Can't disable the screen unlock sound - Galaxy S III Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

Suddenly, starting a few hours ago, my phone began making the notification type sound whenever I unlock the phone and access the homescreen.
The option (screen lock sound) is disabled under 'sound' in settings. I presume this is the setting responsible?
Any ideas why it's started doing it?
I've tried activating and deactivating different sound settings, silent mode, airplane mode, restarting etc in order to re-boot the setting, but to no avail

Then use widgetlocker and configure in that app.
Sent from my GT-I9300 using xda app-developers app

Nope, just tried it and it doesn't stop the sound as it's already set to off in widgetlocker. It uses a different source for the sound.

Mubble said:
Nope, just tried it and it doesn't stop the sound as it's already set to off in widgetlocker. It uses a different source for the sound.
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Normally it should be disabled under settings/sound/sound for lockscreen. Otherwise factory reset if it is such a problem for you.

I found out what it was. Thought I'd update the thread in case its searched.
It was the nfc notification sounding every time the phone was unlocked. Turn off nfc in settings and the sound disappears! Yay. Was driving me nuts.

Glad to hear you found out
Sent from my GT-I9300 using xda app-developers app

I flashed 10 roms as i could not get rid of that annoying sound and finally it was to do with NFC thanks a lot dude it was really starting to annoy the hell out of me!

thank you, i'm going crazy with that.

Thank you!!!
That sound was driving me crazy! I tried everything I could think of and could not find the source of that sound! My sincerest thanks!
Mubble said:
I found out what it was. Thought I'd update the thread in case its searched.
It was the nfc notification sounding every time the phone was unlocked. Turn off nfc in settings and the sound disappears! Yay. Was driving me nuts.
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Thankyou, thankyou.... that was driving me mad.


[Q] Why does my default ringtone play after the battery alert sound plays?HKTW 2.3.4

I'm updated to the 2.3.4 GB going issue I've noticed is that when my battery gets to the 15% and then the 5% warning, it plays the alert sound, then my default ringtone plays and I can't silence it.
Anyone know what is going on or how to fix?
Just rebooted for something unrelated and my ringtone played for no reason as soon as the phone booted to the home screen.
waktasz said:
Just rebooted for something unrelated and my ringtone played for no reason as soon as the phone booted to the home screen.
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I know same here. I just ignored it. Lol
Sent from rooted Atrix on 2.3.4 with unlocked bootloader using xda premium app.
Mine does it too (I'm assuming everyone's do also). Even if I ignore the message it keeps going so gotta pull the battery or shut down.
If anyone has any ideas how to fix this please share some thoughts. I know we could just not drain the battery down to 15% to avoid it happening.
Haha the same thing happened to me last night, I didn't know what was going on. Had to plug it in to make it stop.
It is the lack of UI Tones
joeryu said:
Haha the same thing happened to me last night, I didn't know what was going on. Had to plug it in to make it stop.
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Please refer to this thread where it is discussed..
No thanks needed..
Does that fix the issue? I still get the low battery sound...but it plays my ringtone afterwards also.
I guess I'll have to install those sounds and see.

Disable Noise Cancellation??

Hiya guys. Yes i am the dumbass who dropped a dumbell onto the galaxy. Phone is now fixed .......moving on
Anyways i get complaints of an echo noise off the person on the recieving end everytime i use a protective case to cover the device, but if i disable noise cancellation everything works fine echo free.
MY QUESTION: is there a way of disabling noise cancellation differently rather than having to do it during a call everytime which can get rather annoying!
Thanks in advance
Sent from my GT-I9100 using XDA App
On mine, it stays disabled until/unless I re-enable it.
Hmmm thats strange.......
Sent from my GT-I9100 using XDA App
If you update to KG1 (2.3.4) you will have the option. Once you get on a call and its answered, the icon / option shows up.
Some confusion to whether if its OFF by default and you can turn it on OR its ON by default and you can turn it off.
Anyway, its there once you get on 2.3.4
didn't find the option in any where...
This is the only thing that bugs me about this fantastic phone!
Sent from my GT-I9100 using XDA App
My brother has this exact same problem. We tried everything except hard reset...
His a new case lol.
Its random I guess coz my wife and I also have SGS2 and we use that case just fine.
dhruvmalik said:
If you update to KG1 (2.3.4) you will have the option. Once you get on a call and its answered, the icon / option shows up.
Some confusion to whether if its OFF by default and you can turn it on OR its ON by default and you can turn it off.
Anyway, its there once you get on 2.3.4
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Im using VillainRom 2.0 and its OFF by default, when you press Menu and then press NOISE REDUCTION OFF, it actually turns it ON.
I think the option is saying that the NR is off, then if u press it, it will be ON.
Tested myself with my brother on a noisy street, sound is more silent when I press NOISE REDUCTION OFF.
I have tried two different cases and both encounter same problem. Arghhhh very frustrating!
Sent from my GT-I9100 using XDA App
If the case covers the bottom area (mic) I think you will have this problem. Be very interested to know if hard reset mat fix
No the area around the mic and charger port are cut open so that cant be the problem
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Sent from my GT-I9100 using XDA App
auswill2 said:
If the case covers the bottom area (mic) I think you will have this problem. Be very interested to know if hard reset mat fix
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The noise cancellation should be at the top of the phone. Right next to the ear phones jack slot. For my GSII, the Noise Cancellation cannot be disabled permanently. It is always enabled whenever a call is made/received. I've to manually disable it once the the call is connected. Unfortunately I'm still finding out solutions. Will share of course
any news regarding noise reduction off?
Still have problem that I have to click on button
during every conversation because other party
hear echo...
I root phone, change rom, and nothing.
Now on villain rom, still have echo.
Is there any tweak to leave noise reduction off?
thank you
gervasius said:
any news regarding noise reduction off?
Still have problem that I have to click on button
during every conversation because other party
hear echo...
I root phone, change rom, and nothing.
Now on villain rom, still have echo.
Is there any tweak to leave noise reduction off?
thank you
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up same prablom ......
asimply said:
up same prablom ......
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ok, I got it... with sylicon case I have problem, when phone
is naked - not
So, I have to find proper case
Same for me too, with or without case.
Im having the issue, with a case mate tough case.
There must be a system.prop we can change or something?
to the TOP!!!!! this issue is annoying
I have the same problem with noise cancelling and echo, always have to turn it off each call.
Any solution?

[Q] facinate not viberating anymore

I am running AOKP ver 35.1 I have noticed that my phone doesn't vibrate anymore. and I'm not sure when I lost it. I have been all over in the settings it is set to vibrate. somewhere I think I seen that it was broken in ICS any ideas for me?
bthelin said:
I am running AOKP ver 35.1 I have noticed that my phone doesn't vibrate anymore. and I'm not sure when I lost it. I have been all over in the settings it is set to vibrate. somewhere I think I seen that it was broken in ICS any ideas for me?
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My vibrate is working on 35.1. It could possibly be a bad download or maybe your vibrate motor just wore out. ( it is one of the few moving parts in our phone)
You could try redownloading/ reflash and if that doesn't work, I would return to stock eh03 to see if it functions at all.
Sent from my SCH-I500 using XDA
so i thought i was having that issue till i hit the call button, went into dialer settings and enabled vibrate from there. try it out
I honestly had sort of the dame issue twice. I would get a weak weird vibrate instead and when I reset the phone it was fine again. It us probably due to the age of the phones is my best guess.
Sent from my SCH-I500 using Tapatalk

[Q] CM9 / AOKP Unlock Sound

I've installed CM9, AOKP and Paranoid Android on my i9300 and I have one major issue. How on earth do I turn off the unlock sound. I can't seem to find an option to turn it off or even just change it.
Searching around for it I must be the only one annoyed by it.
Also is it supposed to almost totally silence playing music? Because that's really really annoying having to press a volume key to get the sound back after unlocking.
Settings ––> sound ––>
It's in there. One of the tick boxes further down the page.
Sent from my GT-I9300 using XDA Premium HD app
I've seen that option and tried it, rebooted, tried it again, rebooted, tried it again, rebooted.. It's driving me nuts.
The unlock sound killing playing music is pretty terrible too, I hope that gets fixed at some point.. Think I might stick a bug report in for it.
Using the latest nightly of CM9 this works fine for me. I don't recall it being an issue in any of the other nightlies I've used either, which is all of them since the 24th.

Ghost sound notification.

Hi guys, extremely frustrating problem I have.
It has happened on two different ROM's so I don't think it's a glitch with the ROM as such, but of a file or possible app in my phone.
I have even used rom toolbox to delete every notification sound, yet this ghost noise still occurs.
It usually happens after I unlock my phone, the noise resembles something similair to the notification sound 'deneb'
No idea what it is, or how I can shut it up, once again it sometimes happens, othertimes it doesn't.
Any help is GREATLY appreciated.
kentykentkent said:
Hi guys, extremely frustrating problem I have.
It has happened on two different ROM's so I don't think it's a glitch with the ROM as such, but of a file or possible app in my phone.
I have even used rom toolbox to delete every notification sound, yet this ghost noise still occurs.
It usually happens after I unlock my phone, the noise resembles something similair to the notification sound 'deneb'
No idea what it is, or how I can shut it up, once again it sometimes happens, othertimes it doesn't.
Any help is GREATLY appreciated.
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Are you sure it's not NFC sound?
Sorry what is nfc sound?
Sent from my GT-I9300 using xda app-developers app
Okay turned nfc off.
Lets hope that's the problem.
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