I am using MIUI v4 SE ICS for my xperia neo V and every time I turn off my screen with the app "Screen Off and Lock", the screen is turning on again. I tried other apps like these but I always have the same problem.
Any ideas?
mondechristo1 said:
I am using MIUI v4 SE ICS for my xperia neo V and every time I turn off my screen with the app "Screen Off and Lock", the screen is turning on again. I tried other apps like these but I always have the same problem.
Any ideas?
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Wrong place bro...
get to the write place to ask for hlp..
It worked fyn for me..
but i used it on sock ics... Y do u need it???
Hi there!
Where do you think is the right threat to place my question?
Q&A section or Rom thread of allowed
Via Tapatalk 2 on MIUI V4
Ok. Thank you guys! I will post my question there.
Check it out
Aarush said:
Check it out
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But I can't use wifi...
Woooow ;-) wifi working ? And camera tooo ?
Aarush said:
Check it out
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already posted
check before u post!
my neo V is currently running Sony ICS 4.0.3 Beta Everything Works 100% (Wifi & BT, 3g/2g data, xloud, bravia, everything) also images are now 1MB++. New boot logo + the SONY logo only.. but haven't root it yet. don't know which root works.. thanks
Here's the official Forum Thread: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1513172
Thanks guys for the update
can't wait for the final
Is it worth it, to install ICS beta on my Neo V and doing the bootloader unlock and for those that have ICS beta, is it laggy or any fc on it??
I ask this because i dont know for sure off i shall wait till the final release is out, im a good developer but sometime i dont know, so any advice is appriciate.
Sent from my flying MT11i
thread moved into here: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1513114
Please search before posting ....
This Thread is for people who still don't have enough posts to post in the development section and are having problems in installing the rom or want to report some bug present in the rom.
Your Post should be in this format-
Your Device[RAY/PRO only atm , will be soon making the rom for mini,mini pro etc]
Your Kernel[Performance/Battery]
Your Problem
Revolution ICS HD™
nice rom. thanks.
Device: Ray
Kernel: battery based. (Sirkay's xkernel current version)
problem: kill app back button option not work. Can not be fix it?
Sorry bad english.
hey, @Dev Jaskirat??
burak.dunal said:
nice rom. thanks.
Device: Ray
Kernel: battery based. (Sirkay's xkernel current version)
problem: kill app back button option not work. Can not be fix it?
Sorry bad english.
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Will be Fixed in build 5! :good:
Dev Jaskirat said:
Will be Fixed in build 5! :good:
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Thanks. I will wait
thanx for your great work.
i was wondering if you could put a notification LED setting for controlling it like AOKP rom.
i installed an app inorder to control and customize the LED but beacuz of the low ram i couldn't us it.and when your ram is full the screen blackout when you lock and unlock the phone.and for godsake put a browser in the rom.
tnx alot.
Dev Jaskirat said:
Will be Fixed in build 5! :good:
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Fly kernel
I like your room because of the XS locksreen and small apps
will you add some Xperia Z stuff , like default themes and wallpaper ? in the next V5
someone has leaked it
btw , i got some random credentialmanager 1.5 has stopped
bintangmaulana said:
Fly kernel
I like your room because of the XS locksreen and small apps
will you add some Xperia Z stuff , like default themes and wallpaper ? in the next V5
someone has leaked it
btw , i got some random credentialmanager 1.5 has stopped
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The launcher and wallpaper is included in build 5
Sent from my »Neo V«
im using kernel based on performance..
it overclocked 1.613 ghz..
it that true.. hmm but why when im playing asphalt 6 for less than 10 minute it force close..
btw ur rom is awesome..thank..srry for my bad english..
Im using Xperia ray
Is there any problem that I can't reboot into recovery after installing it and install "Revolution_ics_hd_sonic_part_2_by_dev_jaskirat.zip"?
Your Device > Mini Pro (sk17i)
Your Kernel > I didn't choose kernel , it didn't gave me an option
Your Problem > I installed the rom without choosing kernel , it didn't ask me to choose. another problem is that after installing part 2 the phone is in a bootloop. what should I do ?
Mini /mini pro bootloop issue will be looked up by saqib! I hav my exams in one week after that I can have a look...
Sent from my »Neo V«
PedroCaseiro said:
Your Device > Mini Pro (sk17i)
Your Kernel > I didn't choose kernel , it didn't gave me an option
Your Problem > I installed the rom without choosing kernel , it didn't ask me to choose. another problem is that after installing part 2 the phone is in a bootloop. what should I do ?
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Don't use a DUAL kernel (CWM + TWRP) like MESA Hybrid or LuPuS Dual. Flash an ICS kernel like LuPuS CWM 5.x v3 (it works just fine on my st15i-Mini) via Fastboot. Download v5.1 ROM version (latest). Then reflash ROM via CWM.
thx a lot for making this thread and allow us to post our problems. sry for my bad english. i will try this rom cz ive been trying several and i always got FC and bootloop
thank you!
Revolution ICS HD IN RAY
this rom not working digital compass!
Hi, i've installed the ROM on my Ray, only problem is I can't seem to find the panorama 3d and the digital compass fails to point on the right direction.
Stock RAY?
Hi, can I use your ROM with stock ICS kernel (Xperia Ray + ROOT + locked BL)?
javad750 said:
this rom not working digital compass!
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ohceddy said:
Hi, i've installed the ROM on my Ray, only problem is I can't seem to find the panorama 3d and the digital compass fails to point on the right direction.
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I dont know y the digital compass isn't working! Will give a look to it after my exams
jimi-m said:
Hi, can I use your ROM with stock ICS kernel (Xperia Ray + ROOT + locked BL)?
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Yeah you can use it
Sent from my »Xperia™ Z« running on PACman
Doesn't work for me
Ray with "Performance Kernel" (FlyKernel)
It's turned 90 degrees wrong ^^
When i hold the phone straight, it should be portrait - but actually it's landscape then and vice versa.
Funny kind of bug.
I wish I could've let the ROM settled down. There is no chance because it automatically reboots after 5 minutes.
I'll take a different Rom now, thanks anyway.
Hi guys
I am posting first-time. I have neo v with locked
Bootloader ics. 587 with pureness rom b14, sp1
But I am facing some problems there
1. In Appdrawer all applications are not shown and
I have checked that in home setting that no app is being
hidden I have tried diff arrange setting like alphabetically or
most used etc. they are changing in numbers but never shown
all sometime shown other on another setting some else
2. My network strength with H (HSPD) signal not working but with
E (Edge's )
3. I have stocked kernel means originally comes in. 587
And I am just having 13-14 hour battery backup
4. Sometimes keyboard is not showing suggestions
and sometimes does for same application like on Google
5 Can I get one more option in quick panel that is wifi portability
on off setting.
Else everything is a.beauty in this Rom I am loving it
I'll ask a Mod to shift this to the Neo General section for you Vicky, I just saw you mentioned in the other thread
Moved to Xperia Neo General.
vicky87 said:
Hi guys
I am posting first-time. I have neo v with locked
Bootloader ics. 587 with pureness rom b14, sp1
But I am facing some problems there
1. In Appdrawer all applications are not shown and
I have checked that in home setting that no app is being
hidden I have tried diff arrange setting like alphabetically or
most used etc. they are changing in numbers but never shown
all sometime shown other on another setting some else
2. My network strength with H (HSPD) signal not working but with
E (Edge's )
3. I have stocked kernel means originally comes in. 587
And I am just having 13-14 hour battery backup
4. Sometimes keyboard is not showing suggestions
and sometimes does for same application like on Google
5 Can I get one more option in quick panel that is wifi portability
on off setting.
Else everything is a.beauty in this Rom I am loving it
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As for 1) go to apps and clear xperia home data...now all icons will be visible..
i am using night elf kernel and get good battery life...better than other ics roms i hav tried...and wifi setting is there in quick panel i believe...
Attitude.SSJ said:
As for 1) go to apps and clear xperia home data...now all icons will be visible..
i am using night elf kernel and get good battery life...better than other ics roms i hav tried...and wifi setting is there in quick panel i believe...
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yah u r right buddy
I got solved my first problem of appdrawer
I am asking wifi hot spot making (portability) on off switch but not wifi
I have locked boot loader can I flash night elf kernel without unlocking
if yes please tell me procedure
if not tell is this possible to unlock boot loader without fiddling (touching)
hardware of phone with wires and that all
please tell whatever easiest way possible
thanks again buddy:highfive:
Check official unlocking by Sony
That doesn't require fiddling with wires!
Do as it says! That's all
Sent from my MT11i using Tapatalk 2
I'm having problems with the wifi, I can't enable it!
Running Pureness b14 SP1 on neo, and Nelf 1.5.
I can't post in the main pureness thread because I don't have over ten posts.
Try flashing stock WiFi modules!
Sent from my MT11i using Tapatalk 2
Ghostfreak NB said:
Try flashing stock WiFi modules!
Sent from my MT11i using Tapatalk 2
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I tried doing that, but it still didn't work!
If I flash my kernel again, will it erase any settings/files on my phone?
mrfag said:
I tried doing that, but it still didn't work!
If I flash my kernel again, will it erase any settings/files on my phone?
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No,you can try flashing kernel.
Sent from my MT11i using Tapatalk 2
thank but some quarries still there
Ghostfreak NB said:
Check official unlocking by Sony
That doesn't require fiddling with wires!
Do as it says! That's all
Sent from my MT11i using Tapatalk 2
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Thanks buddy for help
But won't that void all my warranty
Or have I already void them by rooting
And flashing pureness
One More question
Can I make a ftf file with whatever I have
Installed in my neo v, pureness b14 sp1
So that I won't need to install. 587're
Then pureness zip, then patch for neo v
And after rebooting and wait of one hour
Sp1. I just wanna get it repaid
So I wanna know can I make an ftf file of complete
Rom u am having installed now in my mobile
Using flashtool
thank but some quarries still there
Ghostfreak NB said:
Check official unlocking by Sony
That doesn't require fiddling with wires!
Do as it says! That's all
Sent from my MT11i using Tapatalk 2
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Thanks for ur help buddy
But still have some questions
Won't that void all my warranty
Or have I already void that by rooting and
Flashing pureness
And can I make a ftf kind of file with my current
Rom and applications so that next time I won't need to do
Such long process to flash pureness sp1
Like flash. 587 than flash.562 kernel to root
Than root and install cwm recovery
Then install.587 kernel than pureness zip
Than patch for neo v thanreboot and wait for
Atleast one our and than install sp1
So I think it will be easy to have a ftf.file and flash
It using flashtool or something like that
Is this possible
U have already void warranty, not sure about ftf file your talking about but I dont think so!
Press thanks if I helped
Sent from my Neo V UHD using Xda Premium
any solution to this . i previously have try and search many method posted here but still my touch screen gone. i manage to get this problem when trying to update to xperia ultimate hd 2.0.3 ... and mybe cause of wrong kernel or wrong rom installed in my device make the touch screen gone . hope u all can help me . tq in advance
Try This method
There a sticky for it in general and faq here
Sent from my Xperia Mini Pro
wanj33 said:
any solution to this . i previously have try and search many method posted here but still my touch screen gone. i manage to get this problem when trying to update to xperia ultimate hd 2.0.3 ... and mybe cause of wrong kernel or wrong rom installed in my device make the touch screen gone . hope u all can help me . tq in advance
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Try reflashing your firmware.
I think this will solve your,problem.
Sent from my ST18i
alund said:
Try This method
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still cannot get my touchscreen . anything else ?
Same thing happened to me like 2weeks ago lol I forgot to choose device..... But don't worry I have a solution... What I did was I flashed the rom again with the device that made my touchscreen stop working... Then without wiping system I re flashed the rom again but thus time with llw.... I didn't think it would work at first as I was only playing around... But luckily once the device booted the touch started working
Device: WT19i
Rom: Zelly Cream 2.0 [MDPI]
Kernel : Lupas v3
Help me with this method
I have unlocked bootloader of my device,and tried flashing many roms.
But there is a issue when i flash certain roms along with kernels.
Eg-tigris kernel with stock rom.
If i didnt use my mobile for nearly 5or 6 hours,at the time i use it,it is very laggy.
I mean when i woke up i can even unlock the lockscreen properly and cant type msg..
Please give me a solution.
Sorry for poor English.
Sent from my R800i using xda app-developers app
slmadmax said:
I have unlocked bootloader of my device,and tried flashing many roms.
But there is a issue when i flash certain roms along with kernels.
Eg-tigris kernel with stock rom.
If i didnt use my mobile for nearly 5or 6 hours,at the time i use it,it is very laggy.
I mean when i woke up i can even unlock the lockscreen properly and cant type msg..
Please give me a solution.
Sorry for poor English.
Sent from my R800i using xda app-developers app
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Because the device goes into deep sleep. And you can overclock, if you want.
Btw, use Greenify... You can get it from the play store and kill unwanted apps to run in the background. Hope that works.
Sent from my MT11i using xda premium
karanrajkapur said:
Because the device goes into deep sleep. And you can overclock, if you want.
Btw, use Greenify... You can get it from the play store and kill unwanted apps to run in the background. Hope that works.
Sent from my MT11i using xda premium
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thank you for the advice..
but unfortunately it didn't work.. I have overclocked ma device since I unlocked its BL.
Tried everything but still no good result..
slmadmax said:
thank you for the advice..
but unfortunately it didn't work.. I have overclocked ma device since I unlocked its BL.
Tried everything but still no good result..
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apply tweaks & scripts ... google it you will get :good:
deccen90 said:
apply tweaks & scripts ... google it you will get :good:
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found this link when i search.
but it is not only for neo l but also for neo and neo v .. will they work on neo l?
slmadmax said:
found this link when i search.
but it is not only for neo l but also for neo and neo v .. will they work on neo l?
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They will work..
well i dont get that lag even without restarting device, whether im on ICS or GB,, (GB is surely faster on my mt25i) we both seem to have similar device, that link would help you, but be careful though
why not try clearing caches? have yout tried? or maybe you use too many applications that runs in background for example, a couple of messengers?
troyholio said:
well i dont get that lag even without restarting device, whether im on ICS or GB,, (GB is surely faster on my mt25i) we both seem to have similar device, that link would help you, but be careful though
why not try clearing caches? have yout tried? or maybe you use too many applications that runs in background for example, a couple of messengers?
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In this week I have tried nearly 6 roms..
*Play GB roms with Lupus Kernel
*currently - Xplay LITE ICS with Vengeance( Flashed 8 hours ago,installed no application,but when I tried to unlock the lock screen aftr 7 hours,result was same..very laggy. Wiped caches,data,sys etc .. )
With Stock rom there is no problem..even with MIUI + Turbo Kernel no issue was found and Roms like FXP,CM have no issue..
:'( please help me to sort this out..
Try flashing it to stock? If the outcome is the same maybe somethings wrong with hardware.. I really dnt know, guess u should ask for profesional help
Sent from my MT25i using xda app-developers app
Dear mate,if stock rom is better than the other rom for ur device,i suggest u to use stock rom....
Maybe with a few mod for stock rom....
U can experience with ur device to and if u used another custom rom for ur device and still have same problem,maybe u can ask the dev on the rom thread....
So the dev and other user can help u ...
Sorry about my English
Sent from MT25i using DiXperia 3 Enormous Rom
May I help u?
neo L user here... I am currently using Paranoid Android v3 based on CM9...
And honestly I experienced NO LAG...
I also OCed my neo L:
Min=249 MHz
Max 1113 MHz
I also installed RAMEXPANDER, SEEDER and AdFree... Just visit PlayStore...