English and German SIII - Galaxy S III Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

Hi I just got two S3, one from England (Orange) and one from Germany (don't know the carrier).
I want to flash both of them but I see several categories for the S3, and don't know what software I can use or not. Can anyone tell me what I need to check or how do I know the ROMS that I can use?
Thanks in advance

Find out ye olde model
dsv591 said:
Hi I just got two S3, one from England (Orange) and one from Germany (don't know the carrier).
I want to flash both of them but I see several categories for the S3, and don't know what software I can use or not. Can anyone tell me what I need to check or how do I know the ROMS that I can use?
Thanks in advance
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You need to find out which model you have. The international version is going to be something like the GT-i9300. If the ROM you wish to flash says it's only for that model, do NOT attempt to flash it to a different model. Doing so may brick your device.
You can find more about the different models and some useful info in the wiki on XDA for the Galaxy S III variants.

dsv591 said:
Hi I just got two S3, one from England (Orange) and one from Germany (don't know the carrier).
I want to flash both of them but I see several categories for the S3, and don't know what software I can use or not. Can anyone tell me what I need to check or how do I know the ROMS that I can use?
Thanks in advance
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But i want to flash them leads to why or what do you want to flash .
On this forum SGS3 I9300 international roms only .
Two stock roms posts in General section flash whatever you want .

dsv591 said:
Hi I just got two S3, one from England (Orange) and one from Germany (don't know the carrier).
I want to flash both of them but I see several categories for the S3, and don't know what software I can use or not. Can anyone tell me what I need to check or how do I know the ROMS that I can use?
Thanks in advance
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Check the model number of both the phones in settings>about. If they are GT-I9300's then you can flash ROM's from this section. If it's something else DO NOT FLASH anything form this section. Check the model numbers given in the other sections (T-mobile, sprint..etc.. etc.,) before flashing.


Root and Unlock Galaxy S3 i747?

i just got i747 Galaxy S3 from Bell i would like to root and unlock it.
I also i have figured out that the CM8 for i9300 is not compatible with i747.
Is there a ClockworkMod version for i747 available?
Can it be rooted and unlocked?
I would like to use it on Fido.
thank you.
I cannot find any tutorial how to root and unlock i747.
I am afraid there is nothing for the I748 version yet.
Only the international version had root so far.....
I am afraid you are going to have to wait.....
Try this,
i got the phone rooted but i haven't found any solution to unlock the phone i747
hope there is something soon
indianx said:
i just got i747 Galaxy S3 from Bell i would like to root and unlock it.
I also i have figured out that the CM8 for i9300 is not compatible with i747.
Is there a ClockworkMod version for i747 available?
Can it be rooted and unlocked?
I would like to use it on Fido.
thank you.
I cannot find any tutorial how to root and unlock i747.
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same boat as you. Have a phone from Virgin and got it rooted but waiting on an unlock so that i can use it with fido.
indianx said:
i got the phone rooted but i haven't found any solution to unlock the phone i747
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nishant_713 said:
Omfg, and i started to think that i was rather in the wrong section.
Sent from my GT-I5800 using xda premium
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Found this post here at the unlock section says coming soon
[email protected] said:
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Thanks a lot. i have downloaded the tool. My virus app detected to viruses and the version on the video says and the download version is
Think have to wait.
edit: wrong forum - please ignore
bluezz said:
So I'm assuming that currently there's no way to sim unlock an i747m for free then.. right?
Also, I noticed Bell and Rogers are i747m and Telus is i747d. What exactly is the difference between the two?
Looking at this post:
Is it safe to assume that I can buy any unlocked Bell/Rogers/Telus Galaxy S3 from kijiji and expect LTE to work on Rogers correct?
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If iam not wrong there is no hardware difference between those i747's mostly it's the software which makes the difference.
My concern is more now should i sell my Bell i747m or not? Cannot use the phone at all since iam on Fido. I would rather buy then the international i9300 Galaxy S3 rather spending 33$ to unlock the phone.
I can sell it then for the same price and buy then the i9300.
Iam not sure if its even possible to unlock the i747m at all via a app or patch. I cannot find any info about it
I got Bell S3 as well and so far I747M model dont have this nv_data.bin file for unlock. But someone already send the Bell file to developers so they can come up with the unlock app. : (
I got my Bell s3 unlocked with this guy. So when you buy his service from ebay, he then will send you an email what tools you need to download and install ( teamviewer and usb redirector). Also if you are lucky, he will reply to you immediately and letting you know that he is onlin. Make sure you have different sim card. Pretty easy instruction. : )
I don't know why people are okay with these ebay sellers/unlock sites, most of them are illicitly accessing the handset manufacture's database and billing you for it, unfortunately telus has a $50 unlock fee for no reason other then that they can. If anyone could create a free sim unlock solution we would be much better off, lets stop looking for the best of the worst in these expensive unlock codes and just wait for the excellent devs to come up with a solution, I just feel dirty supporting those people... Anyone agree?
Hello XDA members,
This is my 1st post on this website. I just wanted to let you know that the I747 from AT&T Galaxy S3 (locked) that I bought from eBay (which was new btw) was unlocked via software that I paid from this site called Unlockclient.com and it works. It took less than 5 minutes to permanently unlock my phone. It has all the versions of the I747/M/R. Thank you all for this awesome website.
[ QUOTE=indianx;28216065]Hi,
i just got i747 Galaxy S3 from Bell i would like to root and unlock it.
I also i have figured out that the CM8 for i9300 is not compatible with i747.
Is there a ClockworkMod version for i747 available?
Can it be rooted and unlocked?
I would like to use it on Fido.
thank you.
I cannot find any tutorial how to root and unlock i747.
jimmar48 said:
Hello XDA members,
This is my 1st post on this website. I just wanted to let you know that the I747 from AT&T Galaxy S3 (locked) that I bought from eBay (which was new btw) was unlocked via software that I paid from this site called Unlockclient.com and it works. It took less than 5 minutes to permanently unlock my phone. It has all the versions of the I747/M/R. Thank you all for this awesome website.
[ QUOTE=indianx;28216065]Hi,
i just got i747 Galaxy S3 from Bell i would like to root and unlock it.
I also i have figured out that the CM8 for i9300 is not compatible with i747.
Is there a ClockworkMod version for i747 available?
Can it be rooted and unlocked?
I would like to use it on Fido.
thank you.
I cannot find any tutorial how to root and unlock i747.
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# If you trouble yourself to start at the beginning of this page and read the stickies you will come to the conclusion that you are not the owner of I9300 and this is I9300 forum .
I9300 firmware will brick a non I9300 model .
Just question
This is My first post on this site, as i also have a Galaxy S3 (SGH I747). that I bought off E-Bay , I am trying to switch from one service to another, But need to Unlock from main carrier. any help??? I would appreciate it thanks
ChiefBigToe said:
This is My first post on this site, as i also have a Galaxy S3 (SGH I747). that I bought off E-Bay , I am trying to switch from one service to another, But need to Unlock from main carrier. any help??? I would appreciate it thanks
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Why don't you read the post immediately before yours!
ChiefBigToe said:
This is My first post on this site, as i also have a Galaxy S3 (SGH I747). that I bought off E-Bay , I am trying to switch from one service to another, But need to Unlock from main carrier. any help??? I would appreciate it thanks
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This worked fine for my Galaxy S3 (SGH-I747)

[Q] Galaxy S3 Variants

I've bought today S3 and searched XDA-Dev forums for some info regarding custom ROMs etc. I've found two sub-forums; this one and one for carrier specific variants of S3, my Galaxy is from European (Polish) T-Mobile distribution and my question is - can I use ROMs, Kernels, Radios etc. only from "T-Mobile Galaxy S III Android Development" topic or any other as well?
Please forgive this maybe stupid question...
The US-versions have another device ID, so they are pretty easy to tell apart.
Settings->About device->Model number will tell you what model you got, this forum is about the GT-I9300 (with or without 'T' suffix)
Hardwarewise the international and the US-version are vastly different so flashing one's ROM on the other will (soft)brick the device and potentially cause harm.
Thank you for clearing it up, I've checked and my model number is in fact GT-I9300.
htcthd1 said:
Thank you for clearing it up, I've checked and my model number is in fact GT-I9300.
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Welcome home, you're in the right place

[Q] GS3 Canadian user seeking which version to use

Hi Guys,
Brand new Galaxy S3 user here and I've just Rooted my phone and I'm searching around on which ROM to flash. Only issue is that I have no idea which version I need in terms of ROM. I know when rooting my phone I followed a different guideline and I don't want to fubar up my phone. I'm with Rogers and I know I followed a US/Canadian guide...
When looking on the get.cm website I saw this
Samsung Galaxy S III (US Cell)
which seems to be the closest thing to me but I just want to be sure.
This is International I9300 forum flashing firmware from here may brick another model .
American or Canadian SGS3? Read this before posting!
But I can't seem to find a forum for my version...
TheArtist8 said:
But I can't seem to find a forum for my version...
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What is the exact model number of your phone? (can be found in settings->about device)
I've found the SlimBean ROM for my phone but even that took a while to hunt down.
I tried searching on get.cm but I've found that it never actually gives me my provider (Rogers).
TheArtist8 said:
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So here is the right forum for your phone
You, kind sir, are a god among men.
I have no idea how I didn't see that before.

[Q] Samsung GT-I9300

I purchased the above phone in China 3 weeks ago to use in the USA. Everything is in Chineese, and even when I go to the internet it uses the China internet browser. How do I change the software over to the US version? There is no sim card, and the phone has never been activated.
Android version 4.0.4, Baseline i9300ZNLH3, Kernel 3.0.15-1038370-user, build number IMM76D.I9300ZNBLH3.
if the chineese s3 version is smilar to the international s3 you can use the normal method to flash roms with odin in download mode. use forum search.
check product code backside your s3 behind battery
This is what is behind battery:
CMIIT ID: 2012CP2597
Yup, the model is i9300 which is the international model, meaning you can just download a stock rom from any English-speaking country and flash it and when you reboot the phone it'll give you the option to set everything up in English.
Unless of course, you bought a counterfeit (China's pretty well known for making them) in which case I wish you the best of luck xD
Cool, I will search the posts and figure out how as I am a newbe and never done that before, Thanks for all the help.
Check out "john4lakers" on youtube. He did a fake s3 video, compare yours.. Hope its not
chanSent from my Transformer Prime TF201 using xda premium
I would erase your IMEI off of this page so that people cannot steal it...
monitorboy said:
Cool, I will search the posts and figure out how as I am a newbe and never done that before, Thanks for all the help.
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Follow the instructions on these 2 sites:
The first site tells you how to root the phone so you can flash a ROM into it, and the 2nd site tells you how to flash a stock ROM and then unroot the phone in case you don't wanna void the warranty. The site from which you can download the ROM is in the 2nd site
Man, please delete your IMEI, somebody may use it to screw thing up with your phone.
i sent him a pm.. Didnt notice he posted the whole thing.. Need a mod to do it urgently !!!
Sent from my Transformer Prime TF201 using xda premium
As you can see I am a new at this. Took it off, hopefully not too late.
Should be ok, dont worry about it..
Any news on a fix?
Sent from my Transformer Prime TF201 using xda premium
Got thru the first root process, everything when well. Working on installing the stock firmware. Could not find a US version, downloading one for the Mexico region. Hope that will work. It is downloading now so I can finish the process of installing.
Just finished rooting and un-rooting. I had alittle trouble, but the video helped alot. It was succesful. I installed a Mexico version of the phone to get rid of the China version. My question is, is there a US version avilible? I notice alot of cautions about installing the US or Canada version on this phone, and they are specific to a carrier.
Maybe I am not understanding everything correctly. If I install a custom root, does that do teh same thing? I wanted to get rid of teh country specific icons for China and get to the US ones, and that has happened for the most part. Now the screens and wallpaper are showing the Mexico carriers name.
Sorry if these are basic questions.
This forum is for I9300 International model only .
Firmware that is not for I9300 model will brick your phone .
USA see sticky top of the forum .

about my firmware plz help (c576)

hey people whats up ?
i bought my mate 10 pro wek ago and love it
now my firm is l bla-l29 (c576)
i cant find this version (c576) nowhere why??? how will my phone gonna find this firm if i cant find it anywhere?
plz your help what can i do?
or maybe thers the same firm but diffrent number i live in israel thx
Same here, also from Israel with c576.
Any ideas?
bubu23 said:
hey people whats up ?
i bought my mate 10 pro wek ago and love it
now my firm is l bla-l29 (c576)
i cant find this version (c576) nowhere why??? how will my phone gonna find this firm if i cant find it anywhere?
plz your help what can i do?
or maybe thers the same firm but diffrent number i live in israel thx
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Where did you get the 'phone from? I suspect that C576 might be specific to Israel, which would explain your inability to find it online. An even worse possibility is if it's a firmware build specific to your carrier - in which case you're at the mercy of your carrier as to when/if updates will become available.
My 'phone (which I got directly from China) has C636 (international) firmware.
If you're interested in "re-branding," have a look at FunkyHuawei's thread - that'll help you get to an international flavour of firmware which'll separate you from your reliance on your carrier.
Cephalus said:
Where did you get the 'phone from? I suspect that C576 might be specific to Israel, which would explain your inability to find it online. An even worse possibility is if it's a firmware build specific to your carrier - in which case you're at the mercy of your carrier as to when/if updates will become available.
My 'phone (which I got directly from China) has C636 (international) firmware.
If you're interested in "re-branding," have a look at FunkyHuawei's thread - that'll help you get to an international flavour of firmware which'll separate you from your reliance on your carrier.
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Can you explain a bit more about "re-branding"
Is it reversable?
Can it damage the phone/functionality?
Thanks in advance
CosTuMe said:
Can you explain a bit more about "re-branding"
Is it reversable?
Can it damage the phone/functionality?
Thanks in advance
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I have to point out that I haven't performed anything mentioned in that thread, so can only speak from what I've read in that thread and elsewhere about the process.
CosTuMe said:
Is it reversable?
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Yes, as long as you have access to a copy of the original ROM.
CosTuMe said:
Can it damage the phone/functionality?
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Potentially, anything you do to the 'phone which involves a screwdriver or a USB cable can cause damage. I've done a lot of reading on the process and haven't seen any stories of irreversible catastrophes, but as with everything, it's up to you to decide whether you're comfortable with proceeding.
I'd suggest you have a read of at least the OP of that thread to get an idea of what's involved, then read through replies to see what sort of problems people have encountered and how they were resolved.

