[Q] Possible for the GS3 Miui rom ? - Galaxy S III Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

Hi guys .
Sorry if I do post not in the right place but, I would like to know if a Miui rom is planned for the Galaxy S3 on the part of Xiaomi or by a developer on XDA?
Thanks for your response .

eroye said:
Hi guys .
Sorry if I do post not in the right place but, I would like to know if a Miui rom is planned for the Galaxy S3 on the part of Xiaomi or by a developer on XDA?
Thanks for your response .
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Are you serious?
Wrong thread, go post in Q&A
Sent from my GT-I9300 using xda premium

eroye said:
Hi guys .
Sorry if I do post not in the right place but, I would like to know if a Miui rom is planned for the Galaxy S3 on the part of Xiaomi or by a developer on XDA?
Thanks for your response .
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I'm sure it will follow soon. I, for myself, never liked it.
Posting in Q&A section will help you more. Also questions like this are kinda dumb cuz no one knows answers to it. Google is your friend here.
Sent from Rooted debloated stock Galaxy S3 OG I9300

this thread will definitely get moved
I have googled around...
MIUI Scotland posted a message on twitter a few days ago, saying they were basically working on the SGS3 version of MIUI.
There's also a dev attempting to port MIUI based on a thread which is called "how to port MIUI to your device".... but don't think he has got very far yet...
Aside from that, there is absolutely no news otherwise.
Sorry I can't link you up just now (tired...)
rest assured it's on it's way.. just takes time unfortunately.

Sorry for my post was not in the right place, Mardos and Ceo.mtcl
Stupid Question, not as long as it a portage would perhaps could be possible, I well see the responses of the section...
Thank you for your response, friends
If a moderator that passes by, can move in the appropriate section, I thank him in advance.
This is a very good news (for Miui on the GS3) and an excellent response, thanks much for this information, Kikassdave :victory: !!!
There is no problem, Kikassdave, you gave me lot of information and damage that it takes time, unfortunately...

eroye said:
Hi guys .
Sorry if I do post not in the right place but, I would like to know if a Miui rom is planned for the Galaxy S3 on the part of Xiaomi or by a developer on XDA?
Thanks for your response .
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xiaomi offcial miuiv4 is buliding now.
Sent from my GT-S5570 using xda premium

But touchwiz is well better
Sent from my GT-I9300 using xda premium

For me if u need that interface then go get an iphone
we dont need that in android

hkhkhkhk said:
For me if u need that interface then go get an iphone
we dont need that in android
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Really? We don't need this kind of attitude. MIUI isn't just about the iphone-ish UI. You can just change the launcher if you don't like it. Most that wants it look for it's functionality and ease of use. Cyanogenmod might as well have those features also, but to each his own. This is what android is all about anyway; the option to choose if need be.
OP is asking a question, and instead of berating him, either help him out, or keep quiet if there is nothing to contribute.

MIUI is the best looking rom and on my SG2 the most stabile rom too. I could by a phone depending if its a miui rom for it or not.

Actually it's on its way very soon trust me
Sent from my GT-I9300 using xda premium

XIAOSpider said:
xiaomi offcial miuiv4 is buliding now.
Sent from my GT-S5570 using xda premium
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you have a link for this news ?? i for one cant wait for miui

I do love MIUI during Nexus One time... after that I never use already.
It is actually quite boring on it interface, too iPhone look... I prefer app drawer.

Andrewtst said:
I do love MIUI during Nexus One time... after that I never use already.
It is actually quite boring on it interface, too iPhone look... I prefer app drawer.
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Miui is more than just a launcher, I also prefer app drawer but I like the rest of the ui.. I'm quite fond of qqlauncher actually
Sent from my GT-I9300 using xda premium

winzhangout said:
MIUI is the best looking rom and on my SG2 the most stabile rom too. I could by a phone depending if its a miui rom for it or not.
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It's amaze me hw people talk about "this room is the most stable". Even with custom rom (exept CM7 alpha on my sgs) i never had any "random reboot" or "unexpected crash".
Anyway, i dont like MIUI style, but it's what android is all about (for us anyway) choice, if some user like it, why not.


Code.Romv2 vs FirstUA-rom 1.1

Hey guys!
I'm using Galaxy ace with KPH , and now i would like to try some new rom. Then i choose these two rom for choice . Can someone tell me which rom is better ?
THX !!
Sent from my GT-S5830 using XDA App
Both are great. Why not just try both then decide later what's best suited for you?
I tried both and like Code Rom much more than UA, because of the battery usage. Tested UA for two days, and in this period I had to charge my phone three times, even though I don't use it almost at all.
It's almost a day from changing to Code Rom and battery usage is brilliant!
My vote goes to Code Rom I didn't like the first version at all, but the second one rocks!
for gods sake, thread like this make devs more annoyed. theres no point in this rom vs that rom thread. just install and decide for urself. geeeshhh
loyal to coderom. i use coderomv1, coderomnexus and now i am using coderomv2. this rom rocks!! ive tried other roms but in the end, i end up flashing back to coderomv2 i think this rom has battery and performance tweak..
It's better close this thread
i just want to know which one is better , i haven't think that this will make dev annoy , i fell sorry for that.....
Sent from my GT-S5830 using XDA App
yes. the devs will be annoyed.
seilent said:
It's better close this thread
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please.. closed
zeil_strife said:
please.. closed
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+1 must closed
Why close immediately, a meaningful comparison can be beneficial.
I don't know why any developer would mind a comparison of their ROM?
It's a chance to check the others, and find ideas for themselves.
henrywhtin said:
Hey guys!
I'm using Galaxy ace with KPH , and now i would like to try some new rom. Then i choose these two rom for choice . Can someone tell me which rom is better ?
THX !!
Sent from my GT-S5830 using XDA App
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I understand you, that you want THE best one. But there isnt BEST one, they all are great. Just go to ROM THREADS and read, what ppl is saying and discussing about ROM-s. Then decide, what ROM is filling your needs. Try it and you see, dose it good for you, if not then you can leave the feedback in that ROM thread, what you think(feedback is good for DEV-s, then they see what can be improved and what not). I think its better way to see what ROM is fill you needs, because we all want something different, then others!
I really don't see a problem with a bit comparison as competition brings forth innovation so sometimes a little pressure can be good, I develop apps for the iPhone and it doesn't get much worst on their forums but some good apps always gets delivered despite the constant comparison. Ace is a growing community tho so I understand the sensitivity of making such comparisons but I'm sure the intentions are good
Sent from my GT-S5830 using XDA App
This is the best ROM:
[ROM] AceROM v1.2


Hey Guys,
Im just wondering what roms you guy's are using.
Are there any ICS based roms yet ? or does anyone know the official release date of ICS for GS2 ?
Wrong Section!
Mansnake said:
Hey Guys,
Im just wondering what roms you guy's are using.
Are there any ICS based roms yet ? or does anyone know the official release date of ICS for GS2 ?
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Wrong Section for a post.This should go under Q&A.
No ICS roms yet and official is on the way sooner..!
Seriously..........Stop making "whats your rom thread"
BananaMilkShake said:
Seriously..........Stop making "whats your rom thread"
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totally agreed.
wow some friendly chaps on here.
I am new to roms and i just wanted some suggestions on what was about that's all. if you need information normal people ask questions which is what ive done.
unless theres some secret way of communicating on here i dont know about.....
Be nice to the new guy.
I am using to miui rom.
Sent from my GT-I9100 using xda premium
Cheers reddevil117
Nice to know there are some cool people on here.
Thanks for your input. i just want to get some suggestions so i can research them and see which one would suit me.
Ive had a look at the lite'ning rom which looks quite smart.
but i dont know whether to hold out for the official release of ICS
what is rom ? :S
Questions or Problems Should Not Be Posted in the Development Forum
Please Post in the Correct Forums and Read THIS
Moving to Q&A
sorry admins
Well, I think we all remember what it was like being new to ROMS and flashing. I certainly could have used some advice
The only ICS based rom out is an alpha some bugs are present in it however. Link below, they've cancelled development, until CM9. Full description on the website.
If you like a ROM with some nice tweaks and great battery life then I would check out ANDROIDMEDA. Thats what I'm using, very happy with it. Might be in the other 'Original Development' forum.
Hope it helps
Sent from my Androidmeda-Galaxy S II using XDA premium
Omega XT v7.0 for me.They also got ICS skinned versions and in the screen shot i still have 26% battery left.
Mansnake said:
wow some friendly chaps on here.
I am new to roms and i just wanted some suggestions on what was about that's all. if you need information normal people ask questions which is what ive done.
unless theres some secret way of communicating on here i dont know about.....
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I think the main problem with such threads is that they usually get closed down by the admins because it all comes down to personal preference. Well that is what they say before they lock them.
They advise users to experiment to find what works for them. Seriously, I've seen about 3 of them closed in the last week.
BTW, I use checkrom. Very good and easy to customise with its kitchen app. Give it s go...it has it all.
Sent from my GT-I9100 using xda premium

[Q]Best ROM based on JB from samsung

I will get soon my S3 and I would like to know if there is a best ROM (very smooth and very stable) based on JB from samsung? I don't want hybrids with ICS or UI.. I only want a good ROM based only with the ROM from samsung. A very light ROM without those useless apps and stuf to make my phone very smooooth . Is there any? cause as so far I didn't see any in this forum, most of those ROM here based on JB yes but everything with ICS or MIUI :x. Please give me some advice. Thx.
I'd recommend to read as you clearly haven't - hint: read the sticky threads.
Sent from my GT-I9300 using Tapatalk 2
Best rom threads arent allowed for the millionth time! Selection of roms are entirely based on personal preference....thread reported to moderator for closure! In future i suggest you read the rules and search for previous threads to see they have all been closed!
Sent from my GT-I9300 using xda premium
Karthus said:
I will get soon my S3 and I would like to know if there is a best ROM (very smooth and very stable) based on JB from samsung? I don't want hybrids with ICS or UI.. I only want a good ROM based only with the ROM from samsung. A very light ROM without those useless apps and stuf to make my phone very smooooth . Is there any? cause as so far I didn't see any in this forum, most of those ROM here based on JB yes but everything with ICS or MIUI :x. Please give me some advice. Thx.
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I would agree with the others, you need to start reading before posting. There are ROMs that are cut down, you must have missed those along with the forum rules.
the newer XDA "members" are like the majority of younger americans.. they don't know how to read nor do they care to educate themselves...
mputtr said:
the newer XDA "members" are like the majority of younger americans.. they don't know how to read nor do they care to educate themselves...
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No need to start flaming, just report it and leave it at that.........when you start flaming you are just breaking the same rules you seek to uphold!
ok... (i've already reported it...)
I hope to see the famous graffixnyc response he's been promising for a while....
People never learn.
In before the lock!
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slaphead20 said:
No need to start flaming, just report it and leave it at that.........when you start flaming you are just breaking the same rules you seek to uphold!
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This is true! OP i suggest you contact a moderator, and request your thread to be closed otherwise people are just going to come here and be abusive....and for future reference, 'best rom' threads arent looked upon lightly so its best to try a few for yourself and see which one feels right for YOU.
Sent from my GT-I9300 using xda premium
Karthus said:
I will get soon my S3 and I would like to know if there is a best ROM (very smooth and very stable) based on JB from samsung? I don't want hybrids with ICS or UI.. I only want a good ROM based only with the ROM from samsung. A very light ROM without those useless apps and stuf to make my phone very smooooth . Is there any? cause as so far I didn't see any in this forum, most of those ROM here based on JB yes but everything with ICS or MIUI :x. Please give me some advice. Thx.
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One word, Wanamlite......
insertcoin is the best
For the dude who think that I am an american.. well U are wrong sorry ; ). Like it is a problem for U to give me some ROM names....
Only 2 people gave me ROM suggestions, well thank U for that I will check those. The rest U can go to hell : ). Just remember that this kinda of flaming of Urs gona come back to U someday ; ).
The question you asked is against the rules or don't you care?
Sent from my GT-I9300 using Tapatalk 2
Kangburra said:
The question you asked is against the rules or don't you care?
Sent from my GT-I9300 using Tapatalk 2
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What is wrong with asking some name of ROMs based only on JB ? I don't understand
Karthus said:
The rest U can go to hell : ). Just remember that this kinda of flaming of Urs gona come back to U someday ; ).
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Sent from my GT-I9300 using Tapatalk 2
Karthus said:
What is wrong with asking some name of ROMs based only on JB ? I don't understand
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Nothing wrong to ask about it. Creating a thread specifically asking about 'best rom' is against the rule.
Sent from my GT-I9300 using xda app-developers app
Karthus said:
What is wrong with asking some name of ROMs based only on JB ? I don't understand
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It is against the rules, it usually causes flame wars and bleh chats.
Arsaw said:
Nothing wrong to ask about it. Creating a thread specifically asking about 'best rom' is against the rule.
Sent from my GT-I9300 using xda app-developers app
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So if it's nothing wrong to ask about some good ROM names than what is the problem to just give them here?
Karthus said:
So if it's nothing wrong to ask about some good ROM names than what is the problem to just give them here?
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No this post asking about a best rom is a banned topic and has been reported .
All kinds of Best Rom/Kernel/etc threads are unwelcome, read, research and make your own mind up, as the question is very subjective
and Dont post a best rom /kernel topic make it clear enough .
Do NOT post threads asking which the best ROM or kernel is
Karthus said:
I will get soon my S3 and I would like to know if there is a best ROM (very smooth and very stable) based on JB from samsung? I don't want hybrids with ICS or UI.. I only want a good ROM based only with the ROM from samsung. A very light ROM without those useless apps and stuf to make my phone very smooooth . Is there any? cause as so far I didn't see any in this forum, most of those ROM here based on JB yes but everything with ICS or MIUI :x. Please give me some advice. Thx.
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"Best" is relative. That means, this thread is relative, you are asking for a relative answer - Best can mean something different to everyone, therefor this post is spam or unwanted. Reporting.
In my opinion, there is no "best" JB ROM, for the GS III, before that ca happen, Samsung needs to give the devs the Exynos Processor Notes.
Each JB ROM has it's ups and it's downs...
LG familyguy59/Beatsleigher

[Q] Which is the best?

Hey guys at the s2 forum how ya doin tonight?
My friend has this sgs2.. and FINALLY... he got bored of touchwizz and asked me how 2 install a custom ROM on it..
well.. I'm not new 2 android.. i know all the ****.. but i know nothin in the s2 forum..
so i just wanted 2 ask u the following question..
Which is the best Jellybean ROM available in the Forum?
and of course has more features in it..
cause i flashed this Jellybean on his phone.. --> this one ---> http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1795200
and it seriously lacks a lot of features!! especially the cyanogenmod settings.. or there is no such thing??
so i promised him 2 ask u guys what's the best JB around.. and flash it 2 him as soon as possible..
The best.
the first thing is to make sure that you are aware of the rules.
the first sticky in this forum answers your question clearly.
I just can tell ya that the best JB ROM is available on the forum
Sent from my Nexus 7 using xda premium
You should know a lot better than to entertain these questions :-/
kilometers4 said:
Sent from my Nexus 7 using xda premium
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Well, Thanks for answering the question ;D
Sira. said:
Which is the best Jellybean ROM available in the Forum?
and of course has more features in it
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300+ posts and still you are asking this question here. !!! Bravo !!!
There are many good JB ROMS here, you should try yourself to make your own opinion.
Resurrection Remix - very fast
I can't decide who the bigger idiots are. The ones who are silly enough to ask for a 'best rom' or the ones who actually give their half assed recommendations.
Thread Reported.
Sent from my GT-I9100 using xda app-developers app
Thread closed
The best ROM is the one that works best for you on your device. Try a few on and make your own decision.

Help Roms Samsung Lalaxy Ace GT-5839i

Hi Guys,
I'm looking for a good custom rom for my girl GT-5839i.-
Looking for ICS ou JB, preferably CM rom.
Can someone help me with some lights.
I'm quite experiente with Huawei phones but I'm finding a bit complicated dealing with this Samsung especially because of the fórum organization and afraid to mess the phone due to compatibility issues.
Thanks in advance.
Actually, there is no ICS/JB rom for our ace-i, but you can try CyanogenMod 7.2 rom of biel, which you can find here..
And if you want to see all the rom, search in development section.
Thanks a lot.
It's a shame no real dev work being done for this phone
Actually, it's not easy, because we don't have gpu sources, however there is a CM9.1 rom, but very laggy.
Sent from my GT-S5830i using xda app-developers app
This device sucks loo
Djuganight said:
Thanks a lot.
It's a shame no real dev work being done for this phone
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Dude go buy a new phone then, we didn't tell you to buy it. I can't believe you just said no real work done. As all devs are trying they're hardest.(especially biel and his team and sniper killer) I think you should get you lazy as* off that couch and make your own custom rom if all your gonna do is complain
Djuganight said:
Thanks a lot.
It's a shame no real dev work being done for this phone
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How will you define real development work?
This has been said several times that instead of bashing and saying someone sucks, you should see how hard it is and mostly people aren't paid for doing this. You should be grateful to have this much, many devices don't even have this much development.
Howdareme said:
Dude go buy a new phone then, we didn't tell you to buy it. I can't believe you just said no real work done. As all devs are trying they're hardest.(especially biel and his team and sniper killer) I think you should get you lazy as* off that couch and make your own custom rom if all your gonna do is complain
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Other devs are also working hard
And as a common misconception, making custom ROM, or theme or mod isn't development
Just telling you, I mean no disrespect to anyone
Oh, thanks for telling me that!
Biel took almost an year for Cm7, he even bought our phone just for developing. Even I, that don't know much about android, am learning and trying to help. How can you simply spit on everyone's work?
Sent from my GT-S5830i using xda app-developers app
Djuganight said:
Hi Guys,
I'm looking for a good custom rom for my girl GT-5839i.-
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There are no good roms at all for your girl s5839i -_-
Just rott in hell with stock rom.....
Kernelizer said:
There are no good roms at all for your girl s5839i -_-
Just rott in hell with stock rom.....
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its rooted already but I would like to have the no time out option for BT otherwise its always a pain to conect to car system.
This feature is only available from ICS onwards or any good custom rom
PS. ****y device....

