Hotmail syncing issues on new ROMs - Sprint HTC EVO 4G LTE

Several people have had issues getting Hotmail to sync correctly when set up as an alexchange account. Personally I have tried it using the Activesync option and setting everything manually as well as choosing the option specifically for Hotmail which has default settings built in with no luck on either.
This seems to be happening with some of the newer custom ROMs for others as well. I can get it to work on stock and Fresh 5.1.1 with no problems. I've tested it with MeanROM and ClassicJewel and can't get it to work.
Is it possible that a memory tweak or removed apk is preventing it from working correctly?
Edit: Hotmail is also apparently working okay on Charmeleon and Flex360 without issue.
Sent from my EVO using xda premium

I'm on Viper and I ended up dumping the built in email client for Hotmail and installed the Hotmail app in the Play Store. Haven't had any issues with receiving email with the Hotmail app.

I am stock and hotmail is being flaky, with both the hotmail option and the active sync option
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detcup4evr said:
I am stock and hotmail is being flaky, with both the hotmail option and the active sync option
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I thought I was the only one with this issue. I don't have a custom ROM but I am rooted. My hotmail has only synced twice in the past 5 days.
Send from my sexy EVO LTE!

I would say maybe it is a Hotmail server issue but it works okay on some ROMs and with a 3rd party email app (Enhanced Email)
Sent from my EVO using xda premium


Cannot sync Hotmail calendar - CM9

I am running CM9 on my Touchpad and I am using the Hotmail app.
I can sync my contacts OK but I cannot sync my Hotmail calendar.
I can do this on my Android 2.3 phone.
Anyone have any ideas?
netaware said:
I am running CM9 on my Touchpad and I am using the Hotmail app.
I can sync my contacts OK but I cannot sync my Hotmail calendar.
I can do this on my Android 2.3 phone.
Anyone have any ideas?
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I use the same app and have no issues... have you tried wiping the app's cache and data then uninstalling and reinstalling
Sent from my cm_tenderloin using Tapatalk 2
Yes I have tried several times to that.
When I go to the stock calendar, the only account I see is gmail .
And if I add a new account, I get message that the account is already there.
Any other ideas?
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netaware said:
Yes I have tried several times to that.
When I go to the stock calendar, the only account I see is gmail .
And if I add a new account, I get message that the account is already there.
Any other ideas?
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Have you uninstalled or frozen the email app?
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Yes, I have cleared data, uninstalled app, rebooted and then reinstalled.
Sorry but I don't know what frozen is.
netaware said:
Yes, I have cleared data, uninstalled app, rebooted and then reinstalled.
Sorry but I don't know what frozen is.
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I'm referring to the stock "Email" app that comes with Android. Or have you thought of using it instead of the Hotmail app?
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I believe this is a bug that started with Android v 4.0.x
For instance, my work email is a live365 account and my phone running CM9 will not my get emails, it's loading forever with default email app...
I have not tried the default email app.
The weird thing is that the email pat, even contact syncing works. It's just the calendar syncing.
I will post some screenshots of my TP when I get home.
netaware said:
I have not tried the default email app.
The weird thing is that the email pat, even contact syncing works. It's just the calendar syncing.
I will post some screenshots of my TP when I get home.
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I'm now using the email app and got rid of the Hotmail app altogether and actually like it more
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With stock app, are you able to sync Hotmail calendars as well as contacts?
The calendar syncing is my issue, not the contacts.
netaware said:
With stock app, are you able to sync Hotmail calendars as well as contacts?
The calendar syncing is my issue, not the contacts.
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I have tried to use the stock app and I am able to sync my contacts but not my calendar.
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netaware said:
I have tried to use the stock app and I am able to sync my contacts but not my calendar.
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I got sick of the Hotmail app and moved to the stock one and have ever since not been able to sync the Calendar. I'm not really comfortable with Hotmail calendar --> Google calendar --> Phone calendar. As mentioned by an other member earlier, this could've something to do with Android 4.0.x., especially since it was working with 2.3.6 for me. Have attached a few screen shots to show what I mean.
I guess this is a Hotmail (Microsoft) issue with Android 4.0.x
This suck becuase I have all my dates in Hotmail calendar.
I guess should move to Google calendar
Simple change in settings solved the problem for me.
1. Set Sync frequency to Automatic - Push instead of Never.
2. Turn on Auto sync.
3. Wait for it to sync.
Live calendar will then appear in android calendar.
Sent from my GT-I9000 using XDA
netaware said:
I guess this is a Hotmail (Microsoft) issue with Android 4.0.x
This suck becuase I have all my dates in Hotmail calendar.
I guess should move to Google calendar
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No the issue is your setup because I have 8 Android devices and all of them sync both my Gmail and Hotmail accounts (mail, contacts, calendars and tasks) without a hiccup
Sent from my cm_tenderloin using Tapatalk 2
Whats wrong with my setup? I have un-installed the app, cleared cache, removed all accounts. I have used stock email and calendar app as well. What else could i try.
I really appreciate your help by the way.
netaware said:
Whats wrong with my setup? I have un-installed the app, cleared cache, removed all accounts. I have used stock email and calendar app as well. What else could i try.
I really appreciate your help by the way.
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Of course Ive taken for granted that you have double checked all your sync options in the apps you are trying to use and set them to push correct?
Also taking for granted that you have toggled all those settings on and off and rebooted in between toggles correct?
Sent from my cm_tenderloin using Tapatalk 2
I have tried everything you have suggested, but I do not get the calendar sync option. Please look at these screenshots.
Hi there
I have an acer iconia a500 (ICS)and I have the same problem. Well, everything was working fine but suddenly my calender and contacts didn't sync.I figured out that microsoft wants us to use the dedicate app from the market. You can still use the stock email app for email only. What you can do is use the microsoft app only to sync calendar and contacts.

ICS and stock email app

Hello forum-mates:
I use the stock ICS email app which has exchange server and it syncs and emails are in but when I click on email there is no body for the email and all you see is the subject and sender with a blank white screen below.
I have flashed the same ROM three times with issue.
EDIT: also replaced the EMAIL.apk and Exchange.apk with stock one and no change.
Any cure?
Working fine for me, have setup 2 Exchange Accounts and 3 IMAP Accounts and all are working 100%, quite chuffed with it actually as the stock email client for GB was a pile of useless crap, the one on ICS is great.
Working well here. Two echange accounts working.
In fact it's too good, as it's picking up the server requesting permissions for wiping the phone etc.. I think that's Exchange 2010+.
Just let them try
Thanks guys,
On Gingerbread I had setup Google apps email with no problem on email app (not gmail app) and it was working flawlessly, but now it doesn't as I see for a second a flicker of something to be there but disappear.
I did set it up on gmail account, but I was wishing for regular email app.
Exactly same problem here. The strange part is that it happens with only one of my two google accounts. Have tried deleting data, cache and mail accounts but no luck.
Help please!
Sent from my LT26i using xda premium
Mine is perfectly OK... if it is OK with us and not with yours, then one of us is either lucky or doing something wrong... try to reconfigure again...
Just only one "unlucky" thing, is there any widget for the stock email?
Sent from my LT26i using Tapatalk 2
I have tried to put account 10 time. I have re-flashed the whole ROM 3 times. I have replaced the email and exchange app files with stock android and no luck. There should be something wrong.
Maybe this problem is only when you try to add the google apps account to regular email app?
My Google email account is also sync with stock email app, and together with my corporate email and two yahoo email accounts, they are working normally...
Not sure if adding another account of gmail would bring that problem of yours...
Sent from my LT26i using Tapatalk 2
Mail vs Gmail
joshua_sx1 said:
My Google email account is also sync with stock email app, and together with my corporate email and two yahoo email accounts, they are working normally...
Not sure if adding another account of gmail would bring that problem of yours...
Sent from my LT26i using Tapatalk 2
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I son't want to steal this thread, but this i s very interesting. Since I use Android ()from 1.5 times till now) I've always used gmail app for well gmail But it has it's issues, like inability to send notification to third party aps and so on.
Can you please tell me how is your experience with using gmail in mail app? Did you try gmail app?
If someone here is using mail app with gmail account I'd also like to hear your opinions on this. Let's face it, Sony's mail app with two pane view and other improvements seems way better than gmail even from ics
Thank you in advance
Any luck Nimche? Have tried the Deutch ROM but still the same problem.
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MarcoZM1978 said:
Any luck Nimche? Have tried the Deutch ROM but still the same problem.
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and I gave up waiting for CM9 release whenever, hopefully soon and maybe that fixes the issue.
For time being, I have added all my Google apps account to Gmail account which works OK, actually they work just right.
Are you adding Google Apps too?
Thanks for the answer, hope I can do that soon cause I got a locked bootloader.
Sent from my LT26i using xda premium
I don't think you are required to have unlocked bootloader to achieve this.
I meant the CM9 part not the gmail one. I got my accounts on gmail app too but I do like that the core mail shows notifications in the lockscreen.
MarcoZM1978 said:
I meant the CM9 part not the gmail one. I got my accounts on gmail app too but I do like that the core mail shows notifications in the lockscreen.
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I don't like it either but for time being is OK, Now with seeing Jelly Beans and more exciting feature, that is what I want I am about to buy a Nexus Galaxy and take Sony hardware out and put that phone's chip in there
Actually, I'm using my gmail account for purchasing of Apps only... and I always received notification (like yesterday, when I purchased "MyBackUp Pro")... this morning, I sent an email to my gmail account using my corporate and yahoo acounts (through Xperia S stock email)... just received and replied... and all of them are working normally...
Sent from my LT26i using Tapatalk 2
What I was really looking is a widget for Xperia S stock email app...
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Has anyone figure this out yet? I hate to use the Gmail app for regular email. This seems to be more like Sony's app issue.
joshua_sx1 said:
What I was really looking is a widget for Xperia S stock email app...
Sent from my LT26i using Tapatalk 2
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get the semcemail.apk from xperia T files,
1. use root explorer or rom toolbox or any file manager with root access, delete the original semcemail.apk or rename it to semcemail.apk.bak (location /system/app)
2. copy and paste the xperia t semcemail.apk to /system/app.
3. change permission to rw-r--r--.
4. go to settings then look for email app then clear data.
5. open your email app then log again your data,
6. now you can choose the widget on homescreen.
look @ development section or general section, there's a thread for the xperia T files.
Just wanted to finally answer my own question. This is what I did and it worked.
Delete data on email app.
In Titanium backup, remove Email app and Exchange app
Go to this thread and download two files HERE
Change name (get rid of Google)
Move files to Memory
Move files to System folder
Change permission to RW-R-R
Move files to System/apps
and email app should fully function.

[Q] Is anyone else having issues with Facebook Calendar sync?

It displays "Sync is currently experiencing problems. It'll be back shortly." and when I check it it's Facebook Calendar with the exclamation mark.
It doesn't sync since July 5th, which is when I got the ICS/Sense 3.6 update.
I noticed Facebook for HTC Sense isn't displayed in the Accounts & Sync list anymore since that update, is that normal?
Yes, I'm in mean rom latest ics, i just disabled it
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My phone has just disconnected by itself from Facebook right now saying "authentication failed" and when I logged in back the calendar sync is back working. It looks like removing the account and re-adding it solved the issue.
I'm having this same issue, however removing the account and re-adding it does not solve the issue. Can anyone help?
MeanROM ICS v2.6 and stock kernel.
I'm having the same issues sometimes. I'm almost positive it's the pos Facebook app. That thing is straight garbage.
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Uncle Lizard said:
I'm having the same issues sometimes. I'm almost positive it's the pos Facebook app. That thing is straight garbage.
Sent from my PG86100 using xda premium
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Facebook needs to get their act together on this. How come they are the only ones that can't seem to make an Android app run properly?
Mine is working fine since then...
As far as I know, Facebook calendar sync doesn't come from the official app. It's (Facebook for) HTC Sense.
Maybe you could try to logout / remove on the phone, then go to Facebook website and remove the HTC Sense app from the app settings page, then login again on the phone.

"Unfortunately, Google calendar sync has stopped."

This is the message I get every time I try to sync my phones calendar with my Google account calendar. No appointments are showing up on my phone. Everything else such as e-mail and contacts sync just fine. What am I missing here?
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morrowa2 said:
This is the message I get every time I try to sync my phones calendar with my Google account calendar. No appointments are showing up on my phone. Everything else such as e-mail and contacts sync just fine. What am I missing here?
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Try SystemSettings->Apps->Calendar->clear data
If doesn't help - flash to rooted stock and do factory reset.
And you failed to say if u r running Stock ROM or AOKP or CM9/10.
Sorry. Running a stock deodexed rooted Rom on VZW GSIII. I recall I got the same message before I rooted too.
Sent from my SCH-I535 using xda app-developers app
Factory reset on rooted stock ROM did not fix the problem. Any other ideas?
I had a similar issue on my Xoom (and found this thread when I was posting a solution on the Xoom forum).
I wound up deleting my gmail account and setting it up as an enterprise account (called "Corporate" in settings). It now works flawlessly, so I hope it will work on your GSIII.
Here's the link:
Doesn't look llike that's an option on my gsiii.
Hard reset didn't work. I even flashed stock unrooted ROM via Odin. Now pretty much back to the phones original condition.
Still not syncing and getting the same message. So it's either the hardware (didnt think this could be a hardware problem) or a problem with my Google account (then why would email and contacts sync no problem?)
I'm stumped. Should I take the phone to the store?
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Email client

I am looking for a good email client for my phone and tablet. I have tried K9 and the Samsung clients but looking for something better. Anyone have some good ones?
Sent from my GT-P7510 using XDA Premium HD app
I use Gmail. Always works for me.
Guess I should have added that this is for a non-gmail account. I do use gmail for my gmail account but I have a few other email accounts that I need a good client for.
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Pmac25 said:
Guess I should have added that this is for a non-gmail account. I do use gmail for my gmail account but I have a few other email accounts that I need a good client for.
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Have all your other accounts push to Gmail and sort with auto filters?
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I use touchdown by nitrodesk. My favorite and I've tried about 6. Moxier would be #2. though this is for exchange mail. so YMMV.
mrRobinson said:
I use touchdown by nitrodesk. My favorite and I've tried about 6. Moxier would be #2. though this is for exchange mail. so YMMV.
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I vote Touchdown as well, but...................
Beware the sent emails that go missing completely (no success). Never fails to be a long and important message that disappears with no chance of recovering.
Also beware the included contacts app. Cannot create / nor edit a new exchange contact. Actually you can, but it will not sync with exchange.
There is a work around for this one.
Phalanx7621 said:
I use Gmail. Always works for me.
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Pmac25 said:
I am looking for a good email client for my phone and tablet. I have tried K9 and the Samsung clients but looking for something better. Anyone have some good ones?
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I am a huge fan of AquaMail. It's so much better than MailDroid or K-9, the more "praised" mail apps. Try it out and I think you'll be happy.
Touchdown and Gmail here. Manage work contacts with touchdown and personal contacts via gmail. Keeps things nice and clean
I use MailDroid for my very finicky school email that doesn't work with a lot of other email apps. Never had a problem with it.
I see a lot of people recommending TouchDown, but I believe AquaMail to be superior to it. I've also tried MailDroid, K9 and they aren't as good as AquaMail.
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I317 using xda app-developers app
How is gmail on aqua? Does it get pushed or do you have to have it sync at certain times to get mail?
Show Some Love
^^ IMAP Push works great in Aquamail for Gmail account.

