Why is MMS locking up my phone? Please help! - Android Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

I have the Evo 3D, if that matters. Whenever I get an MMS picture message, my phone is almost
completely locked up when I'm viewing my main messages list screen. I've tried using different SMS apps
like GoSMS, and Handcent, and nothing helps. Basically, someone sends me a picture, and if I click on
it, it takes about 10 seconds before the message even opens. Then, I see a thumbnail of the pic, but I
can't even type a text to reply because it's so locked up. I have to hit Home, then go back to my
messages, then delete the thread with the picture in it so that I can send a text again. I've searched
like crazy, for hours, looking for a solution and nothing has worked. Please, somebody give me some
kind of suggestion maybe I haven't tried yet!


Slow picture mail, odd.. fix? (sprint)

I have always had slow picture mail on Sprint, it always took several hours to days before the picture mail was received by friends, yet when they sent stuff to me it only ever took a few minutes. I tried updates, patches, changes, etc.. with no results.
A day or so ago I updated to the newer HTC rom (2.01.651.6), and then installed the Gen.Y Manilla R1.5 VGA Cab along with several other tweaks, etc.. that all went well and then I was testing stuff to make sure everything worked.. This is the odd part, when I first sent a test picture, it went through very quickly (and mind you, this is sprint to at&t, not sprint to sprint).. I figured it was a fluke and then took a quick pic, and sent it.. this time 5 minutes passed and nothing, so I sent the same picture again with different wording and it somehow arrived quickly again.. within 30 seconds of sending it..
Now, backtracking, the first time I sent the picture. I went into the picture mail tab, and did new mail.. entered the name, attached some media, etc and sent it... this resulted in a really quick send..
The second one, I was in the album part, selected an image, and selected the mail / picture mail option.. selected the name and wrote a quick note and sent it.. this resulted in a slow mail...
Figuring it was a fluke, or something else, I went into the picture mail tab and did new message, entered the name, attached the exact same image (but manually), wrote something different, and sent it... it was received in less than 30 seconds, and the previous one arrived over 20 minutes after..
Further tests I have done replicate this each time, I have no idea how this is even possible, or what difference it would make sending it through the albums mail link or the picture mail tab instead.. I have tested this with various carriers, various pictures, etc and have the same results each time.
If anyone else is on Sprint with a touch pro and sees it's slow, out of curiosity.. how are you sending the picture mail? If you've been sending it via the album, perhaps try using the picture mail tab, new message, etc instead.. and see if it's quicker.
I apologize if this has already been posted, or is known, has been tried by everyone, or such.. I only found out about this today and figured I'd post it in the event it may actually help some others out there having the same problem as me. For all I know this is a glitch with how my own phone is setup, soo... *shrug*
I found that if you pull up the menu while viewing a photo and select options, you can change the resolution for sending pics to medium(320x240). It states it's only when sending emails, but it changes when using mms as well. As soon as I changed the setting my messages only take a minute or two to be received. Where as before I had the same problem you described. Hope this helps!
I've tried that as well, but it always bugged me how friends of mine could send larger pictures without an issue while mine would barely manage to send a small picture. Currently, I am able to send 1M (1280x960 with fine quality selected) sizes taken from the camera as long as I attach the media myself via the mail tab.
I'm still tempted to try the next size up just to see if that's quick as well but at this point I don't want to jinx it while it seems to be working great even for 1280x960 images.
on the new rom you need to run the pic mail remover first cause it has the pic mail in it. Then you can install Arcsoft after that with no problems.
i gave up on pic mail
same thing was happening to me. so i just gave up on it. i mean i still recieve pictures but in stead of using my pic to send i use my emails.
and use it to send pics straight to that persons phone
i use their carrier email like for ex for sprint its
(number) @pm.sprint.com
and its worked perfectly for me they get it just like a pic mail so much faster. just click send and move on to another program
makes me happy :0)

conversations disappear in messaging after 3.14 rom update

there doesnt appear to be anything in search relating to this so here goes.......
.....im getting sick of htc changing so many features and settings on this phone everytime they release an update. ive got another issue now. not mentioning the dozen ive managed to sort myself in the last day or so.
my text messages are now all over the place. if i recieve a message i hit the message icon on the scroll bar and it opens. reply and then close. normal situation. however. when i want to send another message to the same person either by opening their contact info or hitting the message icon and finding the conversation there is no info at all. wtf!!!
if i go to all messages i get a list of all recipients and the last message either sent or recieved but when i click on that person to reply the entire conversation, 1,2 10, 100 messages that are in brackets next to their name are nowhere to be seen. ive tried removing contact pictures, deleting numbers and attaching them to the contact when a message comes in. no luck. been through the messaging settings, cant find anything else to check or uncheck to resolve this situation. ive no contacts on my sim card just the phone.
cheers. i do need to know if its a general thing with this rom or is my phone just playing up? anyone else noticed this? communications is a big part of messaging and as all phones nowadays seem to be able to record and display conversations with each contact i find it hard to believe htc suddenly decided to bin the idea.
anyone got any suggestions as to how i recover this option as i cant be asked to remember the last few messages of every conversation i have. not to mention important information that i cant access if i cant pull up more than one previous message!
I have the new stock Rom 3.14, and I haven't encountered anything like you've described here. What application did you use to restore the backed-up messages after you flashed the ROM?
fixed this. i had installed a cab recently which disables the annoying 'sent message successfully' notification. but this was also causing the above mentioned problem. unistalling the cab means ive got my conversations back and all contacts/messages link properly. see here for all info and further links... http://www.htchd2forum.com/general-htc-hd2-discussion/more-hatred-for-new-3-14-rom-(conversations)/

[Q] Text Messages show number not name

OK, I purchased the EVO 3D on release day from Sprint. They transfered all my contacts over from my HTC Hero. I soon started seeing some text messages showing the persons phone number and not their name. I posted the issue on another forum, and was told to delete all my contacts off the phone and log back in to my GMail to reload them. I did the complete data reset and loaded them back up with GMail. Sent a message from my wife's phone to mine and again it showed her number, but no name. I turned the phone off and then back on and tried it again and Viola, now I am getting the name as it should be. But now it is doing something even more strange. Anytime I send a text message to anyone as soon as I press send there is a text window that pops up and says "message saved as draft" . The message was sent to the person I wanted it to go to, but when you look at the main text message page it says " Draft" under the photo. I don't have people's photo so it is just the generic outline of a person. Then when I go to the drafts page the phone is making two drafts of each message that I send. I see nothing in the settings to change to keep this from happening. If anyone knows how I can correct this I would sure appreciate it.

[Q] Text messaging problem?

Hey guys
When I get a text on my phone, and I hit the home button with the phone off, it shows the lock screen with 1 new message. So I drag that message across the screen like normal, but instead of going to that contact's thread whom the message was from, it goes to the last thread I had open.
What's the deal? I'm pretty sure my phone didn't do this before and only started recently.
That is odd.. You might wanna try another SMS app though, Handcent SMS and Go SMS Pro are free and great apps. See if they work out fine for you.
Thanks but I don't really want another messaging app I like the stock one.
I have tried Handcent
make sure the messaging app had ended with task manager and reboot the phone. then test and out should be fine!
Yea I did that and it didn't fix it :S

Having text message issues with only one of my contacts?

So for whatever reason, whenever I text my bestfriend (only happens for his contact so far), the message I sent does not appear threaded into the message stream. I "create new message" and send something to him, and I get the screen that should have all our messages back and forth, but it is 100% blank. Anything he sends back to me threads in another message also under his contact info, but none of my responses will appear.
So far this is only happening to this one contact, any thoughts?
I dont have this problem with Handcent.

