POP3 email not working after ICS update - Motorola Droid RAZR

Hi i am wondering if anyone else have had problem with POP3 email after the ICS ota.
A co worker had a razr and his stopped to. I have done full wipe and still nothing.
The weird thing is after logging in it will retrieve current emails on server. then when i try and send an email from another account it will not find it.
So i know i have the right setting but can't figure out why it will not retrieve any emails after the initial login(automatically or manual refresh).


[Q] Unable to reply on e-mails after ICS upgrade.

There are 2 hotmail-accounts configured on the phone. The phone receives e-mails, and is able to send e-mails OK. BUT, when i reply on any e-mails it says "unable to send".
I have tried to reset the phone, but that didn't help...
This was working fine before the ICS-update.
(The phone is stock and unrooted)
Anybody else with this problem??
Does your gmail account reply to emails?
Is your hotmail accounts done through the Hotmail app or through the stock email program or another app?
How are your hotmail accounts set up (pop or exchange)?
As you siad it was working prior in Gingerbread but not now in ICS. It might be a corruption in the flashing of the phone, especially if it was a non-wipe flash. Reseting will have no effect on the problem. You may be best to wipe then flash the ICS rom.
fred_up said:
Does your gmail account reply to emails?
Is your hotmail accounts done through the Hotmail app or through the stock email program or another app?
How are your hotmail accounts set up (pop or exchange)?
As you siad it was working prior in Gingerbread but not now in ICS. It might be a corruption in the flashing of the phone, especially if it was a non-wipe flash. Reseting will have no effect on the problem. You may be best to wipe then flash the ICS rom.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
The stock e-mail app is used...
The hotmail accounts are set up using the "auto configure" when the phone sees that it's a @hotmail account...
When setting up the gmail-account in the stock e-mail app, reply works as normal. It's just the two hotmail-accounts that have this problem..

Is m.google.com Ms exchange email sync for @gmail.com or gmail business working now?

ICS was first released for Galaxy S2 is unable to fetch email (@gmail.com and gmail business accountP) through m.google.com using Ms exchange as it would just stay loading with no mail being downloaded. I would like to check if this problem have been solved in current build. If it is working now, what is the build that works. Thanks.
Nobody have an answer to my question?

[Q] Gmail Syncing error when account removed

My Friend has this tablet and has an issue which I was wondering if anyone new the answer to.
His wife has her Gmail synced with the app and he added his account to the app while borrowing the tablet. He removed his account and gmail now still delivers email to the App for him.
Its an unrooted stock jellybean rom. I have disables and re enabled the app, Cleared its cache and data and checked the settings on his email to ensure its not got forwarding on.
Can anyone shed any light as to why this may be happening??
Someone must know?

[Q] JB 4.2.1 Gmail Send-As Problem

Hey guys,
I have something weird going on. I have my main Gmail account set up on my phone with different send-as addresses. I also have a .edu address set-up as one of my send as addresses, but whenever I try to use it from my phone it always switches to main Gmail account address.
(I also have my account setup so that all the different send-as addresses also have their emails coming into my one account, but I don't think that matters)
The only way I found that my phone be able to send emails from my .edu address was by setting my .edu address as my default replying address via my computer, but I want to be able to select email addresses to send from and not have that (my .edu account) be my default replying-address. If anybody knows a workaround please let me know.
(I have a Galaxy Nexus with 4.2.1 JB and the Gmail app that comes with it as well)

i am getting problem with yahoo mail sign in on my phone

Has anyone been able to login yet? I keep trying and still states it doesn't recognize that email but I can log into a different email address though....not sure what's going on but it's so frustrating..

