[Q] google play store on Lenco 1012 - Android Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

i have bought a tablet tlast week, a lenco 1012, with is a pretty neat deveice for it's price. it has android 4.0, and a 10" screen, but it lacks one important thing, google play store. is there any way i can get this on my tablet? i buy alot of apps, so i would also like to use them on my tablet.
i have tried installing the apk's i found on this site, play store seems to be working after installing, but i get an error, that the app stopped working, and then it closes the app
do i need to root the device to use play store? i cannot find my deveice on the forum te root it... please help me out guy's

i get an error: unfortunaly, google play store has stopped, i only have the option ok. when i press it the play app is killed.
if i use the recent apps button, i can switch to settings, and back to the store, and i can see the store is working, it loaded, but i cannot use it, becouse of the error, witch will kill the app
also, if i now login to the webinterface of play store i see my tablet as an option to install apps on :
Unkown - TAB1012,
i i choose the tablet, the error message appears on the screen on the tablet, so play store seems to be operational, but keeps getting blocked or something....

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anyone got anything on this? i don't think i have any options to try, and i really want play store

Same problem here. Bought the Tab-1012 yesterday.
The standard appcenter (worthless) is directing me to google play store once installed. The playstore shuts down immediately.

I have the same question
Bought also an lenco tab 1012 , need also google market ...
Noone that knows how to install that ????

Is anyone else, on any other deveice, having this problem?

doesn't anyone know a solution?

is there any way to download APK files from the play store?

lenco tab-9701
I also bought a lenco tab-9701 with android 4.0 ics. I have a problem with the sound speaker which at maximum level is not loud at all. I will return it to be fixed. The other issue i have is that it came with an app market which is not the google one. It is very poor and does not have the famous apps like whatsapp, angry birds ... I was able to find an apk file of latest google play store version. It started and i thought the problem was solved but after a while it keps failing each time i was starting it. I get the message that the application has stopped. I posted a message to lenco support and i hope to have an answer soon. As a plan b, i was able to find some packages as apk file searching google and you can install them with android file manager, just execute it. I was able to install angry birds and synology clients like ds photo and ds audio, as well as a screenshot utility. I hope that someone will have an answer and will post it on this forum. I knew the tab was cheap (199€) but i was expecting at least to have the standard tools with android 4.0. This is very frustrating to buy a tablet for which the vendor LENCO does not tell you that google play store is not included. It is not mentioned anywhere on the documentation neither the product description ! To be continued.

i called Lenco today. because I had a problem that the tablet didn't want to wake up from sleep. this is a known issue by the way, they are working on it. i also asked about the play store. they told me the tablet was not certified for play store yet, but this is in progress. so maybe it will work in the future. but until that time, i guess we're screwed.... do you guys have a good alternative?

i just installed and tried most alternative stores. Aptoide is the winner by far. i love it! a good alternative untill my tab gets certified for google play

no google play on lenco tab-9701
I got the following reply from Lenco Helpdesk France:
En ce qui concerne google play il n'est pas compatible avec nos tablette. Il est possbile de l'installer mais il faut flasher l'iOS mais en faisant cette manipulation la tablette ne sera plus sous garantie.​
Google play is not compatible with our tablets. It is still possible to install it but you need to flash the OS but if you do that you will void tablet warranty.​
Concerning my sound volume problem being too low, i got this other weird answer:
Concernant le probleme de son nous somme reglementer par une loi qui nous impose un volume maximum.​
We have to follow a regulation which limits the maximum volume​
After such ****ty answers, i returned the tablet (although i like android 4.0) which did cost me 200€ and bought a brand new ipad 2 for 379€.
The volume is just great and the apple store is full of apps. Great hardware and software ... a dream came true

ecan said:
I got the following reply from Lenco Helpdesk France:
En ce qui concerne google play il n'est pas compatible avec nos tablette. Il est possbile de l'installer mais il faut flasher l'iOS mais en faisant cette manipulation la tablette ne sera plus sous garantie.​
Google play is not compatible with our tablets. It is still possible to install it but you need to flash the OS but if you do that you will void tablet warranty.​
Concerning my sound volume problem being too low, i got this other weird answer:
Concernant le probleme de son nous somme reglementer par une loi qui nous impose un volume maximum.​
We have to follow a regulation which limits the maximum volume​
After such ****ty answers, i returned the tablet (although i like android 4.0) which did cost me 200€ and bought a brand new ipad 2 for 379€.
The volume is just great and the apple store is full of apps. Great hardware and software ... a dream came true
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why did you buy the apple? and not the samsung tab 2? I love android. but hey, have fun with it.
BTW the new store (aptoide) works great! i found some more sources to add to it, and i found all the apps i was looking for! (exept for the pro versions, with i paid for via google. but i guess it will come in the future

Perhaps I found a solution here
Sent from my HTC Desire HD using xda app-developers app

But be careful, I don't know if it's the same model.
Sent from my HTC Desire HD using xda app-developers app

I bought the Lenco TAB-9701 yesterday and I saw the same problems posted above.
I have updated the device with the link of steno66 and now everthing works!!! google play, google earth, maps, facebook, google+ .....
I now that with this upgrade I loos the warranty but a device without the google store is useless. There the main web site for the image: stlgroup.home.xs4all.nl / TAB-9701 / Update software /

So my link came just in time for you
Sent from my HTC Desire HD using xda app-developers app

@all Lenco Tab-1012 User
hello all Lenco Tab 1012 users,
i hope somebody can help me, i have a briked Lenco Tab 1012 .....i need a Rom Backup from the Device.
Please Upload the Rom Backup and post the download Link....
best regards powerbyte from Germany

finally Lenco gave me the solution, an update with contains google play store! and guess what, it works! (note: play store is not officially supported by lenco)
Model TAB-9701:
Model TAB-711:
Model TAB-1012:


[Q] Need French S3 users with a free box & SIP account

Are there any French owners of the S3 on these forums?
We have a Freebox version 5 at home. The SIP account is active and working.
However I am experiencing a bad sound quality on the S3 when using its native SIP client with Free. This only happens with freephonie. The S3 native SIP client is fine with another 4 SIP accounts I have with other operators.
Can anyone please use their S3 with Android 4.1.1 (GT-I9300 non-carrier-branded model/ factory unlocked) with their SIP account on the freebox and let me know if the sound quality/ voices sound chopped-up?
Bonjour à tous.
Nous avons une freebox v.5 à la maison.
Les appels placés avec le combiné du téléphone relié à la freebox sont bons.
En revanche, j'utilise le compte SIP depuis l'étranger sur mon Samsung Galaxy S3 (modèle GT-I9300) dont le système d'exploitation a un client SIP et supporte la VoIP pour appeler la France et la maison gratuitement.
Je problème est que le son est saccadé lors de mes appels (de mon côté comme celui de mon correspondent) quelque soit le numéro de poste fixe appelé en France. La qualité se dégrade d'ailleurs à mesure que l'appel dure.
J'utilise 4 autres comptes SIP sur mon S3 sans problème.
A noter: la freephonie et les autres 4 comptes SIP sur mon iPhone 4S avec l'appli Groundwire ne posent pas de problème.
Il est évident que le S3 a un problème avec Free and je ne sais pas comment le résoudre.
Pouvez-vous m'aider svp?
I have a fb6, I'll try again and report. I had previously used CSipSimple. Will try both.
rchtk said:
I have a fb6, I'll try again and report. I had previously used CSipSimple. Will try both.
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I am glad someone answered and offered to help. I am about to get rid of the S3 for the Nexus 4 if I can't solve this issue.
Thank you very much!
No problemo hombre
Okay, I stopped my test already with CSipSimple. From the FB6 wireless, I called the attached fixed phone (can't really do really more simple..)
Doesn't work really fine on the S3 TO fixed phone. Voice is sometimes stopped. Disabling Compact SIP adds some cracks on the line too.
But there are so many settings to change in CSipSimple (transport, codecs, ..) that it would probably need more testing before declaring it non working.
Maybe Free has some infos on their website?
A network analyser could also help. Loads of possibilities..
Do you have another mobile phone from which it actually works with default settings?
Also it would be good to know if with any other network provider and operator, it actually works better.
Cause it could be that the Nexus 4 will have the exact same problem on Free.. or maybe you know more?
edit: also it looks like calling to a mobile phone is not working or simply forbidden
Yes, my iPhone 4S with Acrobits Groundwire, the free SIP account along with another 4 others ones I use work fine (different SIP providers: callcentric voipbuster, voipcheap and voip.ms).
On the S3, using the native SIP client, only the free account exhibits these problems. My other 4 accounts are fine.
I haven't used CSipSimple on the S3, just the native SIP client. It's interesting to read that the problem is there in both case.
This would mean that the problem is with Free but then how come it is working fine on my iPhone 4S.
I don't know how to use a packet analyzer. I know about Wireshark and have installed in the past but don't know how to read the traffic capture.
VoIP transport mode is typically UDP if I am not mistaken. I believe port number doesn't really matter. The typical default 5060 should be fine.
I don't have the Nexus 4 yet (avail for purchase here in the US on Nov 13) and you could be right, it's possible Jelly Bean (4.2 on the Nexus 4) will have the same problem.
My S3 is stock (not-rooted) and is running 4.1.1.
Correct, the SIP account on the freebox will only allow calls to landlines and to France only.
International and cellphone calls were possible years ago but no longer.
Sent from my GT-I9300 using xda app-developers app
Hi all,
an extra feedback:
i am also using my sip account , with my S3 freebox v6.
it sound choppy.
i havent tested with the native sip of the S3 ( i didnt knew that there was one hahahahaha)
i am using csipsimple.
Thanks for posting.
So the sound is choppy even when using a third-party app on the S3 with the freebox. That's great feedback.
Something seems wrong in the S3 when communicating the freephonie.net server.
Yep, the native dialer is there and works well, aside from Freephonie.
Please let us know how it goes.

xposed new

please , i need xposed framework for doogee homtom ht 17 pro. what there are now not work .
I have the same problem on the HT17 black screen after updating apps. Can someone help us please?
Black screen
A mi me pasa lomismo, por favor , una actualizacion de xposed para doogee homtom ht 17 pro
Can You help me in english please
Did anyone get this to work?
I’ve tried the last few xposed versions with no luck. I could live without xposed, but I’d rather not, hah!
I got xposed to work guys.
There is a Russian forum similar to xda, not sure if I’m allowed to link here, but you should find it pretty easily.
There is a resurrection remix rom for the ht 17 pro, and xposed works on that rom. I’ve been on that rom myself for the last few days. Aside from low speaker volume, it’s been perfect (which isn’t a problem for me, as my phone is always on silent, notifications come to my smart watch, and for media I use a Bluetooth speaker)
One thing I should mention, when flashing the rr rom, no need to flash gapps too, doing this seems to break the first time start wizard. It comes with play store and play services baked into the rom.
Also, the installer is in Russian, but just keep hitting the ok button, and you’ll have the option to change to your preferred language on first boot.
Hope this helps guys, I’m really enjoying this phone with amplify, minminguard, etc running great.
newg said:
I got xposed to work guys.
There is a Russian forum similar to xda, not sure if I’m allowed to link here, but you should find it pretty easily.
There is a resurrection remix rom for the ht 17 pro, and xposed works on that rom. I’ve been on that rom myself for the last few days. Aside from low speaker volume, it’s been perfect (which isn’t a problem for me, as my phone is always on silent, notifications come to my smart watch, and for media I use a Bluetooth speaker)
One thing I should mention, when flashing the rr rom, no need to flash gapps too, doing this seems to break the first time start wizard. It comes with play store and play services baked into the rom.
Also, the installer is in Russian, but just keep hitting the ok button, and you’ll have the option to change to your preferred language on first boot.
Hope this helps guys, I’m really enjoying this phone with amplify, minminguard, etc running great.
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mate, we do have an ht17 normal not pro, i am glad that you found a solution, but it's not for us

Paid Android App

Hi Guys,
I need your expertise.. .. I have purchased an app which works on android from a private company (not on play store). Some time later a client dropped some beer on the device; the device still works but the power and volume buttons are getting stuck. I asked the software developers to change device but they refused, stating that I need to buy a new licence if I want to use a different device. I see this as unfair as they could easily give me a new licence and factory reset the old one but they still won't accept so I decided to try and move the app myself. Could anyone tell me where android stores the 'unlocked' files, as I have managed to move the app itself but it asks me for a serial code...
Ir you hace robot, just use titanium backup and pasa the backup yo another Phineas and use again titanium yo restore the app
Enviado desde mi XT1562 mediante Tapatalk

Oppo Reno 2 official ColorOS 11 (Android 11) release this month

Hi fellow Reno owners,
Oppo announced yesterday that the ColorOS11 (Android 11) update for our Reno 2 will be released this month in Europe.
Source :
and https://community.oppo.com/in/thread?id=796961978332741636
Some Asian countries already received the beta, but is seems we are the first to receive the official release.
Only Germany, Belgium, Switzerland and Spain for the whole of Europe though? This is my first and last Oppo phone, Their support in the UK is non existent.
skimminstones said:
Only Germany, Belgium, Switzerland and Spain for the whole of Europe though? This is my first and last Oppo phone, Their support in the UK is non existent.
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Yes, but with a free VPN client you can connect to 1 of these countries (when released of course) and then download the update.
Android is multi-language, you won't notice any difference than if it was released for the UK itself.
(I have done it a couple of times before)
speedme said:
Yes, but with a free VPN client you can connect to 1 of these countries (when released of course) and then download the update.
Android is multi-language, you won't notice any difference than if it was released for the UK itself.
(I have done it a couple of times before)
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Yes im well aware of updating via VPNs, the point is people shouldnt have to.
Indeed, people shouldn't when they patient enough when the release is for their country.
If someone is impatient, like me, a VPN can do magic
And if you're outside those 4 countries patience wont help you. The vast majority of normal people won't go investigating VPNs etc... they will just never buy another Oppo phone.
Yes, indeed. I just got rid of my Reno2. Cause still no Volte/Vowifi support though asking a couple of times. Oppo is not willing to deliver the required software to the phones in Germany. And Volte/Vowifi should nowadays be standard features. This is a pity since the hardware does support volte. This is not what I expected from a new smartphone bought in 2020.
speedme said:
Salut les autres propriétaires de Reno,
Oppo a annoncé hier que la mise à jour ColorOS11 (Android 11) pour notre Reno 2 sera publiée ce mois-ci en Europe.
Source: [MEDIA = twitter] 1390631478220890121 [/ MEDIA]
et https://community.oppo.com/in/thread?id=796961978332741636
Certains pays asiatiques ont déjà reçu la version bêta, mais il semble que nous soyons les premiers à recevoir la version officielle.
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Bonjour, j'ai téléchargė ce matin ColorOs 11 pour Reno2 sur l'Espagne, je suis passé par Tunelbar. Excellente version. Moi je suis en France
Yes. Download too by VPN Windscribe Germany (I m in France)
downloaded it on a spanish vpn. Now im getting a message about it setting the system message app as my default app. I dont want to use that, ive always used googles messaging app. No matter how many times i change the default app the system keeps changing it back to the system one. Surely they havent made it impossible to use a different text message app
My god the default sms app is ****ing garbage. I cant believe they have blocked 3rd party sms apps. Gonna have to sell this piece of **** now.
skimminstones said:
Et si vous êtes en dehors de ces 4 pays, la patience ne vous aidera pas. La grande majorité des gens normaux n'iront pas enquêter sur les VPN, etc., ils n'achèteront simplement jamais un autre téléphone Oppo.
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N'importe quoi. Mdr
Pascal 78 said:
N'importe quoi. Mdr
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No idea what you are saying. As per the rules of this forum can you use translate to post in English
skimminstones said:
downloaded it on a spanish vpn. Now im getting a message about it setting the system message app as my default app. I dont want to use that, ive always used googles messaging app. No matter how many times i change the default app the system keeps changing it back to the system one. Surely they havent made it impossible to use a different text message app
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Hello. Did you try to chose the default app in parameters? It should be ok. You can try too to backup your SMS and MMS with Mybackup app for exemple. Try next to delete the message app with ADB command and chose Google messaging app again.
Seblight said:
Hello. Did you try to chose the default app in parameters? It should be ok. You can try too to backup your SMS and MMS with Mybackup app for example. Try next to delete the message app with ADB command and chose Google messaging app again.
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no interest in messing about with adp to delete things, i shouldnt have to. It was working fine with google messaging app before
Which VPN client did you guys use ?
I have tried several VPN client in the PlayStore and set it to Spain or Germany, but whatever I do I don't get an update.
I used Windscribe. There is regular free account. I had a free 50go / month.
Anyone tried the online update option in the recovery menu?
I don't have ColorOS11 yet, even though I tried with several VPN's to several countries.
I"ll keep trying.

tim box uzw4010tim2

je need to use it as android box i dont have tim account so i need to flash it so i need rom who can help me
I've been looking everywhere for the same thing but looks like no custom rom is available for this device.
I'll probably end up buying a Google Chromecast with Google TV and keep the Timbox just for DVB-T2 on my old TV.
P.S.: I even have a Tim account but the Timbox is really awful.

