i am getting problem with yahoo mail sign in on my phone - Android Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

Has anyone been able to login yet? I keep trying and still states it doesn't recognize that email but I can log into a different email address though....not sure what's going on but it's so frustrating..


Need help with email setting

Why do i keep getting the same messages? I have been getting thousands of emails there is about 7 duplicates of each messages. And i also cant seem to send any of my emails out.
oh by the way the phone is the x7501
I don't have the multiple message problem but I also cant send out mail from my gmail or hotmail account.
Any help would be great.

[Q] yahoo mail login fail?

For the last few days i haven't been able to send or receive my email on my e3d. It just says login fail when it goes to sync..I can get into my mail through the browser so I know my pw is good..I've tried adjusting IMAP and ssl but It's still doing it..I've had this problem on my og EVO as well..I've also deleted the account and set up again to no avail.

[Q] Adding Exchange account where username != email

So I'm trying to add a second exchange account to my phone using the stock e-mail app (CM7). My regular account is a normal [email protected] address, and I've had it on my phone since I got it.
My other new account is a shared email address. Basically it's setup as [email protected], but I still use my regular username/password to log into it. OWA and Outlook handle this without any problem, but I'm mystified as to how to handle it with the stock email app. I've tried plenty of combinations of Domain\username\[email protected] and similar ones, but no luck so far
Is this even possible? I'm trying to avoid plunking down $20 for Touchdown if at all possible.
Just a bump to see if anyone's been able to tackle this issue. I'm still stumped.

POP3 email not working after ICS update

Hi i am wondering if anyone else have had problem with POP3 email after the ICS ota.
A co worker had a razr and his stopped to. I have done full wipe and still nothing.
The weird thing is after logging in it will retrieve current emails on server. then when i try and send an email from another account it will not find it.
So i know i have the right setting but can't figure out why it will not retrieve any emails after the initial login(automatically or manual refresh).

[Q] JB 4.2.1 Gmail Send-As Problem

Hey guys,
I have something weird going on. I have my main Gmail account set up on my phone with different send-as addresses. I also have a .edu address set-up as one of my send as addresses, but whenever I try to use it from my phone it always switches to main Gmail account address.
(I also have my account setup so that all the different send-as addresses also have their emails coming into my one account, but I don't think that matters)
The only way I found that my phone be able to send emails from my .edu address was by setting my .edu address as my default replying address via my computer, but I want to be able to select email addresses to send from and not have that (my .edu account) be my default replying-address. If anybody knows a workaround please let me know.
(I have a Galaxy Nexus with 4.2.1 JB and the Gmail app that comes with it as well)

