doesn't charge or turn on - Galaxy S II Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

Ok lets start.
1) Phone wouldn't connect to PC but it would charge - got over that by just using a memory card and always having ROMS on the card
2) went on holiday (gran canaria) at the beach so a bit of sand got on my phone but it was working fine for the rest of the holiday
3) Got on the plane and the phone was working fine i Accidently left it off airplane mode but oh well we lived ad im sure that hasn't affected anything and fell asleep with it in my pocket. now ive got back to the UK but the phone was of even though it was charged before hand. tried to use the wall charger but it wouldn't work when i got home i tried USB but that wouldn't work
4) today ive gone to get a new battery in case the battery has died but no battery worked. i went ot about 3 different shops and now im sure its the phone.
5) ive tried cleaning (blowing the sand out of the phone and it never got wet so now i don't know what to do. i was using the Foxhound rom ( which was working fine the whole time
What are my options? I dont have insurance but i was considering to get i. so i could them to replace it but not sure if i could get another since im sure the warranty is void since ive rooted my phone and put a new rom on. If that's not an option then i wouldn't mind opening my phone to try and fix it myself if someone could point me in the right direction. Annnnnd if that's not an option how much could i sell it for as it is? ive still got the box and stuff lol
oh yeah when i say i cant turn it on i dont mean bootloop i mean it wont even vibrate when i press the on button tried soft and hard reset ive opened the phone and tried cleaning it out and i cant get into recovery or download obviously because it wont turn on
sent from my nokia E71 .... sigh

otispowell said:
Ok lets start.
1) Phone wouldn't connect to PC but it would charge - got over that by just using a memory card and always having ROMS on the card
2) went on holiday (gran canaria) at the beach so a bit of sand got on my phone but it was working fine for the rest of the holiday
3) Got on the plane and the phone was working fine i Accidently left it off airplane mode but oh well we lived ad im sure that hasn't affected anything and fell asleep with it in my pocket. now ive got back to the UK but the phone was of even though it was charged before hand. tried to use the wall charger but it wouldn't work when i got home i tried USB but that wouldn't work
4) today ive gone to get a new battery in case the battery has died but no battery worked. i went ot about 3 different shops and now im sure its the phone.
5) ive tried cleaning (blowing the sand out of the phone and it never got wet so now i don't know what to do. i was using the Foxhound rom ( which was working fine the whole time
What are my options? I dont have insurance but i was considering to get i. so i could them to replace it but not sure if i could get another since im sure the warranty is void since ive rooted my phone and put a new rom on. If that's not an option then i wouldn't mind opening my phone to try and fix it myself if someone could point me in the right direction. Annnnnd if that's not an option how much could i sell it for as it is? ive still got the box and stuff lol
oh yeah when i say i cant turn it on i dont mean bootloop i mean it wont even vibrate when i press the on button tried soft and hard reset ive opened the phone and tried cleaning it out and i cant get into recovery or download obviously because it wont turn on
sent from my nokia E71 .... sigh
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If you already changed the battery and the phone doesn't boot, neither in download nor in recovery mode, the only thing you can try is to go the the store/service center and ttry to get a warranty replacement.
If the phone is "dead", they won't be able to check if it is rooted or has a custom ROM.
Good luck !

It_ler said:
If you already changed the battery and the phone doesn't boot, neither in download nor in recovery mode, the only thing you can try is to go the the store/service center and ttry to get a warranty replacement.
If the phone is "dead", they won't be able to check if it is rooted or has a custom ROM.
Good luck !
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thanks yeah i was planning to do this later today anyway. but i open the pone so will they know?
Ok they phoned me and told me because its rooted id have to pay. plus i need a new motherboard which will cost 163.21 or someting. sould i get it dont or just get the phone back and sell it?

Oddly enough after they said they wont fix it without me paying a lot since its rooted i just went a took my phone back tried to turn it on for the sake of it and it worked dont know what they did but at least im getting my pictures for now. ill see if it breaks again


[Help] No sound, no network..

I was lying down on the ground and my phone just slipped from my hand and fell on the floor.. although it was hardly any height, just chest high. After a few minutes I checked my phone and there was no network, neither was the sound working.
I've tried re-flashing firmwares.. Villian, then KPE.. no use. If you try to play music, it'll show it is playing, however you can't hear anything, neither from the speakers nor from the earphones.
It shows me an airplane icon on the status bar, however the Flight Mode isn't ticked, and even if I try to tick it, it tries to enable for a while but returns back to unticked state.
Any solutions? Apart from approaching the service center
nish7x said:
I was lying down on the ground and my phone just slipped from my hand and fell on the floor.. although it was hardly any height, just chest high. After a few minutes I checked my phone and there was no network, neither was the sound working.
I've tried re-flashing firmwares.. Villian, then KPE.. no use. If you try to play music, it'll show it is playing, however you can't hear anything, neither from the speakers nor from the earphones.
It shows me an airplane icon on the status bar, however the Flight Mode isn't ticked, and even if I try to tick it, it tries to enable for a while but returns back to unticked state.
Any solutions? Apart from approaching the service center
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Try to pull out your SIM(before you must shut down your phone) and but it back then. Restart your phone. Maybe you can solve the AIRPLANE mode, but for NO sound, I dont know. Maybe you damaged something in HARDWARE(hope you dont damaged). Try to shut down your phone, like 10-15 min.(pull out your battery too) and then try again. Fingers crossed that it works!
Nope, I tried everything with the SIM. Even inserted another working SIM to check, doesn't work. Shows 0 signal in the mobile network status in About.
But now that isn't my concern. I want to flash back to Froyo so I can take it to the service center for warranty. And this is where I'm ending up with a lot of bad luck
I tried flashing all these firmwares:
Except the KPE, which is Gingerbread, none of the Froyo ones seem to work. They pass the Odin installation, however after the reboot, it gets stuck at the Galaxy Ace logo. Seriously.. what's the problem I can't get it. I've tried all those Froyo FULL package ROMs that I saw people suggesting. Why does it get stuck at the boot? I can't return my phone to warranty with Gingerbread, as KC1 is the official in India yet.
nish7x said:
Nope, I tried everything with the SIM. Even inserted another working SIM to check, doesn't work. Shows 0 signal in the mobile network status in About.
But now that isn't my concern. I want to flash back to Froyo so I can take it to the service center for warranty. And this is where I'm ending up with a lot of bad luck
I tried flashing all these firmwares:
Except the KPE, which is Gingerbread, none of the Froyo ones seem to work. They pass the Odin installation, however after the reboot, it gets stuck at the Galaxy Ace logo. Seriously.. what's the problem I can't get it. I've tried all those Froyo FULL package ROMs that I saw people suggesting. Why does it get stuck at the boot? I can't return my phone to warranty with Gingerbread, as KC1 is the official in India yet.
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Sorry for you, but keep trying. Still maybe some is GOOD to go! Like: S5830ZCKA7
And if you try other ones then ASIAN, try them when you probably buy your phone(look when they come to your store[if they come in FEBRUARY then try January FIRMWARE. Hope you get my point]).
Dont know what to do else, just keep trying and let HOPE you get it work(of course, if you drop dont BREAK something in HARDWARE).
Yeah, thanks at least for the moral support I've lost my head flashing dozens of times throughout the day yesterday, almost feel like some official flashing guy at the company but at least they get paid for doing it.
I think if nothing works, I will just give the service center the boot screen stuck Froyo ROMs, at least it might be better than giving them a working Gingerbread ROM.
nish7x said:
Yeah, thanks at least for the moral support I've lost my head flashing dozens of times throughout the day yesterday, almost feel like some official flashing guy at the company but at least they get paid for doing it.
I think if nothing works, I will just give the service center the boot screen stuck Froyo ROMs, at least it might be better than giving them a working Gingerbread ROM.
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Ok! Let to us know, how it ended finally. Maybe we can learn something from it. THX in advance!
casiocas said:
Ok! Let to us know, how it ended finally. Maybe we can learn something from it. THX in advance!
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It finally ended like this.. I gave my phone to the service center on 23rd June, and getting it back today on 4th July. ****ty service people. Kept giving excuse they're trying to update my phone to some 'new version' as they called it, but aren't able to. Finally they could on the 10th day and got my phone back. And the 'new version' was nothing other than DDKC1 But oh well, the network and sound is fixed.

Black Screen Maybe Bricked!!!!

Okay so I was running CM9 3/22/2012 just fine. I noticed a nightly went up listed as 3/23/2012. So I downloaded and clicked on the downloaded file, for some reason Rom Manager took over and asked if I wanted to go into CWM. So I agreed and it took me to the AT&T screen with the exclamation mark. I then rebooted and got stuck on the same At&T screen. So I decided to use Odin to go to stock and start from scratch. For some reason Odin 1.81 was supposed to go back to stock with Root. For some reason it got stuck I turned off my phone and now it is unresponsive to most of the tricks listed on this forum.
So will a jig get me out of this jam, a quick search pulled up nothing reliable or I would have to wait 3 weeks to receive, I need it this week like tomorrow if possible.
Searched the forums before going to work real quick couldn't get anything concrete So I'm posting this and I will search some more when I get to work.
Thanks for any help.
logicrulez said:
Okay so I was running CM9 3/22/2012 just fine. I noticed a nightly went up listed as 3/23/2012. So I downloaded and clicked on the downloaded file, for some reason Rom Manager took over and asked if I wanted to go into CWM. So I agreed and it took me to the AT&T screen with the exclamation mark. I then rebooted and got stuck on the same At&T screen. So I decided to use Odin to go to stock and start from scratch. For some reason Odin 1.81 was supposed to go back to stock with Root. For some reason it got stuck I turned off my phone and now it is unresponsive to most of the tricks listed on this forum.
So will a jig get me out of this jam, a quick search pulled up nothing reliable or I would have to wait 3 weeks to receive, I need it this week like tomorrow if possible.
Searched the forums before going to work real quick couldn't get anything concrete So I'm posting this and I will search some more when I get to work.
Thanks for any help.
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not sure why you would even be using Rom Manger other then maybe renaming backups. This is i known issue with our phones and Rom Manager and has been stated way too many times. Try holding the power button down for a while to see if it resets. A jig is going to put you in download mode so that you can use Odin again.
Thanks for the reply. Yes I have heard of issues with Rom Manager and i stopped using it. But for some reason or another I kept it on my phone and idiotically agreed to having it put me into CWM. Also I kept the battery in the phone till I got to work, pulled it out of my bag to try the suggestion that was given above and noticed my phone is warm. Not sure what's up with that, I immediately pulled the battery and will let it cool for a while and then I will try with the above suggestion.
Can you recommend a jig for our phones or does any jig work on any phone.
Thanks for all your help and wisdom.
logicrulez said:
Thanks for the reply. Yes I have heard of issues with Rom Manager and i stopped using it. But for some reason or another I kept it on my phone and idiotically agreed to having put me into CWM.
Can you recommend a jig for our phones or does any jig work on any phone.
Thanks for all your help and wisdom.
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you can get a jig from just about anywhere. you probably dont need one though. have you even tried manually putting your device into download mode by powering down the phone, plug usb into comp, then holding down both volume buttons, then plugging in the device?
Yes I have held the power and up/down volume buttons(that's what works on my phone) and plugged usb into phone while it was plugged in to my computer to get into download mode but nothing happened. Too late I already ordered a jig as I am despearate and hopefully it will be of further use in the future. I also tried holding the power button down for a while and still nothing. Hopefully the jig comes in a couple of days and works.
Thanks for all your help and wisdom.
Okay, so I got my jig today and put it into my phone and nothing happened. I put my phone on the charger and left it til I got home so it should be charged up.
So am I bricked or is there any other options I can try.
Thanks for your help.
Did you try holding both Vol and power keys (all 3) together for 30 seconds? It's saved my bacon a few times, despite how nonintuitive it seems. Also try the USB thing with battery removed, or try putting USB in and inserting battery while holding all 3 keys.
Still a no go I'll call warranty to see if I can get it replaced. If not I'll just wait for sgsiii to come out since its supposed to come in April now.
Thanks for all your help!
If your phone locked up while flashing bootloaders..

Bricked My Phone?

Last night I was able to root my phone flashed the recovery mod and used the overclocked kernel that was listed in the dev forums for my phone. The phone was running fine until I went to bed, this morning I had woke up and went to look at my phone and it was off. Thinking the battery died while I left it unplugged all night I found meh.. might be the reason. Let the phone charge while I was in the shower for about 15 minutes got out and tried to turn the phone on and unable to get a response. Tried to boot the phone to Odin mode with no luck also tried getting my computer to pick up the device with no luck at all. Few questions, is my phone bricked? If so I've only had the phone for 15 days do you think I would have any luck getting the phone replaced at a store? and is there anyway that they would be able to tell that I had rooted my phone flashed recovery and installed a kernel if I cant even get the phone to respond in any way shape or form? Any advice you have or situations where you where in the same boat would be a great help. Thanks again.
smOBudda said:
Last night I was able to root my phone flashed the recovery mod and used the overclocked kernel that was listed in the dev forums for my phone. The phone was running fine until I went to bed, this morning I had woke up and went to look at my phone and it was off. Thinking the battery died while I left it unplugged all night I found meh.. might be the reason. Let the phone charge while I was in the shower for about 15 minutes got out and tried to turn the phone on and unable to get a response. Tried to boot the phone to Odin mode with no luck also tried getting my computer to pick up the device with no luck at all. Few questions, is my phone bricked? If so I've only had the phone for 15 days do you think I would have any luck getting the phone replaced at a store? and is there anyway that they would be able to tell that I had rooted my phone flashed recovery and installed a kernel if I cant even get the phone to respond in any way shape or form? Any advice you have or situations where you where in the same boat would be a great help. Thanks again.
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Did you try a battery pull?
Sent from my SCH-I605
Android_Fr3ak said:
Did you try a battery pull?
Sent from my SCH-I605
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Indeed sir, removed the battery let it sit for a minute or two...
According to your post...You are bricked
Samething happend to me..just few days ago but my phone was out of I need to pay for ...a board change (I9100) tht was the solution for me not for uh
Now as you said ...if you are fully bricked and you just bought the phone 15 days ago ...then you have still 99.9% chances that they will replace your main board
Last year when I bought my phone S2...after some time when I came hyr on xda rooted my phone ...once I bricked I went to samsung care ...and made a story...and bang they taken my phone got my job sheet ...and after 4 days got my phone they changed my main board...
Main topic...they can't check whtr you are rooted...or not if you are bricked just visit samsung care...and make a fake story...all set just sit back for few days ...
Sent from my GT-I9100 using Tapatalk 2
I was able to get my phone on after reseating the SIM? No worries thanks for the help :] Glad I don't have to get a replacement.
smOBudda said:
I was able to get my phone on after reseating the SIM? No worries thanks for the help :] Glad I don't have to get a replacement.
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BennyJr said:
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As I had mentioned this morning I woke up and plugged my phone in for a good 15-20 minutes while I took a shower. There after when I looked at my phone it didn't show as if it was even charging most of the time it will at least show a charging logo. I let the phone sit plugged in for about 45 minutes and tried to soft reboot the phone holding volume and power still nothing came of it. Had taken the battery from the phone and put it back in with the same process to no success. I had removed the SIM Card from the phone replaced it back in the device and as soon as I plugged in the phone it showed the phone was charging. From that point I was able to reboot the phone with no issues.
I was worried due to the fact I had flashed the kernel last night and was toying with the settings given in the stweek that came after I flashed the recovery and kernel using the recovery options on reboot. Really don't have an idea as to why I had the issue that I had. But at the end of the day I'm just glad I didn't have to pay for a replacement.
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Phone won't turn on after "system crash"

Hi, I have a galaxy s2 in what i believe is hard brick mode. A little backstory, i was watching some stuff online when i noticed the battery bellow 35%. So i pluged it to the usb charger. I left it there for like 20 minutes. When i came back, i unlocked the phone only to see tons of "error" messages and the force close window. Apperently it had to force close /system?... I was puzzled so i just pulled the battery off and on and tried turning it in. Stuck at the welcome screen. I tried ro acces recovery mode. The android icon was "dead" and some error messeges appeared in red, unable to mount /system, invalid argument. I turned it off, but the welcoming screen poped up without me touching anything. I left it for a few minutes. Then i pulled the battery off for a few minutes too. When i tried to turn it on again, the phone was dead. Nothing works, i tried:
Pressing the power button for a minute
Download mode
Recovery mode
Leaving the battery out for hours
Leaving it charging for hours
Nothing. Im stunned, mainly because i never rooted it or touched anything. Im desesperated at this point, any help will be great. I abused google and made tons of search, but everything related to my problem has to do with flashing and rooting failures. Which i never did with my phone.
If you've never messed with it, and assuming it hasn't expired time-wise, send it in for warranty service. If you don't have warranty, try another battery just in case, then try a jig. Then start looking for JTAG repairers (assuming it can be JTAG'd), and if it can't, take it to local mobile repair shops & have them take a look at it. If they can't/won't fix it, then send it to Samsung/authorised repairer.
I think i voided the guarranty by updating the phone to ICS a few months back... Im trying the battery swap now.
demian93 said:
I think i voided the guarranty by updating the phone to ICS a few months back... Im trying the battery swap now.
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That wouldnt void the warranty.
{go back to your iphone since you are an android noob}
theunderling said:
That wouldnt void the warranty.
{go back to your iphone since you are an android noob}
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It depends on how he upgraded to ics, if he did from an official update then is ok, but if he flashed a leaked or a custom rom based on ics then no more warranty if he can't flash the original samsung rom
Already tried changing batteries, didnt work...
You know what to do next then.
I still dont understand the cause of the brick, my phone is dead and it wont even charge. This is bogling my mind. And yeah im an adroid noob, this my first smartphone.

SGS2 bricked while booting up.

Well, first of all, I should start by greeting the community, as this is my first post. So, yeah, hey everybody, been reading the forum for quite a while now, and it's been of a great help
Now, to the problem - this morning I noticed that my sgs2 had turned itself off. I didn't suspect the phone to be bricked or something as this happens from time to time when using custom roms. I tried turning it back on, it booted up, showed my kernels logo (DorimanX, not sure for the version though), so I put my phone in my pocket. After half an hour or so, I wanted to make a call, but I noticed that my sgs2 still hadn't booted up. So I tried restarting my phone using the power button, but instead of restarting it just turned off and I hadn't been able to turn it on since - it's bricked
I've heard of phones getting bricked while flashing a new rom or kernel, but never had I thought it could happen on simply booting up...
I did some research on bricked SGS2 and here's what I have done so far:
I've tried booting up in recovery/download modes, but that doesnt work.
I've tried soft/hard resetting my phone - still no luck.
I've also tried making an USB Jig, didn't work though. I'm not quite sure if my self-made jig works in the first place, as I did mess up the micro usb connector pretty bad while soldering resistors to pins. I'll try that one again with a different jack later and will keep you updated on weather it worked or not.
So, my question is, if my second try at making a USB Jig fails, is JTagging my only chance on reviving the phone? I guess that a MOBO change would probably help.
Another question is, if JTagging is my only chance, wouldn't it be easyer to just replace the bricked NAND chip? Then again, even though I have all kinds of soldering equipment accessible and also have the skills to do it, I have no idea where it's located on the mobo... Some info on that would also be much appreciated.
I havent flashed a new rom for quite a while now, last time I did it was when the latest version of Resurrection Remix was released.
My CPU wasn't overclocked - it was underclocked to 1GHz.
I was using DorimanX kernel.
Thanks in advance
jankanolv said:
Well, first of all, I should start by greeting the community, as this is my first post. So, yeah, hey everybody, been reading the forum for quite a while now, and it's been of a great help
Now, to the problem - this morning I noticed that my sgs2 had turned itself off. I didn't suspect the phone to be bricked or something as this happens from time to time when using custom roms. I tried turning it back on, it booted up, showed my kernels logo (DorimanX, not sure for the version though), so I put my phone in my pocket. After half an hour or so, I wanted to make a call, but I noticed that my sgs2 still hadn't booted up. So I tried restarting my phone using the power button, but instead of restarting it just turned off and I hadn't been able to turn it on since - it's bricked
I've heard of phones getting bricked while flashing a new rom or kernel, but never had I thought it could happen on simply booting up...
I did some research on bricked SGS2 and here's what I have done so far:
I've tried booting up in recovery/download modes, but that doesnt work.
I've tried soft/hard resetting my phone - still no luck.
I've also tried making an USB Jig, didn't work though. I'm not quite sure if my self-made jig works in the first place, as I did mess up the micro usb connector pretty bad while soldering resistors to pins. I'll try that one again with a different jack later and will keep you updated on weather it worked or not.
So, my question is, if my second try at making a USB Jig fails, is JTagging my only chance on reviving the phone? I guess that a MOBO change would probably help.
Another question is, if JTagging is my only chance, wouldn't it be easyer to just replace the bricked NAND chip? Then again, even though I have all kinds of soldering equipment accessible and also have the skills to do it, I have no idea where it's located on the mobo... Some info on that would also be much appreciated.
I havent flashed a new rom for quite a while now, last time I did it was when the latest version of Resurrection Remix was released.
My CPU wasn't overclocked - it was underclocked to 1GHz.
I was using DorimanX kernel.
Thanks in advance
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What happens when you plug the charger. Does it charge?
pasanjay said:
What happens when you plug the charger. Does it charge?
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I guess the battery is charging, as it heats up, but I don't see the charging animation. Also my PC won't see that a USB divice of any kind is connected.
jankanolv said:
I guess the battery is charging, as it heats up, but I don't see the charging animation. Also my PC won't see that a USB divice of any kind is connected.
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order an usb jig and try. If it does not work send it to a repair center
Very similar happened to me a couple of days ago. Sgs2 crashed and wouldn't boot. I was also running dorimanx kernel, under clocked at 1ghz.
Originally I managed to get to download mode (not recovery mode). Kernels wouldn't flash via odin. I also tried using samsung kies to flash stock without success.
I tried the solution for nand bricked phones in this forum, however, this appears to have hard bricked the phone, since it failed to flash and now the phone does nothing (other than get hot when it is plugged in.) Nothing shows on screen. The PC does not recognise the device.
None of the threads I've read seem to offer a solution to this - any ideas? I guess I need to try a service centre, but thought I'd mention since I had same configuration as jankanolv, which of course may just be a coincidence...
birdr said:
Very similar happened to me a couple of days ago. Sgs2 crashed and wouldn't boot. I was also running dorimanx kernel, under clocked at 1ghz.
Originally I managed to get to download mode (not recovery mode). Kernels wouldn't flash via odin. I also tried using samsung kies to flash stock without success.
I tried the solution for nand bricked phones in this forum, however, this appears to have hard bricked the phone, since it failed to flash and now the phone does nothing (other than get hot when it is plugged in.) Nothing shows on screen. The PC does not recognise the device.
None of the threads I've read seem to offer a solution to this - any ideas? I guess I need to try a service centre, but thought I'd mention since I had same configuration as jankanolv, which of course may just be a coincidence...
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Sounds familliar, lol. Anyways, did you use USB Jig to get to download mode? Or you just managed to boot it up on it's own?
I am really confused right now, because I'm pretty sure this can't be a hard brick as nothing has went wrong while flashing something on the device - it just bricked itself...
I've just get in the forum a few minutes ago only to find somoene with this symptoms, and i wasn't in here for too long and voilá...
Since yesterday my SGII, with no problems to this date, went in reboot mode for a few times.
I have no clue what is going on, but im sure something is.
i'll wait to see if theres anyone else complaining about it.
Hmm... Looks like a lot of people are getting this "brick" lately.
Maybe we all used some kind of app that bricked the phone on bootup?
Well, I tried to make another Jig, didn't work... This time though, I screwed my resitors up...
Another thing - is it really relevant to have exactly 301kOhm resistance between pins 4 and 5? As far as I know, it just kind of short circuits some pins on MOBO, which tells the phone to boot up in download mode. But I might be wrong...
Btw, sorry for the double post.
Same Problem
I just face the same problem today,
now my S2 not working and just heat up.
this only happened after the original update done to my S2 - Android 4.1.2 - 2 days ago.
any help please
heat up....near the rear camera heat up?
Sent from the little guy
Mine gets hot near the camera. Nothing shows on screen.
In answer to jankanolv's questions:
- originally I could get to download mode via pressing home/power/volume down. (Not any more following failed flash). I've not tried a USB jig.
- my crash which started the situation occurred while I was listening to tune in radio pro app.
Well guys....near camera heating + no boot/dl/recovery = claim warranty saying that you factory reset the phone, 4.0.4 was laggy.
Sent from the little guy
was going to post a thread asking for help for what appears to be a similar problem
mine got stuck in a bootloop after pulling the battery, tried flashing new software in recovery then tried through odin but kept failing, now its bricked.
does nothing, wont go into either download or recovery mode so looks like its off to the service centre with it.
ahmadmetwally said:
I just face the same problem today,
now my S2 not working and just heat up.
this only happened after the original update done to my S2 - Android 4.1.2 - 2 days ago.
any help please
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Yessss! good to know I'm not the only one facing this issue.
I posted a thread about this yesterday but it is all the way down in page 3 already:
I tapped on the "sync" toggle on the notification shade and my phone just turned itself off.
Recovery and download mode were accessible though.
Thanks for the help.
I went to Samsung to get them to fix based on the factory reset while on stock 4.04 premise, but they were having none of it, and wanted to charge me to investigate the problem. Once out of warranty period, it seems it doesn't matter if their software can brick your phone!
I found a local phone fixing service in Hong Kong which investigated, diagnosed as a motherboard failure (which I suspect my problem genuinely was given how firmware flashes were failing), and replaced + fitted for 700hkd, (approx 90usd). The guy did it in front of me within 10 mins. "Andy Telecom" in Mongkok, on +852 9237 9237 in case someone else has the same issue locally.
Well, outta warranty...that's another story. You only get 1-2 years to brick your device
Glad you had it fixed for 90 bucks, some service centers charge around 150.
Sent from the little guy
Well, I finally managed to make a working USB Jig, tried it on Galaxy Ace, worked like a charm.
What confuses me right now, is that my sgs2 has drained all the battery, even though it was switched off for about 2 days. I'm charging the device right now, and I will keep you updated on weather my jig works..
Sorry for double-posting again on an old thread, just wanted to let you guys know - I took the phone to warranty service and they changed the mobo. I didn't have to pay anything and everything is working normally. Of course all data on sd card is now lost for good, lol.
So if you hard brick your device so badly it even won't respond to usb jig and you still have your warranty active, don't bother trying to revive your phone - just take it to warranty service
I guess they couldn't see the odin download count so they cant void my warranty, he he he ]

