The Eris is INDISTRUCTABLE - Droid Eris General

On friday my eris got ran over by a car. Although the screen is all cracked up the phone works perfectly. All aspects of the screen works. I am shocked that the phone worked. Thank goodness for insurance. My replacement will be here tomorrow. Just praying that it will not come with the 1.49 boot so I can root. If all else fails then I will switch phones with my wife.

Best phone for the money!

lol! That's crazy >.<

Hell I had to drop my leaked eris about 50+times before the trackball even began sticking to the left. Even then it was still running fine, well until it wouldn't recognize a charger, then I got it replaced for a new phone that I rooted right away lol.

im rather clumsy and i use my phone ALL the time. the thing hasnt had a problem not even a tiny scratch on the screen. the thing is like hurcules or like a god. there is a reason they named it after the god of jealusy

i drop it all the time, no harm done save for a few scratches and dents...
a couple nights ago i actually dropped it from pretty high up into some... alcoholic beverage that was spilled on the floor. totally shattered... battery went one way, cover the other. the volume buttons actually came OFF the battery cover.
i picked all the parts right then and set them on a table. the next morning? put it together, works good as new!

Got the replacement today but my dumb luck got hboot 1.49 hboot on so hard for me to get root


8525 fell in a puddle.

Well it fell out of my pocket into a puddle yesterday, It was still in the leather case so it didn't completely soak. The first thing i did was take out the battery. It was still on after it fell in the water and seemed ok, but i was still in panic mode and took the battery out right away. I didn't have a torx 6 so i took a blowdryer to it, on cool!
Well got the torx 6 today and took the whole thing apart and its under a desk lamp drying up whatever is left.
while i was still panicing i did do a test and put the battery back in when i thought it was dry, and it would turn on and reset itself once it got to the windows push to talk green screen. Dumbest thing i could have done but im past that.
Is there anything else i should do? i was thinking of buying one of those air duster cans and try to blow out any water that might be hideing under the components that could cause shorts.
Any other ideas to get this thing working properly would be awsome. I definatly can't afford another one, i only paid $99 for this one, refurb on when they had a mistype.
I dropped my wife's Blackberry pearl in water once, I had the same immediate steps that you did. The only thing differently I did was left it in front of a space heater for a few "good" hours haha. Worked fine after that. Good luck
leave it in a car in all day if its still warm where you live. fixed mine when it fell in the sink and mine still works just fine.
Ok everything went ok when i put everything back together. everything turned on properly and went well till i tested the keyboard.
Now most keys work and a slight few dont. Typing "r" results in "rh" coming on the screen.
Would this be due to the keyboard being ruined, or is it internal circuitry of the pda?
Also something that I experienced with the blackberry. For me I disconnected everything again and let it heat for a couple more hours and it worked just fine. Prob. due to the ability to conduct electrical currents/signals on waters part, just a guess though.
they keyboard area is like sealed i believe the contacts area, i would assume there is water still there or corrosion build up... you can fix that by taking the sticky thing off very very carefully and cleaning the contacts... that is the easy part... aligning it all back and making sure it works would be the hard part... leaving just they keyboard to dry out in some good heat for a while could solve your problem as well... might want to try that first
read the wiki and other areas about taking apart or fixing stuck keys its what i was talking about..

Could i get this replaced?

I bought my Eris off of a friend who bought it from Verizon. so im not the original owner. But when i bought it he thought it was broken because it wouldnt turn on but for a sec (long enough to see 3 androids skateboarding for like a half second) and then turn off. Turns out it was just the battery ($20 for the phone, another $18 for batteries, i got a deal ) but before we realized it was the battery, i went all surgeon on it and took it apart to see if the charge port was loose (the battery wouldnt charge) in the process i ****ed up the track ball and the microphone (still worked, just mic would go in and out, and trackball only scrolls left and right.) Now the microphone has stopped working completely, could i call verizon and say my microphone doesnt work anymore and they replace it? Or would they not do that because im not the original owner/the phone has been taken apart (of course i wouldnt tell them that, but would i have to send them the phone first, thus they discover it had been)
The warranty is void if the phone has been taken apart (yeah they could tell real easy). Besides, the warranty doesn't transfer if the phone is sold to someone else. Only the original purchaser has the warranty. Sorry but seems like your screwed. Good thing you didn't put too much money into the phone.
Sent from my rooted HTC Droid Eris with Tazz Froyo Vanilla 17
Alright :\ thanks for the info, im due an upgrade so i guess i better start savin up for the droid 2. back to the Touch Pro for now :'( lol
Was this a question or wishful thinking? I'm pretty certain that they have a very tiny sticker on there somewhere that says if it is removed that your warranty is void, and you have to take that sticker off to take the phone apart because one of the screws in below it. I recall seeing it when I was considering taking one of many of my Eris's apart to fix the track ball issue.
a little bit of both, however the piece of black adhesive over the screw on mine said nothing, it was just black plastic with adhesive backing. its alright tho, incidentally after leaving it off for a week, i picked it up to play with it and the microphone works again. so whatever, ill use the wonky thing til it freaks out on me again i suppose, or til i get the droid 2 in white
botnryan said:
Alright :\ thanks for the info, im due an upgrade so i guess i better start savin up for the droid 2. back to the Touch Pro for now :'( lol
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Put Android on your TP. The XDAndroid project is very nice for that.
Yeah I had it on my tp but its not very stable plus battery life sucks even more than the eris
Sent from my Eris using XDA App

water damage

Last night i was out, and well basically my phone isnt working and im 90% sure its water damage now, the screen has little white bits round the end, whats the best way to get it working again, because it wont turn on :/
sell it on ebay for parts and buy another one.
pcdocta said:
sell it on ebay for parts and buy another one.
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I concur.
My girlfriend knocked her phone off the counter into the toilet when she was sick (needless to say phone had some chunks on it as well). It was game over. luckily in US we are able to insure it and we are now getting a new one for the one time "low cost" of $125. 125 is better than a full retail, thats for sure. I made her call AT&T before just to see if we could weasel a SII on early upgrade, no dice.
Moral: Insurance ftw
First suck all the beer out of it! Want not waste not!
Assimilated via WinBorg 4G
Best thing to do would have been to take out the battery/sim/sdcard and put in dry rice immediately, then leave overnight. Might not be too late either, but def should have done that right away. Right after I got my Captivate I got really drunk and accidentally soaked it, I didnt even realize it had gotten so wet until I woke up the next morning and tried to turn it on. It even tried to boot, showing the Samsung screen briefly then immediately turning off. Taking the battery door off there was water drops inside. After about 18 hours in rice I was soooo surprised that it booted right up and I havent had a problem out of it to this day!! I still use it all the time.
CaelanT said:
First suck all the beer out of it! Want not waste not!
Assimilated via WinBorg 4G
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It wasnt even beer, it was just raining loads so it got soaked in my pocket
Thanks for the advice guys, i put it in dry rice so we'll see how that goes *fingers crossed*
So i have put it in dry rice, and well it booted up but the touch screen was unresponsive, and so was the fingerprint sensor leaving me with no way to actually use any of the phones features, i think there is a tiny bit of water left so im going to stick it in rice a bit longer but try and get the screen repaired if that doesnt help,
Is there anyway i can access the stuff on my phone using the usb connection maybe?
Sorry to hear about your phone. My son got pushed into a swimming pool with his Atrix in his pocket. It is fully functional today.
What we did.
Rice and a warm spot. Not for hours... It took a whole week before everything straightened out. There was an issue with the sim and sd card readers, but nothing an emery board didn't fix.
First mistake, you turned (tried to) it on. Second turned it on too soon after putting it in rice.
One day in dry rice is not enough. If you read guides about water damage you will see that you really should have the phone in dry ice for 5 days. Never ever plug it into the charger or turn it on before you do this. Only takes one wee drop of liquid to short something out.
Next, you should strip the phone down and clean everything internally to make sure you will not suffer from oxidation and corrosion in the future. Many phones will work after being in dry rice, only to succumb to corrosion after a few weeks or months because all the connectors inside became oxidized.
In short, water damage is horrible, but there are many guides on the internet specific to this outside of XDA which can help you. The iPhone water damage guides are especially useful, even though the hardware is different. The concept is exactly the same.
First rule is always do not attempt to turn the phone on, and do not plug into a charger.
malfuncion said:
I concur.
My girlfriend knocked her phone off the counter into the toilet when she was sick (needless to say phone had some chunks on it as well). It was game over. luckily in US we are able to insure it and we are now getting a new one for the one time "low cost" of $125. 125 is better than a full retail, thats for sure. I made her call AT&T before just to see if we could weasel a SII on early upgrade, no dice.
Moral: Insurance ftw
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SII isin't an upgrade.
Thanks caelan, cant change what i've done now, so maybe ive ruined my phone my turning it on multiple times, ive left it in the dry rice which im gooing to do for the rest of the week and if it isnt then working im going to take it to repair shop, thanks for all your guys help.
King_MSD said:
Thanks caelan, cant change what i've done now, so maybe ive ruined my phone my turning it on multiple times, ive left it in the dry rice which im gooing to do for the rest of the week and if it isnt then working im going to take it to repair shop, thanks for all your guys help.
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Hope this helps, the phone that I mentioned, was turned on immediately after getting wet. His girlfriend was the smart one and pulled the battery for him.
We sat it in the rice and checked it every day by turning it on. (I am in no way recommending this btw, simply reporting an experience.). Each day it seems like it got better and better. The last two days everything was working, but there was still evidence of moisture on the screen. So we baked it for a few extra days. I did have an advantage over you. The outside temp was 100 plus and I sat his, in that bag of rice, on the hood of a red car everyday for most of the afternoon. It will most likely take longer with a cooler temp to work with.
We may have been 'lucky'. But this is so you know that there is a great chance that everything will be fine.
well, an update on my girlfriend's PUKE phone:
The day I posted that was I think thursday, we let is sit all thursday- friday- saturday. On sunday (around noon) she couldnt handle the Nokia 3360 any longer. When she left for her "mani/pedi", I sat down with the poor phone. After a little cleaning of contacts and such I was able to get it to boot and come up. When she got home it was up and going. She was thrilled and I got a "reward".
She used it all Sunday and today until the insurance joint came in. The only thing that didnt totally dry was the screen. It looked like pure hell, but worked. She said anythign was etter than the old green screen nokia
PS- she had tried to turn it on friday and got a "Modem Failed to Initialize: Starting RSD". Sunday it worked fine.
i dropped my phone in the toilet. managed to take it out. it was still in the power on state. removed battery asap! whats next?? shall i get it some heat, hair drier or bulb ?? how many day do i need to keep this phone in the rice? also im not an expert in disassembling!!! any suggestions?
I've heard up to a week but a couple days will probably work. I would probably just use a can of compressed air. Hair dryers can create enough heat to loosen the adhesive for screens on phones. Maybe place it near a vent or put it on a window sill with sunlight?
njarun said:
i dropped my phone in the toilet. managed to take it out. it was still in the power on state. removed battery asap! whats next?? shall i get it some heat, hair drier or bulb ?? how many day do i need to keep this phone in the rice? also im not an expert in disassembling!!! any suggestions?
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HTC Evo3d Reboot/Shut Down issue after screen replacement

SO i've made a quick video of how easily the Evo3d will reboot/shut down on me. I purchased this phone the day it was released and worked amazingly until a few weeks ago when the screen would shut off (it would come right back on but still annoying) so Sprint replaces the screen for me and now this is what i'm stuck with!
I know other people have had shut down problems and i'd be interested to see if theirs can be replicated as easily as mine.
(I always use a hard/rubberized case and took off for the video to show there is not even a scratch on the phone, nor any impact damage)
before i figured out how i could make it happen on my own, Sprint decided to replace it after a couple tries of "Fixing" it which meant just putting HBoot 1.5 and wiping the device. Should be in stock today for the switch!
i had the new radio update .1216 and that made my evo 3d reboot randomly
Well you slammed it to the table. What do you think it would happen? In the more serious note. My replacement kept rebooting and I could tell the screen was coming off. I would take it in to sprint if you have insurance.
Sent from my PG86100 using Tapatalk 2
u didnt you didnt read my entire thread
it was hardly slammed, but i can bump it with the palm of my hand, it can slide off my car center counsel to the floor, not airborn but shuts down. It does it while mid call etc. This was just the way i could make it happed because before i got my replacement today, i had then "Check it out" which means wiping it 3 separate times. and it never once happened since it went on sale till the screen replacement a few weeks ago. I was showing buddies pictures, essentially no "G" shocks at all and it does it. I can wave it back and fourth and it does it. thank goodness i have a new one... though refurb and now i'm stuck with Hboot 1.5 and S-On so thats my next task!
I had the same problem with my aftermarket extended battery. The battery was placed too loose in the phone, and when you slam it the pins will disconnect and the phone will shut down.
You can fix this by jamming a piece of paper between the bottom of your battery and your battery compartment to keep pressure on the pins.
Can you try that and report if it helped?

Phone bump causing power off?

Well my awesome sauce with the note 2 seems to be doing downhill... I LOVE my phone... then all of a sudden yesterday I had it sitting on the arm rest of my recliner.... I accidentally knocked it off on to the hardwood floor and it must have hit just right as it cracked the screen. The phone still functioned fine, but the screen was cracked. I took it to a local cell phone repair shop to have the screen replaced. When they put it back together it wouldn't boot... well then after replacing a button, it booted and they thought that was it. Well after it booted I made a call, and as I set the phone down, I noticed it turned off. So after a couple of more boots and confirmations that tapping it at the top of the device did this, I got a charger. Well with the charger plugged in it does the same thing, which tells me it's not a battery connection as google searching would lead me to believe. Please tell me someone knows something to try and fix this? Should I just cut my losses and buy a used device? I see beans has his on swappa and it's making me consider coming up with the money to do that. Thanks for any input/advice!!!!
Damn! They're supposed to test it out after they replace the screen and give it back to you. These screen replacements are very sensitive and you have to really use caution when messing with them. I've never heard of this but do you have a case on it or around it at the moment? sorry man. Have you discovered anything else?
Well after he spent some time with my phone last night, he said he thinks he found a loose cable. I picked it up today and it hasn't shut off yet. The screen looks beautiful by the way. Back to playing around with Trents Rom!
mdbowman said:
Well after he spent some time with my phone last night, he said he thinks he found a loose cable. I picked it up today and it hasn't shut off yet. The screen looks beautiful by the way. Back to playing around with Trents Rom!
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Glad the store solved that out. I've had a similar thing if I tap my phone on a table around the camera area it just shuts off as well. Only solution I've found is using the massive case from the 9300mah zero Lemon battery. Adds a sought bit of bulk
Sent from my SCH-I605 using Tapatalk
This is why a ZAGG and good case are worth every penny

