[Q] myRemote & W8 - HTC Desire X

I know this is the wrong forum, but I have only just joined so cant ask in the correct forum..
I've got W8 running on my Tranquil PC which is hooked up to my TV, I was going to buy a wireless keyboard and mouse but found the "myRemote" app, it works a treat but it does not start until I log in and double click the short cut on the desktop. Which means I have to plug in my USB keyboard to log in etc instead of being able to sit my arse on the sofa whilst fiddling with my phone.
So.. How do I get the program to start during boot up, bearing in mind it needs the desktop to run properly!?!?!!
Thank you in advance, and sorry its in the wrong forum (my phone is a nice shiny HTC Desire X though..)

dannoodle said:
I know this is the wrong forum, but I have only just joined so cant ask in the correct forum..
I've got W8 running on my Tranquil PC which is hooked up to my TV, I was going to buy a wireless keyboard and mouse but found the "myRemote" app, it works a treat but it does not start until I log in and double click the short cut on the desktop. Which means I have to plug in my USB keyboard to log in etc instead of being able to sit my arse on the sofa whilst fiddling with my phone.
So.. How do I get the program to start during boot up, bearing in mind it needs the desktop to run properly!?!?!!
Thank you in advance, and sorry its in the wrong forum (my phone is a nice shiny HTC Desire X though..)
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This should be in the off topic section of the xda forum. (my favorite section of the forum! )
Anyways, in your myremote app on the pc find a menu to start on boot or something. Or you can use a startup editor cuz win8 has no start menu to put it in start>all programs>startup. There should be a option in the myremote app on the pc to start as a system process. If not, use teamviewer.


I've left the Dark Side, a couple of questions

I've just got my HTC Hero... I was going to hold out for the HD2, but 1) There's a recession on, and 2) I played with a dummy version and whilst it's fantastic, it's very very enormous, and I have issues with the size of my equipment. (Unsightly bulges in my suit. Um...)
Isn't Hero lovely? It's the thinking person's iPhone.
Anyway, can anyone help with:
1. I'd like to sync some files with my desktop, in the same way as I could with WM My Documents. What do I need to do?
2. How can I get my MP3 ringtones to register?
3. Is there a good time-based profile application? (WM Phone Weaver was excellent.)
4. I hear Hero will support Andriod Eclair? Does anyone know when it's coming out, and what's going to be new?
Thanks for your help!
1) If you plug in your Hero into your computer, your Hero should have a USB notification at the taskbar. Bring down the curtain and "Mount" your Hero. This will allow the computer to see it like a USB stick. Just drag the files across as you would normally.
2) Sorry - I didnt quite search around to find the post that would answer this for you, but the process was detailed by Dayzee - search around one of the stickies in the general Hero section.
3) As i came from WM, i liked time-based profiling too, however, i have failed to find an awesome one just like Phone Weaver/Phone Alarm/SPB Phone Suite etc. Locale is a FREE program on the market which suggests it can do these things - i find it a bit confusing and not useful for me. Example, I cant choose the phone to enter vibrate mode if it sees ANY appointment in my calendar, but you can select individually the appointments to switch into vibrate. To me, it was too tiresome to continuously add every appointment so that it will turn to vibrate..someone might be able to help you out here (even me!)
4) HTC have stated that Android 2.0 IS coming to Hero and they are working on it. THere are numerous thoughts on when this will be and nothing is confirmed solid yet from HTC.
btw, most of your questions could be answered if you read around the forum. There is a wealth of knowledge around this forum and even at Modaco's about our Hero. Might be best to read around first before posting. Just had a skim through this section of the forums and i could see 2 Android 2.0 threads. That would of definitely answered question number 4.
singing hound said:
2. How can I get my MP3 ringtones to register?
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Use tone picker, you can download it in the market place. There are other apps that do the same thing but this one works fine for me.
It's also possible to select a ring tone in the original music player. When the song/ringtone is playing in the full screen app (not in the widget), press menu and there is an option to add the song as a ring tone.

[Q] How to use your device as a media center at home?

Hello all!
Before I ask my questions, I would like to say thank you to everyone on the forum. While I haven't posted anything before now, I have been a heavy user of XDA and have learned more than I had ever anticipated. To list all those I have followed or have provided me with some great information would take weeks so please accept my general thanks to everyone!
Now, I have searched high and low on this forum for a solution to my situation and have failed miserablly. If anyone can provide me a solution, link or point me in the right direction I would greatly appreciate it!
I am currently using 2 devices and about to add a 3rd. My main phone is a Samsung Captivate which has been rooted. I'm running CM7 w/ the GLITCH Kernal and too many mods to list. My second device is the Samsung Infuse which is completely stock. My next device is the HTC Vivid which I have no clue what will be done to it.....
What I would like to do is use my phone as a media hub. I would like to be able to walk in to my house, plug my phone in to my TV via HDMI and then pick up a tablet or my computer and be able to control the media on my device over my secure wifi connection.
I know I could plug my laptop into my TV and control my the media on my laptop via my phone but that has it's limitations as well.
So the scenario:
I walk in and connect my device to my TV. Grab my laptop/tablet and start my music or a movie and be able to respond to text messages.
I know I'm asking a lot but any assistance would be great!

[Q] Question teamview, iteleport

hi guys,
My friend and i were playing poker on our computers using our tabs.
He has an ipad2 wich use iteleport
I got a galaxy tab 10.1 and i used teamview
We both succeed to play with similar controls except for one thing:
With teamview i have to drag the mouse cursor over the action button or the area i want to press
With iteleport the "touchscreen" ability stay in, making him really more efficient
Now here is the question:
Is there any other program for android that will let me control my pc WITH the possibility of using the "touchscreen" way of moving the cursor
Thanks for ur help
anyone can help ?
am sure some peoples are using another program than teamview
did you tried to use a remote desktop client li extralogic one?
Albertotuchi said:
did you tried to use a remote desktop client li extralogic one?
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am not sure i understand what you are trying to say.
Teamviewer is installed on my tab and on my pc, thats why i can take control of the pc.
what im looking for is a way to not "drag" the cursor once connected.
with teamviewer, with the tab, i have to drag the cursor
with iteleport, with the ipad, you just tap where you want the cursor to be
i guess i ask for something that doesnt exist since nobody has replyed
5 Minutes of googling and I came up with "Logmein". It's expensive, though, but it works how you want. You are able to move the mouse relatively like on Teamviewer, but you can use "absolute" input, like a touchscreen.
I also heard logmein works well
Sent from my SPH-D710 using XDA App
Localhorst86 said:
5 Minutes of googling and I came up with "Logmein". It's expensive, though, but it works how you want. You are able to move the mouse relatively like on Teamviewer, but you can use "absolute" input, like a touchscreen.
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yea i saw that 30$ for an apps, ill look around to see how it really work

[Q] app to see whats on screen

Im looking for app for windows/linux that will be able to show me the screen of my htc desire, because my display does not work (its just black) everything else works and I have to do some things with it.
I want to connect it with usb cable to my laptop and when i will be able to see my screen of desire on my laptop it would be awesome
Regards Oliver
I would try this out: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=557717
MyMobiler is out for Android: http://mymobiler.com/. I'm not sure if you can get it installed and running without the screen on your phone, but it's worth a shot.
It is something like QtADB
QtADB website <-- windows only i think
Thank you guys
I will try all of those, but before that accident with my phone i flashed android 4.0.3, so i hope that will work fine
and i hope when i connect my phone to pc, it will not ask for superuser privileges, because i wont be able to tap on enable and i will be screwed
but i have to wait for my friend, because i lost my usb cable in delirium
Thank you, will report later
I know that MyMobiler does need superuser privileges. The Yes button in SU is quite large though, so you can probably hit it from memory.
Please use the Q&A Forum for questions Thanks
Moving to Q&A
mymobiler works, thanks!
I use the Android SDK's built-in DDMS myself, but it is mainly for screenshots, not as a display replacement option.

[Q] dock with usb

This is crazy this is my 3rd q &a and no one is helping.......i thought this was a place that you could get help or assistance for the tab.....all i need is to be pointed in the right direction. The problem..... i want to use my flash drive or sd card and charge my tablet at the same time.reason..... I want to watch movies from my tab via hdmi,but we all know the dock must be powered to work thus usb being used.i dont want to load up my tab with movie and music files thats why...fyi. So is it possible or has anyone ever added a usb port to galaxy tab dock.?please and thanx.
Rdub7206 said:
This is crazy this is my 3rd q &a and no one is helping.......i thought this was a place that you could get help or assistance for the tab.....all i need is to be pointed in the right direction. The problem..... i want to use my flash drive or sd card and charge my tablet at the same time.reason..... I want to watch movies from my tab via hdmi,but we all know the dock must be powered to work thus usb being used.i dont want to load up my tab with movie and music files thats why...fyi. So is it possible or has anyone ever added a usb port to galaxy tab dock.?please and thanx.
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Well, if you were this friendly in your first messages I can see why you didn't get an answer. Also, did you create a new account each time you asked?
The answer to your question is "not possible." You cannot connect a charger, USB, and HDMI at the same time. No way, no how.

