[Q] is there any app that lets me make voice calls - Android Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

hi all
is there any app that lets me make voice calls between 2 android phones connected to the same wireless network without using internet?

up up up up

I know I have done this with two computers before using SIP then calling the computers IP LAN address but for some reason I don't think it will work on the Android software.
Off the top of my head the best idea I could think of is if you also have a computer to install a sip server on it.


[Q] MIUI and Cisco Mobile

just had a questions did not know if any one could answer. i use Cisco Jabber app from market to connect to Cisco call manger i can get it to connect but if i try to make a call using sip client it will not dial using the sip client will dial to carrier and give error. but i am able to receive the call just cannot make them any suggestions.

[Q] SMS/Call Tethering

Is there a way to send/recieve text messages and also make/recieve calls on an android tablet using your android phones similair to functionality on webOS between the HP Touchpad and HP Pre 3.
Call Tethering
Your post is kind of vague. Of course you can make calls using Skype and other internet based phone services. Google Talk for example.
Does your tablet have a cell phone built in for 3G or 4G cell services? If so I would imagine there is a rom out there...if not you would just have to use some sort of web interface to call through the internets.
I am not sure about the tablet actually accessing the cell services through an external device, I imagine it is possible with the right software.
The tablet has no celluar radios.
Like this http://forum.xda-developers.com/archive/index.php/t-1290274.html but with an android phone and an android tablet.
this works for SMS -

[Q] Application for Point-To-Point Voip Call over Wifi

I am searching for an application to make a point to point VOIP call between two android devices without having any intermediate server or an internet connection. I just have an access point (or multiple access point that covers my house) and I want to make VOIP calls over WIFI only. Is that possible ?

[Q] GSM/SIP Gateway

I am looking for an application which can be installed on Android phone and work as GSM gateway. i.e. the client logs on to a SIP server, receive calls through SIP and bridge them through GSM network of the same phone. Wondering if any came across or using such app? Thanks in advance,
I've been searching long for this without luck. Curious such request was there such 2010, but no developer make it....
Hi , try www.a2voip.com

How to remotely route incoming and outgoing calls over internet to another mobile

Hi I would like to leave my mobile phone at home while I travel so I don't get charged roaming data. Then access the phone via another mobile with a cheap local sim of that country or wifi. Is there such a way that I can remotely dial on the phone (something like VNC to remotely operate the phone) and receive calls remotely on my home mobile and effectively forwarding the calls across cheaply. As far as the caller is concerned I'm still at home!
IS there anything that might do this an app or something>?
Or am I dreaming about something that is impossible?

