Help. Applying the OTA update? - Sprint HTC EVO 4G LTE

I've asked for help in the threads posted about the OTA update and I cannot get the help I need. I've seen people post similar questions that I have and they are largely ignored. I had to stay away from the forums because I was getting so damn angry.
I have root and I have S-Off. I have not flashed any ROMs on this phone. I want to apply the OTA update but I do not know how to do that.
There's mentions of flashing firmware, radios, PRIs, PRLs, ROMs, Deoxed, Oxeded, hboot, bootloader, recovery, TWRP, etc. All of that across multiple threads does not compute well in my head.
I've read a lot and I am not sure what to do. Can someone please help me out? I will be forever grateful. I could send you a case for your phone for helping me. I promise I am not being lazy. I'm just not getting it.

If you're rooted and you have S-Off, you should have TWRP. First verify that by booting into the bootloader (Power + Vol Down) and going to Recovery.
Once in TWRP, do a backup. Backup everything. This way if something goes wrong you can restore your previous ROM.
Next download this:
It's the firmware zip, courtesy of Haus. Rename the file to remove all of the stuff after PJ85IMG. Then put it on the root of your SD card and boot into the bootloader. It will scan for a zip and find it, and ask you if you want to update. This step is optional; you can flash new 1.22 ROMs without the new firmware.
After flashing that through bootloader, you can choose a 1.22 ROM that looks good to you, and download it. Boot back into TWRP, do a factory reset and wipe System, and then install the ROM. If you download it to your external SD card (in other words, an SD card you put in yourself), you'll have to mount it by going to Mounts and choosing external SD. That way you'll be able to access files on it.
To install the ROM after wiping, just hit Install from the main menu of TWRP and navigate to the location of the ROM zip you downloaded. Install it and reboot, and there you have it, you're on the new firmware and using a ROM with the new fixes in it!
The firmware zip is optional, but recommended. If you aren't comfortable flashing it, don't bother.
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SoraX64 said:
If you're rooted and you have S-Off, you should have TWRP. First verify that by booting into the bootloader (Power + Vol Down) and going to Recovery.
Once in TWRP, do a backup. Backup everything. This way if something goes wrong you can restore your previous ROM.
Next download this:
It's the firmware zip, courtesy of Haus. Rename the file to remove all of the stuff after PJ85IMG. Then put it on the root of your SD card and boot into the bootloader. It will scan for a zip and find it, and ask you if you want to update. This step is optional; you can flash new 1.22 ROMs without the new firmware.
After flashing that through bootloader, you can choose a 1.22 ROM that looks good to you, and download it. Boot back into TWRP, do a factory reset and wipe System, and then install the ROM. If you download it to your external SD card (in other words, an SD card you put in yourself), you'll have to mount it by going to Mounts and choosing external SD. That way you'll be able to access files on it.
To install the ROM after wiping, just hit Install from the main menu of TWRP and navigate to the location of the ROM zip you downloaded. Install it and reboot, and there you have it, you're on the new firmware and using a ROM with the new fixes in it!
The firmware zip is optional, but recommended. If you aren't comfortable flashing it, don't bother.
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Thank you Sora! I am going to follow your advice this afternoon and will let you know how it goes.
This way will not cause you to lose any data, and installs the update on top of what you already have. Still recommend a backup in TWRP first, though

Robbie_G said:
This way will not cause you to lose any data, and installs the update on top of what you already have. Still recommend a backup in TWRP first, though
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I would personally recommend staying away from that method. As a rooted user you should never accept an ota. Doing it that way might work this time, but in the future there's no guarantee you won't lose s-off and never be able to get it again
Sent from my EVO using Tapatalk 2

Rxpert said:
I would personally recommend staying away from that method. As a rooted user you should never accept an ota. Doing it that way might work this time, but in the future there's no guarantee you won't lose s-off and never be able to get it again
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I know "never OTA" is your and some other people's mantra, but being able to do this is one of the benefits of S-off. I agree it is possible they could turn you back to S-ON in a future OTA (maybe...), but since it works for this current update, I don't think you should be dissuaded if you don't want to completely wipe your phone.

Robbie_G said:
I know "never OTA" is your and some other people's mantra, but being able to do this is one of the benefits of S-off. I agree it is possible they could turn you back to S-ON in a future OTA (maybe...), but since it works for this current update, I don't think you should be dissuaded if you don't want to completely wipe your phone.
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It's a bad habit to start, and all he has to do my way is flash a ROM..
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SoraX64 said:
It's a bad habit to start, and all he has to do my way is flash a ROM..
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My man.
Just look at all of the people who show up on here going "Oh crap I took the OTA and now I can't get S-OFF"! The fact of the matter is, people don't check here before taking the OTA. If they look here and see that thread that says to just put on teh stock recovery and you're A-OK, thats what they'll do from then on.
When it happens, I'm just going to sit back and say "toldya so"... and let everyone else deal with the support. Until then, I'm going to keep preaching that you should never take an OTA if you are rooted or EVER thinking about rooting.

Sora, I looked at your instructions. I flashed ROMs before on my EVO 4G. That process I was comfortable with. Basically, the developer did all the work for me. I wanted to keep my phone stock for a while but I do want the updates.

cubbieswin said:
Sora, I looked at your instructions. I flashed ROMs before on my EVO 4G. That process I was comfortable with. Basically, the developer did all the work for me. I wanted to keep my phone stock for a while but I do want the updates.
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It really comes down to this, if you're still having problems:
If you have recovery, just flash a ROM with the new base. Just like you'd do on your old Evo.
Sent from my EVO using xda premium

SoraX64 said:
It really comes down to this, if you're still having problems:
If you have recovery, just flash a ROM with the new base. Just like you'd do on your old Evo.
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Ok, so I will have to flash a ROM. Do you think I can flash the deodexed version of this [ROM][STOCK] --- Stock Rooted 1.22.651.3 Odexed & DeOdexed (7/14/12)--- over my stock-from-Sprint setup?
I flashed TWRP. I'm going to update the firmware next with the file you pointed me to. I'm trying to find the info on clearing Google wallet.
...then the ROM.

Clearing GW data should say something about resetting it. It'll be in the app settings.
Seems like you've got it down now, I'm glad to say. You'll be able to flash that ROM without any issues.
Sent from my EVO using xda premium

SoraX64 said:
Clearing GW data should say something about resetting it. It'll be in the app settings.
Seems like you've got it down now, I'm glad to say. You'll be able to flash that ROM without any issues.
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Sora, how do you flash your ROMs? Do you use TWRP? or something like Goo Manager? I haven't used Goo Manager before, but I see it flashes ROMs.


Flashing 3g and 4g radios

I am getting ready to root my bolt. I will use the revolution tool.
I want to flash thunderstick genII Rom. In the instructions they say to flash both radios. Is this needed if the phone being rooted has already been updated OTA? Shouldn't the radios be already updated?
Secondly, if it is safe to flash roms with Rom manager, will it know to flash the two radios?
Sent from my ADR6400L using Tapatalk
Radios are flashed in hboot ONLY! Look for a tutorial in the stickied topics
Sent from my TBolt using my f***king thumbs...
From looking at the original post for the thunderstick genII Rom it is a sense gingerbread ROM. It will use "MR2+" radios most likely (please don't make add the disclaimer... I'm not responsible for you turning your phone into a paper weight). They will be MR2 or MR2.5 etc.
Long story short, you should use what the dev. of the ROM suggests for the radio. It typically gives the best performance, least chance of bugs, and best battery life for the ROM. Follow the instructions in the post using HBOOT (Power on with the volume down pressed).
From the original post:
"install these radios
To do so,
1 - Downloaded the "CDMA" first file below to the ROOT of your SDCARD,
2 - Name the file and reboot to your boot loader.
3 - Then follow the the prompts to install the update. Delete the file immediately after reboot.
4 - Repeat these steps for the second file "LTE". And you will have a upgraded radio that will work great with this ROM."
Not sure if the address space is accessible from CWR for radios, so you have to use hboot. It can be dangerous. Follow the steps, and if it is you first time, do the research!!!! There are much more involved guides.
I'm guessing that since radios and roms are flashed in different modes - hboot and recovery - devs can't include radios?
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gcodori said:
I'm guessing that since radios and roms are flashed in different modes - hboot and recovery - devs can't include radios?
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They wouldn't even if they could. There would be so many pissed users it wouldn't be funny. I'd be one of them. Nobody like flashing radios because its a far riskier deal.
Well to get thunderstick going I need to do both radios.
The tuts for flashing radios made it seem like flashing any other thing. Now you have me questioning doing this. This Rom is what I want from my phone...a tweaked sense rom.
If I'm right CWM let's you get to hboot to flash radios, right. And it let's you get to recovery to flash the Rom.
Jeez I came from a iPhone 3g and Jailbreaking was easy compared to this.
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gcodori said:
Well to get thunderstick going I need to do both radios.
The tuts for flashing radios made it seem like flashing any other thing. Now you have me questioning doing this. This Rom is what I want from my phone...a tweaked sense rom.
If I'm right CWM let's you get to hboot to flash radios, right. And it let's you get to recovery to flash the Rom.
Jeez I came from a iPhone 3g and Jailbreaking was easy compared to this.
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For some reason I've notice a lot of people calling RomManager by "CWM" lately and for some reason it annoys me. ClockworkMod is the "company name" Koush uses to identify his apps/products. The app you are referring to is RomManager and the recovery is called ClockworkMod Recovery.
Anyway, neither CWR nor RomManager deal with hboot. You can place the file on your sdcard and manually boot to hboot (Pwr+VolDwn or the advanced power menu in some roms). Full instructions for this should not be needed here since they are all over the place including the pinned Q/A thread at the top of this subforum:
I'm sure this will come off harsher than it was intended. I just wanted to throw those things out there. Anyway, welcome to Android
Absolute_Zero said:
For some reason I've notice a lot of people calling RomManager by "CWM" lately and for some reason it annoys me. ClockworkMod is the "company name" Koush uses to identify his apps/products. The app you are referring to is RomManager and the recovery is called ClockworkMod Recovery.
Anyway, neither CWR nor RomManager deal with hboot. You can place the file on your sdcard and manually boot to hboot (Pwr+VolDwn or the advanced power menu in some roms). Full instructions for this should not be needed here since they are all over the place including the pinned Q/A thread at the top of this subforum:
I'm sure this will come off harsher than it was intended. I just wanted to throw those things out there. Anyway, welcome to Android
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Thank you for laying all that out there. I really cannot endorse what Absolute_Zero has to say about calling things by their proper names. When people don't do that, it gets VERY confusing when you try to help them.
Concerning ROM Manager, I don't see how it serves any useful purpose. Fixing permissions can be done just as well through a script like ScriptFusion or ClockworkMod Recovery. I know of no ROM dev that endorses flashing, wiping, backing up, or recovering through ROM Manager, which is a nice way of saying DO NOT USE ROM Manager. It's fairly reliable for flashing recoveries, but I've had issues with it even doing that right.
Just follow the instructions I've laid out for flashing radios. I've included all the links to every radio there. If you follow my directions, I can promise you with 99.9% certainty that your radio flash will go perfectly. It's nothing to be afraid of and nothing to really concern yourself with. Just don't go looking for the easy way of doing everything. This isn't a Motorola device and there's a lot more you can do outside of an app than with an app.
Actually being harsh is cool. When I said CWM I meant the recovery. I should have been more clear.
I will stay away from Rom manager and learn to flash the big boy way.
My last question is SD card is pretty messy. What is the best advice to clear out the card after flashing thunderstick?
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gcodori said:
Actually being harsh is cool. When I said CWM I meant the recovery. I should have been more clear.
I will stay away from Rom manager and learn to flash the big boy way.
My last question is SD card is pretty messy. What is the best advice to clear out the card after flashing thunderstick?
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The best way is to clean it up before flashing. Some ROMs install directories to the SDcard, but those should be clearly named. There's not really anything there that you can do that will render the phone junk. For me, it's just been a process of sorting through all the stuff, backing it up, formatting the card, and dropping the stuff I do want back on it.
Is there an option to format the SD card during flashing?
I have backed up my photos and any documents. After I copy over any videos I took, I would clear it out.
After installing a dozen or more apps, the card looks like a mess.
There's three folders with music in it, etc. Why can't there be an app folder with subdirectories for each app?
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gcodori said:
Is there an option to format the SD card during flashing?
I have backed up my photos and any documents. After I copy over any videos I took, I would clear it out.
After installing a dozen or more apps, the card looks like a mess.
There's three folders with music in it, etc. Why can't there be an app folder with subdirectories for each app?
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You can format it either in CWR, Android, or on a computer.
Rooted today with revolution. Pretty easy but it didn't install clockwork. Had to run it again. I noticed Rom manager doesnt recognize clockwork as installed. I wasn't planning on using Rom manager but was curious about this.
One last question before flashing thunderstick...if something fails and I revert to the nandroid backup, does that revert back to the old radio? I need to flash both radios and want to know if I can fall back to the backup if it fails.
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gcodori said:
Rooted today with revolution. Pretty easy but it didn't install clockwork. Had to run it again. I noticed Rom manager doesnt recognize clockwork as installed. I wasn't planning on using Rom manager but was curious about this.
One last question before flashing thunderstick...if something fails and I revert to the nandroid backup, does that revert back to the old radio? I need to flash both radios and want to know if I can fall back to the backup if it fails.
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Nandroid backups don't include radios.
gcodori said:
Rooted today with revolution. Pretty easy but it didn't install clockwork. Had to run it again. I noticed Rom manager doesnt recognize clockwork as installed. I wasn't planning on using Rom manager but was curious about this.
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RomManager will only recognize CWR as being installed if RomManager itself is what was used to flash it.
I'm dealing with this same thing (flashing Radios). I recently rooted my device (after having it since release) and froze the bloat. I never flashed a ROM and want to look to see if it's possible to find a ROM for my Thunderbolt that does not need me to change the Radio. If I don't Flash a ROM I'm more than happy with having root and dealing with the crapware and installing apps I couldn't use before. Good Luck. Enjoy your device.
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davidstech11 said:
I'm dealing with this same thing (flashing Radios). I recently rooted my device (after having it since release) and froze the bloat. I never flashed a ROM and want to look to see if it's possible to find a ROM for my Thunderbolt that does not need me to change the Radio. If I don't Flash a ROM I'm more than happy with having root and dealing with the crapware and installing apps I couldn't use before. Good Luck. Enjoy your device.
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What's you apprehension about flashing a radio?
I flashed the 802 radio right after installing NonS3ns3v2 on my Tbolt. Everything went fine and seems to be running smoothly.

Accidentally Updated After Rooting

I accidentally updated to Gingerbread on my Thunderbolt, and I forgot I rooted my phone, by the time I remembered it already had a blue android and an explaimation mark. So I did some random crap, and probley made it worse.
First I did the vol down power thing went to factory reset it loaded CWM v4.0.1.4
I wiped cache patition
Dalvick cache
and Battery stats
then I wiped data/factory reset
It loaded like it was brand new everything seemed fine till I updated and did same thing so I wiped the data again and now it keeps auto updating so I have to keep my internet off
and it's annoying as crap
I'm a noob so I don't understand stuff
should I go ahead with this guide:
I couldn't understand it and if your not rooted why would you unroot I don't get that part...
Do I still have root?
What does flash exactly mean?
Current Specs (I don't know what to give but I'll guess)
Top says
Mecha XD S-OFF
HBOOT 6.04.1002
Android Version 2.2.1
(tell me if you need any other info)
Should I upgrade to gingerbread any way
Download a customer rom, put it on your sd card and flash it in CWM. I'm running BAMF forever and like it. There are plenty of roms to choose from. This should stop the update. After running the rom if you decide you like stock better you can flash the stock rom back and take the update. You will loose root.
Pull the update off the SD. It will stop flashing it
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Kidney Poker said:
Pull the update off the SD. It will stop flashing it
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I had a friend who's phone auto updated and is stuck on the htc boot screen. Will deleting the update off the sd card work also? Her phone is not rooted, just hoping to save her from having to replace it.
And how do you forget you rooted your phone?
If pulling the update off the sd what do i need to look for
i have a similar problem
my wifes phone is rooted though. it had a stock rom and she autoupdated
now i can only go to recovery mode.
is there a way to fix this and save the stuff on her phone
waltersobchak96 said:
i have a similar problem
my wifes phone is rooted though. it had a stock rom and she autoupdated
now i can only go to recovery mode.
is there a way to fix this and save the stuff on her phone
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1) The phone will not boot all the way up?
2) is the recovery stock or CWM?
3) do you have a recent back up made?
4) do you have s-off?
jett2314 said:
1) The phone will not boot all the way up?
2) is the recovery stock or CWM?
3) do you have a recent back up made?
4) do you have s-off?
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1. it boots up all the way, turns off after 10-20s each time, regardless of what action i'm taking
2. cwm recovery
3. no backups recent or not
4. i don't know if i 'have it' but when i load hboot the status is 's-off'
Does it crash or shut off? Maybe a hardware problem?
It powers down the normal way.
waltersobchak96 said:
It powers down the normal way.
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If you clear the cache, the shutdowns will stop.
But the OTA will download again, and in a few days you will have to repeat the process.
A custom ROM fixed me, but now the same thing poped up.
May go back to stock .... trying xdabolt, but in the process lost my data.
Kidney Poker said:
Pull the update off the SD. It will stop flashing it
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What am I looking for on the SD card to remove?
sounds like you still have s-off. Anything you are trying to save like app data is gone if you do not have a back up. I would down load a customer rom or even one of the rooted stock versions with the latest OTA and flash that with CWM recovery. Be sure to clear cache and dalvick wipe first when you flash it. There are RUU you could use to return it to stock, but you will lose root. I'm running BAMF forever 1.0.9 and like it. Play around with some roms and if you don't like them use a RUU to restore you back to stock. Most important is make sure you read up on things first.
Hey I endded up just unrooting using this video
(can't show video url)
(Search how to unroot on youtube you should see it by nat3mil and I think that's only if you have revolutionary)
and I guess the video would work too.
If you restored to factory settings using power and vol down buttons and wiped the data in the revolutionary thing, and then followed the video...
phones working now and the video's idiot-proof
just posting this if anyone else needded to unroot
syed2007 said:
and the video's idiot-proof
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You would think but I have seen people who after being on here a year still don't know the difference between flashing something in ROM manager or recovery.
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unrooting is good and all, but if that happens again, just look around for the newest ruu and find a rooted version. most ruu get rooted that day... heck i had 2.11.605.5 rooted b4 verizon released it (the 2nd leak, the one WITH working vm notifications) thanks to eris of course. then you'd be up to date, stock, rooted... all you'd have to do is wipe dalvik, cache, and system... keep the data (if coming from sense 2.1 rom) and you'd be good.
i don't mess with sense 2.1/3.0 hybrid or 3.0 roms anymore, for this very reason. a ton of incompatibilities between the roms and framework, causing you to have to wipe data when switching... what a pita! i haven't wiped data in months. keep the data always to make life easier...
if you have problems, use clockwork's "fix permissions" and reboot. problem not solved? then retry rom installation WIPING EVERYTHING, then at least you tried to keep your stuff. titanium backup is great for backing up apps + data, so you can import the data back when you're stable on the new rom... just restore the apps + data for the necessary apps, and app only for the stuff that doesn't mnatter... never restore system apps + data for roms with severely different basebands or from completely different roms. unrooting won't be necessary next time
I had my phone half rooted, OTA came and I selected to defer, well I forgot and now I have the security warning.I tried flashing through the bootloader on my SD card the stock file and I still have the security warning. I use my phone as my internet source so it's been a big PITA. The phone starts, goes to 1x, then 4G, then restarts over and over.
Won't load into recovery, won't factory reset, using HBOOT USB and the command prompt the device isn't recognized.
Right now its as follows:
Feb 23 2011, 20: 42:55
Back to using my OG Moto DROID and I am going insane!! Any help would be GREATLY appreciated!!!
Wiped dalvik and flashed a new rom. Works fine now. Had to use a new radio but still.
tapatalk on thunderbread
flip218 said:
I had a friend who's phone auto updated and is stuck on the htc boot screen. Will deleting the update off the sd card work also? Her phone is not rooted, just hoping to save her from having to replace it.
And how do you forget you rooted your phone?
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If the phones rooted you can prolly get into recovery VIA hboot.
If its not rooted you can prolly find a ota ruu and flash it in hboot. U can do that if its rooted too but ull lose root. Or if its a locked s off there's methods to roll back to factory and turn s on. And yes delete the orig update off the card
RobsCavZ24 said:
I had my phone half rooted, OTA came and I selected to defer, well I forgot and now I have the security warning.I tried flashing through the bootloader on my SD card the stock file and I still have the security warning. I use my phone as my internet source so it's been a big PITA. The phone starts, goes to 1x, then 4G, then restarts over and over.
Won't load into recovery, won't factory reset, using HBOOT USB and the command prompt the device isn't recognized.
Right now its as follows:
Feb 23 2011, 20: 42:55
Back to using my OG Moto DROID and I am going insane!! Any help would be GREATLY appreciated!!!
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Anyone, or flash to Gingerbread? I really need my 4G my OG DROID battery is f**ked, I NEED THIS PHONE WORKING!

Help! Stuck at Revolutionary Caution Splash Screen

So I woke up this morning and I noticed a little blue android man standing next to a caution symbol on my phone screen. I was stock rooted before this happened. I believe the recent update went ahead and updated itself while I was sleeping. Can someone help me get my phone back to stock root? If I press the menu button, it brings me to the Revolutionary CWM v4.0.1.4 screen where I have the options to "reboot system now", "apply"... etc. I'm not really good with Revolutionary so before I do anything I would like the opinions and suggestions of others who are more experienced. Obviously I'd like to avoid a factory reset as much as possible. Thanks!
You have to get the stock ruu 2.11.605.5 and re flash it. It will remove root unfortunately because .9 is not rootable yet.
Flash back to non root stock by putting the ruu i mentioned above on your memory card (not in any folders) and rename it to PG05IMG then power off the phone.
Hold power and volume down for a few seconds and the phone will go to the Hboot screen, it will find the PG file and update itself. Once its all done, reroot with revolutionary and then go into the developement section here and get the rooted version of the 2.11.605.9 ruu file and just flash that in recovery.
You will have to flash the new radios as well. They have to be renamed to the same name I posted above and flashed the same way thru the Hboot screen
So even if I were to back up with My Backup Pro, I wouldn't be able to recover all my data, apk's, photos etc. because I wouldn't be able to root on the latest update, correct?
Try wiping cache and rebooting before you flash an RUU, lose root and your data. If it bootloops or is still otherwise non functioning THEN you will have to RUU it.
Sent from my HTC Thunderbolt
jumpman1229 said:
So even if I were to back up with My Backup Pro, I wouldn't be able to recover all my data, apk's, photos etc. because I wouldn't be able to root on the latest update, correct?
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Your photo and apps should be backed up on your sd card. your setup will be wiped but all the stuff on the sd card will be fine. Just have to reinstall
as for what the post about wiping and rebooting, that will not help unfortunately because the update deletes root. If you want to get back to root, you have to reinstall.
go here for the exact process
Thanks guys. I ended up flashing the stock rom on the link below. Apparently that got it working where it wont break your root anymore.
jumpman1229 said:
Thanks guys. I ended up flashing the stock rom on the link below. Apparently that got it working where it wont break your root anymore.[/QUOT
My buddy is having the same problem. How did you flash the new rom?
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jeitzen said:
jumpman1229 said:
Thanks guys. I ended up flashing the stock rom on the link below. Apparently that got it working where it wont break your root anymore.[/QUOT
My buddy is having the same problem. How did you flash the new rom?
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Just place the zip file on your SD card, then go into recovery and find the zip through there. Your new Rom should then begin flashing
Sent from my HTC Thunderbolt using XDA Premium App
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*edit: Sorry, I misread the first post.
jumpman1229 said:
jeitzen said:
Just place the zip file on your SD card, then go into recovery and find the zip through there. Your new Rom should then begin flashing
Sent from my HTC Thunderbolt using XDA Premium App
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Ok, we downloaded the said rom.
He gets a no app2sd partition found and signature invalid.
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Evo 3d won't boot past HTC screen

I've been all over google and this site for the last two days trying to find a way to get my Evo 3d work! I tried searching the forum and unfortunately i kept getting server errors So i figured I would make a new thread in the hopes of figuring this out!
What happened:
I went through the rooting process, and I went to flash a ROM on to the phone and it would not load pass the HTC screen. I had a ROM on there of the stock version of the Sprint Evo 3d, unfortunately it wasn't the proper version and it did not allow 4G and such. So i tried to place another ROM on to the SD Card and flash it over, and for some dumb reason, I deleted the version of the Stock Rom that atleast enabled me to get the phone to turn all the way on. All I'm able now is to boot up to recovery, but I can't figure out what ROM to download to place on the phone to get me back to square one!!!
Help please!!
jerseybizzle said:
I've been all over google and this site for the last two days trying to find a way to get my Evo 3d work! I tried searching the forum and unfortunately i kept getting server errors So i figured I would make a new thread in the hopes of figuring this out!
What happened:
I went through the rooting process, and I went to flash a ROM on to the phone and it would not load pass the HTC screen. I had a ROM on there of the stock version of the Sprint Evo 3d, unfortunately it wasn't the proper version and it did not allow 4G and such. So i tried to place another ROM on to the SD Card and flash it over, and for some dumb reason, I deleted the version of the Stock Rom that atleast enabled me to get the phone to turn all the way on. All I'm able now is to boot up to recovery, but I can't figure out what ROM to download to place on the phone to get me back to square one!!!
Help please!!
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Hi jerseybizzle, I can certainly try to help you but you have to help me first.
1. Are you doing a factory reset and wiping dalvik cache before flashing?
2. What hboot version do you have?
3. Is your phone s-on or s-off?
4. Which rom did you try to flash that wouldn't boot?
wikdNoob said:
Hi jerseybizzle, I can certainly try to help you but you have to help me first.
1. Are you doing a factory reset and wiping dalvik cache before flashing?
2. What hboot version do you have?
3. Is your phone s-on or s-off?
4. Which rom did you try to flash that wouldn't boot?
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1. Yes
2. 1.50
3. My phone says S-on but I have super user privileges and the guide I followed said I have the phone rooted whether or not it said S-Off or S-On.
4. I believe it was the ViperMod
jerseybizzle said:
1. Yes
2. 1.50
3. My phone says S-on but I have super user privileges and the guide I followed said I have the phone rooted whether or not it said S-Off or S-On.
4. I believe it was the ViperMod
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If it was an ics Rom and you are having bootloops, it is most likely because you are s-on. I recommend getting s-off. The wire trick is easy to do, but you need to be careful.
Sent from my ICS 3VO with Tapatalk 2
Did you flash the rom through fastboot? If you just booted into your recovery and attempted to flash the ICS version of that rom coming from GB it won't work since you still have S-ON and that doesn't let you flash certain things like kernels. You can still flash roms but you have to take a couple extra steps or achieve S-OFF.
To get your phone working again...
If you were just coming from a stock rooted rom before attempting to flash a new rom, simply download a stock rooted rom from the dev section, put it on your SD card, boot into recovery, wipe and reflash. Your phone should then boot up again.
Sent from my PG86100 using xda app-developers app
jerseybizzle said:
1. Yes
2. 1.50
3. My phone says S-on but I have super user privileges and the guide I followed said I have the phone rooted whether or not it said S-Off or S-On.
4. I believe it was the ViperMod
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I'm guessing it was the ics version of vipermod, and since you're s-on your boot image didn't flash. So you're trying to boot an ics rom with a gingerbread kernel.
If you want to use an ics rom, you have a few choices. My favorite... Put a recovery image in the folder on your computer that has fastboot in it. Put the phone in fastboot mode and type in the command window, fastboot boot recovery.img, make sure that you name the recovery image on your comp. to "recovery.img". It should boot to recovery and you can flash away.
Something that's easier is to use 4ext recovery smart flash. I'm sure it works but I've never used it.
If you want to get back to your stock rom unrooted rom you could run an ruu.
Also, take coals advice and s-off that phone, you won't have nearly as many issues once you s-off, and you can use one of the splash screens in my Sig
flonker said:
Did you flash the rom through fastboot? If you just booted into your recovery and attempted to flash the ICS version of that rom coming from GB it won't work since you still have S-ON and that doesn't let you flash certain things like kernels. You can still flash roms but you have to take a couple extra steps or achieve S-OFF.
To get your phone working again...
If you were just coming from a stock rooted rom before attempting to flash a new rom, simply download a stock rooted rom from the dev section, put it on your SD card, boot into recovery, wipe and reflash. Your phone should then boot up again.
Sent from my PG86100 using xda app-developers app
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I have a stock ROM finally loaded on to here now, but it won't allow me access to Wifi now! When I try to connect it just says "error". Any ideas?
jerseybizzle said:
I have a stock ROM finally loaded on to here now, but it won't allow me access to Wifi now! When I try to connect it just says "error". Any ideas?
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Here's an idea, get flash image GUI, its free here at xda, google it. Then use it to flash the kernel from the stock rom that you have running and reboot. This should fix your WiFi. Let me know if I'm not being clear enough.
wikdNoob said:
Here's an idea, get flash image GUI, its free here at xda, google it. Then use it to flash the kernel from the stock rom that you have running and reboot. This should fix your WiFi. Let me know if I'm not being clear enough.
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Where would I find the stock Kernel?
jerseybizzle said:
I have a stock ROM finally loaded on to here now, but it won't allow me access to Wifi now! When I try to connect it just says "error". Any ideas?
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So, it sounds like wifi turns on just fine, you just get the error when attempting to connect to a network?
Have you tried resetting your router and rebooting your phone? Maybe remove that network from your saved preferences and resign in.
Sent from my PG86100 using xda app-developers app
jerseybizzle said:
Where would I find the stock Kernel?
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Inside the rom that you flashed, just choose that rom with flash image GUI and it'll pull the kernel out for you
flonker said:
So, it sounds like wifi turns on just fine, you just get the error when attempting to connect to a network?
Have you tried resetting your router and rebooting your phone? Maybe remove that network from your saved preferences and resign in.
Sent from my PG86100 using xda app-developers app
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The wifi won't turn on period. I'll click the icon for the Wi-Fi to turn on, and it just says error. No option to even try to connect!
jerseybizzle said:
The wifi won't turn on period. I'll click the icon for the Wi-Fi to turn on, and it just says error. No option to even try to connect!
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If the app that was suggested to didn't do the trick, hit the stickies in the dev section on how to flash a rom with hboot 1.5 S-ON. I recommend the fastboot method, however, if you're so inclined, you can also go the route of getting S-OFF.
Most likely, some problems occurred when you tried to flash that ROM before and broke your wifi. So, if I were you, I'd grab a ROM (that viper ics should be fine if you still got it) and flash it through fastboot using a guide in the dev section. Be sure to read and understand the guide before attempting it.
The guide would be something like this...
1. Install the appropriate drivers and place a recovery on your PC.
2. Boot into your boot loader, select fast boot, and connect your device to your PC via USB.
3. Open a command prompt on your computer, switch to the directory containing drivers/recovery image
4. Type fastboot boot thenameofyourrecovery.img
5. Install the rom as you otherwise normally would using your phone, wiping data, clearing caches, installing zip.
NOTE: The above is not a guide, just an illustration of the guide you're looking for in the dev section.
Flashing a rom by this method allows you to flash roms with non stock kernels, so you can pretty much flash any rom made for your phone. This is the method I have used since day 1 and have never experienced any problems. You may also want to look into getting S-OFF, but I can't say much about that because I haven't done it myself (being content flashing through fastboot).
Hope this helps.
Sent from my PG86100 using xda app-developers app
flonker said:
If the app that was suggested to didn't do the trick, hit the stickies in the dev section on how to flash a rom with hboot 1.5 S-ON. I recommend the fastboot method, however, if you're so inclined, you can also go the route of getting S-OFF.
Most likely, some problems occurred when you tried to flash that ROM before and broke your wifi. So, if I were you, I'd grab a ROM (that viper ics should be fine if you still got it) and flash it through fastboot using a guide in the dev section. Be sure to read and understand the guide before attempting it.
The guide would be something like this...
1. Install the appropriate drivers and place a recovery on your PC.
2. Boot into your boot loader, select fast boot, and connect your device to your PC via USB.
3. Open a command prompt on your computer, switch to the directory containing drivers/recovery image
4. Type fastboot boot thenameofyourrecovery.img
5. Install the rom as you otherwise normally would using your phone, wiping data, clearing caches, installing zip.
NOTE: The above is not a guide, just an illustration of the guide you're looking for in the dev section.
Flashing a rom by this method allows you to flash roms with non stock kernels, so you can pretty much flash any rom made for your phone. This is the method I have used since day 1 and have never experienced any problems. You may also want to look into getting S-OFF, but I can't say much about that because I haven't done it myself (being content flashing through fastboot).
Hope this helps.
Sent from my PG86100 using xda app-developers app
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Thanks. I ended up finally finding a ROM (CM) that would load on to the phone. The Wi-Fi is working now!
I just need to find a fix for the camera, neither the regular nor 3D camera will function now.
jerseybizzle said:
Thanks. I ended up finally finding a ROM (CM) that would load on to the phone. The Wi-Fi is working now!
I just need to find a fix for the camera, neither the regular nor 3D camera will function now.
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Which cm rom exactly? I thought the camera works with all the cm roms. It sounds like you still have kernel issues, and until you figure out how to flash a kernel or boot image, you'll always have these types of issues, bootloop, broken WiFi/camera. I know that the instructions that flonker gave you are intimidating but after you've done it once you'll see how simple it is.
One limitation of HTC dev unlocking is that you can't write to the boot partition from recovery, the kernel resides in the boot partition. You can, however, write to boot from within the android system. That's why flash image GUI is so handy for people with s-on and HTC dev unlocked. Just open the app, find the rom you'd like to flash and select it, the GUI will extract the kernel from the rom zip and flash it. Then you just boot into recovery and flash the same rom that you selected with the GUI. It'll flash everything but the boot image, but that's ok because you already flashed the kernel with flash image GUI. Make sure you do a factory reset and wipe the dalvik cache.
When I was s-on I always chose fastbooting to recovery, when you do that it actually loads the recovery onto the boot partition and gives you permission to write to boot, so its like flashing should be. Just wipe, flash, enjoy.
Hope this helps.
Wikd said:
Which cm rom exactly? I thought the camera works with all the cm roms. It sounds like you still have kernel issues, and until you figure out how to flash a kernel or boot image, you'll always have these types of issues, bootloop, broken WiFi/camera. I know that the instructions that flonker gave you are intimidating but after you've done it once you'll see how simple it is.
One limitation of HTC dev unlocking is that you can't write to the boot partition from recovery, the kernel resides in the boot partition. You can, however, write to boot from within the android system. That's why flash image GUI is so handy for people with s-on and HTC dev unlocked. Just open the app, find the rom you'd like to flash and select it, the GUI will extract the kernel from the rom zip and flash it. Then you just boot into recovery and flash the same rom that you selected with the GUI. It'll flash everything but the boot image, but that's ok because you already flashed the kernel with flash image GUI. Make sure you do a factory reset and wipe the dalvik cache.
When I was s-on I always chose fastbooting to recovery, when you do that it actually loads the recovery onto the boot partition and gives you permission to write to boot, so its like flashing should be. Just wipe, flash, enjoy.
Hope this helps.
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I have been flashing roms and kernels and such for awhile on several different phones and literally almost everything you said makes no sense and that goes for the other guy 2 posts above yours. WTF is flash image GUI? Is that an app, you never even say.
The other guy is telling him to flash a rom but describes to him how to flash a recovery image to his phone...have you guys ever done this before or are you just making stuff up as you go?
flukeSG2 said:
I have been flashing roms and kernels and such for awhile on several different phones and literally almost everything you said makes no sense and that goes for the other guy 2 posts above yours. WTF is flash image GUI? Is that an app, you never even say.
The other guy is telling him to flash a rom but describes to him how to flash a recovery image to his phone...have you guys ever done this before or are you just making stuff up as you go?
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Those guys probably don't even have EVO 3D's anymore. Do you read dates before posting? Threads a year old :screwy:
Sent from my PG86100 using xda app-developers app
RayTrue04 said:
Those guys probably don't even have EVO 3D's anymore. Do you read dates before posting? Threads a year old :screwy:
Sent from my PG86100 using xda app-developers app
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Yes I do, I was looking for information and I read the entire thread. Just because they posted it a year ago doesn't make the info any less wrong.

Bounty: Help me flash Mean Rom to new phone...

I want to run Mean Rom. My new Evo was updated and has stock 2.13. From what I can read, it looks like I am pretty much screwed because I took the update before I knew I wanted to root. If I am wrong about this and you can help me get Mean Rom on my phone I will send you $20 whole dollars via paypal. - Josh
It would prob be best to send me a PM
Koviak said:
I want to run Mean Rom. My new Evo was updated and has stock 2.13. From what I can read, it looks like I am pretty much screwed because I took the update before I knew I wanted to root. If I am wrong about this and you can help me get Mean Rom on my phone I will send you $20 whole dollars via paypal. - Josh
It would prob be best to send me a PM
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Wrong place, but try the regawed htc unlock for root
All you have to do is unlock your phone, install the latest twrp, and then install MeanROM. There is no trick to it. You can use the HTC Developer unlock or use regawmod unlock for root. I have heard that regawmod has some problems automatically loading the new hboot and you have to manually enter the bootloader but he may have that fixed now. The easiest method for you might be to go to, unlock using htc's method, install goomanager from the play store and use it to install the latest twrp, then download MeanROM 3.9 and install it in recovery. You are already on the new baseband and kernel since you took the update so you won't have to do anything extra when you flash MeanROM.
1. Follow this guide to get unlocked bootloader, and custom recovery:
Note: it says its for 1.22.651.3, but it also works for your version, and when it asks you to download TWRP, download the latest version,
2. Make a backup of your current rom by going through TWRP, and select back up
3. Now you want to do a fresh install, because you will be s-on, but use the attached superwipe file to clear everything (this way you don't have to wipe everything manually, it does it for you)
Note: this wipes everything! your OS included, except for your backup
Note2: to install this, you are going to go into recovery (first get into bootloader and then use the power keys and go down to recovery) --> install --> look for the smw6180 zip file that you put on your EXTERNAL card (you can do internal card as well) --> swipe to install and you will see a process that wipes EVERYTHING, give it some time, the erasing boot part takes the longest
4. Have the rom that you want, aka meanrom downloaded, and follow these steps (choose option 1:
5. Now put mean rom (the .zip file) on your external sd or internal (whichever you prefer), and then go back into recovery, and install it just like how you did super wipe
6. Reboot to system and enjoy
Note: first time launching it takes time
Note: DO NOT forget to make a backup
Extremely easy to do. just make sure you fast boot flash the kernel
Sent from my EVO using Tapatalk 2
Rxpert said:
Extremely easy to do. just make sure you fast boot flash the kernel
Sent from my EVO using Tapatalk 2
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He's already on the latest ota so no need to fast boots the kernel.
Sent from my A500 using Tapatalk
regardless of the latest ota he may want to fastboot the kernel if mikey has made any significant changes to the kernel. Though I'm not too familiar with it, I have yet to try mean but i hear nothing but good things so I may have to now
Thank you! You all are awesome! Phone works great. Regawmod did not work. It was midfieldmaestro who got me going on the right track! Shoot me a PM with your paypal email if you want the bounty, otherwise it is going to MeanRom. - Josh
Koviak said:
Thank you! You all are awesome! Phone works great. Regawmod did not work. It was midfieldmaestro who got me going on the right track! Shoot me a PM with your paypal email if you want the bounty, otherwise it is going to MeanRom. - Josh
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u should donate the $$ to mean rom/mikeyxda he the one that should get it
Sent from my EVO using Tapatalk 2
Send it to mikeyxda.
Sent from my A500 using Tapatalk
om4 said:
regardless of the latest ota he may want to fastboot the kernel if mikey has made any significant changes to the kernel. Though I'm not too familiar with it, I have yet to try mean but i hear nothing but good things so I may have to now
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You can also to use Flash Image GUI instead of fastbooting. But it's not needed as the kernel is stock for now.
Sent from my EVO using xda premium
Don't use the app unless you know how to manually do it via fastboot....
That's asking for trouble. Trouble I don't want to have to deal with
Sent from my EVO using Tapatalk 2
I personally don't trust new users woth flash image, it works, but if you tell them hey use this, they may out of confusion, flash only the kernel and then end up back here with another problem lol and as much as I dislike HTC Dumlock, its the most flexible solution and after their last update to compare ramdisks its pretty rock solid
Rxpert said:
Don't use the app unless you know how to manually do it via fastboot....
That's asking for trouble. Trouble I don't want to have to deal with
Sent from my EVO using Tapatalk 2
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I use to flash the kernel via fastboot/adb but Flash Image GUI is so much easier. I download the ROM, flash the kernel via Flash Image GUI, reboot to recovery and flash the rest of the ROM and then reboot.
But I agree that you should at least know how to manually flash it via fastboot though.
Sent from my EVO using xda premium
Koviak said:
Thank you! You all are awesome! Phone works great. Regawmod did not work. It was midfieldmaestro who got me going on the right track! Shoot me a PM with your paypal email if you want the bounty, otherwise it is going to MeanRom. - Josh
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I don't use MeanRom, but I would prefer if you send it to them
Done, thanks guys. - Josh

