[Q] dock with usb - Galaxy Tab 10.1 Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

This is crazy this is my 3rd q &a and no one is helping.......i thought this was a place that you could get help or assistance for the tab.....all i need is to be pointed in the right direction. The problem..... i want to use my flash drive or sd card and charge my tablet at the same time.reason..... I want to watch movies from my tab via hdmi,but we all know the dock must be powered to work thus usb being used.i dont want to load up my tab with movie and music files thats why...fyi. So is it possible or has anyone ever added a usb port to galaxy tab dock.?please and thanx.

Rdub7206 said:
This is crazy this is my 3rd q &a and no one is helping.......i thought this was a place that you could get help or assistance for the tab.....all i need is to be pointed in the right direction. The problem..... i want to use my flash drive or sd card and charge my tablet at the same time.reason..... I want to watch movies from my tab via hdmi,but we all know the dock must be powered to work thus usb being used.i dont want to load up my tab with movie and music files thats why...fyi. So is it possible or has anyone ever added a usb port to galaxy tab dock.?please and thanx.
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Well, if you were this friendly in your first messages I can see why you didn't get an answer. Also, did you create a new account each time you asked?
The answer to your question is "not possible." You cannot connect a charger, USB, and HDMI at the same time. No way, no how.


[Q] How to use your device as a media center at home?

Hello all!
Before I ask my questions, I would like to say thank you to everyone on the forum. While I haven't posted anything before now, I have been a heavy user of XDA and have learned more than I had ever anticipated. To list all those I have followed or have provided me with some great information would take weeks so please accept my general thanks to everyone!
Now, I have searched high and low on this forum for a solution to my situation and have failed miserablly. If anyone can provide me a solution, link or point me in the right direction I would greatly appreciate it!
I am currently using 2 devices and about to add a 3rd. My main phone is a Samsung Captivate which has been rooted. I'm running CM7 w/ the GLITCH Kernal and too many mods to list. My second device is the Samsung Infuse which is completely stock. My next device is the HTC Vivid which I have no clue what will be done to it.....
What I would like to do is use my phone as a media hub. I would like to be able to walk in to my house, plug my phone in to my TV via HDMI and then pick up a tablet or my computer and be able to control the media on my device over my secure wifi connection.
I know I could plug my laptop into my TV and control my the media on my laptop via my phone but that has it's limitations as well.
So the scenario:
I walk in and connect my device to my TV. Grab my laptop/tablet and start my music or a movie and be able to respond to text messages.
I know I'm asking a lot but any assistance would be great!

Which roms work best with Nebtop app

I am so frustrated with getting the web top working on my device (without dock). I have the NotattichTrix rom and I can get the nebtop to get the device to mirror the desktop but it never actually enters the web top environment (it is installed though)...
Please help
You don't need Nebtop. NotattichTrix rom has webtop hdmi hack baked in.
zomgno1 said:
You don't need Nebtop. NotattichTrix rom has webtop hdmi hack baked in.
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That would explain why I would get the pull down notification with the list of HDMI options (webtop, mirror, entertainment center...ect) before I even opened Nebtop. I still thought that the mere installation of that app is what led to that drop down appearing (sans dock of course)... Now I know
thank you sir

[Q] myRemote & W8

I know this is the wrong forum, but I have only just joined so cant ask in the correct forum..
I've got W8 running on my Tranquil PC which is hooked up to my TV, I was going to buy a wireless keyboard and mouse but found the "myRemote" app, it works a treat but it does not start until I log in and double click the short cut on the desktop. Which means I have to plug in my USB keyboard to log in etc instead of being able to sit my arse on the sofa whilst fiddling with my phone.
So.. How do I get the program to start during boot up, bearing in mind it needs the desktop to run properly!?!?!!
Thank you in advance, and sorry its in the wrong forum (my phone is a nice shiny HTC Desire X though..)
dannoodle said:
I know this is the wrong forum, but I have only just joined so cant ask in the correct forum..
I've got W8 running on my Tranquil PC which is hooked up to my TV, I was going to buy a wireless keyboard and mouse but found the "myRemote" app, it works a treat but it does not start until I log in and double click the short cut on the desktop. Which means I have to plug in my USB keyboard to log in etc instead of being able to sit my arse on the sofa whilst fiddling with my phone.
So.. How do I get the program to start during boot up, bearing in mind it needs the desktop to run properly!?!?!!
Thank you in advance, and sorry its in the wrong forum (my phone is a nice shiny HTC Desire X though..)
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This should be in the off topic section of the xda forum. (my favorite section of the forum! )
Anyways, in your myremote app on the pc find a menu to start on boot or something. Or you can use a startup editor cuz win8 has no start menu to put it in start>all programs>startup. There should be a option in the myremote app on the pc to start as a system process. If not, use teamviewer.

[Q] display and use S2 from computer

i want to use my S2 from my computer
i want a programme like the SOTI controller that i used to have on my blackberry
it would display the screen of the phone on my laptop and i could click on it and type from my laptop keyboard onto the phone
any idea how to do this
i dont really want to root the phone, but i am willing to if there really is no other way to do this!
thanks in advance
Use Teamviewer
ankur.co.in said:
Use Teamviewer
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phone on computer
not computer on phone
Airdroid (https://play.google.com/store/apps/...e=google&utm_medium=organic&utm_term=airdroid) kinda does this, you can send text messages view files and look at contacts. If your rooted you can view your phones screen, however its really laggy and behind. It does this through your browser

[Request][Bounty] Samsung Gear Circle Driver for Windows 7

I am trying to use my Samsung Gear Circle with my laptop. I want to use it to listen to music, hear system sounds, and converse via Google Hangouts. I looked high and low, and could not find Windows 7 drivers. So, I have started a bounty to have these developed. If you are interested in helping, either by creating the driver or contributing to the bounty, please see the link here: www_bountysource_com/issues/11999712-windows-7-driver-for-samsung-gear-circle (XDA wouldn't let me post the clickable link)
I can currently pair my Bluetooth headset to my laptop, but cannot do anything further that that. I have also updated my USB Bluetooth adapter drivers to the latest Broadcom version. Any advice or help will be appreciated.
I got My Samsung Gear Circle working with my PC using Toshiba Bluetooth Stack.

