Slow picture mail, odd.. fix? (sprint) - Touch Pro CDMA

I have always had slow picture mail on Sprint, it always took several hours to days before the picture mail was received by friends, yet when they sent stuff to me it only ever took a few minutes. I tried updates, patches, changes, etc.. with no results.
A day or so ago I updated to the newer HTC rom (2.01.651.6), and then installed the Gen.Y Manilla R1.5 VGA Cab along with several other tweaks, etc.. that all went well and then I was testing stuff to make sure everything worked.. This is the odd part, when I first sent a test picture, it went through very quickly (and mind you, this is sprint to at&t, not sprint to sprint).. I figured it was a fluke and then took a quick pic, and sent it.. this time 5 minutes passed and nothing, so I sent the same picture again with different wording and it somehow arrived quickly again.. within 30 seconds of sending it..
Now, backtracking, the first time I sent the picture. I went into the picture mail tab, and did new mail.. entered the name, attached some media, etc and sent it... this resulted in a really quick send..
The second one, I was in the album part, selected an image, and selected the mail / picture mail option.. selected the name and wrote a quick note and sent it.. this resulted in a slow mail...
Figuring it was a fluke, or something else, I went into the picture mail tab and did new message, entered the name, attached the exact same image (but manually), wrote something different, and sent it... it was received in less than 30 seconds, and the previous one arrived over 20 minutes after..
Further tests I have done replicate this each time, I have no idea how this is even possible, or what difference it would make sending it through the albums mail link or the picture mail tab instead.. I have tested this with various carriers, various pictures, etc and have the same results each time.
If anyone else is on Sprint with a touch pro and sees it's slow, out of curiosity.. how are you sending the picture mail? If you've been sending it via the album, perhaps try using the picture mail tab, new message, etc instead.. and see if it's quicker.
I apologize if this has already been posted, or is known, has been tried by everyone, or such.. I only found out about this today and figured I'd post it in the event it may actually help some others out there having the same problem as me. For all I know this is a glitch with how my own phone is setup, soo... *shrug*

I found that if you pull up the menu while viewing a photo and select options, you can change the resolution for sending pics to medium(320x240). It states it's only when sending emails, but it changes when using mms as well. As soon as I changed the setting my messages only take a minute or two to be received. Where as before I had the same problem you described. Hope this helps!

I've tried that as well, but it always bugged me how friends of mine could send larger pictures without an issue while mine would barely manage to send a small picture. Currently, I am able to send 1M (1280x960 with fine quality selected) sizes taken from the camera as long as I attach the media myself via the mail tab.
I'm still tempted to try the next size up just to see if that's quick as well but at this point I don't want to jinx it while it seems to be working great even for 1280x960 images.

on the new rom you need to run the pic mail remover first cause it has the pic mail in it. Then you can install Arcsoft after that with no problems.

i gave up on pic mail
same thing was happening to me. so i just gave up on it. i mean i still recieve pictures but in stead of using my pic to send i use my emails.
and use it to send pics straight to that persons phone
i use their carrier email like for ex for sprint its
and its worked perfectly for me they get it just like a pic mail so much faster. just click send and move on to another program
makes me happy :0)


Freaky WinMo6.1 screwup..

I just flashed to DCD's 2.2.6 ROM yesterday. After flashing my ROM, i opted to not put all my email info onto the device as i wasn't sure when the new ROM would be out, and i didn't know if it'd be a matter of hours before i reflashed. Anyway, i tried to add my yahoo email to my Mogul out of boredom at work, and the next thing i know, my friend from California texts me saying that she just got 10 texts with a whole amazon confirmation of an order i'd placed back in November. Tracking number, payment method, the whole 9 yards. The email would have been on my HOTMAIL email account and wouldn't have had anything to do with the yahoo email i was setting up, yet when i check my hotmail account through my PC, that specific email that she got split into 10 texts, is magically gone from my account... and i never delete order confirmations till about 6 months after i get the product.
Talk about a HUGE security threat... I thought maybe she was messing with me and somehow got my email password, but she forwarded me back the texts and sure enough, it was the exact email i remember reading when i placed that order.
There is no way that she'd ever know my passwords for anything as they're randomly generated numbers and letters both in upper and lower case, and i have yet to even CHECK my hotmail on this phone with the new ROM. I also have my security settings on the "Reset Password" function of hotmail set to a random date (not my birthday, as it asks for), and the security question and answer have nothing to do with eachother.
The only thing i can think is that when i first got my phone i logged in with windows live and it downloaded all my hotmail stuff, and i backed up originally with SPB Backup. Since then, i've run custom roms without MSN's junkware, and have used SPB Backup to do full backups on my device.
Is it possible that somehow the backups have carried over those hotmail emails that were backed up, and that info isn't really locked down, as it doesn't have an email address on the mogul to attach those backed up emails to?
This really has me freaked out.. i've never seen anything like this before...
It's got me scared to the point where i'm gonna flash back to the ORIGINAL Rom with the bad BT just to keep my ish secure.
Does anyone have ANY CLUE why this would happen?????? My girlfriend doesn't even know my passwords to ANYTHING.
Thanks guys, any help would be appreciated!
Honestly, does anyone have a clue why this would happen? Has anyone else even HEARD of this happening?
If it was a freak incident, i won't worry about it, but still it's definitely an issue that it's possible right?
I havent heard of that happening to anyone. I'm using no2chem's 6.1 rom and its been flawless for me. I cant think of why an email would be sent to annother person via text.
freaky or not it happened to me, however a bit differently i sent an email to someone through my phone around 9am
i sent a text message (after sending other emails and text messages) around 5pm and it sent the text message plus the message i sent at 9am to that person.

[Q] Yahoo Video chat issues

I have installed the leaked yahoo messenger with the Video chat add on from XDA post.
I have tried to connect with another PC, that didn't work
I have tried with an iPhone4, I can receive the call, but once I accept the call, it goes to a blank screen. I can't make any outgoing calls.
Even when the video comes on, its all distored and you cant even see the video.
I have The Samsung Vibrant with Tmobile rooted. does anybody have any ide about fixes or suggestions ??????
I can't get logged in at all. I have tried my screen name as well as my wives and get the message that there have been too many log in attempts and log in has been temporarily disabled.
it seems like u might be having issues with logging in to yahoo messenger for some reason ... try to log in to the full site on a pc or something to make sure that the yahoo account hasn't been deactivated or something ...
Mine works fine, and I can start video call, but transmission of video doesn't take place, its distorted ....
I hope somebody can find a fix for this, I need it to see my family who live across the globe
islamgamal said:
it seems like u might be having issues with logging in to yahoo messenger for some reason ... try to log in to the full site on a pc or something to make sure that the yahoo account hasn't been deactivated or something ...
Mine works fine, and I can start video call, but transmission of video doesn't take place, its distorted ....
I hope somebody can find a fix for this, I need it to see my family who live across the globe
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
That's what I thought, I can log into messenger on my laptop and desktop. Tried again on my phone and still no dice. Guess I will uninstall and wait for the public release.
it works for me nice quality on my optimus one the only problem is the tilted video
in my case with the latest update of yahoo msngr chat/voice and video plugin and works fine not lagging, video quality is fair enough but the only thing that brings me headache is the tilted video in sideways no matter what angle my phone it always tilt sideways.. can someone also help me with that

[Q] Very low res pictures in caller screen

Hey there, this is my first HTC and Evo. Actually it's an HTC Evo 3D GSM. Rooted and on a stock 2.3.4 rom and stock kernel.
The thing that bothers me is the low res caller screen. I linked many Google contacts with their Facebook accounts. And set their caller pictures as well. But they are in so low resolution that actually i can count the pixels. I couldn't find an option for this and it's pretty annoying. Do you guys have the same issue, is this an Evo 3D thing, or is it just me?
You can see it in attachments.
Mine is slightly pixelated, but not even close as yours. See example below:
Yeah, mine has no hope. But i figured out something. The resolution of the caller picture has the same resolution which is used in little, tiny thumbnails on "People" section of contacts. I'm pretty sure that i dont have to change them manually. This shouldnt have happened at all. This is my third android phone. First one was Galaxy Mini, second one was LG Optimus Black. None of these used to have this kind of weird problem.
Mine does the same thing. It does look nasty.
If you have the contact picture stored on your sd then you can just edit the contact threw the people app and reapply the picture. I go threw the same thing after I wipe cache & davlik cache. It takes me like a good 35 to 40 min to reapply all the pictures in my contacts. I just leave it untill I have some down time to reapply them. Unfortunately I haven't figured out why this happens or a fix for it so I just work around it. Hope this helps.
Locked & Loaded
""shooter on Deck""
That's terrible quality. I haven't had an Android phone yet that had half-decent contact photos UNLESS I was using HTC facebook contacts sync (as shown by tgruendler's post). I think it's a known problem with Google that they've failed to even address at this point. Once the contact becomes a google contact, the photo goes to crap. Even if the contact is stored only on the phone and the pic is on the sdcard, you're still probably going to have a bit of pixelation going on. My advice is use facebook sync on a sense rom. Sucks but that's the only thing that's ever really worked for me.
ozturkselcuk said:
Hey there, this is my first HTC and Evo. Actually it's an HTC Evo 3D GSM. Rooted and on a stock 2.3.4 rom and stock kernel.
The thing that bothers me is the low res caller screen. I linked many Google contacts with their Facebook accounts. And set their caller pictures as well. But they are in so low resolution that actually i can count the pixels. I couldn't find an option for this and it's pretty annoying. Do you guys have the same issue, is this an Evo 3D thing, or is it just me?
You can see it in attachments.
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Click to collapse
This use to really bother me when I first got my evo4G on release day. It's a very annoying issue that google refuses to address even know there is a huge thread about it on the google message boards. They just won't fix it. Sooooo since google is worthless here is your best work around that I have been using for a long time. Anytime you set a contact picture they get uploaded to google at which point they are are resized and over compressed which makes them look like crap.
Step #1 - Delete all contact pictures from your google contacts so they are blank.
Step #2 - Turn off facebook linking via htc sense & the facebook app.
Step #3 - Create a duplicate contact for the contacts you want to use high resolution pictures for. Very Important - the duplicate contact needs to be a phone contact & NOT a google contact. It should prompt you when making a new one.
Step #4 - Name the contact the exact same as your google contact. For example if your google contact is "Bill A" you would only fill out "Bill A" on your phone contact. Leave the rest blank, no #'s or anything.
Step #5 - While still in the phone contact you just created, set a picture on the PHONE contact. (At this point you should have all your high quality pictures saved & names on your sd card. I like to do 500X500 for mine) For best results use same amount of pixels across as well as down.
Step #6 - Once you have done that you need to link your phone contact to the google one. Most the time the phone will suggest this but sometimes it gets them wrong if it does just clear suggestion. Make sure when you do the link you start in the phone contact and not the google one.
Step #7 - You now have only 1 contact entry in your phone book with a high resolution picture that will show when the caller calls you or you dial out. The picture will not be backed up to google.
Tips: If you flash or reset your phone a lot, make a backup of your PHONE contacts only to your sd card before wiping. Don't backup anything else since the rest will be saved on google. Then when your done flashing, simply import the backups off your sd card. At this point you will have to manually go through and re-link the phone contacts to the google ones. Again make sure you set the link in the phone contact, not the google one. Sometimes when importing the phone backups it will have the phone number it backed up from the google contact. You have to delete the phone number from the phone contact or you get duplicates when sending texts which is kinda annoying.
I attached a full resolution screen shot below of one of my contacts looks like. I wish stupid google would just fix this but they don't seem to care. Hope this was helpful, good luck.
I've had this bug in so many ROM's.
I always get it fixed by either installing it if it isn't, or syncing the Facebook for HTC Sense. That one seems to get the crisp pictures, but the Facebook app is a bad one, that seems to be the culprit for pulling the blurry ones down.
ozturkselcuk said:
Hey there, this is my first HTC and Evo. Actually it's an HTC Evo 3D GSM. Rooted and on a stock 2.3.4 rom and stock kernel.
The thing that bothers me is the low res caller screen. I linked many Google contacts with their Facebook accounts. And set their caller pictures as well. But they are in so low resolution that actually i can count the pixels. I couldn't find an option for this and it's pretty annoying. Do you guys have the same issue, is this an Evo 3D thing, or is it just me?
You can see it in attachments.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Use Friendcaster. It has an option for hi-res pictures. Its not crystal clear, but its way better than what you are seeing.
Hey guys, thank you very musch four you replies and I'm sorry that I couldn't write a thing for days. I was out of town for a few days. Whatever...
First thing I did was to unfreeze the Facebook for HTC application and freeze Facebook for Android. I linked the contacts with Facebook with HTC. The result was a little bit better than the old settings. I mean, not crystal clear but at least I can recognize the person calling me. But still, it's not like the way I want, or it should be. What a shame for Google. It's just a photo. Why do you have to resize it that way?
I believe this is solved in ICS. Hi-Res Contact Pics Was A Feature.
Via My HTC Evo 3D On The Now Network From Sprint.

Why is MMS locking up my phone? Please help!

I have the Evo 3D, if that matters. Whenever I get an MMS picture message, my phone is almost
completely locked up when I'm viewing my main messages list screen. I've tried using different SMS apps
like GoSMS, and Handcent, and nothing helps. Basically, someone sends me a picture, and if I click on
it, it takes about 10 seconds before the message even opens. Then, I see a thumbnail of the pic, but I
can't even type a text to reply because it's so locked up. I have to hit Home, then go back to my
messages, then delete the thread with the picture in it so that I can send a text again. I've searched
like crazy, for hours, looking for a solution and nothing has worked. Please, somebody give me some
kind of suggestion maybe I haven't tried yet!

picturemail problem

I can send/receive picture mail / mms, but the incoming ones come in saying:
"9000:New Picture Mail from
Click Go/View to see.
The phone has always done something like this, and I thought it was some limit of the MMS program. So I finally rooted it and updated it to the newer stock ROM. This made it a bit better, because now I can zoom in on the picture, but same problem overall. Then I changed to MeanROM (awesome speedy ROM btw!), and still the same thing. I went in and changed some things in ##DATA# for MMS, but that didn't help either. I searched and searched and found nothing to do with this. All I know is that the service at is discontinued, and so I don't get how this is still working this way, and how I can go there and view pics.
Any ideas? I think I can change to another SMS program, but then how do I get a backup like SMS Backup+ ?

