Browser dropping signal - Galaxy S III Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

Have found when using the s3 browser it freezes and will not work until I reboot the phone. Anyone have a solution for this. I am UK O2

Can't believe 99 views and not one comment . Hubby is sitting there with his S2 and no problems and mine keeps freezing. Must be a wifi thing any ideas?

Change browser lol or flash
Sent from my HTC Sensation 4G using XDA

craven667 said:
Change browser lol or flash
Sent from my HTC Sensation 4G using XDA
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Have altered wi-fi settings to no power save and will see how it goes. Have already changed browser to chrome and no difference.
Will flash only if I have to as Samsung are monitoring changes to this phone so may affect warranty in future.

swipermusic said:
Have altered wi-fi settings to no power save and will see how it goes. Have already changed browser to chrome and no difference.
Will flash only if I have to as Samsung are monitoring changes to this phone so may affect warranty in future.
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Does the browser still freeze when using mobile data or just WiFi?
Sent from my GT-I9300 using xda premium

dnlgee said:
Does the browser still freeze when using mobile data or just WiFi?
Sent from my GT-I9300 using xda premium
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It is just on wi-fi. It has been fixed by changing the power save to off in the phone settings menu but have noticed the battery drain already so would like another option to try.


[Q] Help with phone being awake almost 100% of the time

As the title says, my p500 is awake almost 100% of the time. Even with the screen off (please look at the attached image).
The only apps running at startup (used Startup Manager app to check it) are Go weather, Maps, Market, Minimalistic text and Quick System Info Pro. On my home screen (Go Launcher EX) I use Go Weather, minimalistic text and Winamp widget, nothing else.
Is there somewhere I can look at or maybe some app I can install to see what is causing it?
I'm using Mik's CM7 6.5.5 and franco.kernel v16.1 bfs (this one gives me almost 30% more battery life than the newer versions) and running at 729/245mhz Smartass.
Uninstall maps and you'll be back in action
Sent from my LG-P500 using XDA App
I can try that but I've always used Maps and it never happened before. Sure it eats some resources but I dont remember it causing the phone to be awake.
Uninstalled maps and phone is still awake.
Sent from my LG-P500 using XDA App
Reflash the kernel. And I agree with you.I found the V16.1 better than the later updates
Sent from my LG-P500 using XDA App
did u replace mobo thru lg service then this is solution...
griffin_1 said:
I was planing on sending the phone to repair on monday, but at the time and with the phone here i didn't want to give up so i thought of rooting it and reinstalling the firmware, but nothing worked and the phone didn't recognize that it was connected to a computer. So i kept search other ways to reinstall the firmware and came across a website that talked about a "secret menu" code for the phones and i remembered that this phones must had one and that from there i could do something, i did. From there i did a factory reset and, unlike the ones i did before by going to settings-privacy, when the phone rebooted it told me right way that it was connected to the computer. I also tested the problem with the screen light and so far, so good.
So, if anyone else has this problem(sannielyk reportedly had) what i did was entering the "secret menu" code : 3845#*500# and did the factory reset from there.
Apparently it was a software problem or something that wasn't installed right by the lg service. But so far everything is good, and i hope it keeps that away.
Thanks for the help
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for some Reason idk why smoothass Eats my Battery :S
i use InteractiveX now, Tey this Governor Settings 122/691, use noFrills to set it and then Check the Stats under nofrills
basically it looks like ur CPU's Staying %100 all the time
I think I've found the villain. I started manual proccess of uninstalling apps and letting the phone sleep for an hour or so to check awake times. After I removed Live Holdem Pro the phone finnaly slept through an entire hour.
Still have to test through a complete battery cicle tho.
Sent from my LG-P500 using XDA App
Yeah zynga poker does that for me...instead of uninstalling it I just force close it after I finish playing ..
Sent from my LG-P500 using XDA App
sajjan said:
Yeah zynga poker does that for me...instead of uninstalling it I just force close it after I finish playing ..
Sent from my LG-P500 using XDA App
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I close it too, even disabled it on autorun, but it has some kind of auto-restart and eats resources even if you dont run it's widget.
Guess I have to find another poker app. Damn... had about 21millions...
the app that cause that problem is "radio fm"
after i uninstalled it, my phone is a new phone
So why do you need help?
I too have the 100% Awake problem, i manually killed everything but with no luck...
2.3.3 stock ROM. Is there a cooked ROM without this problem?
P500Alive said:
I too have the 100% Awake problem, i manually killed everything but with no luck...
2.3.3 stock ROM. Is there a cooked ROM without this problem?
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Reboot helps.
Sent from my LG-P500 using XDA Premium App
4silvertooth said:
Sent from my LG-P500 using XDA Premium App
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Reboot won't help. The problem is probably this:
gincia said:
Reboot won't help. The problem is probably this:
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Have u tried that? Does it work?
Sent from my LG-P500 using XDA Premium App
4silvertooth said:
Have u tried that? Does it work?
Sent from my LG-P500 using XDA Premium App
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Yes, I have tried it. It helps when you do not use 3G/HSDPA. As soon as u enable internet and browse the net and after that disable the internet, the Fast Dormancy process starts to drain the battery again and again. Disabling the Fast Dormancy does not always work.
I swhitched to 2G and then it stopped draining the battery, but it is not the solution, as I can't live without 3G/HSDPA... Don't know what to do

Any fix yet?

Ok so I've had the ATRIX and then went to the inspire and iphone 4 now im back with the ATRIX and was wondering if there is any fix for the sudden loss of vibration on the keyboard and soft keys
Sent from my MB860 using XDA App
Erm... Try data wipe? Haven't had this issue, so hopefully you can fix it with software reset.
My ATRIX has wrote this without my consent!
This is my third ATRIX and all had this problem vibration turns off and on
Sent from my MB860 using XDA App
yokozuna82 said:
This is my third ATRIX and all had this problem vibration turns off and on
Sent from my MB860 using XDA App
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Hmmm... like i said mine is fine. Maybe you are doing something specific with the phone that disables vibration? Installing some app maybe? Changing some setting, etc?
That would be my guess, a 3rd party app. Have you tried using it after a reset without installing any apps? Do you use TiBu to restore app data? Is this issue happening in any specific situation (eg. texting, web browsing, etc)???
yokozuna82 said:
This is my third ATRIX and all had this problem vibration turns off and on
Sent from my MB860 using XDA App
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xploited said:
Hmmm... like i said mine is fine. Maybe you are doing something specific with the phone that disables vibration? Installing some app maybe? Changing some setting, etc?
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This happens to me only when using the keyboard(stock).
live4nyy said:
That would be my guess, a 3rd party app. Have you tried using it after a reset without installing any apps? Do you use TiBu to restore app data? Is this issue happening in any specific situation (eg. texting, web browsing, etc)???
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I use titanium back up to uninstall at&t bloat ware does titanium cause this?
Sent from my MB860 using XDA App
OK so the problem is still happening were I lose vibration when typing it seems to be a hardware issue because when the vibration stops all I have to do is shake the phone or lightly tap it so I'm calling warranty replacement
Sent from my MB860 using XDA App
yokozuna82 said:
I use titanium back up to uninstall at&t bloat ware does titanium cause this?
Sent from my MB860 using XDA App
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IMO It's usually better to freeze apps in TiBu than uninstalling them. Just makes things so much easier to unfreeze than scramble looking for and installing apps if there are any conflicts down the road...
Sent from my MB860 using xda premium
I know it's not a fix - but you could always download the standard Android 2.3 keyboard and be done with the Moto one.
Regardless of any faults, I always used this keyboard on my Galaxy S over the (horrible) Samsung one... you will also know if the fault is hardware or software related.
surrealjam said:
I know it's not a fix - but you could always download the standard Android 2.3 keyboard and be done with the Moto one.
Regardless of any faults, I always used this keyboard on my Galaxy S over the (horrible) Samsung one... you will also know if the fault is hardware or software related.
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Problem is with both stock moto keyboard and gingerbread keyboard ill try swiftkeyX
Sent from my MB860 using XDA App
OK so its a hardware issue is anyone having this issue
Sent from my MB860 using XDA App

[Q] Launcher performance

Am I the only one that is sometimes seeing major lag when an app closes and the launcher redraws? In by case it is sometimes over a second.
Well known issue that has been mentioned already in numerous threads. I use SS launcher so don't have that problem.
Sent from my GT-I9300 using xda premium
the stock launcher will not lag on its own, check for background cpu utilization with os monitor app and disable those apps .
Dr.Paul said:
Am I the only one that is sometimes seeing major lag when an app closes and the launcher redraws? In by case it is sometimes over a second.
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The latest firmware update fixes it
Oli2k said:
The latest firmware update fixes it
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I thought that but still happens sometimes :-(
Sent from my GT-I9300 using xda premium
Still happening with me after the update. Annoying.
Dr.Paul said:
Still happening with me after the update. Annoying.
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Not sure but what is the build number? LF2?
Yeah LF2, solved my issues straight away even with a different launcher
watsa said:
Not sure but what is the build number? LF2?
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Yeah, I'm on fl2? Oddly enough I only got one firmware update though. Is that correct? My build number is IMM76D.I9300XXALF2
Dr.Paul said:
Yeah, I'm on fl2? Oddly enough I only got one firmware update though. Is that correct? My build number is IMM76D.I9300XXALF2
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If you read carefully enough, Dr. Paul, you'll find that you are on ALF2!
Is LF2 only through Kies? I got the OTA update to LF1, and that's all the OTA updater says is available. Or it's just VodaGroan being rubbish as usual.
Tachikoma_kun said:
Is LF2 only through Kies? I got the OTA update to LF1, and that's all the OTA updater says is available. Or it's just VodaGroan being rubbish as usual.
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I'd say it's voda and there slow releases
Sent from my GT-I9300 using XDA
Been looking in the forum and found this issue under another heading. I fixed it by rooting and changing the davlik VM heap size from 256 to 128mb. How did Samsung manage to screw this up?
Sent from my GT-I9300 using xda premium
Another thing to consider is whether you've got power saving on or off? If it's on and CPU power saving is turned on, the CPU runs at 800mhz rather than 1400mhz. This will show a noticeable difference in smoothness.
Dr.Paul said:
Been looking in the forum and found this issue under another heading. I fixed it by rooting and changing the davlik VM heap size from 256 to 128mb. How did Samsung manage to screw this up?
Sent from my GT-I9300 using xda premium
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God knows but as with any phone there are always issues at first. As long as they are resolved then it's not a big deal
Sent from my GT-I9300 using XDA
bortak said:
Another thing to consider is whether you've got power saving on or off? If it's on and CPU power saving is turned on, the CPU runs at 800mhz rather than 1400mhz. This will show a noticeable difference in smoothness.
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Not me, I turned off all power saving the day I got the phone
Sent from my GT-I9300 using xda premium
Oli2k said:
The latest firmware update fixes it
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Still happens for me also.
Sent from my GT-I9300 using xda premium
i just wanna share how i got rid of the lag and home respawn issue on my sgs3... i'm not saying it is a fix but these are the only things i did that work for me... there is no harm in trying...
1. disable double tap home button to activate s voice.
2. disable s voice using application manager
3. reboot... and after 3 days, no lag or whatsoever... but there was always the home respawn thing when i'm running a lot of apps on background...
4. uninstall facebook app... this app seems to eat most of the memory... reboot... now, i don't need to close any program running thru task manager... i check it and see 12 apps running but never had a respawn.. all is well now... i don't even think of rooting flashing a rom now... everything just seems to be running so well...
**i know some of you would say that it's not an option to uninstall FB app, i for myself would love to use it but i'd rather have a lag and respawn free sgs3 and use the FB desktop mode... but then again...that's just me...
Sent from my GT-I9300 using Tapatalk 2
Try using fast facebook, a lightweight facebook app, its getting better all the time
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[ROM] MokeeOS ported to Photon from MFUNZ

I have remove the rom ... all you guys can ask a different person to make a new port and have fun .
i know the rom have some bugs but it is 90% stable i see the some of you can't way for us to fish fixing the bugs .
the rom will be back up a soon we fix all the bugs ...
if you like roms with 100 bugs well XDA have developers with many roms with bugs
Time to try and give a nice wall of text review
Sent from my MB855 using xda premium
Please mention features like what's working and whats not...
Sent from Motorola Photon 4G via Reliance
This rom is great and it runs flawlessly and stable.
Themes are pretty, i like them so much!
My first findings on this rom are:
1-memo app give me "Memory full"massage.
2-spirit lite app gives FC.
3-voice setting shows in Chinese lang.
4-arabic interface and keyboard support is missing.
Thank u so much.
This is a sweet ROM...
Edit: It seems like their is a bug with text messaging. Every time I send a text I immediately get a pop up that says "message not sent" even though the text does go through.
Looks good tried it out and I seen the same issues as above poster
Sent from my MB855 using xda app-developers app
Check. The apns. Setting. Mms. Working. 100,%
Sent from my MB855 using xda premium
If you need a different. Keyboard. Get one from playstore
Sent from my MB855 using xda premium
how is camera and video recording? this rom support 720p recording ? is this base on 2.3 or ics android version ? cdma and gsm both working?
I'm really enjoying this rom. It's very fast and stable. I haven't run into a single issue yet!
Sent from my MB855 using xda app-developers app
Same here, very smooth hope the source gets jelly bean update but no complaints. The camera app even has a built in barcode scanner.
Sent from my MB855 using xda app-developers app
nice ROM
cam/camcorder works flawlessly
SMS/mms sends receives fine
two things though
native launcher wont add double tap launching select app
need to change long press search key to choice app.causes reboot
also using *#*#4636#*#*
will this rom roam on international SIM?
Sent from my MB855 using xda premium
Love that background with the stacked rocks!
Sent from my MB855 using xda app-developers app
working on a new port i need to remove some apk...and add some tweaks
Need bootstrap version with 4g... is it possible?
Sent from Motorola Photon 4G via Reliance
ttkyles said:
also using *#*#4636#*#*
will this rom roam on international SIM?
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Yes am using this on GSM. Working without an issue in that aspect.
My Wi-Fi is not so stable though keeps disconnecting sometimes
I've set the wifi sleep setting to "never" but it goes back to GSM data sometimes.
Dev, can we exclude some file managers (there are 3 now)(Users can always delete stuff.. but..).
Thanks for your time.
21031980 said:
Yes am using this on GSM. Working without an issue in that aspect.
My Wi-Fi is not so stable though keeps disconnecting sometimes
I've set the wifi sleep setting to "never" but it goes back to GSM data sometimes.
Dev, can we exclude some file managers (there are 3 now)(Users can always delete stuff.. but..).
Thanks for your time.
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lol.. yea I removed all those file managers
im a root explorer Guy...
Sent from my MB855 using xda premium
21031980 said:
Yes am using this on GSM. Working without an issue in that aspect.
My Wi-Fi is not so stable though keeps disconnecting sometimes
I've set the wifi sleep setting to "never" but it goes back to GSM data sometimes.
Dev, can we exclude some file managers (there are 3 now)(Users can always delete stuff.. but..).
Thanks for your time.
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Just use titanium backup to remove all the file managers you don't want.
is HDMI in your future plans
Sent from my MB855 using xda premium
Yes and I m working on getting 4g
Sent from my MB855 using xda premium


I've noticed every time I restart the phone my settings are restarted as well my brightness is always back to 100 even tho I'll have it on 50
Also my screen timeout which i leave at 30 seconds reverts back to 2 minutes and I'm not able to sort my applications alphabetically in the drawer every time I select it nothing happens
Does anyone else have these issues?
izbrian said:
I've noticed every time I restart the phone my settings are restarted as well my brightness is always back to 100 even tho I'll have it on 50
Also my screen timeout which i leave at 30 seconds reverts back to 2 minutes and I'm not able to sort my applications alphabetically in the drawer every time I select it nothing happens
Does anyone else have these issues?
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More info, please. Are you completely stock, rooted, what ROM, have you applied any tweaks, have you used multiple ROM's without a good front-to-back wipe? Thanks.
Sent from my SGH-I777 using xda app-developers app
Jank4AU said:
More info, please. Are you completely stock, rooted, what ROM, have you applied any tweaks, have you used multiple ROM's without a good front-to-back wipe? Thanks.
Sent from my SGH-I777 using xda app-developers app
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Yes completely stock and non roooted haven't tweaked anything and no never put a custom rom on
izbrian said:
Yes completely stock and non roooted haven't tweaked anything and no never put a custom rom on
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Go to settings > power saver, and see what all your options are set to. I'll bet you've got it set to turn on at 100%, screen brightness and time out are probably set like you're seeing as well.
How has your battery life been? If poor, I'd suggest at least rooting so you can turn off fast-dormancy. With your current setup I can only suggest factory reset and starting over if the power saver feature isn't the issue and you want to stay rooted. Do you have any app installed that allows profiles? It's just weird that things would reset to those extremes. Sounds like something's set to some kind of performance profile for gaming or watching streaming videos, or the power saver settings were off.
Sent from my LG-E970 using xda app-developers app
Jank4AU said:
Go to settings > power saver, and see what all your options are set to. I'll bet you've got it set to turn on at 100%, screen brightness and time out are probably set like you're seeing as well.
How has your battery life been? If poor, I'd suggest at least rooting so you can turn off fast-dormancy. With your current setup I can only suggest factory reset and starting over if the power saver feature isn't the issue and you want to stay rooted. Do you have any app installed that allows profiles? It's just weird that things would reset to those extremes. Sounds like something's set to some kind of performance profile for gaming or watching streaming videos, or the power saver settings were off.
Sent from my LG-E970 using xda app-developers app
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Can't say only had the phone 2 days traded my S3 for it and since I have a 2nd phone the Optimus G isnt in use with only use it for wifi related things around the house I'ved already tried a factory reset once and not rooted either no profile type apps instealled but I do have power saver set to turn on at 20% but this happens even when the phone is on 100% everytime I power it off and back on my brightness and timeout go back to those settings
Jank4AU said:
Go to settings > power saver, and see what all your options are set to. I'll bet you've got it set to turn on at 100%, screen brightness and time out are probably set like you're seeing as well.
How has your battery life been? If poor, I'd suggest at least rooting so you can turn off fast-dormancy. With your current setup I can only suggest factory reset and starting over if the power saver feature isn't the issue and you want to stay rooted. Do you have any app installed that allows profiles? It's just weird that things would reset to those extremes. Sounds like something's set to some kind of performance profile for gaming or watching streaming videos, or the power saver settings were off.
Sent from my LG-E970 using xda app-developers app
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Samething tried a factory reset and even after powering off and back down my display reverts back to 100 and timeout back to 2 minutes
izbrian said:
Samething tried a factory reset and even after powering off and back down my display reverts back to 100 and timeout back to 2 minutes
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I really don't know what to tell you.
Sent from my LG-E970 using xda app-developers app
Jank4AU said:
I really don't know what to tell you.
Sent from my LG-E970 using xda app-developers app
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Oh since I cant check for updates with no sim maybe is a software issue is this the latest?
Android version:4.0.4
baseband version:APQ8064/MDM9x15M
Kernel version: 3.0.21
Build number:IMM76L
software version:E97010o
izbrian said:
Oh since I cant check for updates with no sim maybe is a software issue is this the latest?
Android version:4.0.4
baseband version:APQ8064/MDM9x15M
Kernel version: 3.0.21
Build number:IMM76L
software version:E97010o
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No, you're not on the latest. Should be E97011c.
Sent from my LG-E970 using xda app-developers app
Jank4AU said:
No, you're not on the latest. Should be E97011c.
Sent from my LG-E970 using xda app-developers app
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Oh do you know how I can update through the computer because without service doesn't seem like I can do it ota
izbrian said:
Oh do you know how I can update through the computer because without service doesn't seem like I can do it ota
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I have several stock flash able zips here including 11c:
Sent from my LG-E970 using xda app-developers app
SnowLeopardJB said:
I have several stock flash able zips here including 11c:
Sent from my LG-E970 using xda app-developers app
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Well just tried hecking for an update with lg mobile support tool and its claiming e97010o is the latest but even on the phone they told me it should be 11 idk why my phone wont update guess ill have to try going to att getting a sim and doing it ota if that doesnt work ill try flashing
Rogers sent me a replacement and it had the issue you are talking about. Auto Brightness didn't kick in after reboot regardless of multiple factory resets.
LG Optimus G E971
Elisha said:
Rogers sent me a replacement and it had the issue you are talking about. Auto Brightness didn't kick in after reboot regardless of multiple factory resets.
LG Optimus G E971
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Well E970 is different from E971 and I have at&t and traded my S3 for this phone so its not possible for me to get another one through the carrier

