8GB instead of 16GB??? - Motorola Droid RAZR

I don't know if this has been posted before (I've searched and didn't find anything) but I"m not able to get my full 16GB on my Razr VZW. Is this due to bloating? If so how do I get to the full 16GB???
If this is double posted I apologize!

It's a total of 16gb of memory within the RAZR, but it's partitioned across the internal SD card, internal memory, ROM memory, and for the OS as well. You also have to remember that formatted memory will be less due to how the file system allocates it's blocks.
For my phone, this is what I got:
634MB System ROM (where system apps are stored)
3.22GB Internal Memory (where user apps and data are stored)
8.59GB Internal SD Card (more storage for pictures, etc)
The remaining is probably allocated to the OS itself.
So, you have 16gb of internal memory, but about 11.81GB is available for storage by the user. You can't use all 16gb of memory because the phone needs that for the system ROM and OS.

If my memory is correct the Razr 16Gb internal storage is partitionned like this :
8Gb : user space
4Gb : apps
3Gb : OS + cache + webtop

Thanks for the quick responses. Anyway to get rid of the motocast/vzw popup that comes up whenever i plug my phone in? its pretty annoying

pepuhz said:
Thanks for the quick responses. Anyway to get rid of the motocast/vzw popup that comes up whenever i plug my phone in? its pretty annoying
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In the bottom right of your PC screen, you should see an icon for this. It might be hidden, but usually Windows will show it immediately after connecting your phone. You can right click on it and tell it what to do when you connect your phone. One option is to not do anything.
It defaults to launching the Motocast video. I immediately told it to do nothing.


Please explain to a newbie the memory/storage

I understand on a PC memory is for active stuff and storage is for keeping things you need but can pull into memory for actual use.
If I go to task manager on this phone, it says total memory 803MB, used 588 - free 215MB.
Then it shows all applications 26MB
How do I see how much of my storage is in use? Is that 26MB of whatever sized storage card came with this phone?
ROM vs. RAM?
That's showing your RAM, to see how much storage space your phone has left go to Menu -> Settings -> Applications -> Storage use
Thanks - it says 8GB 5.5GB available. Internal storage .93GB.
Ever since these tablets and phones came out "memory" seems to be the generic term for just about everything in the device - RAM, ROM, NAND, EMMC, SD...
This is actually not different from a pc so why is the term memory used so freely? Traditionally RAM was/is considered memory. In the phone NAND is the ROM or flash memory. emmc is the internal storage. Sd is the external storage. But they're all called memory, even in spec sheets. Technically I suppose they are all memory, but why not address them with differing terms?
At one time they'd list it as 512 RAM/512ROM or flash rom. And storage would be called storage or sd card. It would save a lot of confusion and arguments that I've seen where two people are correct in what they've said, just incorrect in answering the question asked.
boe said:
Thanks - it says 8GB 5.5GB available. Internal storage .93GB.
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Yup the SD card has the green hornet in it, and the internal memory is like a 1GB free when you get the phone
If you don't have an Evo3d well you don't have an Evo3d

[Q] Save to SD requires external SD?

I just bought a new SGSII and I'm finding the storage mounts a bit strange. I'm seeing that there is a "usb storage" on the phone as well as the external SD storage. However, it is not allowing me to "Move to SD Card" for the phone's storage and requiring me to use my (slower) external SD card. I've tried to use the ADB "pm setInstallLocation" command to force it internal, but that doesn't seem to work either. Is there any way to use the USB storage on the phone for "app 2 sd"?
Did you read the FAQ?
I did (before I rooted), but even reviewing again now I'm not seeing anything relative to this. What am I missing?
That there's no benefit to moving apps to the external SD with this phone's file system and amount of built-in storage. Save the ext_SD for your data, movie and music files.
I didn't see that. However, I'm confused by this. I was not being allowed to reinstall some of the apps I had installed on my Captivate since I was out of space. Move to SD cleared up space so that I could finish restoring my apps.
I wonder if something is not set up quite right on my device?
Which app are you trying to move?
Everything should be installed on your phone automatically unless you change it to your card. Unless a Rom you are using has it set differently, I think ShoStock has an option to do that automatically.
I don't think I was entirely clear in my question. My device has:
1) Internal Phone Storage
2) Internal "USB" Phone Storage
3) External SD Card Storage
By default, applications are installed to #1 which is a smaller partition and bound to fill up. If I chose "Move to SD Card", it automatically goes to #3 and yet I want to put it on #2 and I'm not allowed to do that. If I pull out my external SD card, those applications will disappear. I'd like to be able to have "Move to SD Card" use #2 instead of #3, as that storage is not removable and will also (theoretically) be faster.
This is how it worked on my Captivate (both stock and Cyanogenmod), so I'm very confused about what is going on with this and I'd really like to change things up to work as I'd like.
Thanks for insights,
The Captivate uses a different file system and mounting system than the SGSII. You would be better off to redownload the apps from the Market, then restore just the data for those apps. I had major problem with restoring my Captivate TiBU backup to my SGSII until I did this. Your problem is that the apps that were installed to the SD card on the Cappy do not have the same corresponding place on the SGSII. Trust me, reinstalling from the Market and then restoring the data is the best bet.
That is exactly what I did. However, it still does not change the fact that I'm not allowed to use internal SD storage when I move applications.
Considering that the internal USB storage is not an actual SD card, the App to SD function is working properly. The SGSII considers that to be extended system storage, not an actual SD card.
What is extended system storage supposed to be used for? This is new to me.
User generated data like photos, music, videos, downloads. Just not apps.
OK. Thanks. I guess I'm not thrilled with the way this is being done now, but it sounds like I don't have much of a choice on top of stock ROM.
How many other phones give you 32gb of internal storage separate from RAM and the option to add another 32gb externally? Be happy.
Sorry... Didn't mean to sound completely unhappy... Just forces me to re-think my use of storage... To some extent it may actually *reverse* my previous use of storage.
No worries. I came to Android from years with WinMo devices. This is my 2nd Android phone and it always takes a little while to adjust.
This is my second Android phone as well.... along with multiple ROMs on the last phone. Which is why I'm always amazed at the number of different ways these things get partitioned.

[Q] Storage - How much is used by the OS

I just bought a Nexus 4 with 16GB internal storage. In Settings, it shows that I have approximately 13GB available. Am I correct in assuming that the OS is using the other 5GB?
The reason why I am curious about this is because I am considering buying the Zopo ZP900, which comes with only 4GB of internal memory for Ice Cream Sandwich. Although I've done quite a bit of research on the ZP900, I'm unable to find any resource that documents the size of the "Device memory" and "USB storage" partitions; looks like I might have to actually buy the phone just to find out! I really disklike the idea of buying a phone only to learn that there's minimal available memory.
I've noticed a few user comments on GizChina where users have complained about phones with only 30MB of available internal memory. Yes, the memory can be expanded with an SD card, but some applications require installation to the internal memory.
I searched the forum for an existing thread on this issue, but couldn't find one; please forgive me if this post is re-hahsing an old issue. Thanks.
Pete9972 said:
I just bought a Nexus 4 with 16GB internal storage. In Settings, it shows that I have approximately 13GB available. Am I correct in assuming that the OS is using the other 5GB?
The reason why I am curious about this is because I am considering buying the Zopo ZP900, which comes with only 4GB of internal memory for Ice Cream Sandwich. Although I've done quite a bit of research on the ZP900, I'm unable to find any resource that documents the size of the "Device memory" and "USB storage" partitions; looks like I might have to actually buy the phone just to find out! I really disklike the idea of buying a phone only to learn that there's minimal available memory.
I've noticed a few user comments on GizChina where users have complained about phones with only 30MB of available internal memory. Yes, the memory can be expanded with an SD card, but some applications require installation to the internal memory.
I searched the forum for an existing thread on this issue, but couldn't find one; please forgive me if this post is re-hahsing an old issue. Thanks.
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16-13 = 3. (not 5) and that part of memory taken up by system includes space for installing apps and stuff. Just get a 16 or 32 gb SD. (not for nexus4, I know) yeah some apps go into internal memory. Keep the unmovable ones on internal and move others to SD. mine has 8 gb internal memory. 4gb taken up by system.
yes the cut off space is used by the os and dedicated internal space for installation of apps n games. I think u cant install apps in your remaining internal memory. apps can installed only in dedicated internal memory or sdcard. if can also use ur remaining internal memory as sdcard by the help of rooting.

[Q] n9776- Internal memory ?

Hello Everyone,
It will be nice to get help from users who understand better than me the Android system.
I come from iOS, and bought 1 week ago Star Note(2?) N9776 MTk... jelly Bean Android phone.
The mobile is fun to use but, as i install some applications from the GStore,
I am also learning the functions but don't understand exactly :
The system says i have :
Internal storage (500MB)
SD card (16GB)
And Telephone storage (1.80GB) completely empty
Problem is that it is just impossible to use my apps or install some like facebook, games...
all the softs install on the internal storage ... . Why ?
Is the internal storage also the RAM used by the system ?
Why cannot i use the Telephone storage for the system and the apps ?
Why is the phone storage empty ?
If the internal memory is the RAM used by the system, why isn't it possible to use the phone properly because it is shared why the apps ?
I use now the SD memeory for the apps, but the internal storage is constantly uesd and saturated.
The system and telephone is really slow, i am asking myself if the internal storage is same as the RAM used
To run the system properly.
It is not possible to use the phone at this condition, i can't even add applocations, and the system pops me up alerts
About full storage and funstions desactivated.
Is there a way to fix this ? Put the system on the phone storage ?
Have a complete freedom of the ram, just for the system use ?
If i take back the factory datas from the system, will i have the ability to choose the right memory ?
It is not clear to me, so if you come near this post, please give me a hand about it, it is hard to understand the memory problem
From an iPhone user like me.
Thank you
I have the same phone and that has become an annoyance to me too. The supposedly 4gb in the phone the manufacture partitioned in half to be used as app data. The phone is now left with 2gb for the system and apps. So unless you are one of the only people in the world without an sd card, the phone storage is completely useless and have to install or move all your apps to sd card to gain space on the system partition.

Can't adopt sd card?

So i had serious memory issues, like out of my 8gb 5.2gb was used for system data and 1gb for the default apps so i barely had room for ads , so i bought an 16gb sd card but i couldn't move all of the apps i barely could do anything on them(i dont really take photos/videos so they didn't take more than 10mb maybe). I didn't even have space to get the marshmallow update but i did some reading an apparently in the update i could adopt my sd card as internal storage and the only con was like slower speed but i don't really care for that myself. so i did a factory reset i updated to marshmallow erased my sd card memory before factory-resetting and when i finally opened the phone with 6.0 installed and went to my storage options and in sd settings all there is is eject and format, not format as internal storage, help??? also excuse me for horrible grammar/punctuation.
Right now after resetting i already have 6.2gb used out of 8gb and i didn't install one single app its all just after resetting.
Phone:Lg spirit 4g LTE(device wasnt in the main lg device page), android 6.0(marshmallow)
Not all Marshmallow firmwares / phones offer this capability. You should be able to force it from following this:

