[TUT]Porting JellyBean - Galaxy Ace S5830 General

This thread is to assist porting of Android 4.1 (Jellybean) to ICS devices
A good base ROM for porting: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1737849
Ramdisk diff
This is a diff file for the Jellybean ramdisk from ICS. This is from the galaxy nexus and will have to be changed for your specific device. Some notes that are not shown in the diff are that /sbin/adbd and init changed -- These are both binaries so they need to be manually taken from the jb ramdisk.
Files changed in /system/
This is a list of files that have changed in JB... Please check /vendor/{device vendor}/{device name}/ and[/SIZE][/SIZE] /device/{device vendor}/{device name}/ in the CM source to make sure they don't overlap... If any do, just keep your cm9 versions.
/system/app/ - Basically every apk, don't even bother copying individual changed files
adb.p dumpsys.p mksh.p sdptool.p
applypatch.p fsck_msdos.p mtpd.p sensorservice.p
app_process.p gzip.p ndc.p servicemanager.p
bluetoothd.p hciattach.p netcfg.p service.p
bootanimation.p hostapd.p netd.p setup_fs.p
brcm_patchram_plus.p installd.p pand.p smc_pa_ctrl.p
bugreport.p ip6tables.p ping.p surfaceflinger.p
dalvikvm.p ip.p pppd.p system_server.p
dbus-daemon.p iptables.p racoon.p tc.p
debuggerd.p keystore.p rild.p tf_daemon.p
dexopt.p linker.p run-as.p toolbox.p
dhcpcd.p logcat.p schedtest.p vdc.p
dnsmasq.p logwrapper.p screencap.p vold.p
drmserver.p make_ext4fs.p screenshot.p wpa_supplicant.p
dumpstate.p mediaserver.p sdcard.p
atrace content e2fsck mdnsd requestsync uiautomator
dexdump.p/system/etc/apns-conf.xml.p fallback_fonts.xml.p permissions
audio_effects.conf.p gps.conf.p ppp
dhcpcd media_profiles.xml.p security
event-log-tags.p NOTICE.html.gz.p system_fonts.xml.p
audio_policy.conf media_codecs.xml security
fallback_fonts-ja.xml preferred-apps
/system/media/ & /system/fonts/ - Just take it all from jb as pretty much none is device specific.
/system/framework/ - Everything
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Credits :-

Sounds fun. Maybe maclaw will try when our CM9 is stable
Sent from my GT-S5830 using xda app-developers app

Hah , porting . Spoils the fun of compiling
This was sent from a Galaxy Ace.

*sees thread* *says we are doing it* LIKE A BOSS!

CallMeVentus said:
Hah , porting . Spoils the fun of compiling
This was sent from a Galaxy Ace.
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we should be happy that we may get it at least ...:laugh::good::good:

anyone cosidered that this won't work?
Nexus is ArmV7 so all files are compilled for ArmV7 meaning it won't help us any further.

You can still port it, but with more modification
Sent from my GT-S5660 using xda premium

voetbalremco said:
You can still port it, but with more modification
Sent from my GT-S5660 using xda premium
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Nope, most pre compiled libs won't work.
~I'll lift the liquor corner cause I'm raising the bar. ~

But this is only changes the appearance of the rom!

serra19 said:
But this is only changes the appearance of the rom!
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You got that wrong dude/dudette.

Soeskip said:
You got that wrong dude/dudette.
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Oh yes, sorry, I confuse this post with other post on other forum.
Thank you!
Enviado desde mi Galaxy Ace usando Tapatalk 2

I would wait for source lol. About a week and a half until Google release it.
Sent from my Wildfire S A510e using xda premium

benjamingwynn said:
I would wait for source lol. About a week and a half until Google release it.
Sent from my Wildfire S A510e using xda premium
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Benjamin? You,here? Your girlfriend has an ace too? Like ephraim033
Sent from the year 3000 using a SGA where sheep's are not present.

Prawesome said:
Benjamin? You,here? Your girlfriend has an ace too? Like ephraim033
Sent from the year 3000 using a SGA where sheep's are not present.
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Haha no. I'm just lending a hand were I can.
Sent from my Wildfire S A510e using xda premium

benjamingwynn said:
Haha no. I'm just lending a hand were I can.
Sent from my Wildfire S A510e using xda premium
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Sent from the year 3000 using a SGA where sheep's are not present.

When Maclaw upload the ICS rom with camera, maybe I try this tut

KevinXI said:
Credits :-
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Good news, think that it will be helpfull for maclaw!
Sent from my GT-S5830 using xda app-developers app

Guys please, maclaw isn't porting HE is compiling which is a totally different thing.
Sent from my GT-S5830 using Tapatalk 2


The Official AND ONLY Samsung Galaxy Ace Off-Topic/Elite Trolls Alliance Thread!

Edit:Btw this thread is inspired by jusada, who made me realise XDA isn't just for seriousness LOL
Teh memberz:
@K.A- Don Corleone
@side_effect - Captain Jack Sparrow
@SMillerNL - Xygomorphic X-ray Fish
@CallMeVentus - The DoTA 2 fan
@Prawesome - The always active troll
@Shaaan - The newbie troll/The awesome dev
@southernknight - Son of a potato
@scoffyburito - The Italian Troll
@PulseDroid - The Forever Ignored
@eagleeyetom - Level 9999 Eagle
@Deadly - He's deadly, don't confront him
@SpaceCaker - You do not want to know how high his theme level is
@masterex567 - DROIDACE
@Venomous Viper 119 - The trolloholic VIPER
A little intro to this thread:
- Basically this is off-topic
- Depending on who you are, we'll troll you or help you
- Flaming is only used as a last resort
- Memes are heavily used in this thread
- ETA members are a force to be reckoned with
- No "OP is a gay fag" jokes allowed
Lol.... Wat r u tryin 2 do?
CyanogenMod 7.1-cooper-KANG-RC1 Android 2.3.7
Firmware: 2.3.4 KPH
Overclocked @ 921Mhz
Dta2sd: enabled
8gb class 2 + 600mb ext4 partition
This is my chance to talk to you guys, they won't let me write in the dev Forum
Sent from my GT-S5830 using XDA App
EmoBoiix3 said:
Yes I am bored
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domnic79 said:
Lol.... Wat r u tryin 2 do?
CyanogenMod 7.1-cooper-KANG-RC1 Android 2.3.7
Firmware: 2.3.4 KPH
Overclocked @ 921Mhz
Dta2sd: enabled
8gb class 2 + 600mb ext4 partition
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This is what happens if I'm stuck at home trying to make a new AOSP build at 10.40PM
ohwarumbloss said:
This is my chance to talk to you guys, they won't let me write in the dev Forum
Sent from my GT-S5830 using XDA App
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This is an off-topic thread , strictly fun and no business
geraldgeron likes this..
And here it comes!
Did you get a step ahead in this Aosp Project? I downloaded your file and was very impressed!!! Would be wonderful if you guys get that running!
I also read that many people had problems with the 3rd party Facebook login, I had that, too, and thanks to you guys I got the solution!
Watching you guys work has teached me already so much, thank you thank you!!!
Sent from my GT-S5830 using XDA App
Oops ...
Sent from my GT-S5830 using XDA App
ohwarumbloss said:
And here it comes!
Did you get a step ahead in this Aosp Project? I downloaded your file and was very impressed!!! Would be wonderful if you guys get that running!
I also read that many people had problems with the 3rd party Facebook login, I had that, too, and thanks to you guys I got the solution!
Watching you guys work has teached me already so much, thank you thank you!!!
Sent from my GT-S5830 using XDA App
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LOL I don't mind being praised as long as you credit my other partners
Yes ok... I love em all! Grif, jusada, you of course, ketut, and and and...
I'm impressed of jusada because he gave me the believe in Android Developers DO have a life (oh...and this myui stuff lol)
Sent from my GT-S5830 using XDA App
ohwarumbloss said:
And here it comes!
Did you get a step ahead in this Aosp Project? I downloaded your file and was very impressed!!! Would be wonderful if you guys get that running!
I also read that many people had problems with the 3rd party Facebook login, I had that, too, and thanks to you guys I got the solution!
Watching you guys work has teached me already so much, thank you thank you!!!
Sent from my GT-S5830 using XDA App
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whats the solution man
+1 on the...... "I'm bored"!!!!!!!
I thought of starting a jokes(sharing) section to get some relief!!!
imranaryan said:
whats the solution man
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You have to flash stock Rom, use Titanium Backup and backup Apk and Data, flash your favorite Rom and restore them. Done
Sent from my GT-S5830 using XDA App
imranaryan said:
whats the solution man
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Solution: Use Stock ROM . LOL
aceian said:
+1 on the...... "I'm bored"!!!!!!!
I thought of starting a jokes(sharing) section to get some relief!!!
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Let's hear it then
EmoBoiix3 said:
Solution: Use Stock ROM . LOL
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Sent from my GT-S5830 using XDA App
Now I even figured how to quote with the xda app!!! The Fury is unleashed, I'm on my way to ... where to?
Sent from my GT-S5830 using XDA App
ohwarumbloss said:
Now I even figured how to quote with the xda app!!! The Fury is unleashed, I'm on my way to ... where to?
Sent from my GT-S5830 using XDA App
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Rolling around at the speed of sound~
More like laying on the Sofa looking into my Ace on a Friday Afternoon. Now it's ruined
Sent from my GT-S5830 using XDA App

(request) sum1 theme oxygen with. Ics pls

Can someone please theme oxygen instead of CM7?
Sent from my LG-P500 using Tapatalk
sam razzy said:
Can someone please theme oxygen instead of CM7?
Sent from my LG-P500 using Tapatalk
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I am theming OpenOptimus
CM7 and (unfortunately) too oxygen are old baseband...
come to new baseband!
I could theme it propably...
will look in XMas vacations
sam razzy said:
Can someone please theme oxygen instead of CM7?
Sent from my LG-P500 using Tapatalk
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Ask someone to deodex oxygen for you/Do it yourself using kitchen.
Then get theme chooser and google for and ICS theme.
Lycan said:
Ask someone to deodex oxygen for you/Do it yourself using kitchen.
Then get theme chooser and google for and ICS theme.
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WOWOW wait...
if you deodex, you can just flash themechooser or what are you saying?!
mDroidd said:
WOWOW wait...
if you deodex, you can just flash themechooser or what are you saying?!
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Themechooser requires cm sources hence it won't work with any non cm7 based roms..
Sent from my LG-P500 using Tapatalk
androidusero1p500 said:
Themechooser requires cm sources hence it won't work with any non cm7 based roms..
Sent from my LG-P500 using Tapatalk
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^^See the first post, and read the replies
Lycan said:
^^See the first post, and read the replies
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Thanks a ton.
Keeps me thinking
mDroid - Tapatalk
Phone: LG-P500
ROM: Ciaox' openOptimus
Kernel: franco .35
Theme: HoneySandwich (by me)
Tweaks: Turbocharged and Supercharged!
Wishlist: Galaxy Nexus
there are news about ICS theme for Oxygen ROM on lgO1?
Which news? I can't get any information about if there is a way to install T-Mobile themeing engine to Oxygen. I will try the closed group on facebook.
Sorry guys.. I sold my optimus.. now using Hd2 beast phone...!! Running all OS
Sent from my HTC HD2 using Tapatalk
dante197 said:
there are news about ICS theme for Oxygen ROM on lgO1?
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abhis3k said:
Which news? I can't get any information about if there is a way to install T-Mobile themeing engine to Oxygen. I will try the closed group on facebook.
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I am busy building Oxygen from source. If that works, I can build in theme chooser
sam razzy said:
Sorry guys.. I sold my optimus.. now using Hd2 beast phone...!! Running all OS
Sent from my HTC HD2 using Tapatalk
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So? I have a galaxy Nexus, no one cares..
But good to know you are happy
mDroidd said:
I am busy building Oxygen from source. If that works, I can build in theme chooser
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Best of luck. We are eagerly waiting. Just a query, isn't T-Mobile theme engine now included in oxygen?
Sent from my LG-P500 using XDA App
sam razzy said:
Sorry guys.. I sold my optimus.. now using Hd2 beast phone...!! Running all OS
Sent from my HTC HD2 using Tapatalk
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From where did you get it ?? Local retailer or Online ? If online, please specify the website.
My bad. I was reading changelog of oxygen 2.2 in place of 2.3.2. All necessary framework has been dropped on 2.3 for better support in ics.
Sent from my LG-P500 using XDA App
abhis3k said:
My bad. I was reading changelog of oxygen 2.2 in place of 2.3.2. All necessary framework has been dropped on 2.3 for better support in ics.
Sent from my LG-P500 using XDA App
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Indeed, themechooser is gone again
But I think I know how to include, or at least theme it ICS. but I am first building Oxygen from source.
Please consider building from nightly cm7 as it will also support offline charging, an important feature in my opinion.
Sent from my LG-P500 using XDA App

[MOD][UPDATE]Xperia Status bar

This is my 1st Try Guys. Please Try It.
Update : I Made a Flashable Zip Package
Huh? Wats new in this?
Lol? What's the big deal there?
i sense more trolls comming!
so mods better close this quick
Are you serious? lol
Lolzzzz....good joke
Sent from my GT-S5360 using xda premium
Good job, although I think this would do better in the Galaxy Y Themes and Apps board as this only counts as a theme and not a kernel or ROM. :good:
Why does everyone have to be so rude?
Hey guys just chill, moving to Themes and Apps as suggested above(good idea Mitko), I don't see anything wrong with this. Everyone has to start somewhere!
Well start bro
Wish to see more frm u
sent using repencis 3.5 wid a2sd
press thnxxx
i was a bit *rude* sorry,
well, the negativity in this forum seems to attack everyone,
can you sense it?
Now seriously. Were there ny changes in it?? It seemed like stock to me
Sent from my GT-S5360 using XDA
this is your 1st work
but not so much attractive you only change some images......
Keep on try dude, start it and give us to try.
l Samsung Galaxy Y S5360 l CREED 3.5 ROM l [email protected] #37 l
deathnotice01 said:
i was a bit *rude* sorry,
well, the negativity in this forum seems to attack everyone,
can you sense it?
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I never feel negativity!
Sent from my XT862 using Tapatalk 2
techno-update said:
I never feel negativity!
Sent from my XT862 using Tapatalk 2
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thats because u don't have the device
me has sad...
hell_lock said:
Now seriously. Were there ny changes in it?? It seemed like stock to me
Sent from my GT-S5360 using XDA
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It seemed like stock to me too.
x3ratio said:
It seemed like stock to me too.
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Me too :sly: but we must appreciate his work guys .. he must be learning from basic to fantastic...
Sent from my GT-S5360 using xda premium
The only change is the notification pulldown.
Sent from my GT-S5360 Toaster
blagginspaziyonokip said:
The only change is the notification pulldown.
Sent from my GT-S5360 Toaster
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Bt he tried
sent using repencis 3.5 wid a2sd
press thnxxx


Is it possible to build a fully-working aosp ics?i mean,we have the stock ics for resources
Sent from my Xperia
SpeedingGriffin said:
Is it possible to build a fully-working aosp ics?i mean,we have the stock ics for resources
Sent from my Xperia
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I've asked this question and I've seen this question asked by others and the answer always used to be "use any aosp port , aokp or cyanogenmod". Never really understood why we can't build a clean untouched aosp Rom . Can somebody answer this, please?
(please no face palms )
Sent from my ST15i using xda app-developers app
gouthamthemostwanted said:
I've asked this question and I've seen this question asked by others and the answer always used to be "use any aosp port , aokp or cyanogenmod". Never really understood why we can't build a clean untouched aosp Rom . Can somebody answer this, please?
(please no face palms )
Sent from my ST15i using xda app-developers app
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If there were an AOSP rom for another xperia phone it would be easier
I think many people would like a clean aosp rom, but nobody's got time to make this full port working, because porting from another manufactor is hard...
So just use cyanogenmod :good:
mihahn said:
If there were an AOSP rom for another xperia phone it would be easier
I think many people would like a clean aosp rom, but nobody's got time to make this full port working, because porting from another manufactor is hard...
So just use cyanogenmod :good:
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I am not talking about porting from another manufacturer. How about building from source? include our device in the lunch menu? device specific files, boardconfig files etcetera.....
i don't know if this is possible and i don't have prior knowledge in building from source but if directed in the right direction i will try my level best...I grasp things quickly (at least that's what they say bout me )
gouthamthemostwanted said:
I am not talking about porting from another manufacturer. How about building from source? include our device in the lunch menu? device specific files, boardconfig files etcetera.....
i don't know if this is possible and i don't have prior knowledge in building from source but if directed in the right direction i will try my level best...I grasp things quickly (at least that's what they say bout me )
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I think building from source for our devices is hard, because sony hasn't released the binaries and some libs, so how should we port? There are several really annoying problems...
Sent from my SK17i running Jelly Bean via CM10
mihahn said:
I think building from source for our devices is hard, because sony hasn't released the binaries and some libs, so how should we port? There are several really annoying problems...
Sent from my SK17i running Jelly Bean via CM10
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Ya I've seen this but, how about just a bootable Rom? Don't care about the missing functions. It will be highly knowledgeable to learn.
Sent from my ST15i using xda app-developers app
[BUMP] Hmmmm. . . . . . . . . Nobody??? [/BUMP]
Sent from my ST15i using xda app-developers app
SpeedingGriffin said:
Is it possible to build a fully-working aosp ics?i mean,we have the stock ics for resources
Sent from my Xperia
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I've been tinkering with CM github resources..... still got bugs..
Sent from my WT19i using xda app-developers app
cm or aosp?
rachit.rc96 said:
I've been tinkering with CM github resources..... still got bugs..
Sent from my WT19i using xda app-developers app
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you trying to build cm from source or using the configuration files in cm git to build aosp from source?
(sorry am a noob in building from source)
gouthamthemostwanted said:
I've asked this question and I've seen this question asked by others and the answer always used to be "use any aosp port , aokp or cyanogenmod". Never really understood why we can't build a clean untouched aosp Rom . Can somebody answer this, please?
(please no face palms )
Sent from my ST15i using xda app-developers app
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use aokp or cyanogenmod for your phone, save some money and buy a galaxy nexus phone...it will be easier
It's not about buying a nexus . It's about building pure aosp for Xperia 2011 devices.
Sent from my ST15i using xda app-developers app
gouthamthemostwanted said:
It's not about buying a nexus . It's about building pure aosp for Xperia 2011 devices.
Sent from my ST15i using xda app-developers app
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You, wil have to use, 'linux' operating system, in ur pc, then u wil have to compile it frm scratch, no one has compiled it sucessfully except kamarush, he is the only hope, or wait for one more month, til and I and sandy7 wil build it, u guys wil have to wait til sandy buys a new comp.:beer:
Sent from my WT19i using xda premium
I know I need Linux and my only operating system is ubuntu and I know it should be built from source. I just want to know "how" you are going to do it and "what" should be done to tailor the aosp source particular for our device and I'm very much eager to learn that .
Thanks! :thumbup:
Sent from my ST15i using xda app-developers app
gouthamthemostwanted said:
I know I need Linux and my only operating system is ubuntu and I know it should be built from source. I just want to know "how" you are going to do it and "what" should be done to tailor the aosp source particular for our device and I'm very much eager to learn that .
Thanks! :thumbup:
Sent from my ST15i using xda app-developers app
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I am also learning it frm sandy, and wil PM u and let u knw abt, dnt lose hope! Kavaley pada dingey!
Sent from my WT19i using xda premium
stanlin salu said:
I am also learning it frm sandy, and wil PM u and let u knw abt, dnt lose hope! Kavaley pada dingey!
Sent from my WT19i using xda premium
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Whoa! You speak Tamil? Good!!! :thumbup: and thanks for the info! Will talk via pm!
Sent from my ST15i using xda app-developers app
gouthamthemostwanted said:
Whoa! You speak Tamil? Good!!! :thumbup: and thanks for the info! Will talk via pm!
Sent from my ST15i using xda app-developers app
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Sent from my WT19i using xda premium
SpeedingGriffin said:
Is it possible to build a fully-working aosp ics?i mean,we have the stock ics for resources
Sent from my Xperia
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Please someone continue this ICS AOSP project and this JellyBean AOSP project :crying: :crying: :crying:
Sent from my occam using Tapatalk 2 Beta
Guys Check out my NEW AOSP ROMhttp://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=2018098 jst RELEASED !

Great iDea !! just Need Help With it

This seems to be interesting Click Here !! But , need help with that , Btw since i saw this in Galaxy Nexus 4.2 Jellybean , i searched all Google and XDA , just to see if it's possible to add it to our lovely jellybean !!
So btw i tried to do it , in framework-res , but i get an error in compiling the apk :l
We don't have android 4.2 yet. Thus it won't work anyway.
Sent from my LT30p using xda premium
LegibleEel said:
We don't have android 4.2 yet. Thus it won't work anyway.
Sent from my LT30p using xda premium
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Did you read the Whole thread ??!!
EzzyLupe said:
Did you read the Whole thread ??!!
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I have now
I read in the comments that it's only really for 4.2 as its changed too much since 4.1. Can be possible but you will need to mod it a bit.
Unless I'm reading over something
Sent from my LT30p using xda premium
LegibleEel said:
I have now
I read in the comments that it's only really for 4.2 as its changed too much since 4.1. Can be possible but you will need to mod it a bit.
Unless I'm reading over something
Sent from my LT30p using xda premium
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Lol , Well i think there is hope to add it , to ICS or JB , but like you said need modding plus it gonna take time , thats why i made this thread , cuz i need some help lol !!
It needed decompile n mod
Whats the error?
Superman said:
It needed decompile n mod
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Thats why i needed some help from people who know how to mod !! cuz apktool doesn't fully work in my laptop :l
NuriJ said:
Whats the error?
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What error
EzzyLupe said:
What error
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@ op
You said that you get an error in recompiling
Sent from my LT25i using xda premium
NuriJ said:
@ op
You said that you get an error in recompiling
Sent from my LT25i using xda premium
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Dunno actually remember it , but i will tell you or will post a pic when i get it again , but now i need to head back to Home Sweet Home , in the library right Studying -__-
So is there who tried to mod it . exams are close to end
Sent from my Xperia X10 using xda app-developers app

