[Q] Sluggish FPS in official youtube app - Android Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

Like the title says. Phenomenon is pretty structured: every 3 seconds I get a drop in achieved frame rate, followed by a catchup at above intended frame rate. Sound stays linear.
It is isolated to the app, as youtube videos play fluent in all my mobile browsers. I've even tried clocking down my CPU, and browser-based playback is still brilliant.
I'm on Huawei U8860 Honor (GB).
Been fighting this for weeks on and off, but since I learned how to play 720p in the app, I really want it to work.
Any help is appreciated. I've uninstalled and reinstalled everything, and it's symptomatic across different ROMs.


Youtube app never fully buffers a video

Hello, recently (like android 4.2) youtube has decided to stop buffering videos whenever it feels like it, which means the video just hangs when it gets there with the little buffer wheel spinning. Sometimes it will continue to load the video after it stops, but most of the time it just locks up the whole app and you have to force close it and re-launch it. I have tried clearing app cache and data and what not, but nothing has helped. I even tried turning off wifi optimization, but that didn't help either. I thought that maybe it was my ISP, but the same videos in the browser play just fine with no buffering at all. It seems to do this regardless of the length of the video. I get about 30mbps down and 5.5up when I run speedtest on my tablet, so I don't think it's the connection that's causing the issue. I should also mention that this happens regardless of quality. It will load relatively quickly to a certain point, then just never buffer again. I fear the only way to resolve this issue will be a factory reset.
This Reddit thread solved my YouTube issues. I have fios, fyi.
Edit: oops this apparently.might be a problem with the new YouTube app.
Sent from my Nexus 4 using Tapatalk 4
I get this! All started when I upgraded to android 4.3! Its highly annoying, and the only way. I have found to fix it is to kill the YouTube app, find the video and place you where at, and then go from there
I also had this issue before the YouTube app was recently updated
Sent from my Nexus 10 using Tapatalk 4
I'm having the exact same issue! I might get it to play one video and the it buffers constantly. Anybody else have this issue? I'm running stock 4.3 uprooted. YouTube works fine on my s4 and laptop, but hangs on the Nexus 10!
Sent from my Nexus 10 using xda app-developers app
Happens on my moto x too.
Sent from my XT1056 using Tapatalk 4
Can also confirm on Nexus 10.
My devices:
Nexus 10 - Stock Rooted
Nook Tablet - CM10.1
Same problem here.
You don't have to force close youtube by the way, simply pressing the home button and going back to youtube afterwards does the job for me as well.
I hope they will fix that issue soon
This sucks so bad! I just got this awesome nexus 10 and I literally cat go 5 seconds without buffer. Do I have a bad unit? How do I fix this? I can surf the web just fine so it isn't my wifi to the nexus 10.
methodz said:
This sucks so bad! I just got this awesome nexus 10 and I literally cat go 5 seconds without buffer. Do I have a bad unit? How do I fix this? I can surf the web just fine so it isn't my wifi to the nexus 10.
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Try an app called "Viral' from the playstore. I started using it as it can play YouTube music videos in the background while I'm using some other app. Recently I've been having issues with the default YouTube app and discovered that Viral did not have those issues. It may be worth giving it a try. I'm using a 4.4 custom ROM linked in my signature so your mileage may vary.
The issue I'm having is YouTube stops half way through a video and simply will not continue playing that video from the stop point, even after a reboot. I can play another video but it too stops half way or so in.
The YouTube app isn't NEARLY as good as it should, I'm still enraged and disgusted about the fact that the YouTube app on iPad is so MUCH better than the Android one, it has gestures to let you toggle full screen , it has pull down to refresh on lists (like the pull down to refresh on the gmail app), if you exit the app and come back, the video you were playing doesn't have to be rebuffered again (it keeps a few seconds buffered so you can watch the video quickly) AND worst of all, the iOS app lets YOU choose the resolution of your stream, what you get isn't an HD "on" and "off" toggle, you get proper choosing, like on the website, you get to choose between 240p, 360p, 480p, 720p AND 1080p, HD on our app is 720p, not 1080p, actually Google disabled the option from all android apps.
After that update I lost a lot of faith in Google, no wonder the iPad has so many more high quality apps, if you want devs to take you seriously, then YOU should give proper support to your devices, 1080p streams should have been available ever since our N10 was released, this **** is just unacceptable.
Thanks @3DSammy for the tip about the Viral app. :highfive:
Well, I figured out the issue, but not a fix. I think it's tied to comcast's router. I set up an old linksys with a broadcomm wireless unit as a repeater and I haven't had a single issue since. Numerous router resets and devices restores did nothing. It doesn't make any sense though because it only happens with the YouTube app, but same settings and everything I was able to watch a video completely on my nexus 10 on the repeater that I could not get through on comcast's router/modem(Aaris unit). It's strange though because my repeater connects wirelessly to my comcast router, so it goes nexus 10 to linksys repeater to comcast's router. It could be a security issue I guess, but I didn't look into it.

Playing medias problem

Hello, since yesterday my honor7 started to play music, videos, and also streaming videos/music slighlty faster than normal, let's say it is x1.2.
I can notice this also looking at the timing bar in player, seconds flow faster than real seconds.
Last days I was playing a bit with Tasker doing some batches for GPS and location, but i think this cant be the cause. Nonsense.
I searched a lot around the web and found lot of people having this kind of problem, but not exactly this one, they found their device playing a lot faster (i.e. 2x, 3x, chipmunkie style). So i couldn't find any solution for now.
I am on b170, unlocked, twrp, rooted.
Any help is really appreciated!
uninstalled CPU Tuner (old legacy app no more supported) and looks to be fine again.

Steam Link on 8.4 M5 (SHT-W09)

Has anyone tried the "Steam Link" app on the M5? I gave it a go last night and had no success whatsoever. The app detected Steam running on my PC and the network test was successful. I launched a fairly low resource game (Alien v Predator Classic) and went back to the Steam Link app. I could vaguely make out an image on the tablet from the game, but the app pretty much froze. Buttons were unresponsive and I had to force close the app. I tried again with different games, but no joy.
Anyone tried "Steam Link" and had any success on our tablet?
It is a bit of a disaster, not sure if it's just Kirin 960 devices in general, but the decoder is what is causing the lag.. HEVC decode or H264 decode, it lags regardless.. same thing on my snapdragon phone and it's smooth as butter 1080p60fps.. the mediapad wont even do 480p 60fps without framdrops.. might be fixed in pie..

Lag and lost frames in youtube hdr

hello to all, greetings from Spain, I open this issue because since last Friday I am the new owner of lg v30, but I have a problem that I do not like at all, and I would like to know if the same thing happens to you too
on YouTube, I've put some videos of these shows to see the screen and others, and I noticed that the videos in 1080p60 are pretty lag, and quite annoying frame losses, like stoppages, (in one of Youtube videos, a demo of LG, a red car comes out, and happens to be next to the camera and the next frame is already 2 meters, I do not know if I explain) and I'm quite fussy about this issue, what I put the same video to 1080p also in a leeco le pro 3, and it looks fluidisimo, perfect .... why can this be? Someone else happens?
I do not know if you can put links, if you can please tell me and I'll post the video so you can try it if you can see it well
Another question, does your phone heat up? is that I notice it hotter than the leeco, as soon as I put some video like this 1080p60 gets tempered by the area of ​​the camera, I do not know if that is normal or not
Thank you very much and hopefully answer
Happens to me too. I also tested this on a Galaxy S8 and it has identically bad performance. It probably also happens on the Note 8. 1080p30 HDR runs fine though. I didn't notice any heating - maybe just slightly warm but could as well be from my hands. Was the other phone you tested HDR capable?
I don't know if I can help you at all, but perhaps if you fill in some blanks, others might.
1) What model phone do you own and what firmware are you on (stock, stock rooted, custom ROM, etc)? You can check your firmware under Settings.
2) Can you link us to a video that's giving you problems?
Mejilan said:
I don't know if I can help you at all, but perhaps if you fill in some blanks, others might.
1) What model phone do you own and what firmware are you on (stock, stock rooted, custom ROM, etc)? You can check your firmware under Settings.
2) Can you link us to a video that's giving you problems?
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hello, thank you very much for answering
1) my phone is lg v30 h930, stock, just removed from the box without touching anything, and the software version is V21w-EUR-XX
2) this problem happens to me in all the videos that I play on YouTube 1080p60 HDR (if I put the same video in 720p60 HDR the problem improves a lot, it becomes almost imperceptible) but the problem is that youtube does not give the option to deactivate the hdr, so if the video has that option, it activates it
I give you some examples of the videos that I have tried and they are very annoying ( It does not let me put links because I have less than 10 messages, I put the description of the youtube thumbnail, the first videos come out )
on youtube put "lg oled demo ", and play the first video, which shows a teapot in the thumbnail, and the video that shows a butterfly in the thumbnail, both are 4k Hdr 60fps
the phone I have it all activated, the HDR, I have not activated any energy savings, this all to the maximum ... I do not know what can happen, I do not know if it is the snapdragon 835 problem that can not with so much demand .... Do you think that could be why?
I have a pocophone f1 my brother, and the same video runs smoothly, very very fluid, but does not allow HDR, but I do not want hdr only make it look fluid
I've also noticed a bit of lag in chrome, in firefox it's better to scroll
Do you think it will be solved in any way? is that if I'm not return it and buy another phone thinking, something like pocophone because they do not have that kind of budget : llorando:
thank you very much and I hope response
I just tested that first video you suggested (the one with the teapot thumbnail) and I had absolutely no issues with playback. No stutter or lag with either the video or audio.
It's perfectly smooth, and really a lovely video.
I'm not an expert on HDR (since I don't use this device to watch movies or TV shows via Netflix or any other service), but as far as I can tell, the HDR triggered properly.
I have HDR turned on Settings, of course, and it's my understanding that you can tell when HDR turns on (when you rotate to Landscape) because the white Youtube pause/play buttons (amongst others) get very bright compared to Portrait view (which is supposed to disable HDR).
I also have never had any issues with Chrome. But I don't use FireFox, so I can't really compare the two.
I'm using an American open market US998 LG V30 on stock 20D (an old firmware from around June/July 2018), rooted.
I plan on updating my phone to the newest stock firmware one of these days, but haven't gotten around to it.
I have no idea what's going on with your phone. I understand it's new.
Maybe try checking to see if there's an OTA firmware update ready for you to install? (You might be running system software even older than mine, with a flawed HDR implementation).
Maybe there are some bloatware apps that came with your phone that are impacting performance.
Perhaps a factory reset could help?
I'm sorry I can't be of more help.
Que tengas buena suerte.
When i Am on STOCK ROM there is stutter and lag..
Install A CUSTOM ROM (tested on dot os) The colors still look vivid and plays smooth!! Absolutely no lag
I have had this issue since I first took my V30 out the box. Have the latest update for stock ROM/ VS996/Verizon. I gave up trying to troubleshoot this issue.
im using vanced as default YouTube app. it has an option to enable VP9 codec, that'll make your playback smoother even at 1440p60fps. But it kill HDR (but the color still the same tho). Shame, that V30 couldn't play HDR, because this phone is one of YouTube Signature Devices https://devicereport.youtube.com/phones/lg_v30.
Update: When I play that "lg oled demo" video, it doesn't stutter, I don't notice any of them. But when play "peru hdr" it stutter a lot. I'm using H932 latest stock. Try to activate that VP9 codec if you don't want HDR after all. Also, I don't use Chrome anymore, I disable it and using others. try Kiwi or Brave both are chromium based if you prefer chrome-like interface. If Firefox feels better so stick with it.
Just turn off hdr in display settings, every lg v30 has this problem. I think it's because hw decoder cannot keep up so this problem applies to every snapdragon 835 phone. Hw is capable of 1080p30fps HDR in vp9, 1080p60fps HDR is on the limit and can drop frames. HDR is gimmick for me, it is not well implemented. The quality is much worse than normal videos. For me bigger problem is that oled screen cannot reproduce dark colors because of low uniformity when pixels are barerly turned on and very slow response time in that matter too but that's for another topic.

Question Whatsapp choppy video

Since I bought GT 2 PRO global version (RMX3301) 2 months ago, I have an issue with sending videos (recorded from the main camera) as videos playback get choppy after being processed by whatsapp.
latest updates did not solve the issue.
However, if I record and send videos directly from whatsapp, the playback is smooth.
Anyone faces the same problem? Any fixes?
Exact same issue here, have been trying every different setting etc and nothing working.
Same here. Gdpr version
Sorry, I posted a fix I thought works but doesn't ...
If you change video options to 4k, 30-60 fps, it´s must work for you.
Is better ,but no, not working
Same problem
try turning of hevc (h265) video in setting, alternatively cut the video shorter using the editor and use the new video
same problem here. Just found out the culprit. if you download the video to computer and try to read the FPS, it always using weird number, like 28.97, 29.41, 29,33 fps. I guess that what really make whatsapp compression failed, it tried to upscale the frame rate to 30 fps but because the FPS never have constant rate, the output get choppy.
I tried using Gcam, and works perfectly, because Gcam always produce 30 fps video.
Realme should fix this bug
To solve this inconvenience (it happens in several mobiles that are not Samsung and Iphone), you must use the "VenLow" application (I suggest downloading the premium app from google) and that's it, the same application indicates how to use it and you can also watch videos on youtube. Greetings People from Chile.
Just noticed that problem was solved already

