW ROMs. Pretty soon I'm probably not going to be flashing anything. Switching to Motorola and giving Vz my MDK S4 back. (Reception and dropped call issues.)
Sent from my SCH-I545 using Tapatalk 2
teemunknee said:
Thanks!! I installed the Loki-Patched version last night.
I tried flashing two AOSP ROMs, but have no radio signal at all. I'll experiment.
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I believe you have to do the extended phone function. Its a code on the dial pad and select cdma. I have read this but don't recall where.
Sent from my SCH-I545 using Tapatalk 4
egore93 said:
I believe you have to do the extended phone function. Its a code on the dial pad and select cdma. I have read this but don't recall where.
Sent from my SCH-I545 using Tapatalk 4
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Are you referring to the *#*#4636#*#* dialer code? I didn't even try that because in my settings, everything was set to CDMA, but that's something I can try. I have everything backed up, so I can just wipe, install, and try that. If it doesn't work, I can always revert back.
Thanks for the suggestion!
teemunknee said:
Are you referring to the *#*#4636#*#* dialer code? I didn't even try that because in my settings, everything was set to CDMA, but that's something I can try. I have everything backed up, so I can just wipe, install, and try that. If it doesn't work, I can always revert back.
Thanks for the suggestion!
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Yes that's it give it a go.
Sent from my SCH-I545 using Tapatalk 4

[Q] Frustrated: Keep having to re-flash ROMs after rebooting.

Hello first of all I would like to thank all the great developers for the great ROMs out there.
Second I would like to warn everyone that this is a "first world problem rant" that I'm about to write up with a legit frustration I have.
I have a rooted Samsung Galaxy S4 from ATT and the only reason I got this phone over any other Android phone is the great camera and the screen.
I absolutely hate TouchWiz. It's bloated, slow and painfully ugly (to me). For this reason I decided to try out Flashing roms.
For the last couple of weeks (months maybe?) I have been using Cyanogenmod 10.1 stable with not many problems. Mostly camera issues but no biggie.
My frustration is the following: CyanogenMod has had two stable updates for my phone to go from 10.1 to 10.2 and, though it flashes perfectly, every time I reboot the phone the phone gets stuck on the "Samsung Custom (lock)" screen and I am forced to go into TWRP and reflash 10.1+Gapp from my SD carfd.. This happens EVERY TIME. With CM10.1 I can restart the phone just fine by the way. It's 10.2 and other Roms that make get stuck on the Samsung Custom (lock) screen.
So i decided to try out Gummy ROM because Kit Kat
I put the ROM in my SD card, Formated, Wiped and Installed. Worked like a charm until the camera wasnt working that well. I read the forums and said to restart to fix the camera.. Guess what?...AGAIN....Stuck on Samsung Custom (lock) screen.
My frustrations is that pretty much EVERY Rom that I have tried minus CM10.1 has done this to me and I have no idea what I'm doing wrong.
I have tried battery pulls, waiting 30 seconds, wiped dalvik, cache, etc. Fixed Permissions....everything and I have to reflash the ROMs almost 99% of the time unless I use CM10.1. I am tired of reading forums to fix this so here I am asking for your help.
I have no idea what else to do so any help would be great.
Current ROM: Gummy 1.1-11-21-13-UNOFFICIAL
Android 4.4
Baseband version
Kernel Version
3.4 g0-Elite-Kernel-ga719cb
Build Number:
Google Apps:
TWRP Version
I have no idea and I'm not about to restart phone and go through the pain of reflashing the ROM again as I just did. I will punch so many babies if I have to do this again!'
Thanks for listening.
First, if you have an ATT phone then you should be posting there. Have you tried hitting the home button and waiting a few seconds? If you're flashing Verizon stuff to an ATT phone that could also be causing issues.
prsterero said:
First, if you have an ATT phone then you should be posting there. Have you tried hitting the home button and waiting a few seconds? If you're flashing Verizon stuff to an ATT phone that could also be causing issues.
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Oh man! So sorry, just realized this was a Verizon Forum, I got a bit lost in the tabs and thought this was the General forum for Samsung Galaxy S4.
And I have installed mainly ATT ROMs in my phone and usually stable ROMs as well.
Do you think it's TWRP causing the problem?
Speedsterspeed277 said:
Oh man! So sorry, just realized this was a Verizon Forum, I got a bit lost in the tabs and thought this was the General forum for Samsung Galaxy S4.
And I have installed mainly ATT ROMs in my phone and usually stable ROMs as well.
Do you think it's TWRP causing the problem?
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It could be. There have been people that get weird issues with twrp so you may want to test out a different recovery to see if the issue persists.

Weird issues with my Ace.

So I noticed something really really weird with my phone this week. With the release of TouchWiz Ressurected, I wanted to install it it, so I flashed stock ROM, to flash the new ROM afterwards. Issues started right here, but I didn't think it was a big deal.
Instead of rebooting after flashing with ODIN, I had to turn the phone on myself, after which everything seemed normal.
Then, i flashed TouchWiz Ressurected, but noticed some of my carrier's apps from stock ROM were still there. I was told by SpaceCaker that it was due to an error at flashing, which made sense, even though I did the same process I always do and it's always worked. So I flashed stock ROM again.
And now it gets really weird. using the same usual process that's always worked for me, I flashed stock ROM via Odin and the phone got stuck on the Samsung logo after the boot animation from my carrier. It kinda seemed like it was working, the phone even vibrated for a little bit like it does when it's ready to boot, and then the screen turned off as if the inactivity time had passed, but the Samsung logo was there.
I downloaded a new PIT file from the proper thread and reflashed the Stock ROM. Same issue happened.
Then I flashed TouchWiz Ressurected ROM anyways, and it actually seems to work fine. it's just not as fast as TouchWiz Ressurection 9.5 was, but I don't know if that0s my phone or the ROM.
So your saying that you fixed it already? You dont have to create a thread but thanks for sharing. This might be helpful for the future.
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The thing is I don't lknow if it's solved. I don't know if the phone will boot next time I flash the Stock ROM, I don't know if this low speed is normal, because it seems to have decreased from the previous version of the ROM... We'll see, it's working for now.
Resurrected Rom,is a little slow compare to Resurrection Rom according to some user, so I think its nornal.
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