gps fix????!!!! - Fascinate Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

How can i easily fix the gps on this thing. It will either never find my location and therefore wont navigate, or it is off by a couple of streets rendering it useless. I dont want to do any technical stuff like roms or what not

MultipleMonomials said:
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Can you describe with more details?
What ROM, kernel? Stock or custom?
Do you have internet Connection? Wi-Fi?
When it occurs? Did you ever have this problem before?

A-L31 said:
Can you describe with more details?
What ROM, kernel? Stock or custom?
Do you have internet Connection? Wi-Fi?
When it occurs? Did you ever have this problem before?
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all i have is root and it was the same story before root.
i have internet, wifi works, i dont see why that would affect gps though
99% of the time gps cannot locate a signal and when it does it hops around
i have always had trouble with gps since i got this pile of junk. in the beginning it was better though

fupamobile said:
all i have is root and it was the same story before root.
i have internet, wifi works, i dont see why that would affect gps though
99% of the time gps cannot locate a signal and when it does it hops around
i have always had trouble with gps since i got this pile of junk. in the beginning it was better though
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I have the same issues too, gps is junk right now, used to work, slow but work but now it just keeps trying to locate a signal and nothing happens. My droid incredible pulls in 9-11 sats in 10-15 seconds while in the same spots.

Really, that link I posted covers Froyo and Gingerbread, so it is not outdated. Also upgrading to ICS will fix your GPS.

MultipleMonomials said:
Really, that link I posted covers Froyo and Gingerbread, so it is not outdated. Also upgrading to ICS will fix your GPS.
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ya but the instructions dont work. cant get into that gps settings with the dialer function and it sounds like it was written for a different phone. i dont know what ics is

Try this one.


okay this is seriously getting annoying

im losing service all the time
when my phone is sitting there it says 1 bar and 3G
but when i try to use anything that uses internet its cuts off and loses service,
then goes back and says 3bars and using 1x, which works.
So basically it wont connect to 3G and says it only has 1 bar when my sisters works n 3G and says she has 3bars. and when i tether its extra slow since its running off 1x, and it loses service randomly while surfing internet, or texting, or when making a call. but when im on the phone the service never cuts out and shows 3bars
any ideas?
ps happends with EVERY rom
update prl?
Every ROM at any location?
Perhaps posting in General will get you more answers.
n1ghtwish said:
update prl?
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did and seems to have had no effect
Every ROM at any location?
Perhaps posting in General will get you more answers.
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and yes, and prehaps
I've had thus problem on occasion also. A ton with cyanogen rom. Seems better on ic3. And also since I used a newer radio. It does still happen though. Kills battery quick when it does.
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sawah said:
I've had thus problem on occasion also. A ton with cyanogen rom. Seems better on ic3. And also since I used a newer radio. It does still happen though. Kills battery quick when it does.
Sent via the XDA Tapatalk App
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you think it might be because of newer radio?
theboo7 said:
you think it might be because of newer radio?
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The radios are a bit of a finnicky thing. Some people love the newest and some love the original.
Location is the most important factor when dealing with reception. You can try all the different radios and see which works best for you. There are threads on these forums with all the different radios attached.
*FYI - Be very careful when flashing radios as you could brick your phone if done improperly.
g00gl3 said:
The radios are a bit of a finnicky thing. Some people love the newest and some love the original.
Location is the most important factor when dealing with reception. You can try all the different radios and see which works best for you. There are threads on these forums with all the different radios attached.
*FYI - Be very careful when flashing radios as you could brick your phone if done improperly.
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well i have the 2.42.blah blah blahh
theboo7 said:
well i have the 2.42.blah blah blahh
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That is the latest radio, but as I said before some people swear that the older ones work better for them. It doesn't hurt to try others and see if anything improves for you. Here is a link to the radio thread.
If you're not getting good signal reception it could be your rom like someone mentioned. Some roms have signal bugs ive heard. Do you normally get reception and good signal strength when this happens? I see you updated your prl, but one thing that worked better for me was flashing the verizon/alltel hybrid prl. Gives me a much better signal, but some people have reported opposite effects. Cant search too well with tapatalk so I cant give you the link but its on here somewhere.
Sent from my phone ***** using Tapatalk
Moving this to Droid Eris General Forum - this is not a Development matter
MJL99 said:
If you're not getting good signal reception it could be your rom like someone mentioned. Some roms have signal bugs ive heard. Do you normally get reception and good signal strength when this happens? I see you updated your prl, but one thing that worked better for me was flashing the verizon/alltel hybrid prl. Gives me a much better signal, but some people have reported opposite effects. Cant search too well with tapatalk so I cant give you the link but its on here somewhere.
Sent from my phone ***** using Tapatalk
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Yeah before i started flashing roms it was okay, I USE TO GET SURPRINGLY GOOD SERVICE AND I REMEBER SEEING THE HYBRID BUT im in the south and i thought that was for the middle?

GPS fix

some one knows the best mod that make works the gps?
Flash nero. or at the least flash the JL1 modem
i running axura and y really like it. i just what to fix the gps issue is the modem jl1 helps?
i've tried nero beta 2 rom and the GPS seemed to work ok, i would say better than the jk6 or any other rom. but it still had some bugs in the system,,, so hopefully the Nero Beta 3 will be a better build.. thx to all the devs...
why u guys gps working it my device faulty? sad...the gps nvr work for me and im sitting on XDA forum for a week...still yet to get the solution....
kitoro said:
why u guys gps working it my device faulty? sad...the gps nvr work for me and im sitting on XDA forum for a week...still yet to get the solution....
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Because we have flashed ROMS where the devs have fixed it. Go flash one.
Sent from my SGH-T959 using XDA App
kitoro said:
why u guys gps working it my device faulty? sad...the gps nvr work for me and im sitting on XDA forum for a week...still yet to get the solution....
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fcbarca17 said:
Because we have flashed ROMS where the devs have fixed it. Go flash one.
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I don't know of any devs who have altered the GPS code from Samsung, and regardless there is no sure thing to fix anyone's GPS issues.
If your GPS doesn't work, try a few different software versions and GPS settings. There is no miracle cure.
kadoh said:
some one knows the best mod that make works the gps?
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This is the only solution that worked for me (works on JK6):
from my experience, they all work the same as long as drivers are present. What changes are the settings in lbstest. I always set the server to auto config and it learns pretty quick, but I'm in Japan.
kadoh said:
i running axura and y really like it. i just what to fix the gps issue is the modem jl1 helps?
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GPS issues are fixed in Axura 2.1 - see
Telanis said:
I don't know of any devs who have altered the GPS code from Samsung, and regardless there is no sure thing to fix anyone's GPS issues.
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Exactly. These guys aren't fixing anything. Generally speaking, these guys theme ROM's. With some basic scripting of tasks and features. Devs.......I still laugh at that.
How to fix your GPS:
1) Accept that the Samsung Galaxy S GPS will never be fixed, just slightly improved upon a forever ****ty performing GPS. If you can accept this, then you are 1 step closer to enjoying your GPS.
2) Never f*ck with your GPS settings ever again after this day.
3) Download GPSRestore made by Samsung in the Android Market.
4) Run the program, if still having GPS problems then do a full factory format by dialing this into your phone *2767*3855#.
5) If still having problems after running the GPSRstore and doing a factory format via that code, then exchange the phone, and NEVER EVER EVER listen to anyone who suggests you should f*ck around with the LBStestmode settings on your new replacement.
6) Once again, stop tinkering with the GPS settings
7) One more time, leave the GPS settings alone.
Hope that helps, if all else fails, return the Vibrant, get a different phone, and never touch the GPS settings on that phone either.
Master has used the following GPS fix in his roms.
I'm using this on nero b2 and it fixes on to 9/12 satellites for me in most locations under 10 seconds when directly under the sky and under 30-40 seconds when inside a building.
You can also search for an app called GpsRestore by Samsung Mobile in the Market. Depending on your rom, as long as it recognizes your device, it can work wonders. For best results go outside when you run it. When I tried it it took me from 50 meters to <10. Good luck.

[Q] GPS Broken Broken

Hello well not sure but I think my GPS is "broken broken" like maybe something hardware related but just wanna to check with you guys first instead of doing anything drastic.
I think I first noticed when i was on a build of trigger(cm based) that the GPS kept searching for location and unscessfully tried the CM7 GPS script. I then just decided to Odin back to stock and getting the same results GPS wise. I also tried Nandroiding back to a ROM that knew GPS worked when i use to use it(toxic w7 clone) but still no luck. Also worth noting that while on Stock Odin I tried some different Market based GPS fixes(GPS Restore GPS Aids).
Any help would be appreicated thx
some people have working gps, some dont. mine kind of works but it takes forever to lock.
Big2hd said:
Hello well not sure but I think my GPS is "broken broken" like maybe something hardware related but just wanna to check with you guys first instead of doing anything drastic.
I think I first noticed when i was on a build of trigger(cm based) that the GPS kept searching for location and unscessfully tried the CM7 GPS script. I then just decided to Odin back to stock and getting the same results GPS wise. I also tried Nandroiding back to a ROM that knew GPS worked when i use to use it(toxic w7 clone) but still no luck. Also worth noting that while on Stock Odin I tried some different Market based GPS fixes(GPS Restore GPS Aids).
Any help would be appreicated thx
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Did your GPS work in the past?
I used a 2.2 build of Trigger a little bit back, and it did the same thing to my phone. I have a "fixed" hardware GPS antenna (since I did the FFC mod, fixing the GPS at the same time was a piece of cake), so when I suddenly couldn't get any GPS signal, I knew something was most definitely up. I tried the sgps "fixes" to no avail.
Eventually I flashed CM7 (since gps wasn't working either way, at that point), then Odin'd to stock, then flashed Bionix 1.3.1, and suddenly at some point it fixed itself. Now my GPS is back to working on CM7, as well as 2.2 roms.
So, if your GPS used to work fine, there was something software-wise which screwed it up.
Do yourself a favor and call TMobile. Tell them that your GPS doesn't work and you'd like a replacement. Do it three times and get a completely different phone for free.
The Vibrant is a POS at best.
sroach23 said:
some people have working gps, some dont. mine kind of works but it takes forever to lock.
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Hmm.. i did see a post where someone said it took 5 minutes to get a lock maybe I'll try the GPS test again for longer period.
reuthermonkey said:
Did your GPS work in the past?
I used a 2.2 build of Trigger a little bit back, and it did the same thing to my phone. I have a "fixed" hardware GPS antenna (since I did the FFC mod, fixing the GPS at the same time was a piece of cake), so when I suddenly couldn't get any GPS signal, I knew something was most definitely up. I tried the sgps "fixes" to no avail.
Eventually I flashed CM7 (since gps wasn't working either way, at that point), then Odin'd to stock, then flashed Bionix 1.3.1, and suddenly at some point it fixed itself. Now my GPS is back to working on CM7, as well as 2.2 roms.
So, if your GPS used to work fine, there was something software-wise which screwed it up.
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Sorry bout that I should of mention that GPS was working in the past, never tried Bionix I'll see if that does the trick.
spiz516 said:
Do yourself a favor and call TMobile. Tell them that your GPS doesn't work and you'd like a replacement. Do it three times and get a completely different phone for free.
The Vibrant is a POS at best.
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Yeah this what I meant by drastic but probably my only real solution, wonder how that works though im pretty sure I'm paying for some replacement/warranty but that's only if they find out it is broken or defective right?
So glad i bought a Vibrant for my birthday as my 1st smartphone
Well I think I made some progress here, I Odin back to Eclair and to Bionix. GPS still wasn't working but GPS Test shows that there are some Satellites "in view" but not "in use" weird...

[Q] PH users having trouble with GPS?

Is it just my Ace or everyone in the Philippines are having problems with the GPS?... Tried checking my location through a map application(e.g. map droyd, facebook or any location aware apps) and it takes a long time for the gps search then fails.
Any fix for this?
i also had this problem, anyway, whats your rom? mine is the myth ics, i think its also location based,
ikaw said:
i also had this problem, anyway, whats your rom? mine is the myth ics, i think its also location based,
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well, I'm now back in the stock rom.. DXKPD...
I though it was my custom rom (CM7.2) that was causing the GPS failure. So I tried flashing back the stock.. but still GPS is failing...
hmmmm, two weeks ago ive used my phones gps in taguig and it worked well, now its not working properly, i think its also location based, right now im in pasig,
ikaw said:
hmmmm, two weeks ago ive used my phones gps in taguig and it worked well, now its not working properly, i think its also location based, right now im in pasig,
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Oh Really? Well, I'm in the visayas area right now (Aklan)... didn't work since day 1.
Thanks for the info. I'll try checking the GPS in other places (if I can travel).
working well here in negros

[Q]GPS broken?

I have Passion ICS 13.1 ROM. My GPS doesn't work. I've tried the physical hardware fix. But I still get 12 satellites in view but 0 in use.
How else can I get it to work?
I read something about kernals but I'm unsure. Anyone?
change kernel. try the newer kiss kernels or subzero.
Sent from my SGH-T959
Is it a software or hardware problem, when I'm getting satellites in view but none in use?
rubberwheels said:
Is it a software or hardware problem, when I'm getting satellites in view but none in use?
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Software. If it were hardware, you wouldn't see them at all, or they would be very weak, popping in and out as your phone struggled to lock.
Swyped, not typed, from my Digital Brick
Here are tons of discussions about this problem.
Long story short, try to install NStools and flash subzero#70 using rom manager.
Once it boots up, get a lock with your GPS before the phone goes to deep sleep...
for some reason, after you do this, next time you need your gps it will work... and you can also disable the GPS after that and enable whenever you want...
Sounds weird, but at least I got mine working doing this without need of reboot...
Give it a try
luciobarreto said:
Here are tons of discussions about this problem.
Long story short, try to install NStools and flash subzero#70 using rom manager.
Once it boots up, get a lock with your GPS before the phone goes to deep sleep...
for some reason, after you do this, next time you need your gps it will work... and you can also disable the GPS after that and enable whenever you want...
Sounds weird, but at least I got mine working doing this without need of reboot...
Give it a try
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Will SubZero#70 work with ICS Passion 13.1. Can you link me to SubZero#70. There was a bunch of #70 download links, each different.
Droidificator said:
Software. If it were hardware, you wouldn't see them at all, or they would be very weak, popping in and out as your phone struggled to lock.
Swyped, not typed, from my Digital Brick
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According to this post: He says it's a hardware problem if you have Satellites in view but not in use.
rubberwheels said:
Will SubZero#70 work with ICS Passion 13.1. Can you link me to SubZero#70. There was a bunch of #70 download links, each different.
According to this post: He says it's a hardware problem if you have Satellites in view but not in use.
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As official as it gets for SubZero kernel downloads:
If you go to that page, you'll see that it's for ICS 4.0.4, and last time I checked, ICS Passion is 4.0.3. But I don't know if that will work or not.
808dp said:
As official as it gets for SubZero kernel downloads:
If you go to that page, you'll see that it's for ICS 4.0.4, and last time I checked, ICS Passion is 4.0.3. But I don't know if that will work or not.
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I have tried several combinations of ics roms and different kernels with little success. I can get a lock but doesn't even try after deep sleep.
Heathens Charged at is the only GB rom that has working gps for me. of course all the Froyo roms have good gps.
bobbm1 said:
I have tried several combinations of ics roms and different kernels with little success. I can get a lock but doesn't even try after deep sleep.
Heathens Charged at is the only GB rom that has working gps for me. of course all the Froyo roms have good gps.
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But will it work with ICS? I'm running Passion RC13.1

