HTC Evo3d Reboot/Shut Down issue after screen replacement - HTC EVO 3D

SO i've made a quick video of how easily the Evo3d will reboot/shut down on me. I purchased this phone the day it was released and worked amazingly until a few weeks ago when the screen would shut off (it would come right back on but still annoying) so Sprint replaces the screen for me and now this is what i'm stuck with!
I know other people have had shut down problems and i'd be interested to see if theirs can be replicated as easily as mine.
(I always use a hard/rubberized case and took off for the video to show there is not even a scratch on the phone, nor any impact damage)
before i figured out how i could make it happen on my own, Sprint decided to replace it after a couple tries of "Fixing" it which meant just putting HBoot 1.5 and wiping the device. Should be in stock today for the switch!

i had the new radio update .1216 and that made my evo 3d reboot randomly

Well you slammed it to the table. What do you think it would happen? In the more serious note. My replacement kept rebooting and I could tell the screen was coming off. I would take it in to sprint if you have insurance.
Sent from my PG86100 using Tapatalk 2

u didnt you didnt read my entire thread
it was hardly slammed, but i can bump it with the palm of my hand, it can slide off my car center counsel to the floor, not airborn but shuts down. It does it while mid call etc. This was just the way i could make it happed because before i got my replacement today, i had then "Check it out" which means wiping it 3 separate times. and it never once happened since it went on sale till the screen replacement a few weeks ago. I was showing buddies pictures, essentially no "G" shocks at all and it does it. I can wave it back and fourth and it does it. thank goodness i have a new one... though refurb and now i'm stuck with Hboot 1.5 and S-On so thats my next task!

I had the same problem with my aftermarket extended battery. The battery was placed too loose in the phone, and when you slam it the pins will disconnect and the phone will shut down.
You can fix this by jamming a piece of paper between the bottom of your battery and your battery compartment to keep pressure on the pins.
Can you try that and report if it helped?



On friday my eris got ran over by a car. Although the screen is all cracked up the phone works perfectly. All aspects of the screen works. I am shocked that the phone worked. Thank goodness for insurance. My replacement will be here tomorrow. Just praying that it will not come with the 1.49 boot so I can root. If all else fails then I will switch phones with my wife.
Best phone for the money!
lol! That's crazy >.<
Hell I had to drop my leaked eris about 50+times before the trackball even began sticking to the left. Even then it was still running fine, well until it wouldn't recognize a charger, then I got it replaced for a new phone that I rooted right away lol.
im rather clumsy and i use my phone ALL the time. the thing hasnt had a problem not even a tiny scratch on the screen. the thing is like hurcules or like a god. there is a reason they named it after the god of jealusy
i drop it all the time, no harm done save for a few scratches and dents...
a couple nights ago i actually dropped it from pretty high up into some... alcoholic beverage that was spilled on the floor. totally shattered... battery went one way, cover the other. the volume buttons actually came OFF the battery cover.
i picked all the parts right then and set them on a table. the next morning? put it together, works good as new!
Got the replacement today but my dumb luck got hboot 1.49 hboot on so hard for me to get root

worth fixing?

I made another post explaining that my phone will turn off by itself randomly and then today I had something very unusual happen. it was charging in my car, then suddenly stopped charging even(was at 62%). I unplugged it & plugged it back in then suddenly the screen glitched out and went black(but the power light was still on). The phone was unresponsive so I unplugged it and pulled the battery. I waited a bit & put the battery back and then it turned on normally. Once it was up though, the bottom left corner of the screen was super bright and looked like it had fluid behind the screen. I freaked out and pulled the battery again. I then took the phone apart and found it was completely dry and no water damage indicators. I sprayed it all down with canned air and put it back together but it still has that issue in the bottom corner(although the screen is still operating fine).
whatever that problem is, it takes up more then enough of the screen to bother anyone + is still doing the random power offs. I do not have insurance + with the S-OFF and the void sticker now removed from the screw I doubt Verizon will do anything. I'm sure it will be over $100 to fix this(just not sure how much more), so would it be worth it to fix this or just buy another phone off of craigslist?
Call Verizon and tell them about your problem. have them send you a replacement as it is still under warranty. When you get the new one CAREFULLY remove the void sticker (heat it up, hair dryer, lighter, whatever you have lying around that can do it) from the replacement, and put it on the one you are sending back.
g00s3y said:
Call Verizon and tell them about your problem. have them send you a replacement as it is still under warranty. When you get the new one CAREFULLY remove the void sticker (heat it up, hair dryer, lighter, whatever you have lying around that can do it) from the replacement, and put it on the one you are sending back.
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Unfortunately, since I traded my old phone for this Thunderbolt they(Verizon) told me it is no longer under a warrenty. Instead, they offered to send me a new Thunderbolt in the mail for $250.... I then asked about the Bionic and was told they'd give me a new Bionic for $300. I'm debating what to do now.
p.s. a local cell phone shop said they could fix my phone for $140 but couldn't guarantee if the buttons at the bottom of my phone would light up again or not.
Do you mean you already have a replacement Tbolt? If so I think you only get a 90 day warranty on those.
Stratejaket said:
Do you mean you already have a replacement Tbolt? If so I think you only get a 90 day warranty on those.
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well, i got my original TB when i signed up with Verizon. i took it back within the 30 day period and exchanged it for an Incredible 2... some time later i traded the Incredible 2 with someone for this TB.
so more or less, yes... replacement of sorts. i explained this to the verizon rep(who apparently already knew).

[Q] Touch issues... 3/5 UPDATE Replaced with hboot 1.4

Video (apologize for quality, was with my 3DS, the closest thing around lol)
So my phone has been working fine for a week and I've never had issues like this before on any android phone. I got the Trident Aegis case for my Evo 3D today and I gotta say it's awesome. However, it came with a screen protector. I applied it and decided I didn't want to keep it on there so I took it off. Ever since then my phone has randomly been acting up.
When I click the power button, the clock in the middle rotates back and forth as if I were clicking the screen, and proceeds to tell me to Pull the ring to unlock. Sometimes it'll just keep doing this even though my fingers are no where near the screen. I was going into texts and sending a message to my girlfriend and the typing worked fine, but I started to delete a word I mistyped and it acted as if I was holding down the delete button and deleted my entire message. I later tried to click send and it kept clicking on attachments.
When I was in the messages menu it was acting as if I was instantly holding down a contact and deleting threads. I'm so confused as to whats going on. I will not that this isn't consistent and for now it has calmed down. (scratch that the send thing is still happening. I can type the entire message perfectly and anywhere I click responds, but not send.) I suspect it has to have something to do with the screen protector I removed (just a static one) or the case itself, even though that doesn't make very much sense. Should I take it into Sprint if it starts happening again? Maybe just do factory reset?
UPDATE: They replaced my hboot 1.5 phone and for the hell of it I decided to check HBOOT version. The one I got came with HBOOT 1.40.0000, Jun 8, 2011.
I am ecstatic!
All I know is HBOOT 1.5 stuff though, so WAT DO.
Your digitizer is going out. A lot of people had that issue or are having it. That's how mine was and it just gradually got to a point where I couldn't use the phone. RIP.
Sent from my PG86100 using xda premium
Yup, this seems the case. Luckily I decided not to root my device just before this happened. I'm really not sure what caused it, but it's definitely not the case. After playing around in a painting program i found there's just a half-inch line that cannot be touched horizontally across the screen.
With insurance and the fact I bought it a week ago, they have to replace it.
They replaced my phone after trying to tell me it was gonna be fixed and I said NO, I bought this 9 days ago give me a brand new one. So they did and it came with HBOOT 1.4 SUP
At least they replaced yours. I took mine in but of course when I take it in the screen works fine. When I leave it starts to act up...
DarkManX4lf said:
At least they replaced yours. I took mine in but of course when I take it in the screen works fine. When I leave it starts to act up...
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Try to determine the exact problem of it. Use a paint app and just tap dots across the entire screen, not lines.

Would this be enough for you to get a new EVO..?

Well I'm on my second EVO. My first one the screen seemed very vibrant, this one, not so much. I don't know if it's just me. My current one also has the light leak from the home button which bothers me when I see it but don't notice it otherwise. The last issue is rebooting or shutting off. I go commando with my evo (no case) as you know it's a slippery phone. My first evo fell a couple of times form about 3-4 feet, no biggie. I notice with this phone that everytime it gets hit a bit hard it turns off and you have to reboot it to start up again (power + volume down). Yesterday it slipped out of my hand while I was sitting at my desk and it must of fallen about 10-12 inches. Of course this is a refurbished phone.
jimmyg41 said:
Well I'm on my second EVO. My first one the screen seemed very vibrant, this one, not so much. I don't know if it's just me. My current one also has the light leak from the home button which bothers me when I see it but don't notice it otherwise. The last issue is rebooting or shutting off. I go commando with my evo (no case) as you know it's a slippery phone. My first evo fell a couple of times form about 3-4 feet, no biggie. I notice with this phone that everytime it gets hit a bit hard it turns off and you have to reboot it to start up again (power + volume down). Yesterday it slipped out of my hand while I was sitting at my desk and it must of fallen about 10-12 inches. Of course this is a refurbished phone.
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stop dropping your phone. problem solved.
Spyderekz said:
stop dropping your phone. problem solved.
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Great insight, tell me more. Why even waste the time to post this?
you are right, ill tell you what you want to know.
" the phone probably has a loose cable inside of it, and should be replaced. you can either show a sprint rep in store by banging it hard on your hand or calling the insurance and telling them its a faulty replacement, i had a similar issue with a display that would flicker in and out at times as if it was off. "
Thank you for your reply. Maybe I worded my question weirdly. I was just asking if the issues that I stated would be enough for you to go exchange the phone. I know I can get a new one, no big deal. Everyone is a bit different on their tolerance of issues.
When you go in pick the weakest or dumbest looking rep and be forceful about what you want. tell them you KNOW the problem and it shouldnt be happening. i got my phone replaced recently due to a graphic flicker when playing games. they didnt want to exchange it at first but i won in the end. because i KNOW cellphones and how they should work
Did you get a new phone or a refurbished phone? I know the reps at the Sprint store by my house, they'll give me a new (to me, but still refurbished) phone. Just wondering if it's even worth it since my issues are minimal.

my sort of dead amaze

so my amaze has been out of commission for a solid four months and i now have a nexus 5, but today i tried something. I originally thought my amaze's screen ribbon was messed up (it also has a missing contact in the headphone jack the left one to be exact, and both speakers are shot -prior to demolition-), but as it turns out there is actually a short somewhere in the circuitry. I took the liberty of completely tearing apart the phone (literally the plastic band around the glass is destroyed now). so after I have a pile of phone guts i start to put back together what I can. basically I had the screen, circuit boards, and battery sitting in it's shell. I also cleaned off a little corrosion on some of the parts too. then I plug it into my computer and bam the screen comes on! I almost had a heart attack, I honestly didn't expect that, and what is more interesting is that I was able to everything fine until it came time to flashing a ruu to get it back to stock, it wouldn't do it. but I kid you not, after multiple failed ruu flash attempts and a re-lock of the boot-loader I push the power button (more of a squishie than a button now) it started booting up CM10 like it was the day it died on me four months ago! Then when it finished booting up, the touch screen started freaking out and thought that I was touching it everywhere (i'm so glad I always turn on show touches in dev options) then it died again, I guess the short became active again, but here is the weird part, when I had it plugged into my pc and it started glitching I would unplug it and it shorted my pc and made it do a self-save power-out. I just thought i would share this with you guys to see if you have had any hardware probs out of you'r amazes.
I'm sure plenty of people have them.
Screen bleed is the most famous.
Randomly shutting off is common too.
HTC has crappy power buttons on a lot of devices.
I got bit by all 3 of those (but my power button wasn't quite dead yet) before I got bit by the bug that our flash chip has. I was trying to use my phone as a USB drive and copied a ton of stuff over, the progress bar stopped moving and the phone didn't seem to be running right, so I rebooted. Somehow it bricked and now the charging light wouldn't even come on. Started from the unbrick tricks, but I was way worse off than what they are for and near as I could tell something had disappeared really early on in the bootchain process and it was unfixable without direct access to the eMMC to rewrite the whole image.
Later found out once I got a pantech burst (which has very similar hardware) to replace my amaze that the MMC chip we have can get confused and randomly swaps blocks of storage around. It's easiest to trigger if you have lots of writes pending and the operating system tries to deallocate a block (like trim on a SSD); sometimes the chip will de-allocate the wrong block. Mine happened to garble something really close to the beginning resulting in my brick.
Much later I got a broken phone off ebay to rip apart to see if I could get the many gigs of data I MOVED to my phone immediately before it died only to find it just had a dead battery...maybe. It was well used, but didn't look physically damaged. It turned on but the screen was just static, like an analog tv with no channel. Couldn't get it working, but on other phones it looks like this is what happens when the chip in the LCD dies.
Combined the two broken phones to make a working one and find that this board has something going on where the battery drains when the phone is shut off, thus explaining why the battery that came with it was completely toast. Maybe I screwed up the rebuild, but I don't know how.
tl;dr: Yes, I have had some hardware problems.
Yeah I had that power button issue ( the problem is it splits apart and gets corrosion in it and its awfully wobbly) I had had that problem with my galaxy Nexus's volume rocker too (I had it for development) , i split it open and scraped off the corrosion and closed it back up it didn't come apart after that either it was fine. I also had the reboots , random extreme power drain from 100% - 30% - then dead in minutes ( it was a rare occurrence though), the LCD short, bad charger connection, and like 1/2 inch of the touch sensor didn't work( it was just at the tip of the twrp slider too so I had to use clockwork). You know its ironic looking back before I got it I was looking at reviews and they all said it had that "unmatched build quality" and it ended up being one of the most hardware plagued phones of its time, quality was a key factor when I chose it, though I did slightly overuse it, i think it shouldn't have been so badly designed, I only had mine for just over 1 year of my 2 year contract and I didn't even get it from the contract, I broke my T-Mobile g2x after 6 months with it and got the amaze through insurance [which was BS since i paid monthly for it, had to send my broken phone to them (which I could have fixed for less), and pay the difference between its price and the price of the amaze. I ended up paying full price for the amaze and the monthly insurance bill, I would have been better off not getting the insurance because it limited me to only getting the amaze and the sensation "phones of equal or lessee value" ($250 more than the g2x), they screwed me over]. Even though its in pieces and will most likely never work again I will probably hold onto it forever because it was a great phone, even if it let me down a few times. I learned around 90% of everything I know about android developing and software developing in general from that phone and its really sentimental to me. Lolz all my broken and worthless stuff is sentimental to me, I think I'm may be a little bit of a hoarder but oh well.
Sent from my Nexus 5 using xda app-developers app
Uuhh this post was a mistake... My bad, I done messed up
Here are pictures from after I tore it apart to get it working and it booting up after it was dismembered (after it booted it was fine, It would pick up touch from the messed up side but at the same time it went crazy and picked up "touches" everywhere, even when I wasn't touching it so everything almost worked but then died again) sorry the last one blurred I was riding in a car
Sent from my Nexus 5 using xda app-developers app

