about my firmware plz help (c576) - Huawei Mate 10 Questions & Answers

hey people whats up ?
i bought my mate 10 pro wek ago and love it
now my firm is l bla-l29 (c576)
i cant find this version (c576) nowhere why??? how will my phone gonna find this firm if i cant find it anywhere?
plz your help what can i do?
or maybe thers the same firm but diffrent number i live in israel thx

Same here, also from Israel with c576.
Any ideas?

bubu23 said:
hey people whats up ?
i bought my mate 10 pro wek ago and love it
now my firm is l bla-l29 (c576)
i cant find this version (c576) nowhere why??? how will my phone gonna find this firm if i cant find it anywhere?
plz your help what can i do?
or maybe thers the same firm but diffrent number i live in israel thx
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Where did you get the 'phone from? I suspect that C576 might be specific to Israel, which would explain your inability to find it online. An even worse possibility is if it's a firmware build specific to your carrier - in which case you're at the mercy of your carrier as to when/if updates will become available.
My 'phone (which I got directly from China) has C636 (international) firmware.
If you're interested in "re-branding," have a look at FunkyHuawei's thread - that'll help you get to an international flavour of firmware which'll separate you from your reliance on your carrier.

Cephalus said:
Where did you get the 'phone from? I suspect that C576 might be specific to Israel, which would explain your inability to find it online. An even worse possibility is if it's a firmware build specific to your carrier - in which case you're at the mercy of your carrier as to when/if updates will become available.
My 'phone (which I got directly from China) has C636 (international) firmware.
If you're interested in "re-branding," have a look at FunkyHuawei's thread - that'll help you get to an international flavour of firmware which'll separate you from your reliance on your carrier.
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Can you explain a bit more about "re-branding"
Is it reversable?
Can it damage the phone/functionality?
Thanks in advance

CosTuMe said:
Can you explain a bit more about "re-branding"
Is it reversable?
Can it damage the phone/functionality?
Thanks in advance
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I have to point out that I haven't performed anything mentioned in that thread, so can only speak from what I've read in that thread and elsewhere about the process.
CosTuMe said:
Is it reversable?
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Yes, as long as you have access to a copy of the original ROM.
CosTuMe said:
Can it damage the phone/functionality?
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Potentially, anything you do to the 'phone which involves a screwdriver or a USB cable can cause damage. I've done a lot of reading on the process and haven't seen any stories of irreversible catastrophes, but as with everything, it's up to you to decide whether you're comfortable with proceeding.
I'd suggest you have a read of at least the OP of that thread to get an idea of what's involved, then read through replies to see what sort of problems people have encountered and how they were resolved.


English and German SIII

Hi I just got two S3, one from England (Orange) and one from Germany (don't know the carrier).
I want to flash both of them but I see several categories for the S3, and don't know what software I can use or not. Can anyone tell me what I need to check or how do I know the ROMS that I can use?
Thanks in advance
Find out ye olde model
dsv591 said:
Hi I just got two S3, one from England (Orange) and one from Germany (don't know the carrier).
I want to flash both of them but I see several categories for the S3, and don't know what software I can use or not. Can anyone tell me what I need to check or how do I know the ROMS that I can use?
Thanks in advance
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You need to find out which model you have. The international version is going to be something like the GT-i9300. If the ROM you wish to flash says it's only for that model, do NOT attempt to flash it to a different model. Doing so may brick your device.
You can find more about the different models and some useful info in the wiki on XDA for the Galaxy S III variants.
dsv591 said:
Hi I just got two S3, one from England (Orange) and one from Germany (don't know the carrier).
I want to flash both of them but I see several categories for the S3, and don't know what software I can use or not. Can anyone tell me what I need to check or how do I know the ROMS that I can use?
Thanks in advance
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But i want to flash them leads to why or what do you want to flash .
On this forum SGS3 I9300 international roms only .
Two stock roms posts in General section flash whatever you want .
dsv591 said:
Hi I just got two S3, one from England (Orange) and one from Germany (don't know the carrier).
I want to flash both of them but I see several categories for the S3, and don't know what software I can use or not. Can anyone tell me what I need to check or how do I know the ROMS that I can use?
Thanks in advance
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Check the model number of both the phones in settings>about. If they are GT-I9300's then you can flash ROM's from this section. If it's something else DO NOT FLASH anything form this section. Check the model numbers given in the other sections (T-mobile, sprint..etc.. etc.,) before flashing.

[Q] ROM Custom for a SIII bought in south Korea ?

Hi everybody,
First let me Say that I am French, so excuse me in advance for my bad english...
I acquired a Samsung S3 bought in South Korea, model: SHV-E21OL/Version Android 4.0.4, LTE (and therefore compatible 3G/4G)
Back in France, I have inserted my micro SIM card sfr Telecom, perfect: internet ultra fluid 3G, incoming / outgoing calls ok, everything works except for two points:
- When I send a text message, it is written "address unknown" as the sender of the message. A bit annoying when you do not know who writes ...
- Despite a reconfiguration with services sfr telecom, no way to send / receive MMS.
I tried with another SIM card, nothing happens. But my SIM cardworks well for SMS and MMS in another phone. Then it is therefore a bug of the phone ...
You know how to fix this?
Samsung customer service pointed me to a authorized service center, but they tell me that before flashing my phone, I must sign a waiver in case of crash the phone making its use impossible and non-repairable. No thank you ...
In short, you'll have understood I am a bit stuck, and looking for a way to fix this bug.
Do you have a solution, a board, info? updates posted by Samsung France can they solve the problem? a compatible custom Rom
I am completely new to this, I read the procedures to reconfigure my phone, but the words wipe, roaming, etc. This is perfect Korean for me! :laugh:
Thanks in advance to all who will be able to help me ! :good:
try changing your message center number . it could be the problem
I have the Korean 3g model but a lot of other people have the e210l (or k/s) in different countries. I have seen some talk about text message problems, read the posts and/or maybe somebody could help you out in the Korean model thread?
p33k said:
I have the Korean 3g model but a lot of other people have the e210l (or k/s) in different countries. I have seen some talk about text message problems, read the posts and/or maybe somebody could help you out in the Korean model thread?
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I let a message in the topic, but nobody can help me...
Am I the first guy with a korean S III E210L in Europe ? Which ROM have people who use this mobile with their european operator ??
For now, I can't send or receive MMS, and when I receive a SMS, it is still "unknow adress" for expeditor.
If somedy has a compatible custom ROM, felle free to help me !
jayjay95130 said:
I let a message in the topic, but nobody can help me...
Am I the first guy with a korean S III E210L in Europe ? Which ROM have people who use this mobile with their european operator ??
For now, I can't send or receive MMS, and when I receive a SMS, it is still "unknow adress" for expeditor.
If somedy has a compatible custom ROM, felle free to help me !
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Go to p33k's link he gave.. dont panic, it's all cool lol
All you have to do is flash a custom ROM supported by Siyah and then flash the special kernel meant for your S3 which is located in p33k's link above
Sent from my GT-I9300 using xda premium
saywhatt said:
Go to p33k's link he gave.. dont panic, it's all cool lol
All you have to do is flash a custom ROM supported by Siyah and then flash the special kernel meant for your S3 which is located in p33k's link above
Sent from my GT-I9300 using xda premium
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Incorrect. He has e210l and I post regarding m440s. Sorry nobody has been able to help you out though.
Sent from my GT-I9300 using xda app-developers app
jay, you are not the only one. I am working for sam as their cust service officer and there is one Korean student bring to me and showed me this problem too. I am thinking that the only solution is to flash custom to it, because we took quite long trying to figure out what happens. Too bad I cant recommend this solution to the person. After you flashed, let me know whether it works. Thank you.
delta3388 said:
jay, you are not the only one. I am working for sam as their cust service officer and there is one Korean student bring to me and showed me this problem too. I am thinking that the only solution is to flash custom to it, because we took quite long trying to figure out what happens. Too bad I cant recommend this solution to the person. After you flashed, let me know whether it works. Thank you.
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You might want to try this guys rom. it is for the e210L.
[ROM][PhuocTri][SHV-E210L][XDA] ROM Base On Goodhanrry & China Rom, Fix SMS, Many Mod

[Q] when will the z2 hit egypt

I need this device asap but when it will get realsed in egypt ?
iSpammer said:
I need this device asap but when it will get realsed in egypt ?
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There has been news for global release but sale through the site only
No avaliability through carriers apparently
Try searching some, you may find something i havent, this kinda subject is foggy

is possible to flash the Chinese version with USA rom version

I bought this phone from online retailer in Australia and I have received the Chinese version of it !!!
its annoying even you set the Language for English still have Chinese character everywhere and especially on the cover screen
anyone can help will be appreciated
petros0 said:
I bought this phone from online retailer in Australia and I have received the Chinese version of it !!!
its annoying even you set the Language for English still have Chinese character everywhere and especially on the cover screen
anyone can help will be appreciated
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I believe you can if you unlock the bootloader. I saw someone already post the new fw, should be not a problem.
lkempire said:
I believe you can if you unlock the bootloader. I saw someone already post the new fw, should be not a problem.
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can you post the link for me please
petros0 said:
can you post the link for me please
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No they are physically different devices i highly doubt the US firmware will work unmodified on the Chinese varaint.
deadman96385 said:
No they are physically different devices i highly doubt the US firmware will work unmodified on the Chinese varaint.
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Is that also the case for the European version KIW-L21? should we keep the L24 and L21 really seperated or is the firmware interchangeable? I have already bootloader unlocked. Waiting for superb things to happen for the Honor

LG L-51A (V60 Docomo Variant) Firmware update through flashing

I bought this phone second hand and I can't seem to find firmwares of this specific model, would love to know if I can crossflash without any problems?
Rko4A-GE said:
I bought this phone second hand and I can't seem to find firmwares of this specific model, would love to know if I can crossflash without any problems?
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Hi, Not without problems, still fighting with it. Actually crossflash has happened but there are issues now. Is there any chance that you could prepare a dump of your version? It would be helpful for extract the boot.img from it.
I can crossflash at&t variant to EA with the help of firehose. Could you share a back up of your modem_a partition? I want to see what carrier is supported in the this variant.
I can not reach any of the files actually. What I did is that crossflashed my Docomo variant to EA which went without error. But NT code is not matching now and there is no bootloader unlock option. Not only the LG stopped to provide unlock.bin but bootloader menu is not available. If you reach there on any way the device is restarting in normal mode. I was thinking in many possibilities but not sure if any is feasible. tried to change between many EA ROMS. Also I was thinking after all to do the chip erase by LGUP. As the PDM is not working now probably would not work after erase, in that case one more step only bacward. By the way I dont know why the LGUP can not touch the device in the blue factory mode. That is the point where the PDM set can not be done for the NT change. Otherwise root or bootloader unlock would not be important to me about other reason than replace bootloader to the EA version.
SZ0TYI said:
I can not reach any of the files actually. What I did is that crossflashed my Docomo variant to EA which went without error. But NT code is not matching now and there is no bootloader unlock option. Not only the LG stopped to provide unlock.bin but bootloader menu is not available. If you reach there on any way the device is restarting in normal mode. I was thinking in many possibilities but not sure if any is feasible. tried to change between many EA ROMS. Also I was thinking after all to do the chip erase by LGUP. As the PDM is not working now probably would not work after erase, in that case one more step only bacward. By the way I dont know why the LGUP can not touch the device in the blue factory mode. That is the point where the PDM set can not be done for the NT change. Otherwise root or bootloader unlock would not be important to me about other reason than replace bootloader to the EA version.
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I was actually just about to try to crossflash my L-51A to the TM2X variant. What do you mean by NT code is not matching? What advice can I get about doing this?
nclam said:
I was actually just about to try to crossflash my L-51A to the TM2X variant. What do you mean by NT code is not matching? What advice can I get about doing this?
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can you please make a full dump of your FW?
i have a ruined L-51A with a lost IMEI, and I didn't think I'll end up having this problem so I didn't back up the whole contents...
Same here. If anyone has a docomo kdz please let us know.
LG v60 51a does not have kdz.
But if you update outside of Japan, try it like a link. I tried it in the Korean community and confirmed that it was updated.
Cross-flash will be difficult in a general way.
The partition composition is different between the US version and the European version.
[How To] Update Sharp Aquos R6 Outside Japan - Docomo Version - Without Factory Reset
It's been said that Docomo phone are easier to update, only Japan VPN needed. But in reality it's not that simple. Even after using VPN, most of the time you wont be able to find OTA update through system update. Sure factory reset can help you...
Rko4A-GE said:
I bought this phone second hand and I can't seem to find firmwares of this specific model, would love to know if I can crossflash without any problems?
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SIR . can you have backup up partision for sharing. i need softbank firmware
andamiro00 said:
LG v60 51a does not have kdz.
But if you update outside of Japan, try it like a link. I tried it in the Korean community and confirmed that it was updated.
Cross-flash will be difficult in a general way.
The partition composition is different between the US version and the European version.
[How To] Update Sharp Aquos R6 Outside Japan - Docomo Version - Without Factory Reset
It's been said that Docomo phone are easier to update, only Japan VPN needed. But in reality it's not that simple. Even after using VPN, most of the time you wont be able to find OTA update through system update. Sure factory reset can help you...
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Hi am unable to find google services framework in my l-51a docomo v60 please help me to upgrade to A12 am from india i just bought this phone new demo unit
Dharshan yadav said:
Hi am unable to find google services framework in my l-51a docomo v60 please help me to upgrade to A12 am from india i just bought this phone new demo unit
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There will be a Google framework.
App-App Information-Three points on the right-click System Display and search or search for Google Framework.
andamiro00 said:
There will be a Google framework.
App-App Information-Three points on the right-click System Display and search or search for Google Framework.
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Pleade refer screenshot if i type google in setings only these are coming
Dharshan yadav said:
Pleade refer screenshot if i type google in setings only these are coming
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Settings - Search in the app.
Of course, it doesn't appear in the integrated search.
Tried that too refer attatched
Dharshan yadav said:
Tried that too refer attatched
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Thankyou am able to find it
Also would like to know is it ok to install global stock rom in docomo l-51a
Dharshan yadav said:
Thankyou am able to find it
Also would like to know is it ok to install global stock rom in docomo l-51a
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Yes you can ,i crossflashed my A51L docomo variant to candian TMO Android 12 .it working very nice.before that you should be very patient.take every file backup in efil mode store the backup very safe place...docomo model does not show OP_A OP_B floder...
k.syedhussain said:
Yes you can ,i crossflashed my A51L docomo variant to candian TMO Android 12 .it working very nice.before that you should be very patient.take every file backup in efil mode store the backup very safe place...docomo model does not show OP_A OP_B floder...
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Thank you so much yesterday I have upgraded the os to Android 12
If needed I'll ask for you help in future for cross flashing and rooting this mobile
Once again thank you so much for your promt response
Dharshan yadav said:
Thank you so much yesterday I have upgraded the os to Android 12
If needed I'll ask for you help in future for cross flashing and rooting this mobile
Once again thank you so much for your promt response
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If you upgraded ,comfortable with docomo firmware use it as its ....but i not comfortable with Japanese bloatwares so i crossflashed and tried to get volte but not possible....
k.syedhussain said:
If you upgraded ,comfortable with docomo firmware use it as its ....but i not comfortable with Japanese bloatwares so i crossflashed and tried to get volte but not possible....
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volte try this way

