[Q] app to see whats on screen - Android Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

Im looking for app for windows/linux that will be able to show me the screen of my htc desire, because my display does not work (its just black) everything else works and I have to do some things with it.
I want to connect it with usb cable to my laptop and when i will be able to see my screen of desire on my laptop it would be awesome
Regards Oliver

I would try this out: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=557717

MyMobiler is out for Android: http://mymobiler.com/. I'm not sure if you can get it installed and running without the screen on your phone, but it's worth a shot.

It is something like QtADB
QtADB website <-- windows only i think

Thank you guys
I will try all of those, but before that accident with my phone i flashed android 4.0.3, so i hope that will work fine
and i hope when i connect my phone to pc, it will not ask for superuser privileges, because i wont be able to tap on enable and i will be screwed
but i have to wait for my friend, because i lost my usb cable in delirium
Thank you, will report later

I know that MyMobiler does need superuser privileges. The Yes button in SU is quite large though, so you can probably hit it from memory.

Please use the Q&A Forum for questions Thanks
Moving to Q&A

mymobiler works, thanks!

I use the Android SDK's built-in DDMS myself, but it is mainly for screenshots, not as a display replacement option.


[Q] Backtrack or Ubuntu on ACE?

I have been trying to run Ubuntu/debian/backtrack distros on ACE. However I have been getting a segmentation fault error for a busybox chroot command in the scripts.
There is a related thread in these forums if anyone is interested, but unfortunately no solution.
I am just curious to see if anyone here was successful doing it and if so how. Many users have a similar problem and I have gone through lot of general suggestions given in the above thread, but none of them solved my problem. So just trying my luck here to see if anyone else is interested to get one of those distros running on ACE.
If it can make coffee when succesfull...im interested.
Hi Sandred
Did you find out any more in the end? I had the exact same problem with my Galaxy Ace when trying to install BT5.
If you look on rumah-android.com/install-backtrack-5-linux-on-android.html it seems to show it working on an ACE but I haven't tried using debdroid yet. I'll let you know if I do ever get it working though..
marcusdw said:
Hi Sandred
Did you find out any more in the end? I had the exact same problem with my Galaxy Ace when trying to install BT5.
If you look on rumah-android.com/install-backtrack-5-linux-on-android.html it seems to show it working on an ACE but I haven't tried using debdroid yet. I'll let you know if I do ever get it working though..
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If you are referring to second image on the above site, it is not ACE. It is Samsung Galaxy something (if you look at left corner of the image, you see a camera/sensor on front left side of the phone) which is not Ace.
Anyways I was not successful running any distribution at all. I have even tried laika linux. The problem is with busybox which itself is segment faulting. Updating to latest greatest version did not help either. I changed different kernels on our phone and it did nothing. I have tried entering all the commands one by one , everything is ok until chroot command, where it just breaks.
I do not think debdroid app will help either, though I have not yet tried it.
I have not yet given up yet, I will keep trying when ever I get time and keep this thread posted. Thanks for asking.
sandred said:
If you are referring to second image on the above site, it is not ACE. It is Samsung Galaxy something
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How about "S"?
I got it working on my phone. Just follow post #94 in the link given below:
phoenix2241987 said:
I got it working on my phone. Just follow post #94 in the link given below:
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Would it be too much to ask for a video? I'd really like to see that on ace before deciding if i'm goin' for it!
Thanks in advance!
Ubuntu working on SGA
QNBT said:
Would it be too much to ask for a video? I'd really like to see that on ace before deciding if i'm goin' for it!
Thanks in advance!
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Here goes, a short demo. Recorded this using screencast application in droid explorer.
phoenix2241987 said:
Here goes, a short demo. Recorded this using screencast application in droid explorer.
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Thank you! I'm sure that the recording fps is pretty low, so how smooth does it actually run on a ace?
phoenix2241987 said:
I got it working on my phone. Just follow post #94 in the link given below:
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thanks, it's working now
phoenix2241987 said:
I got it working on my phone. Just follow post #94 in the link given below:
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Thanks a lot phoenix2241987, I got Ubuntu working following the above link!
Except I had to change the script a little bit to make it work on mine. I am attaching the script I modified if in case somebody needs it.
(Actually only this image works, other images of backtrack and laika do not work following the same method/script)
I was able to do a tightVNC session from PC and open up a full screen desktop. Firefox is not bad either, it is fast enough to browse text based sites.
Thanks a lot!
QNBT said:
Thank you! I'm sure that the recording fps is pretty low, so how smooth does it actually run on a ace?
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Pretty smooth, I should say.. There is a very slight lag, but that shouldn't be a problem. Btw, I'm using the supercharger script. I guess it runs smooth because of that.
And just after running the shell script, when you get the "[email protected]:" prompt, type " vncserver -geometry 480x320" . And in android vnc viewer use port 5902. This will make sure that the resolution fits your screen.
Also use input method as "Touchpad", in vnc viewer settings.
And once you have opened the GUI using vnc viewer, you can close the terminal emulator to free up ram. I found that the GUI runs smoother if you do that. You can use the vnc viewer to bring up the GUI anytime you want, until the next reboot, since ubuntu runs in the background even after you exit from the terminal emulator.
The downside is that you cannot mount your sdcard in your pc, once you have booted up ubuntu. You will have to reboot to get it connected. I guess this is because the ubuntu image is mounted on one of the loop devices manually.
sandred said:
Thanks a lot phoenix2241987, I got Ubuntu working following the above link!
Except I had to change the script a little bit to make it work on mine. I am attaching the script I modified if in case somebody needs it.
(Actually only this image works, other images of backtrack and laika do not work following the same method/script)
I was able to do a tightVNC session from PC and open up a full screen desktop. Firefox is not bad either, it is fast enough to browse text based sites.
Thanks a lot!
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I see you have modified the loop device #. I had to do that too, since all my loop devices [dm-0 to dm-7] were already mounted upon by some other applications installed on my phone. I had to uninstall one of them, to free up the loop device [in my case, dm-7], and change the script accordingly.
It would be cool if we could get some other OS running too.. Windows, for instance . But i guess that wouldn't be possible, due to the linux architecture of android. But who knows, some day, someone might change the bootloader, and get it to boot as the native OS, instead of running it as a virtual machine.
phoenix2241987 said:
I see you have modified the loop device #. I had to do that too, since all my loop devices [dm-0 to dm-7] were already mounted upon by some other applications installed on my phone. I had to uninstall one of them, to free up the loop device [in my case, dm-7], and change the script accordingly.
It would be cool if we could get some other OS running too.. Windows, for instance . But i guess that wouldn't be possible, due to the linux architecture of android. But who knows, some day, someone might change the bootloader, and get it to boot as the native OS, instead of running it as a virtual machine.
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maybe windows phone but not windows at least until microsoft port it to RISC with windows 8.
Sent from my GT-S5830 using XDA App
phoenix2241987 said:
Pretty smooth, I should say.. There is a very slight lag, but that shouldn't be a problem. Btw, I'm using the supercharger script. I guess it runs smooth because of that.
And just after running the shell script, when you get the "[email protected]:" prompt, type " vncserver -geometry 480x320" . And in android vnc viewer use port 5902. This will make sure that the resolution fits your screen.
Also use input method as "Touchpad", in vnc viewer settings.
And once you have opened the GUI using vnc viewer, you can close the terminal emulator to free up ram. I found that the GUI runs smoother if you do that. You can use the vnc viewer to bring up the GUI anytime you want, until the next reboot, since ubuntu runs in the background even after you exit from the terminal emulator.
The downside is that you cannot mount your sdcard in your pc, once you have booted up ubuntu. You will have to reboot to get it connected. I guess this is because the ubuntu image is mounted on one of the loop devices manually.
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That is a pain, it would actually be "better" if we would chose to boot up as ubunto at the startup, that would be awesome.
Thanks for the info!
sandred said:
Thanks a lot phoenix2241987, I got Ubuntu working following the above link!
Except I had to change the script a little bit to make it work on mine. I am attaching the script I modified if in case somebody needs it.
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I got it working using sandred's modded chubuntu script in combination of this method:
The problems that it's pretty laggy when I use it. The quality of the color is really low as well.
QNBT said:
The problems that I cant chose the reslution, how do i do that? And it's pretty laggy when I use it. Should the color be good or should it be that low quality?
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After running the shell script, when you get the "[email protected]:" prompt, type " vncserver -geometry 480x320". I used 480x320 because its the resolution of our galaxy ace, and it fits the screen nicely. You can use any other resolution you want, just put them in place of "480x320". And in android vnc viewer use port 5902.
Regarding the color depth, I use 24 bit, and it runs smoothly. If you have lag, use lower settings, although it will reduce the quality of display. You can change the color settings on the connect screen of the vnc viewer. There is a list-box named "color format".
phoenix2241987 said:
After running the shell script, when you get the "[email protected]:" prompt, type " vncserver -geometry 480x320". I used 480x320 because its the resolution of our galaxy ace, and it fits the screen nicely. You can use any other resolution you want, just put them in place of "480x320". And in android vnc viewer use port 5902.
Regarding the color depth, I use 24 bit, and it runs smoothly. If you have lag, use lower settings, although it will reduce the quality of display. You can change the color settings on the connect screen of the vnc viewer. There is a list-box named "color format".
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I was so eager that i exited terminal before that text showed up, but for some reason ubuntu still starts up as a bigger resolution after typing those commands. Oh and 5902 doesnt work, only 5901.
OH, nvm! It works now, gonna reboot and start over again then check if it laggs!
For some reason i can only chose "No Pan, Trackball Mouse" Since we have no trackball im unable to move the cursor. Any solution to that?
edit: stupid me, had it on fit screen so..... works now thanks for all the help!

[Q] How to use your device as a media center at home?

Hello all!
Before I ask my questions, I would like to say thank you to everyone on the forum. While I haven't posted anything before now, I have been a heavy user of XDA and have learned more than I had ever anticipated. To list all those I have followed or have provided me with some great information would take weeks so please accept my general thanks to everyone!
Now, I have searched high and low on this forum for a solution to my situation and have failed miserablly. If anyone can provide me a solution, link or point me in the right direction I would greatly appreciate it!
I am currently using 2 devices and about to add a 3rd. My main phone is a Samsung Captivate which has been rooted. I'm running CM7 w/ the GLITCH Kernal and too many mods to list. My second device is the Samsung Infuse which is completely stock. My next device is the HTC Vivid which I have no clue what will be done to it.....
What I would like to do is use my phone as a media hub. I would like to be able to walk in to my house, plug my phone in to my TV via HDMI and then pick up a tablet or my computer and be able to control the media on my device over my secure wifi connection.
I know I could plug my laptop into my TV and control my the media on my laptop via my phone but that has it's limitations as well.
So the scenario:
I walk in and connect my device to my TV. Grab my laptop/tablet and start my music or a movie and be able to respond to text messages.
I know I'm asking a lot but any assistance would be great!

[Q] How to transfer files?

How do you transfer files from old SD card to DNA? I have the contents I want ready to be transferred but the DNA does not show as a drive on my machine.
Once Windows sets up the drivers automatically it will ask you what you want to do with the device... I am using Windows 8 64 bit.... Our you can use websharing app to transfer then over WiFi on the same network
Sent from my HTC6435LVW using Tapatalk 2
Hmm..it never setup drivers. It just shows two "CD-Rom" drives....one of which is inaccessible and the other is the VZW crap. Restarting...
Ok, I am in business now. Thanks.
serpentine009 said:
Hmm..it never setup drivers. It just shows two "CD-Rom" drives....one of which is inaccessible and the other is the VZW crap. Restarting...
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It is not going to be a new drive letter, Windows will open up options for you to chose from and one of them is to see the files on the device and do whatever you want with them.
It is not as fast as USB but still ok for most purposes.
It was fast enough for my needs. Just copied pics from my old SD card, that I did not feel like moving to dropbox or the cloud. I rarely plug into a computer....unless i need to transfer some flashable zips, but it looks like that may not be happening in the near term.
double post
Ok so Im also trying to figure this out? What are the steps? On my Inc2 a box just popped up on the phone screen asking me what I wanted to do. Could someone just tell us the steps they used?
Nevermind... So stupid it shows up as a devices in my computer...
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Questions go in Q&A
Thread moved
Thank you for your cooperation
Friendly Neighborhood Moderator
I am still not able to install HTC drivers unto my laptop. When I open HTC Sync Manager and try to let the drivers install automatically it says there's an error. And I'm pretty sure it has something to do with Windows 8. Has anyone had any success transferring files to your phone?

[Q] myRemote & W8

I know this is the wrong forum, but I have only just joined so cant ask in the correct forum..
I've got W8 running on my Tranquil PC which is hooked up to my TV, I was going to buy a wireless keyboard and mouse but found the "myRemote" app, it works a treat but it does not start until I log in and double click the short cut on the desktop. Which means I have to plug in my USB keyboard to log in etc instead of being able to sit my arse on the sofa whilst fiddling with my phone.
So.. How do I get the program to start during boot up, bearing in mind it needs the desktop to run properly!?!?!!
Thank you in advance, and sorry its in the wrong forum (my phone is a nice shiny HTC Desire X though..)
dannoodle said:
I know this is the wrong forum, but I have only just joined so cant ask in the correct forum..
I've got W8 running on my Tranquil PC which is hooked up to my TV, I was going to buy a wireless keyboard and mouse but found the "myRemote" app, it works a treat but it does not start until I log in and double click the short cut on the desktop. Which means I have to plug in my USB keyboard to log in etc instead of being able to sit my arse on the sofa whilst fiddling with my phone.
So.. How do I get the program to start during boot up, bearing in mind it needs the desktop to run properly!?!?!!
Thank you in advance, and sorry its in the wrong forum (my phone is a nice shiny HTC Desire X though..)
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This should be in the off topic section of the xda forum. (my favorite section of the forum! )
Anyways, in your myremote app on the pc find a menu to start on boot or something. Or you can use a startup editor cuz win8 has no start menu to put it in start>all programs>startup. There should be a option in the myremote app on the pc to start as a system process. If not, use teamviewer.

[Q] display and use S2 from computer

i want to use my S2 from my computer
i want a programme like the SOTI controller that i used to have on my blackberry
it would display the screen of the phone on my laptop and i could click on it and type from my laptop keyboard onto the phone
any idea how to do this
i dont really want to root the phone, but i am willing to if there really is no other way to do this!
thanks in advance
Use Teamviewer
ankur.co.in said:
Use Teamviewer
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phone on computer
not computer on phone
Airdroid (https://play.google.com/store/apps/...e=google&utm_medium=organic&utm_term=airdroid) kinda does this, you can send text messages view files and look at contacts. If your rooted you can view your phones screen, however its really laggy and behind. It does this through your browser

