[Q] need Video editing App - Android Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

Salam ,
i am searching for application to edit my videos for uploading to you tube. i searched every where but cant find any suitable application. one application i find is video cutter i like it but it is not suitable for me because it on cut or divide a video not edit like joing adding title adding pics etc to video..............
i think there is no application for video editing if any body know about such application then plz tell me...........


Realtime TiltShift-Video-App?

Hi there
I'm looking for a realtime-TiltShift-Video-App to record movies like this:
I know, there is something like this for iPhone:
Check: http://isource.com/2010/10/13/tiltshift-video-for-iphone/
Cheers, samukinson
I'm also looking app like that
has there been any resolution with finding a tilt shift video recorder for Android? I'm not finding anything at the moment in my search but you would think there would be something out there already now.

[Q] Q how to upload fullhd to youtube with 3g

Anyone got any hints for this? Only way i have done this is with other phone as a wifihotspot but thats stupid...
How to remove restrictions from youtube app?
i'm only one with this one?
it sounds incredible and frustrating!!!
i've got same problem too ...
up to now the only solution sound to be uploading by email link that youtube usually provide on your profile for mobile upload (check from PC browsed your profile)
does any one know an other solution?
please... advise us abt an uploader app!!!

Searching a good video from your bootanimation

Good morning,
I am a user of a Galaxy Note 10.1 and am looking for ways to make a bootanimation like the Sony Tablet S but modifying it to display the name of the ROM.
To do this, I need your help. I can not find a decent video, the HD bootanimation.
It's easy to create one from a video and converting it to GIF, but it is impossible to find a source.
Could someone on this board to find or record booanimation?
Thank you!

[Q] Looking for a remote storage video recording app

I'm not sure if I'm just using bad search terms or what, but I haven't been able to come up with anything.
I know something similar must be out there! Apologies if it's easy to find and I've just overlooked it...
What I'm looking for is a Video Recording/Camcorder App that streams live to YouTube, G-Drive or even my own Server.
Just want to be able to shoot video and have it safely stored offsite immediately...
(Not like the stock camcorder app that let's you share and upload the video post shooting)
I mean if someone grabbed the phone out of your hand whilst recording, it would still be there.
Does anybody have any suggestions, I'd really appreciate any help!

[Q] Video Editing apk

I had a client reach out to me and want a android app that can edit videos, add filters, that sort of thing. Is there any open-source code to use or is this a custom build? What would it take to produce a video apk? Seems a little out of my leauge lol.

