Anyone have any usefull links that explain the build.prop file in DETAIL as to everything and anything that can be added, deleted, modded etc... ?
build.prop line properties
MikePierotti said:
Anyone have any usefull links that explain the build.prop file in DETAIL as to everything and anything that can be added, deleted, modded etc... ?
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I would also be very interested in knowing this. I just loaded CM9, and want to run chrome but can't. I can't help but think it is finding a reference to Gingerbread in my build.prop file (it is still listed in two places). I tried making these changes myself to something else, but it didn't help - likely because I didn't know what the proper parameters were for the lines I changed.
I'm searching for a line by line description for the build.prop file too... if I find it, I'll repost. I'm thinking it has to be out there somewhere...
Ok, basically my linux knowledge is very limited and i need help modifying a file that gets written on boot (i don't know if this would even work, so if someone could answer that it would be very much appreciated).
The file i'm looking to change is '/sys/module/q6audio/parameters/speaker_max_gain'. In the latest 2.1 build this file is set to '602', which i think explains the slight volume increase from 1.6 (it was set to '600', but located in 'sys/module/msm8k_cad_volume/parameters/handset_max_gain' instead)
So, does anyone know how to alter this file? I know it gets re-written every time you boot the phone, but i can't find where it's being written from. Is it a kernel thing or am I completely wasting my time with this?
UPDATE - Thanks to @VogelDerNacht, i've tried a few things like trying to change the value in the init.rc (echo "value" > sys/module/q6audio/parameters/speaker_max_gain) which didn't work, and i then tried to use a sysctl.conf in /system/etc/ to do the same thing, which also didn't work (don't think the kernel supports this), so now i'm pretty stuck
It seems like i may have to wait for the kernel source to be release now ><
how about creating a simple shell script and having it execute as a service from one of the init scripts ?
its possible the sys entry is not created until later in the boot sequence
DJ_Steve said:
how about creating a simple shell script and having it execute as a service from one of the init scripts ?
its possible the sys entry is not created until later in the boot sequence
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could you give me an example please? i'm pretty new to all this linux stuff
The problem seems to be that when i add the line in to the init.rc (or any of the init files) it gets overridden by something else (probably the kernel) and i can't get it to apply my changes. I can change it fine whilst the phone is running, but that doesn't do anything because i think these files only get read from once when the phone boots.
I could be completely wrong though, like i said, my linux knowledge is pretty bad ><
First you need to confirm that entry boosts what you want
DJ_Steve said:
First you need to confirm that entry boosts what you want
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That's the problem. I think it reads from the file only once when the phone boots but i don't know, that's why i want to change it on boot to see if it works
their should be a simple script (.sh extension) in /system/etc that you may be able to edit to add echo *your value > sys path to end of
DJ_Steve said:
their should be a simple script (.sh extension) in /system/etc that you may be able to edit to add echo *your value > sys path to end of
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Tried that. Tired editing the init.rc, that didn't help. I tried adding a sysctl.conf but i don't think the kernel supports it. I tried editing every .sh file i could find but it looks like the kernel just overwrites everything
ok if you fancy a hand trying to get the volume to boost drop me a pm as i woudln mind being a tester ffor playing with werid options (and since iport android anyway i know my way around
Ok, got a bit of a problem here... I need to change the default homepage of the browser in a Rom I'm cooking... that means the homepage you get after a full factory reset, not that you set in the menu.... Please don't tell me how to set it in the browser menu....
A bit of background... I'm using a leaked Rom to build from. It was leaked from a Tracfone "LG-L95G" which is identical in every way to the LG-P999 aka T-Mobile G2X. Everything is working 100%. The only problem left from the "porting" is removing Tracfone as the default browser homepage.
This has turned out to be harder than I expected.
What I have done:
Browser.apk - the xml lists Google as the homepage. The word "tracfone" appears NOWHERE in the entire structure of the decompiled xml or values or even in the smali code.
SystemUI & framework-res - I've seen suggestions the homepage hides here. Can't find anything suggesting a setting to "tracfone"
flexdb - I really thought I had it kicked here. /system/etc/flex.db listed as the homepage for T-Mobile US. I changed all occurrences here to about:blank. I have also tried simply copying the flex.db from a P999 itself. Ie, removed ALL references to tracfone service and made it identical to a P999 in every way.
Ran grep -R tracfone * on the entire ROM.
Dug through tons of files by hand looking for any clue.
Unfortunately, even with all of that, do a wipe, open the browser, and you GET M.TRACFONE.COM again!
The word "tracfone" does not appear in build.prop, it does not appear in any init scripts, not even in the kernel scripts! Yet it comes back like Christine...
Does anyone have a clue where I could look next? Or failing that, even some way from an init.d script that I can overwrite the setting myself?
Okay, I hate giving myself clues like this, but maybe this will help others (if I'm on the right track)...
Instead of doing a grep on the ROM from my PC, pre-install, I decided to actually hit up the RUNNING copy... so from adb into a Bash prompt on the phone itself, I ran a grep -r tracfone * and got the following result:
data/data/ page not available
data/data/<string name="homepage"></string>
data/data/com.lge.providers.flex/databases/flex.db:=;;DATACOM_ACCOUNT_MMSC_0_Ihttp://mms.tracfone.comhttp://[email protected]
Which is very odd.... considering that is NOT the content of the actual flex.db that was flashed to the phone. That leads to 1 question: Why isn't the phone respecting the flex.db? I've noticed other edits to the file (such as bookmarks) do not apply either. So it is being ignored at somepoint. FlexProvider.apk maybe? Or is something in the ROM still identifying the phone to T-Mobile as an MVNO device and they're pushing out an OTA flex update?
AHA! There's a flex.db *INSIDE* the FlexProvider.apk file! So it *IS* ignoring the one placed in /system/etc/flex/! Editing this should solve it - but I'm going to test test test to make sure.
lotherius said:
Ok, got a bit of a problem here... I need to change the default homepage of the browser in a Rom I'm cooking... that means the homepage you get after a full factory reset, not that you set in the menu.... Please don't tell me how to set it in the browser menu....
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firstly to say interesting question!!
but I think it it not possible to change programmatically default homepage
this is a system app so will be signed by your provider let us suppose you find homepage location in code (could by result of a script parsing) by modifying source of that apk package how to solve signature problem ?!
if in .db file ...this file is created after flashing as a result of script parsing
not framework-res.apk better browser-res.apk if you have one
ruscan.calin said:
firstly to say interesting question!!
but I think it it not possible to change programmatically default homepage
this is a system app so will be signed by your provider let us suppose you find homepage location in code (could by result of a script parsing) by modifying source of that apk package how to solve signature problem ?!
if in .db file ...this file is created after flashing as a result of script parsing
not framework-res.apk better browser-res.apk if you have one
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man use a ... editor...I can show you for fifty bucks
I was just curious about this tricky change (from your post) so thinking about Google motto don't be bad finally I have found but should recognize that I am bad at this time
here is solution
Actually, you can use an sqlite editor to change the values in the flex.db file... the problem I was having in the OP is that on an LG phone (maybe others?) the flex.db file is ignored and the one inside FlexProvider is used instead, so you have to edit both. You can add new locales the same way. No need to use a hex editor, as that would be much more difficult.
lotherius said:
Actually, you can use an sqlite editor to change the values in the flex.db file... the problem I was having in the OP is that on an LG phone (maybe others?) the flex.db file is ignored and the one inside FlexProvider is used instead, so you have to edit both. You can add new locales the same way. No need to use a hex editor, as that would be much more difficult.
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maybe you are right regarding your phone... but also I prepare a custom rom for Alcatel ot-908 also to change default homepage was a problem for me but I did and simply works !
I'd like to edit a dictionary - add much more words. I know where is the user dictionary (data/data/ and I've tried to edit it with SQLite Manager (Addon for firefox - couldn't find something better while searching google for 5 seconds) but with no effect - when I tried to export it as a .db and open again, it shows database is corrupted :crying:
Can anyone tell me step by step how to and with which program may I edit dictionary?
Thanks in advance :cyclops:
I dont think manually editing that db would be possible so easiest thing, create a blank Dictionary, add the words you want from Rom, then copy over the .db file
from Rom
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You mean writing it by phone? It may take to much time :x
Sorry mate Im afraid my previous response was wrong ;( As it turns out, the db file is encrpyted with the rom. If you install another rom, I believe it wont work again Not sure, If someone could confirm, could be nice
Hi all,
which system app or file(s) contains descriptions of permissions, which are loaded when installing app or displayed in Settings/Applications?
My ROM displays these permissions incorrectly and I need to fix it.
So, I find out that all permissions are stored in framework-res.apk file, but I still don't know, why are they displayed incorrectly in Settings, in package-installer, Gplay etc.
There is probably some bug in some file, maybe in framework-res, but where?
I could provide all information you need to solve this problem (tell what you need to know).Is there someone, who can help me, please? Thx
EDIT: Is this XDA? Because it seems nobody can/wants to help me...
hello fellow xda junkies!
Step 1.) download a text editor.i suggest 920 text editor.
Step 2.) you will also need an root explorer so download that also.
Step 3).open up your root explorer and navigate to system/build.prop. and copy that file to another directory. i.e example sdcard/download.then rename
original build.prop file to build.prop.bak
Step 4).open up your text editor and navigate to the directory where you copied the build.prop file
Step 5.)look for this line [they are both close to the end of the build.prop file] "net.tethering.nonprovisioning=true" [once you find it change the true
to false] so it reads "net.tethering.nonprovisioning=false" NOTEDO NOT TYPE THE QUOTATION MARKS!!!
Step 6.) " look for line "" change the variable 1 to 0 so it reads "
Step 7.) move the build.prop file that you copied and edited from location you placed it in to its rightful spot in system/.change permissions to rw--r--r
reboot phone and your good to go!works on my vs985 LIKE A CHAMP.
deathsquad737 said:
hello fellow xda junkies!
Step 1.) download a text editor.i suggest 920 text editor.
Step 2.) you will also need an root explorer so download that also.
Step 3).open up your root explorer and navigate to system/build.prop. and copy that file to another directory. i.e example sdcard/download.then rename
original build.prop file to build.prop.bak
Step 4).open up your text editor and navigate to the directory where you copied the build.prop file
Step 5.)look for this line [they are both close to the end of the build.prop file] "net.tethering.nonprovisioning=true" [once you find it change the true
to false] so it reads "net.tethering.nonprovisioning=false" NOTEDO NOT TYPE THE QUOTATION MARKS!!!
Step 6.) " look for line "" change the variable 1 to 0 so it reads "
Step 7.) move the build.prop file that you copied and edited from location you placed it in to its rightful spot in system/.change permissions to rw--r--r
reboot phone and your good to go!works on my vs985 LIKE A CHAMP.
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You know there is already a flash for this and an apk.
Yes i do know this but some like to do it on there own.but hey nice to meet ya!
deathsquad737 said:
Yes i do know this but some like to do it on there own.but hey nice to meet ya!
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Just checking.
I'm a tinkerer also which is how I figured out the thermal throttling.
Nice to met you.
tech_head said:
Just checking.
I'm a tinkerer also which is how I figured out the thermal throttling.
Nice to met you.
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Thermal daemon mitigation?is that what you are referring too?
deathsquad737 said:
Thermal daemon mitigation?is that what you are referring too?
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Actually not.
Instead of trying to stop the thermal mitigation from working I did just the opposite, I changed the parameters on how it operates.
The file /system/etc/thermal-engine-8974.conf.
This file controls what happens to cpu speed at various temperatures.
That is what you tweak and it just works.
I also used ROM Toolbox to change the governor.
tech_head said:
Actually not.
Instead of trying to stop the thermal mitigation from working I did just the opposite, I changed the parameters on how it operates.
The file /system/etc/thermal-engine-8974.conf.
This file controls what happens to cpu speed at various temperatures.
That is what you tweak and it just works.
I also used ROM Toolbox to change the governor.
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Wow that's heavy I don't know if I have a high enough pay grade to do that lol
deathsquad737 said:
Wow that's heavy I don't know if I have a high enough pay grade to do that lol
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I can always get you a copy of the file.
tech_head said:
I can always get you a copy of the file.
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Yes please I pm you
Thank you but...
First of all, thanks for the post. Although I appreciate the helpful post, my phone is now stuck in boot loop . I hate to be the one to open up an old thread but I'm freaking out at the moment due to brick fever :crying: My current setup was a rooted LG G3 VS98512b. My goal was simple, I didn't want to do anything crazy, I just wanted to enable wifi tether now I'm afraid I've lost everything... Is there a way I can get back into the storage of my phone and delete the modified build.prop, remove the ".bak" from the original and be back to the good life? Any assistance is greatly appreciated, this seemed like such a simple modification that led to such a big headache.
It sounds like you might have used an editor on your build.prop that could not handle the file size, resulting in your editted build.prop being truncated. Otherwise, maybe your permissions were left wrong. Either of these will cause your phone to bootloop.
Sent from my VS985 4G using Tapatalk
trent999 said:
It sounds like you might have used an editor on your build.prop that could not handle the file size, resulting in your editted build.prop being truncated. Otherwise, maybe your permissions were left wrong. Either of these will cause your phone to bootloop.
Sent from my VS985 4G using Tapatalk
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Thanks for the reply. I used the editor recommended in the tutorial, 920 text editor. I followed the instructions word for word, I don't know what the problem is. Maybe its because I have the newest update and this mod was for 10b???As far as the permissions, the phone asked automatically if I wanted to change the permissions. The original build.prop is still there... is there a way I can delete the modified build.prop and replace it with the original? I really wish I would not have followed this tut, it didn't seem like a popular method. There has to be a way to delete the modified build.prop right?
soundmasterx said:
Thanks for the reply. I used the editor recommended in the tutorial, 920 text editor. I followed the instructions word for word, I don't know what the problem is. Maybe its because I have the newest update and this mod was for 10b???As far as the permissions, the phone asked automatically if I wanted to change the permissions. The original build.prop is still there... is there a way I can delete the modified build.prop and replace it with the original? I really wish I would not have followed this tut, it didn't seem like a popular method. There has to be a way to delete the modified build.prop right?
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Yes you can reflash the firmware or if you don;t want to restore to stock you can use ADB to fix the files and restore your .bak
Digital_MD said:
Yes you can reflash the firmware or if you don;t want to restore to stock you can use ADB to fix the files and restore your .bak
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Again, thank you for the response. Do you recommend a specific method or tutorial for trying restore the original build.prop? I did search however, because this scenario is so specific I'm not sure there is an exact solution to my problem.
Again, just in case someone else can chime in, I followed the instructions on the first post of this thread (see first post for detailed info). I copied the original build.prop then changed the name of the original build.prop, edited the copy, moved it to the original directory and restarted the phone. Now my phone doesn't make it to the Verizon screen (I think it is stuck in boot loop), the screen stays black and the small led on the left corner flashes blue and green. If I can just get access to the storage I can replace the modified build.prop with the original that is still in the same directory just renamed. It seems like such an easy task but, I just don't know how to go about it I'm a somewhat of an old school tinker, I'm just now getting back into the swing of Android... Thanks in advance!!
Bump please
This is crazy... I changed 2 values in build.prop for tethering and my phone wont boot now... I didnt install a ROM, change DPI, or make any major changes WTF???
Do you have a custom recovery (twrp)?
Can you connect to your phone with adb?
If you have twrp, search the board for the startup hardware key sequence to reach twrp, else from adb do a reboot recovery.
In twrp, you can select to mount system, then go to advanced - file manager. You can delete the bad build.prop, rename the good one, then set the permissions on the good one. If your good copy of build.prop is on a PC, put it on a flash drive, and use twrp's file manager to get it into your phone.
If you have a saved copy of build.prop on your PC, you can also use adb's push command. (You may also want to look at the adb shell command. The sequence might be to open a shell, delete the bad build. prop, get the right build.prop into the right directory, then chmod the right build.prop so it has the proper permissions.)