[Q] How to root S III without using pc ? - Galaxy S III Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

I am new to samsung and aware of rooting using Odin for pc.
I searched everywhere but couldn't fine a way to root without using a computer.
I apologize for creating a new thread if it already exists.
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monil.verma said:
I am new to samsung and aware of rooting using Odin for pc.
I searched everywhere but couldn't fine a way to root without using a computer.
I apologize for creating a new thread if it already exists.
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I can not be done without a computer you best use CF Root and Odin, after the flash use Triangle Away to reset the flash counter.
See my signature on how to flash CF Root

You can't root your phone without a pc

gee2012 said:
I can not be done without a computer you best use CF Root and Odin, after the flash use Triangle Away to reset the flash counter.
See my signature on how to flash CF Root
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Is using triangle away compulsory after rooting ?
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monil.verma said:
Is using triangle away compulsory after rooting ?
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No. Triangle away app is not so necessary after root.
It is only useful to you if you want to unroot your phone again.
It resets flash counter so that no one can identify that you have rooted your phone.

You could use Mobile Odin to flash a new rom and at the same time root it but it requires root from the start which you dont have so no, there's no way

You need a PC only once for installing CF-root or installing CWM. After that there is no necessity of a computer (because there are PC counterparts to do the rest on s3).

ok fine, let me finish this thread of....:cyclops:
You only need pc once for rooting. After that, install following in your phone-
Triangle away app
Mobile Odin
Clock recovery (will be automatically installed during rooting, just for list)
And active mobile internet connection.
Now you have everything you need.
Just download things, most mods use Clock Recovery. Kernels use Mobile Odin. Firmwares also use Mobile ODin.
Thats it!
Its all you need. Now forget about your pc


Reset flash counter (can't install triangle away)

I have a SIII, international version. My touch screen is not responding (hardware problem), but is displaying everything. System is working, hard and soft buttons also.
I want to send it in service, BUT, I had it rooted. Found my stock rom from my region, flash it with Odin, got rid of the root but I can't reset the flash counter. I can't install triangle away without touch working.
I don't know either if after flash the usb debugging is on or not, for using ADB (if it works). I am guessing is not.
Any ideas ?
Your supposed to use triangle away before flashing firmware you need root
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yldlj said:
Your supposed to use triangle away before flashing firmware you need root
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I know that now. But even if I can use odin + CF to root it again, I still can not use triangle away.
Question, how I get rid of root CW+root after reseting (asuming I'll find a way), flashing again will not increase the counter ?
rsndetre said:
I know that now. But even if I can use odin + CF to root it again, I still can not use triangle away.
Question, how I get rid of root CW+root after reseting (asuming I'll find a way), flashing again will not increase the counter ?
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Every flash of custom roms/kernels from your your pc to the phone will raise the flash counter. Only flashes done with/on the phone don`t raise the counter. Unroot it , send it in and cross your fingers. Try doing a factory reset after unrooting. I once sent in a rooted and bricked I9000 and it got repaired under warranty.
FLashing stock firmware will not increase your counter
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yldlj said:
FLashing stock firmware will not increase your counter
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Flashing signed stock firmware will not increase your counter
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jamie2002uk said:
Flashing signed stock firmware will not increase your counter
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Ok, what about the original problem ? I can root the phone, np, but how to run triangle away on it, without touch working ?
Edit: any other way to enable usb debugging, like from recovery ?
Use a USB-OTG cable and attach a USB mouse to it. Very bad replacement for touchscreens but should get the stuff done
d4fseeker said:
Use a USB-OTG cable and attach a USB mouse to it. Very bad replacement for touchscreens but should get the stuff done
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Good idea. Thanks.

UK GS3 - Stock OS but need to re-root

Hi all. I bought a GS3 on the weekend (uk unlocked,) I unrooted the phone in order to add the 4.2 camera but I am now wondering... If I was to root the device again would the camera app that I installed still be on the device? Also, how would I root it again? I am still using the stock OS but when I search for updates it recoginises that it is a modified unit. I have used triangle away and in download mode it says all is stock but it knows....
Any help would be great!
To get rid of modified status the best method is to root using cfroot. Then use triangle away.then go to cwm recovery, format system, data and cache and then use Odin to flash the UK debranded ROM.
That will get rid of modified status.
To just root tm your device, use cfautoroot.
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drew071 said:
To get rid of modified status the best method is to root using cfroot. Then use triangle away.then go to cwm recovery, format system, data and cache and then use Odin to flash the UK debranded ROM.
That will get rid of modified status.
To just root tm your device, use cfautoroot.
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Thanks buddy, im guessing this will wipe the 2.4 camera?
Yes. Rooting won't, but formatting the phone will.
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[Q] SGH-I777 stuck in boot after factory reset

Having trouble getting out of initial boot screen "samsung galaxy s II GT-I9100 with the triangle". I flashed siyah-v3.4.2-nomswap-i777.tar using Odin3_v1,85 and had issues using video and camera. Was using galaxys2root.com as guide but no resolve in forum. I tried to factory reset using power vol+ vol- and was still being shown that i was running the siyah kernal... obviously dont know what im doing. I then tried reset using settings and am now stuck at the boot screen. My computer recognized that it was sgh-i777 when bubble popped up but no data is being listed and is showing up as 2 drives in my computer. It shows battery charging briefly but then screen goes black. Is this salvageable, can I get back to a stock ROM? Please advise.
ODIN or Heimdall + Download mode will get you out of any situation....
Did you read the stickies or the thousands of other threads that covered this?
Pirateghost said:
ODIN or Heimdall + Download mode will get you out of any situation....
Did you read the stickies or the thousands of other threads that covered this?
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Im not able to get phone into download mode. Its stuck at that first screen. I thought I was unable to use ODIN if I cant get the yellow box. If I'm able to use it then what should i flash an unroot?
you dont unroot anything.
just flash a stock rom package using ODIN
do you know how to get into download mode?
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Since your computer recognizes the phone, try using adb portable in my signature. It can help you reboot to download mode if you're stuck in a loop.
You can find stock packages in the development section and the stickies.
Sent from my SGH-I777 using xda premium
thanks for the help
I was able to get into download mode... apparently I didnt realize how to do it before. But I used the vol+ vol- plug in usb to enter... just looking for a good stock rom now or willing to mess around with some others... I just want everything to work... for the time being its about as useful as a cerca 90's pager... i can only view missed calls.
Red_81 said:
Since your computer recognizes the phone, try using adb portable in my signature. It can help you reboot to download mode if you're stuck in a loop.
You can find stock packages in the development section and the stickies.
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I like Shostock3 (personal opinion) but if you stick with a stock Rom, make sure it is 4.0.3. 4.0.4 had an issue with a sleep of death problem.
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what to do first
my phone says im running 4.0.3 and its hardly working so Im thinking that I did something incorrectly when I flashed something from stockrom.com . Im able to get into recovery mode and download mode now with no problems. From what Im reading everyone suggest that I have CWM (but do I need it right now?)... I havent installed it via google play... if it is even there... so is it something I flash? I want to just know how to get it back to normal so I can play around with different roms and find out what I like. I hear that ROM manager is a no no. So... what to do... thanks for having the patience to help.
Red_81 said:
I like Shostock3 (personal opinion) but if you stick with a stock Rom, make sure it is 4.0.3. 4.0.4 had an issue with a sleep of death problem.
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You'll want to get root if you don't have it. Either flash the stock + root package or use the Exynos Abuse app to gain root. If you use the app, do not patch the vulnerability.
Once you have root, download Mobile Odin and flash the Siyah kernel. You can flash Siyah with regular Odin but it will trip the flash counter.
Clearing the flash counter is as easy as a jig or the triangle away program.
For any extra information on any of these topics, read the stickies and look at Creepyncrawly topics.
Sent from my SGH-I777 using xda premium
thanks again
I have flashed AOKP JB on it and everything seems to be working fine... I now understand the appeal of the whole thing... It runs so smooth. Is there a big reason to clear the flash counter? Is that just a warranty thing? I can see why you wouldnt want a huge triangle on the front if youre trying to sell it. What is patching the vulnerability?
Red_81 said:
You'll want to get root if you don't have it. Either flash the stock + root package or use the Exynos Abuse app to gain root. If you use the app, do not patch the vulnerability.
Once you have root, download Mobile Odin and flash the Siyah kernel. You can flash Siyah with regular Odin but it will trip the flash counter.
Clearing the flash counter is as easy as a jig or the triangle away program.
For any extra information on any of these topics, read the stickies and look at Creepyncrawly topics.
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Warranty is really the only reason to clear it. When you run Exynos Abuse it asks if you want to patch the vulnerability that allows it to root the phone. This is a permanent fix and cannot be undone.
Sent from my SGH-I777 using xda premium

[Q] Need Help with Triangle Away 3.25

I just updated to 4.3 and also change my CSC from XEF (France) to SER (Russia) Now I use CF Autoroot to root my phone and then when I tried to check update status via OTA it says that I modified my device.Now after searching google on what to do I end up with Triangle Away I followed all the intructions and whenever I tap on Flash Counter the notification prompts then afterwards nothing happens.
I want to stay on a stock rooted firmware so I do not know what to do. Any help will be greatly appreciated.
Root equals not OTA as described many times. You need counter 0 and original state which you only get by unrooting as far as I know.
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chrismast said:
Root equals not OTA as described many times. You need counter 0 and original state which you only get by unrooting as far as I know.
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Completely agree with you. Root means it is not stock. The device is modified.
@phaw16 - Every time you will boot into custom recovery, your flash counter will go back to 1. So no point in having or using TriangleAway if you want to stay rooted.
chrismast said:
Root equals not OTA as described many times. You need counter 0 and original state which you only get by unrooting as far as I know.
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Hmm? The question is? How can you use triangle away of you are not rooted?
So you meant you can still use triangle away even if you are not rooted?
Well I dont really care about my warranty all I want is to recieve OTA updates even if my phone is rooted. Thats the main reason why I want my device status to be stock..
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phaw16 said:
Hmm? The question is? How can you use triangle away of you are not rooted?
So you meant you can still use triangle away even if you are not rooted?
Well I dont really care about my warranty all I want is to recieve OTA updates even if my phone is rooted. Thats the main reason why I want my device status to be stock..
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As far as i know if you're using Custom Recovery. Flash counter would always be 1. Try using Stock Recovery and reset it again.It would go to 0. As far as OTA im not sure i never use it before.
hierarchy666 said:
As far as i know if you're using Custom Recovery. Flash counter would always be 1. Try using Stock Recovery and reset it again.It would go to 0. As far as OTA im not sure i never use it before.
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that depends on the bootloader version. If it is still an old on (I think JB) the counter will stay 0 even if rooted and rebooted. If its a newer version (ICS) and you use a custom recovery, it will be increased to 1 with each reboot.
---------- Post added at 03:54 AM ---------- Previous post was at 03:53 AM ----------
phaw16 said:
Hmm? The question is? How can you use triangle away of you are not rooted?
So you meant you can still use triangle away even if you are not rooted?
Well I dont really care about my warranty all I want is to recieve OTA updates even if my phone is rooted. Thats the main reason why I want my device status to be stock..
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as said, OTA & root is not possible. You can update a rooted device via Kies though (you will loose root when update is applied).
hierarchy666 said:
As far as i know if you're using Custom Recovery. Flash counter would always be 1. Try using Stock Recovery and reset it again.It would go to 0. As far as OTA im not sure i never use it before.
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Sorry to disappoint you sir but I was able to flash stock firmware 4.3 then flash CF Autoroot while the phone is on official status. If you install busybox or other recovery and kernels thats the only time your phone will detect it as custom. I also downloaded root protection app for google play so that when I recieve ota update I wont lose root
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In triangle away there is an option under system to allow trackers to run.
This in some cases can get rid of the modified state in the about phone part.
I tried it and it worked for me while I was on samsung

Phone got rooted for no reasone

My cousine has this phone. So he was using his phone doing his every day routine with facbook and whatsapp then a message appeared saying: supersu granted access to blablabl, and the phone restarted. He turned it on again this message appeared and the phone restarted. I told him hard reset the phone, he did that and now the phone is working, but phone tells that the system is modified so there is no update available.
The funny thing is that my cousine dont know what is root end etc...
Is it possible that a virus from pc can do such a thing? Root the phone and deploy a script which got run after each start?
How can we remove the root? Because because of root his warranty is void now
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bitdomo said:
My cousine has this phone. So he was using his phone doing his every day routine with facbook and whatsapp then a message appeared saying: supersu granted access to blablabl, and the phone restarted. He turned it on again this message appeared and the phone restarted. I told him hard reset the phone, he did that and now the phone is working, but phone tells that the system is modified so there is no update available.
The funny thing is that my cousine dont know what is root end etc...
Is it possible that a virus from pc can do such a thing? Root the phone and deploy a script which got run after each start?
How can we remove the root? Because because of root his warranty is void now
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Thr shld be an unroot option in supersu app. Did he go for any repair shops or sth? Wat did he download online?
Sent from my GT-I9300 using xda app-developers app
bitdomo said:
My cousine has this phone. So he was using his phone doing his every day routine with facbook and whatsapp then a message appeared saying: supersu granted access to blablabl, and the phone restarted. He turned it on again this message appeared and the phone restarted. I told him hard reset the phone, he did that and now the phone is working, but phone tells that the system is modified so there is no update available.
The funny thing is that my cousine dont know what is root end etc...
Is it possible that a virus from pc can do such a thing? Root the phone and deploy a script which got run after each start?
How can we remove the root? Because because of root his warranty is void now
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Its not rooted by itself .
RETURN TO STOCK remove root
JellyYogurt said:
Thr shld be an unroot option in supersu app. Did he go for any repair shops or sth? Wat did he download online?
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After he did a factory reset I told him to check for supersu or superuser app on his phone, then he told me the app called superuser was installed on his phone when he bought it.
He bought it from provider T-mobile. I guess someone bought his phone before him, rooted it, and then later this someone asked for a full refund and later this phone was sold to my cousine as a brand new one.
Sent from my AOSP+ on HammerHead using xda app-developers app
If you want to to unroot the phone, you can do this with TriangleAway.
Download and install the app. Just follow the instructions. After you have reset the counter to 0 and the status to normal, you should flash the original firmware again.
After you have followed all this steps, it shouldn't appear as custom anymore and your cousin should be able to get updates again. And his warranty will be restored.
cyrodiil said:
If you want to to unroot the phone, you can do this with TriangleAway.
Download and install the app. Just follow the instructions. After you have reset the counter to 0 and the status to normal, you should flash the original firmware again.
After you have followed all this steps, it shouldn't appear as custom anymore and your cousin should be able to get updates again. And his warranty will be restored.
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Nope. Triangleaway does not unroot the phone. It only resets the counter. And it does not change it to normal for status. The phone checks for root everytime it boots, if it is rooted. It will be custom.
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JellyYogurt said:
Nope. Triangleaway does not unroot the phone. It only resets the counter. And it does not change it to normal for status. The phone checks for root everytime it boots, if it is rooted. It will be custom.
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Yes, but after installing the original firmware again, the phone will be unrooted. In included this step too in my description.
But you're right, you don't have to reset the status with TriangleAway, I was confusing something.
What you can do with TriangleAway is reset the status to normal temporarily. At least I think, I was able to do that.
cyrodiil said:
Yes, but after installing the original firmware again, the phone will be unrooted. In included this step too in my description.
But you're right, you don't have to reset the status with TriangleAway, I was confusing something.
What you can do with TriangleAway is reset the status to normal temporarily. At least I think, I was able to do that.
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Ur steps are also not viable as when u flash stock firmware thru odin, the flash counter still increase. And after tat to use triangle away, u still nid root.
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It's already rooted the best thing to do is enjoy your android freedom.
You can unroot, revert to stock and reset binary if needed, all you need to do is search and follow the procedure.
JellyYogurt said:
Ur steps are also not viable as when u flash stock firmware thru odin, the flash counter still increase. And after tat to use triangle away, u still nid root.
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I'm actually pretty sure that flashing stock firmware doesn't increase the flash counter.
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cyrodiil said:
I'm actually pretty sure that flashing stock firmware doesn't increase the flash counter.
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U use odin to flash stock and odin increases the flash counter. Or tell me. How does the flash counter increase?
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JellyYogurt said:
U use odin to flash stock and odin increases the flash counter. Or tell me. How does the flash counter increase?
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As far as I know, the flash counter only increases when you flash a custom firmware/recovery/kernel.
But when you flash a stock firmware through Odin, the flash counter shouldn't increase.
Thank for all of your respons. I told my cousine what he can do with root and everithing about custom roms, so now he is running a cm rom

