Need help with email setting - Advantage X7500, MDA Ameo ROM Development

Why do i keep getting the same messages? I have been getting thousands of emails there is about 7 duplicates of each messages. And i also cant seem to send any of my emails out.

oh by the way the phone is the x7501

I don't have the multiple message problem but I also cant send out mail from my gmail or hotmail account.
Any help would be great.


hotmail add ons not working well

why cant i send emails to from my inbox application
everytime im sending email im getting error mesg
but when im openninng the explorer then going to then i can send emails without an errror
does there is a way to send email from the main software of the inbox to
without surfing to the website

Hero Email issue

I have original HTC hero Rom 1.5 Android, waiting for 2.1. My issue is, the email application doesn't check my emails as per schedule and I don't get notified of nothing although notification sound is on, send and recieve polling check is every 2 hours. I can send emails fine I cannot recieve most of the time. My hotmail account doesn't work at all, I got all the settings from hotmail website.
In k9mail, I get old messages as new every single day so I uninstalled it.
Check you dont have a task killer that is killing the mail app so its not checking like it should.
Failing that get your current email (hotmail, yahoo mail, whatever it is) to forward emails to a gmail account, that way you get push emails.

[Q] Separate Email Notification for Different Emails

First - I like the similar threads (you dont see that on a lot of boards!)
I want to receive separate email notifications for both email accounts on my phone... i have an outlook account and a gmail account. I dont want to check my phone every 5 seconds to come upon a gmail email I dont need to read at the time. I do however need to check my outlook email more often....anyone know how to do this?

[Q] Email Notification Not Disappearing After Read

This has been frustrating me for months. I have ActiveSync through work for my corporate email. When I get a new email, I get notified immediately so no problem there. When I read it in Outlook, the notification on my phone stays active as I have a new email. Basically is still says I haven't read the email. It only gets marked as read if I open the email app. The Gmail app doesn't do this. I have tried Touchdown as well and same thing happens.
Any suggestions or thoughts?

i am getting problem with yahoo mail sign in on my phone

Has anyone been able to login yet? I keep trying and still states it doesn't recognize that email but I can log into a different email address though....not sure what's going on but it's so frustrating..

