ATRIX won't connect voice calls! HELP PLEEEEEASE! - Atrix 4G Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

Hi There People, I'm sorry if this issue was already solved in another thread, I just couldn't find it. =/
I've gotten an ATRIX MB680 that is not connecting callings. I've seen that some other users have had this same problem and solved it, however I wasn't successfull in solving it myself. I've turned it to stock Gingerbread ROM, changed radios but NOTHING so far. I REALLY need this phone working ASAP. Does anyone know how to and if this issue is solvable? =/Anyways, thank youbso much for the help.
Aquele Abraço...


[Q] Screen problem

Since a week ago I'm having a strange problem. Bottom part of my screen doesn't respond well to touch input. I think its kind of out of calibration or is it broken? Does anyone else have this problem?
I've installed several ROMs but all of them have the same problem. Is my Hero dying?
This is a well documented problem. Try searching the forum for the related posts.
Thanks. Unfortunately I couldnt find exact answer to my question.
Would you please be kind enough to give me a link to the solution?
OK. Thanks man. I guess I have problem. Here there is no official HTC center so I guess I have to deal with it. For thos in my condition, The original HTC keyboard works the best for me and with it I have little to no problem unlike default Android keyboard.
I had the same problem before.
But without a service center, you are out of luck.
Maybe try those DIY guides they have on fixing this problem.

[Q] Unsolvable Hero question....

UPDATE: ok, ive figured out part of the problem so maybe a solution will be easier. After experimenting, iheld down my menu key and it opened the keybrd, hitting the speak button initiate my call for as long as i talk, once i stop it tries searching and does its job. SO, there is a problem between the voice recognizer initiating when it should turn on....or something like that.
could not find ANYTHING in my settings that would turn this on permanently.
ideas? thx
hey guys, first time poster long time reader.
huge fan of what everyones been doing here so maybe i can get help cause ive been unable to find any solution.
PROBLEM: In car bluetooth handsfree communication for PHONECALLS only, competely not working.
Ok, so i have had my telus htc hero for 2 years now, everything worked fine on stock 1.5 and upgrd 2.1
once i started having trouble with memory and no a2sd, i bit the bullet and flashed CM6.1 and loved it, but thats when my BT trouble began. ever since then, it hasnt worked. It will pair, connect and if i receive a call the music(which works fine) will pause and the phone will ring, but when i answer it.. complete silence from both ends.
I flashed CM7.0.0(maybe 7.0.1?) beta3, thinking it would solve the problem and no luck.
After several weeks of searching i came across ELELINUX last night, read the changelogs and it said BT worked fine. so i flashed 7.1.0 RC1 v3.1 to find the exact same problem persisted.
I am out of ideas and threads to read...if ANYONE has a suggestion they think will work, i am all ears.
Thx so much for any help and sorry for my long first post.
Sounds like trouble with the roms bluetooth stack. I'd test a stock rom and see if that solves the problem. If it does, its probably the roms you're using.
Hmm ok. I just assumed that since the build said "Bluetooth working", that it would! Lol
But ok thanks man, I guess I just search for that with "stock hero rom" right?
Ill give it a whirl and see what's up. I wish someone knew of a working 2.2 Rom for hero, sheesh
167 views and no solutions and you call yourselves developers....shame!
mattprime86 said:
167 views and no solutions and you call yourselves developers....shame!
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Calm down, just because your problem still exists, doesn't make it our fault, or our responsibility. If anything, its your responsibility. If you want it fixed, contact the developer of the rom. If that doesn't work, try developing a fix yourself, and see the time, skill and patience it takes. Until then, quit raging against the hardworking fellows here and let us move on to bigger things. If you truly want bluetooth, you can always unroot and go back to stock to fix your problem. Beggars can't be choosers.
Sent from my SCH-I500 using XDA App
Sorry, that was supposed to be read in a comical fashion with no actual bitterness :/ prob should have made myself clearer.

[Q] Outgoing Call Problem. . .ANY Help VERY Appreciated!

I have an Atrix 4G, Tegrapart d00. . .I am currently using Epinter's CM10 ROM, though this problem has been present in CM7 and CM9 ROMS by various developers as well.
When I make an outgoing call I am unable to hear the phone ringing in the earpiece, can't hear it when the called party picks up, and can't hear myself, either. . .though the called party can hear me just fine. If I push the speakerphone soft key immediately after dialing the number and then push it again, all is well with the call.
As was mentioned, I have used several ROMs of various "flavors" and they all suffer the same problem. I have changed radios in the phone, as well, but it has still not solved the problem. I hate to think my beloved Atrix is on its last leg and I'm hoping it's a setting I'm missing or an easily downloadable fix and flash I can perform.
I searched all over XDA and on other sites and while I have seen a couple of other folks report a similar issue, I'm not seeing where anybody has been able to offer an answer.
Any help would be appreciated. Also, I hope I have posted in the correct place for this question. . . .previous posts have landed me in bad with moderators and I'm really hoping to avoid that this time! (Grin)
Thank you all in advance!
Still having this issue.....anybody?
ClubWDW said:
Still having this issue.....anybody?
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Common issue with atrix 4G..earpiece not working thing..
its hardware related.
u need to replace the earpiece flex cable..
read this thread in depth:
Sigh....purchased flex cable, repaired joy.....anybody else? I am at my wits' end...
ClubWDW said:
Sigh....purchased flex cable, repaired joy.....anybody else? I am at my wits' end...
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Possible broken mic! Need help, please!

So I was running greezepop ROM and whenbi get a phone or make a phone call they can't hear me but I can hear them. I flashed a new ROM and still the same issue. Is there a fix for this? I tried searching the thread but couldn't find anything. Any help would be awesome! Thanks in advance.
jesseserna209 said:
So I was running greezepop ROM and whenbi get a phone or make a phone call they can't hear me but I can hear them. I flashed a new ROM and still the same issue. Is there a fix for this? I tried searching the thread but couldn't find anything. Any help would be awesome! Thanks in advance.
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Same here...Mic is app may be broken
just got home from work and plugged in my headphones and that seems to be working fine. made a test call and it works fine through the headphone mic.
Please do not duplicate threads. You have already started this one please stick with that.
Thank you.
This thread is now closed.

Please help with microphone.

Hello, I know there are many thread about this topic, but I don't saw any solution...
I had problem with the microphone, the people heard me far away... So I decided change the microphone, I saw this solution in other thread, so... Go ahead.
My surprise, I turn on my phone, I do a call... And the problem still be.
I think that the problem can be with the build.prop ... I don't know... I want delete all files, ALL, and then, reinstall the full system from zero. Anybody can help me??? Or give me another solution??

