Bluetooth and WIFI Coexistence issues - Sprint HTC EVO 4G LTE

When I had my EVO 4G I had no WIFI issues at home or work. When I got the EVO 3D I had serious issues with WIFI (at home only) and I kept blaming the phone. Well after turning some options off (like turbo boost) and playing with bandwidth settings) EVO 3D became solid.
Now EVO 4G LTE is having WIFI issues. I had started a thread using 2.4Ghz for WIFI which was a huge help. But it's still not quite right. You can see it frequently flipping between WIFI and 3G. The phone again works fine at work. If I have to I'll buy the same wifi routers I have at work.
So I started digging into Router settings again and noticed this "WIFI Coexistence" option (which was set as disabled).
So I researched it on the web site (the open source I run on my router and found some interesting info).
I think this may have something to do with some folks issues.
It may also account for why some people say they have no problem and others do.
Even when you swap your phone your Bluetooth devices might choose a different channel when you pair it and have less conflicts. On old WIndows phones even when you unpaired it, it would cache the old channel and use it again if you repaired it.
I'm going try this option and try running with bluetooth off and see if it's more stable.
I have had bluetooth issues as well. Mainly after a call, the would disconnect from headset and headset could not reconnect without toggling bluetooth on the phone or headset (or both).
This is a copy of what I found on
I found a clear answer on TomatoUSB's website:
Bluetooth Coexistence
An 802.11 device and Bluetooth can interfere with each other when the 802.11 device operates on the 2.4 GHz band. All Bluetooth devices operate at the 2.4 GHz band. If you experience wireless disconnects, decreased range or speed, and other connectivity issues when you turn on some of your Bluetooth devices, try to change this option to "Enable" (this will make the router and Bluetooth device to take turns in using the spectrum for communication) or "Preemption" (the router will inform the Bluetooth device about the channel it is operating on, and the Bluetooth device can preemptively disable communication on the respective Bluetooth channels).
Please note that this option requires your Bluetooth device to "cooperate". If the Bluetooth device doesn't implement the coexistence techniques, using this option will have no effect.

I'm 99.99% sure it's bluetooth causes WIFI issues for me.
If your having WIFI issues (which interferes with 3G as well) and you normally keep bluetooth on.
Try as simple experiment leaving bluetooth off (I know you should not have to).
I left mine off today and data was flawless.
Switching between 3G and WIFI was instant and smooth.
When I wake it I see it jumping around between 3G and WIFI.
This phone uses a Qualcomm bluetooth stack and EVO 3D and EVO 4G used broadcomm.
I never even thought to consider bluetooth.
Bluetooth has been bumpier on this phone as well.
If I leave WIFI off, bluetooth runs perfect.
I need more data though to sort this out.

I always leave Bluetooth off when at home, its only on when my phone is in the car dock. But I still couldn't even get through a speed test without wifi disconnecting completely and the test failing.
Ironically, I do not have a single drop out when at work, only at home.
I set Bluetooth Coexistence in my router's settings to Preemptive and so far (5 minutes) so good (I do have other bluetooth devices in the house).
Will report back after further testing.
Oddly, no other devices in my house have ever had this problem, so there is still something funky with the new Evo. But luckily with all these software fixes having varying success with people, it doesn't look like a hardware issue.

Still not a single drop out that I've noticed.
I'll know for sure in the morning. My Titanium Backups to dropbox have failed every.single.night with this phone due to wifi dropping connection in the middle of the upload. We'll see if they complete tonight.
Looking positive.

modplan said:
Still not a single drop out that I've noticed.
I'll know for sure in the morning. My Titanium Backups to dropbox have failed every.single.night with this phone due to wifi dropping connection in the middle of the upload. We'll see if they complete tonight.
Looking positive.
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Awesome. Thanks for the update.
I agree it's odd this Device is stirring up the issues.
But it could be something as dumb as they scan for available bluetooth channels in a different order and tend to hit channels that conflict with WIFI.
Most WIFI I think is on channel 11. I have mine on channel 11 as it seems teh best compromise for the many WIFI devices I have so I didn't want to change it.
So folks migh thave more flexibilty, and just changing WIFI channel can make quite a change.
I'll have to check work, what channel it's on. I'm pretty sure it's not on channel 11 because we have multiple access points and we wanted teh channel non overlapping. So we have them set at both end of teh range if I recall.
That could be a hint as well.

mswlogo said:
When I had my EVO 4G I had no WIFI issues at home or work. When I got the EVO 3D I had serious issues with WIFI (at home only) and I kept blaming the phone. Well after turning some options off (like turbo boost) and playing with bandwidth settings) EVO 3D became solid.
Now EVO 4G LTE is having WIFI issues. I had started a thread using 2.4Ghz for WIFI which was a huge help. But it's still not quite right. You can see it frequently flipping between WIFI and 3G. The phone again works fine at work. If I have to I'll buy the same wifi routers I have at work.
So I started digging into Router settings again and noticed this "WIFI Coexistence" option (which was set as disabled).
So I researched it on the web site (the open source I run on my router and found some interesting info).
I think this may have something to do with some folks issues.
It may also account for why some people say they have no problem and others do.
Even when you swap your phone your Bluetooth devices might choose a different channel when you pair it and have less conflicts. On old WIndows phones even when you unpaired it, it would cache the old channel and use it again if you repaired it.
I'm going try this option and try running with bluetooth off and see if it's more stable.
I have had bluetooth issues as well. Mainly after a call, the would disconnect from headset and headset could not reconnect without toggling bluetooth on the phone or headset (or both).
This is a copy of what I found on
I found a clear answer on TomatoUSB's website:
Bluetooth Coexistence
An 802.11 device and Bluetooth can interfere with each other when the 802.11 device operates on the 2.4 GHz band. All Bluetooth devices operate at the 2.4 GHz band. If you experience wireless disconnects, decreased range or speed, and other connectivity issues when you turn on some of your Bluetooth devices, try to change this option to "Enable" (this will make the router and Bluetooth device to take turns in using the spectrum for communication) or "Preemption" (the router will inform the Bluetooth device about the channel it is operating on, and the Bluetooth device can preemptively disable communication on the respective Bluetooth channels).
Please note that this option requires your Bluetooth device to "cooperate". If the Bluetooth device doesn't implement the coexistence techniques, using this option will have no effect.
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I think you're onto something... If I leave the house and wifi sticks on, then I normally have to reboot phone before I can connect to wifi again. Simply toggling wifi off and on doesn't work.
So on a whim, I turned off bluetooth. Then turned wifi off and back on, and bam! Connected! Hmmmm....
Now with reference to co-existence, that can't be the "fix" because not everyone has access to their router settings (such as at work, hotels, malls, etc.)

WiFi works perfect Bluetooth on the otherhand, haven't tested. But I'm sure works just as fine
Sent from my EVO using xda premium


[Q] Optimus one Wifi issues - please advise

Hi guys, so here's the deal : Just got a brand new Optimus One and the Wifi dosen't really work. It took me ages to get it to detect my home network ( Realtek RTL8187, used as a hotspot via win7's wireless miniport adapter - so basically virtual hotspot) Once I managed to get a connection the device would either be stuck at "obtaining ip adress from..." or would simply disconnect and reconnect in a quick burst. I finally managed to get it to connect by manually assigning the internet sharing permissions for the virtual miniport, but the speed is abysmal! We're talking to the order of bytes/s, measured both by attempting a small download from the phone and by reading the in/out data on the pc connection info. Upon some further poking around, a few wifi adapter and phone restarts later, I notice that when I connect to my hotspot the phone's wifi manager reports a normal speed of 54mb/s, but when I actually try to use the connection (say, the youtube app) it works fine for a second or two (it usually loads a bit of a vid, or half of a big webpage) and then drops down to the aforementioned speed and the phone's wifi manager indicated that the connection is 2mb/s
Also, I went out before setting up my home network to a mall and tried to connect to one of the free hotspots available. On some, it would connect straight away, but be very slow (signal wasn't great) and on one (max signal) it would disconnect/reconnect in very short bursts (10-15 times a minute) and it would eventually establish the connection. Then the same speed issue as above: works fine for a few seconds, drops down to unusable. Didn't think about checking the connection speed there, simply thought the public network was overused. In hindsight, the problems were similar to the ones experienced at home
A few side notes: The 3g speed is fine, consistent and problem-free
I have tried changing my home wifi's frequency to a number of settings (there are quite a few other wifi's around, I know it could cause issues if they overlap)
My wifi connection was actually not detected by a friend's laptop wifi, but we could connect our computers just fine via ad-hoc (which from what I've heard is a no-go with android at the moment - and the phone does not see ad-hoc)
The phone is brand new, only installed a handfull of apps on it, didn't change any relevant settings (I think)
Set wifi sleep policy to "never"
My pc wireless adapter worked just fine in the past, used it for a few months as the main internet connection, and even with half-signal it would achieve good speed. I also moved the antenna away from the PC itself to avoid interference
I set my PC to use only 802.11b since I've read around that some phones prefer this to 802.11b/g
That's about all I can think of right now. (oh, and It's my first android, so I don't know my way around the OS that great yet)
I appreciate any advice you can give me. Basically I'm trying to find out if it's an issue with my Wifi adapter, it's settings, the phone's settings, or if the phone itself might be broken, so I can send it back to warranty.
Thanks in advance.
Try switching from b to g.
it was initially on b/g

[Q] Auto Bluetooth

Can anyone recommend me a FREE app that will automatically enable bluetooth when wifi disconnects and disable it when wifi reconnects.
Both me and my wife have bluetooth enabled phones, mine is a htc desire and hers is an X10 Mini
Our bluetooth kit in the car does not support multipoint so only one phone can connect at a time.
If either of us is by ourselves this is fine but when we are both in the car together its a crap shoot on which phone will connect.
manually checking bluetooth every time we get in the car is a pain in the butt and given the fact that I always drive when we are together I want to install an app to turn on her BT when her WIFI disconnects.
This solves the problem because if we are together my phone has already connected long before her BT ever gets enabled.
Have you tried "Setting Profiles". I can't remember what the free version does but certainly the paid for version (which isn't very much) enables you to do a whole lot of setting rules which would enable you to do exactly what you are wanting.
Give it a try. I've got some complex rules which detect cell locations and then trigger the enabling of WiFi when I get close to home and then when the WiFi is on another rule sets some other bits when I connect to my home WiFi.
Triggers can be, GPS location, Cell location, WiFi networks connected/disconnected, time of day, bluetooth connection etc. Very useful app. Good for power saving as well. (I've got a HTC Desire S but it should work on your phones as well).

Z2 wifi slow

Having problems with Wifi streaming and YouTube very slow, stop and start every few seconds, got to be the phone as all my other devices stream fine. I have unchecked avoid poor connections in wifi advanced.
Any one else having this problem, will try factory reset.
UK sim free 14w18, firmware 55
Sent from my D6503
I've seen factory resets cure a few problems on here so try that 1st but isn't there a .69 firmware available now as well, maybe try that to?
Sent from my GT-I9300 using XDA Premium 4 mobile app
Good old factory reset and it's working fine.....hasn't. Worked
EDIT.......wifi speeds are slow again, can't watch YouTube or stream films, it's only on this device, ipad 2, galaxy s3 and s2 all stream with no problems.
Can't download the 6 free promo films either as download fails after a short while.
Sent from my D6503
My facebook app is not working great in my phone. Youtube has been fine so far but I find my internet quite slow at home as I have rubbish internet speed. Also in peak times I get very slow internet connection.
Wifi speed still slow, only on this device,
Also is the . 69 firmware carrier specific?
No firmware update prompt on my phone.
no option for 5GHz in wifi advanced menu
Sent from my D6503
A couple of things to try:
* test with other access points
* restarting the router
* disconnecting other devices
* forgetting the network on the z2 and readding it
I actually got great wifi speeds with my z2. It was even able to max out a 100 Mbps cable broadband connection on an AC router. Worked fine in n-mode also.
Sent from my 2013023 using Tapatalk
Have you tested on any other networks?
Take a trip to Starbucks! See if you get any better speeds there (and a nice latte, damn I'd kill for one right now).
glas to see im not the only one. Google Play Store @ 0.02mb/s
What kind of router do you have and how far is it? I'm able to maintain 2-3MB/s (16-24Mbit/s) over a distance of 20 feet with walls and everything in between.
After getting my phone last Tuesday ive noticed this little bug as well, sometimes downloading/updating google play apps it'll be like 0.5MB/sec but usually when I use drop down menu and quick settings and turn off wifi(give it about 10/20secs) then reactivate it im back to around 8-14Mb/sec, some apps dont even show a download progress its that fast lol.
I believe it might be a 5Ghz wifi problem as my BT hub shows my phone connecting to 5GHz channel with no way to stop it apart from turning 5Ghz off at the router :/
So hopefully sony will either fix bug or give us more wifi options like already mentioned so we can make phone connect to what we want.
K stand corrected phone can/does switch between 2.4Ghz/5Ghz, router shows phone connected at 2.4Ghz now. Just updated an app while connected on 2.4Ghz and no problem.
Z2 D6503 Wifi dropping issues
I seem to be getting the same sort of wifi issues as previously stated. I cannot hold a wifi connection on the 2.4ghz band fro more than 20s before its dissociated (ie i still have full connection to the router (3 bars) but cannot get through to the internet). This happens no matter what router i am connected to, whether its at home or at work.
I have tried:
Setting the Wifi optimization checkbox off. No difference
Avoid poor connections is off. No difference.
Stamina mode is off. No difference.
Keep Wifi on during sleep is set to Always. No difference.
Sleep timeout to 30mins. No difference.
I have factory reset the phone. No difference.
I have also check to see if it is my router at home. I have switched between every channel available which made no difference. Security is Wpa/Wpa2 PSK AES which makes no difference. I only have the 2.4ghz available on that router at home (same at work).
My Note 3 and HTC One connect to both routers with no problems at all and do not drop out. Same goes with Sony Vaio Laptop.
I have installed Wifi Fixer on my Z2 to see if it can alleviate the problem and it does somewhat. instead of manually having to turn on and off the wifi toggle to reestablish a connection, the Wifi Fixer does it for me.Approx. every 20-30s in its log it will show the phone "dissociating" from the router, and the the app tries to "reassociate" the connection.
I can connect through wifi transfer to my Note 3 without issue, and the same goes for my TV, so it cant be a hardware fault, as the connection is still excellent strength for both (as well as the router, tested with Wifi Analyzer). This is a very frustrating problem as it makes watching youtube movies impossible, and hotspotting, skype calls, etc.....
And dont even get me started on the bluetooth dropouts. I am disconnected from a bluetooth connection every 66-70s without fail no matter what i try. No issues with my Note 3 and HTC One in the exact same conditions. It will disconnect then reconnect straight away with a delay of about 3 seconds, which makes calls and listening to music a VERY unpleasant experience.
Any ideas on how to fix this? I love everything else on this phone but this wifi/bluetooth connection issue is making it unusable.
connecting to my bt home hub 4 via 5GHz band only has solved my wifi drop out problems.
Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk HD
For me slow Wifi resulted in many issues, You-tube video cannot be played, video streaming from a network storage cannot be done, Facebook videos will stop at the middle etc where the most evident issues. I tried everything possible to resolve this issues and searching the internet also didn't help. Finally decided to fresh install, used PC companion and re-installed the complete software, then restored all apps using google backup service. After this there is no issue till now. The software version is the same I had before reinstall. But now the Video streaming and apps using internet become very responsive.

[Q] Z2 D6503 Wifi Issues?

I seem to be getting the same sort of wifi issues as previously stated elsewhere in this forum. I cannot hold a wifi connection on the 2.4ghz band fro more than 20s before its dissociated (ie i still have full connection to the router (3 bars) but cannot get through to the internet). This happens no matter what router i am connected to, whether its at home or at work.
I have tried:
[*]Setting the Wifi optimization checkbox off. No difference
[*]Avoid poor connections is off. No difference.
[*]Stamina mode is off. No difference.
[*]Keep Wifi on during sleep is set to Always. No difference.
[*]Sleep timeout to 30mins. No difference.
[*]I have factory reset the phone. No difference.
[*]Repaired the phone firmware with PC Companion. No difference.
I have also check to see if it is my router at home. I have switched between every channel available which made no difference. Security is Wpa/Wpa2 PSK AES which makes no difference. I only have the 2.4ghz available on that router at home (same at work).
My Note 3 and HTC One connect to both routers with no problems at all and do not drop out. Same goes with Sony Vaio Laptop.
I have installed Wifi Fixer on my Z2 to see if it can alleviate the problem and it does somewhat. instead of manually having to turn on and off the wifi toggle to reestablish a connection, the Wifi Fixer does it for me.Approx. every 20-30s in its log it will show the phone "dissociating" from the router, and the the app tries to "reassociate" the connection.
I can connect through wifi transfer to my Note 3 without issue, and the same goes for my TV, so it cant be a hardware fault, as the connection is still excellent strength for both (as well as the router, tested with Wifi Analyzer). This is a very frustrating problem as it makes watching youtube movies impossible, and hotspotting, skype calls, etc.....
And dont even get me started on the bluetooth dropouts. I am disconnected from a bluetooth connection every 66-70s without fail no matter what i try. No issues with my Note 3 and HTC One in the exact same conditions. It will disconnect then reconnect straight away with a delay of about 3 seconds, which makes calls and listening to music a VERY unpleasant experience.
Any ideas on how to fix this? I love everything else on this phone but this wifi/bluetooth connection issue is making it unusable. :crying:
I am on the .55 baseband version if that helps anyone

S9+ showing "connected to WLAN, no internet"

So, I got my S9+ (international version, DUOS, 256 GB) last week from the Samsung store. I am on stock ROM (and will stay as long as my warranty lasts or someone finds a way to root with Knox 0x0, which I am not expecting).
At home, I have a WLAN Mesh (AVM Fritz!Box 6590 Cable, 2x AVM Fritz! 1750E Repeater on a wired connection), everything working great with any device.
Except my S9+. It connects and everything is fine, at some point - especially when using it for e.g. streaming Netflix or so - it will stay connected to the WLAN but will say "no internet access". Switching WLAN on and off fixes the issue until it happens the next time (minutes to hours later). I have no special settings, no neighbouring networks which would interfere. I have 2,4 and 5 GHz active and automatic channel selection. All other devices in my home work with no problems. I have found similar issues froim users on other Samsung phones (S6/7/8 series (my former S5 on Resurrection Remix Oreo does not show t his behaviour)), but no answers that worked (like forget the network, reboot and reenter credentials).
Quite annoying, anyone knows a fix? Big THANKS in advance.
No one experiencing the same thing or havin any ideas?
I have had the same issue in the beginning with the phone. I have a router with a cisco switch connected to it. The standard router's wifi wasn't sufficient in coverage through my house. I got hold of a cisco AP and connected it to the switch and disabled the wifi on the router. That's when my issue started. Fiddled around trying various options, but the one that worked for me was to tell the phone to forget my network, restart the phone and then "setup" the wifi on the phone again(password for wifi needed to be entered as it sees the network as a new one) Haven't had the issue after that. I did notice at my office that even though the wifi conection is good, that if it goes below a certain percentage, the mobile data will kick in, although I have that option switched off. I also picked up that if your line connection's speed goes very low for whatever reason, the same problem appears again that the phone assumes there is no internet
Thanks, this is what I've read from other threads (with S7, S8), too. But this didn't work for me. My repeaters get ther signal through LAN cable and I have a fast connection, coverage all over my house and garden. I really do not have an idea on what to try...

