[Q] can you listen to music out of bluetooth headsets? - Asus Eee Pad Transformer Prime

So on the Prime, if I pair a bluetooth headset, can I listen to music out of it?

Yes. Very simple.
It would be kinda disappointing if it couldn't.

elcom said:
Yes. Very simple.
It would be kinda disappointing if it couldn't.
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I thought so too..But all mine shows after pairing is a phone audio...Not getting any media audio options..

Does your headset support a2dp?
If it doesn't then it wont work for music.

What pair of Bluetooth headphones are you using?
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CharliesTheMan said:
What pair of Bluetooth headphones are you using?
Sent from my ADR6425LVW using xda premium
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It is a Samsung WEP301

acdcking12345 said:
I thought so too..But all mine shows after pairing is a phone audio...Not getting any media audio options..
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I looked up your headset and couldn't find anything mentioning media, so you may need find yourself a different headset.
~Azrael's Kiss~

acdcking12345 said:
It is a Samsung WEP301
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Your headset won't work with music (a2dp ).
If you want to stream media over bt I suggest you buy stereo bt headphones.


[Q] music players

I'm getting a loud pop in between songs when using google play music with cm9 and miui thru headset with headset button manager. Also using DSP with the settings turned up pretty much. It doesnt fc or anything just makes u jump! It does skip occasionally too, dunno if thats just from movement tho when biking.
If anyone can suggest a fix or a good music player i can use even if its not free id try it. It has to work good with headset controller tho.
Double twist. You can sync itunes with it
Sent from my MB860 CM7 RC1 37p Radio
Double twist. You can sync itunes with it
Sent from my MB860 CM7 RC1 37p Radio
Poweramp is awesome...give it a try.
I second PowerAmp.
A far as the popping sounds go, have you tried different headphones?
Inspiredwire said:
I second PowerAmp.
A far as the popping sounds go, have you tried different headphones?
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Nah it was google play, got powerampp its mint now
Sent from my MB860 using XDA
Player Pro! I used Poweramp before, it's a really nice player... but Player Pro is still better for my needs
italosnt said:
Player Pro! I used Poweramp before, it's a really nice player... but Player Pro is still better for my needs
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Another vote here for PlayerPro. PAmp was eating battery too fast for me. If you get PlayerPro, make sure to get the free DSP Pack. It makes a big difference in sound quality...
Sent from my MB860 using XDA Premium App

Music via Bluetooth headset

Hi guys
Im running 4.0 ICS.
How do i get my music played via my bluetootch headset?
Is there a setting for this?
As its paired, calls works perfectly, but music is channeld via the normal speaker?
Hi guys
Anyone have an idea?
^^rac said:
Hi guys
Anyone have an idea?
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Better to ask in the thread for the ROM you are using.
Sent from my MB860 using xda premium

(Q) Poweramp through bluetooth?

Is there any way I can play my music on Poweramp through a bluetooth speaker? You can with stock music player, but I haven't found a way to do it with Poweramp yet. It's bugging me. Lol.
Can anyone shed some light on this for me?
Thanks in advance!
Sent from my GT-I9300 using Tapatalk 2
pardoned said:
Is there any way I can play my music on Poweramp through a bluetooth speaker? You can with stock music player, but I haven't found a way to do it with Poweramp yet. It's bugging me. Lol.
Can anyone shed some light on this for me?
Thanks in advance!
Sent from my GT-I9300 using Tapatalk 2
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I play my music in the car via Bluetooth using power without any problem
Sent from my GT-I9300 using xda app-developers app
djwilliams100 said:
I play my music in the car via Bluetooth using power without any problem
Sent from my GT-I9300 using xda app-developers app
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Can you tell me how you did it? Thanks.
Sent from my GT-I9300 using Tapatalk 2
pardoned said:
Can you tell me how you did it? Thanks.
Sent from my GT-I9300 using Tapatalk 2
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It would have been so very nice had there been a meaningful response to this question rather than a simple "it works for me". It would also help if PowerAmp had some helpful, easy-to-find documentation. I obviously didn't think my purchase through completely before I made it last night.....
molly_dog said:
It would have been so very nice had there been a meaningful response to this question rather than a simple "it works for me". It would also help if PowerAmp had some helpful, easy-to-find documentation. I obviously didn't think my purchase through completely before I made it last night.....
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I don't actually use it any more, although not for this reason.
IIRC, you just turn on Bluetooth and play something in Poweramp. If your Bluetooth connects okay it'll just play through the Bluetooth connection.
TL;DR - It seems to play through a connected Bluetooth device automatically

Issue with MP3 tags on Bluetooth

I've got CM 10.1 NIGHTLY and couldn't get any info to my car audio (via Bluetooth) from mp3 songs, likely tags, info etc
Something been disabled in 4.2.2 ?
Plz help, I really want this in my car audio display
Sent from my GT-I9300 using xda premium
R: Issue with MP3 tags on Bluetooth
Maybe your car doesnt support the reading of tags...maybe the cyanogenmod is not stable enlugh yet or it uses a different(more rudimental) kind of way to connect to headphone bluetooth devices (such as your car, which acts like a receiving speaker) and stock rom did not...could be anything...
did it ever work? On what rom? With any particular app? Do you use any sort of special bluetooth connection method?
Sent from my GT-I9300 using xda app-developers app
I've done this without ROM, there's no problem
Sent from my GT-I9300 using xda premium
R: Issue with MP3 tags on Bluetooth
Without rom...you mean without cyanogen? Or with another phone? Perhaps its got to do with the permissilns: u need to associate the car 'better' (make it secure) with the phone, or perhaps u need a different bluetooth connection method. I suggest checking the store for some apps that help you with bluetooth pairing stuff...
Sent from my GT-I9300 using xda app-developers app
With stock ROM, there is no problem with pairing etc and it sounds great! I'm only missing the file info (tag).... The car audio just say "no name" There must be something disabled in CyanogenMod ?
Sent from my GT-I9300 using xda premium
It's CM and/or AOSP... Don't worry its not Samsung or your car.
If your on power amp go to settings and enable send id3 tags over a2dp or similar.. It may work for you..
Sent from my GT-I9300 using xda premium
Okay, I've set PowerAmp to send IdTags, but unfortunately it didn't work.... Not in Apollo either :-/
May I need to try some another players ?
Sent from my GT-I9300 using xda premium
Willinickersen said:
Okay, I've set PowerAmp to send IdTags, but unfortunately it didn't work.... Not in Apollo either :-/
May I need to try some another players ?
Sent from my GT-I9300 using xda premium
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I seem to be facing the same issue. On my sammy stock ROM everything worked fine. I fail to understand why the tags aren't working. Can someone give me some insight as to how those tags are passed? I'm currently using CM10.1 on a SGS3 i9300.
It's something with the Bluetooth version on android 4.2.2! Have I found on this forum
Sent from my GT-P5110 using xda premium
Willinickersen said:
It's something with the Bluetooth version on android 4.2.2! Have I found on this forum
Sent from my GT-P5110 using xda premium
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I have had this problem with all roms I have used(stock and omega). Toyota touch&go will not show song names etc. Not from Spotify or mp3 played from phone. Iphone works well. Touch&go shows artist, songname and album while streaming music from Spotify via bluetooth.
Is there a rom where's no problem with bluetooth? Looks like it needs Avcrp v1.3 support...

DAC enabler for all players. anybody tried it?

This app was written for the V10, but I'm wondering if anybody has tried it on their V30?
This is old and was only for the Lollipop version of the V10. Back then LG only enabled the DAC for certain apps, while there was a bypass with voicemail if I recall correctly. However due to complaints or whatever LG made it so all apps use DAC when it is enabled now, so there is no point to get this.
20degrees said:
This app was written for the V10, but I'm wondering if anybody has tried it on their V30?
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Why are you asking about this? are you having issues?
Deadeye* said:
Why are you asking about this? are you having issues?
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Nah, no issues. My phone arrives Monday. Just wondering as I've read that only the stock music player uses the DAC for stored music?
20degrees said:
Nah, no issues. My phone arrives Monday. Just wondering as I've read that only the stock music player uses the DAC for stored music?
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I don't believe so no. I think all music playing apps will use the DAC.
Sent from my LG-H932 using Tapatalk Pro.
Septembersrain said:
I don't believe so no. I think all music playing apps will use the DAC.
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Awesome. Can't wait to go back to power amp or something newer. Samsung music is decent, but it's missing many features I enjoyed on my G4. Some reason other music players on Samsungs don't play well with metadata transfers to stereos.
Yep you can now use quad dac AND EQ from other app. Gotta have that bass [emoji41]
Sent from my LG-H932 using Tapatalk
psawjack said:
Yep you can now use quad dac AND EQ from other app. Gotta have that bass [emoji41]
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Do you use any music apps you'd recommend? Dub music seems pretty cool.
20degrees said:
Do you use any music apps you'd recommend? Dub music seems pretty cool.
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Yep Jet audio HD allows for some great plugins. Gives user immense control of how audio sounds. I own most of the plugins.
The USB audio player app if you ever want to use a DAC. Interface sucks though.
For a free player I would recommend Sony Music app port. My favorite music player. EQ stuff don't work on ports but still the best player around!
Sent from my LG-H932 using Tapatalk
psawjack said:
Yep Jet audio HD allows for some great plugins. Gives user immense control of how audio sounds. I own most of the plugins.
The USB audio player app if you ever want to use a DAC. Interface sucks though.
For a free player I would recommend Sony Music app port. My favorite music player. EQ stuff don't work on ports but still the best player around!
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Trying to look on Google. Do you have a link for the Sony app?
Edit: found it. Thanks, it looks pretty sweet.
psawjack said:
Yep you can now use quad dac AND EQ from other app. Gotta have that bass [emoji41]
Sent from my LG-H932 using Tapatalk
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If you can use the DAC from any player, then what's this about below?
mlknez said:
I'm sorry, but this was a HORRIBLE review..
You didn't say when you can and cannot use the Sabre DAC in the system. What is good about it and what is horrible. You also fail to mention that the MQA playback ability really does not work and all 44.1khz CD quality PCM is upconverted to 48khz with awful artifacts. You also should mention that the only way to play DSD on this device is to use the very basic stock LG Music Player
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ChazzMatt said:
Then what's this about?
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I'm not exactly sure what that person was saying most of the time in that post so sorry.
USB player pro plays my DSD 2.8MHz files. So does that new HiBimusic app.
It also shows that it was paying back at 176400HZ, so I don't see a DAC limitation of just 44k or 48.1k.
The point is that the DAC now works with 3rd party apps, not just the native LG music app.
Sent from my LG-H932 using Tapatalk
I would like to activate the DAC when I listen to music via bluetooth. is there a way?
psawjack said:
I'm not exactly sure what that person was saying most of the time in that post so sorry.
USB player pro plays my DSD 2.8MHz files. So does that new HiBimusic app.
It also shows that it was paying back at 176400HZ, so I don't see a DAC limitation of just 44k or 48.1k.
The point is that the DAC now works with 3rd party apps, not just the native LG music app.
Sent from my LG-H932 using Tapatalk
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Thank you.
Have I been reading things incorrectly? Does the DAC not already work with 3rd party apps?
astikv said:
I would like to activate the DAC when I listen to music via bluetooth. is there a way?
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Wired only.

