Doubt regarding CM10 - Sony Xperia P, U, Sola, Go

Hello. I have using Sony Xperia S for 4 months now and am interested in using CM10. I got the bootloader for CM10 from
but I had a small doubt regarding the Google Apps that need to be downloaded. There are a number of variations for ICS as well as Jelly Bean on the above mentioned link. So is it necessary to download all of them or will the latest one suffice??

Latest one is fine. The differences are only updates.

try cm9 ics nozomi(codename of xperia s) version it's good all stuff working
in cm 10 camera app not working..
thanks if work
sry for my bad english
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[Q] Jellybean?

Will there be android 4.1 jelly bean for the x10?
No official jellybean for x10 its too old there are some 'jellybean' roms around that's as close as you'll get
Sent from my X10i using xda premium
So there will be custom rom of jellybean for the x10?
Sent from my Xperia X10 using xda premium
Then why x8 have jellybean CM? I thought it has much lower ram than x10?
Sent from my Xperia X10 using xda premium
CM = cyanogenmod its a base rom of stock that's been modified to look like jellybean same as ones for x10 they are just themed roms not actual jellybean may say android version 4.1 in settings but its just changed to make it look like its android 4.1
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dunc4n88 said:
CM = cyanogenmod its a base rom of stock that's been modified to look like jellybean same as ones for x10 they are just themed roms not actual jellybean may say android version 4.1 in settings but its just changed to make it look like its android 4.1
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ofcourse not.
It has real cm10 built from source but it is in beta stage.
FXP has officially said they will not make cm10 for X10. Someone else might do it but as for now there's no JB here.
Sadly I would say that Cm10 would be not good for x10 ,I tested it long back ago it has many bugs and runs at 2 fps.
Edit:- Cm9 is buggy with many minor bugs then wats the point of having cm10 with same bugs.
Vasishta Reddy said:
Sadly I would say that Cm10 would be not good for x10 ,I tested it long back ago it has many bugs and runs at 2 fps.
Edit:- Cm9 is buggy with many minor bugs then wats the point of having cm10 with same bugs.
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we need to fix cm9 first rather than unstable cm10
Not even single breakthrough..tried testing making jb work in x10...but unfortunately 6fps...after that..kaboom!!! Besides, if x10 camera and fps uncap, related hardware acceleration not fully working in ics, and not passing CTS test...whats the point and meaning of making jb rom...but we shd be grateful that our old x10 managed to go ics even with lower hardtech..i'm happy at least haha

[P]CM 9.1 Discussion Thread

FXP released CM 9.1 for our device.
Please do not post queries or comments in dev section.
Don't spam up the dev thread.
Keep it clean so that devs can help us without taking any trouble.
If u have any problem/queries/comments relating to CM 9.1 post them here.
Nice to have a discussion thread...btw when will fxp 138 b uploaded?
Sent from my LT22i using Tapatalk 2
techno-np said:
Nice to have a discussion thread...btw when will fxp 138 b uploaded?
Sent from my LT22i using Tapatalk 2
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Just wait n watch
Did anyone flashed the fxp 138 build... What are the improvements?
Sent from my LT22i using xda premium
I have not installed CM.
Waiting for stable release
I will flash CM when GSM is fixed... Hope it gets fixed soon..
Sent from my LT22i using Tapatalk 2
Android 4.1
techno-np said:
I will flash CM when GSM is fixed... Hope it gets fixed soon..
Sent from my LT22i using Tapatalk 2
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M surprised that my low midrange phone galaxy mini got Android 4.1 JB.
And everything including camera is working.
Waiting for a stable CM9 and CM10
I can not go on with FXP142 to Stock, as FXP is working very smoothly)
GPS on FXP144a 9-20121028
I know others say GPS is working fine, but strangely I get never a lock - seeing up to 15 satellites with GPS Status&Toolbox App...
Tried a few locations, and had my Xperia Ray (second phone, also with CM9.1) with me, which gets everytime a lock.
Also tried wiping and reinstalling on Xperia P.
Anybody else has this, or an idea to solve?
EDIT: GPS works, just not as good as on Xperia Ray/CM9 or HTC Flyer/JB. Outside, waiting about 2 minutes, I get GPS lock.

Best Rom :D?

i know i know you guys will look at me and say things like "wtf you asking this for now!!" 
The benchmarks post and test all roms page hasnt been updated since 12 days ago and before i say anythiong i tried all roms seriously no joke but havent tried the new updates for most ics roms since 3 weeks ago but im currently on gxg jelly bread and love the rom for playing games but still gingerbread is kinda boring and i see all mods and new stuff coming out is for ics
can any just tell me which is the best rom?
im thinking between superleggera, jellysandwhich, iced bean and flylight....
and again sorry for asking but i need just some advice
Sent from my ST18i using xda app-developers app
Nothing against the devs of ICS ROMs but ICS can never be as good as JB. Tried PACman and it's amazing. Btw I've tried every single ROM and I say this one's the best. But try all of them, it's worth it.
Sent from my Xperia Ray using xda premium
I've been using flylight for a while now and can strongly recommend it. As a base Rom it's clean and fast and it has coped with all the mods I've layered on top
The other approach is to choose something like jelly sandwich; with its aroma installer you have your choice of all the best mods out there.
As far as I can tell all of the 587 roms are pretty tight so it really is a choice between a stripped Rom like fly light or s fully featured one like jelly sandwich.
Don't discount CM either the ics build is excellent imo.
Sent from my ST18a using xda premium
Parkside said:
I've been using flylight for a while now and can strongly recommend it. As a base Rom it's clean and fast and it has coped with all the mods I've layered on top
The other approach is to choose something like jelly sandwich; with its aroma installer you have your choice of all the best mods out there.
As far as I can tell all of the 587 roms are pretty tight so it really is a choice between a stripped Rom like fly light or s fully featured one like jelly sandwich.
Don't discount CM either the ics build is excellent imo.
Sent from my ST18a using xda premium
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+1 for flylight. everything works lightning fast
also can try SuperleggeraV3 !
PAC alpha 11.2. Best for daily use. Lots of customization! Go for it
My favorites are JellySandwich and Aires repacked by rom (gb).
Miui if you want customization... or flylight or jellyswandwich for performance!!!
Haven't checked out iced yet !!!
Sent from urushi
Fantomas. said:
Nothing against the devs of ICS ROMs but ICS can never be as good as JB. Tried PACman and it's amazing. Btw I've tried every single ROM and I say this one's the best. But try all of them, it's worth it.
Sent from my Xperia Ray using xda premium
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i think pac is the worst one jb rom
fxp140 is better
pa is the best
+1 for PACman with latest update. Recent update fixed front camera issue and now good for a daily rom!
urushi my love said:
i think pac is the worst one jb rom
fxp140 is better
pa is the best
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which version of PAC did you try?
i'm verry happy with PAC alpha 11 +1st patch.
verry responsive, fast (3200 antutu @ 806/134mhz) many many options and good battery life
(in alpha 10 battery life was bad, 11 is very good).
Hey guys I really appreciate for this advice thank you
I'm on jellysandwich now 6.2 and it still has bugs and I feel that its slow don't know why but whatever. I'm going to try superleggera now than flylight and than ill make my choice. Pac and fxp don't work since they are cm based don't why but both of them give me fc I believe its sim related because I can't get a single bar of reception. If I put it on airplane mod I don't get fc
Anyways thanx guys but please keep on replying on your favorite rom thanx
Sent from my ST18 using xda app-developers app
I'm using Superleggera V3 myself and for now is the fastest ROM i've tested. Just my 2 cents.
Sent from my Nexus 7 using xda app-developers app
And I'm back to gxg jellybread looks and feels great
Sent from my ST18i using xda app-developers app
demez said:
I'm using Superleggera V3 myself and for now is the fastest ROM i've tested. Just my 2 cents.
Sent from my Nexus 7 using xda app-developers app
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Superleggera V3 is the Best ROM i've tried.......
Supracer said:
Hey guys I really appreciate for this advice thank you
I'm on jellysandwich now 6.2 and it still has bugs and I feel that its slow don't know why but whatever. I'm going to try superleggera now than flylight and than ill make my choice. Pac and fxp don't work since they are cm based don't why but both of them give me fc I believe its sim related because I can't get a single bar of reception. If I put it on airplane mod I don't get fc
Anyways thanx guys but please keep on replying on your favorite rom thanx
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Try with a new fix, personally i didnt have problems with JellySandwich (except wifi obtaining ip problem in first versions)
Apsolutely smooth on 800Mhz, deep undervolted, Antutu benchmark 4295 (on 1,4 ghz)
6.2 is not yet polished, maybe you can try 5.0 (bug free)
urushi my love said:
i think pac is the worst one jb rom
fxp140 is better
pa is the best
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What's wrong with PAC?! It's got everything PA and FXP have. It's like a hybrid of those + aokp.
Sent from my Xperia Ray using xda premium
Fantomas. said:
What's wrong with PAC?! It's got everything PA and FXP have. It's like a hybrid of those + aokp.
Sent from my Xperia Ray using xda premium
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Well for me I always get force close with when I put with sim card, and without sim card it works perfect. All rims work with my phone except for Roms that have cyangenmod
In it
Sent from my ST18i using xda app-developers app
for me i like FXP CM 9.1 and MIUI ROM
since other ROM ROM just a stock ROM has been strip down and tweaked...
The AOKP on its own gave me really bad graphical errors, though PAC worked fine. BUT for MMS problems......
Tried a few of the other ICS roms.. Jelly, Opti, MIUI(liked the least), Pureness, HD......
I really like Opti and Jelly Sandwich6.2(not tried the newer one) For now I have settled on CM9.1

Any Xperia Sola Jelly Bean ROM?

Is there any Jelly Bean ROM for Sola out there?
I'm only seeing ICS roms, where's the CM10 roms?
The other Xperia phones (besides the S) have not been ported to CM9. I think we have to wait until CM9 gets the sola before CM10 does. Unless there is a JB rom leak for the sola.
Oh my, really? I thought that the Xperia line had all support from CM team
Xperia Sola was the smallest phone I found that's better than my Nexus One, going to search for another one.
If I remember correctly CM9 and CM10 are both being worked on, they're separate projects being maintained but I'd expect CM9 to get greater focus since our ICS release.
Sent from my MT27i using xda premium
One month ago FXP ported cm9.1 for the P and on their website they said U, Sola and Go - supported, work in progress...... So we will get cm9 and cm10?
Sent from my ST25a using xda premium.
saulob said:
Is there any Jelly Bean ROM for Sola out there?
I'm only seeing ICS roms, where's the CM10 roms?
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does Sola mean LT26i?
kyle0103 said:
does Sola mean LT26i?
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Of course not. Xperia S is lt26.
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HooLIMAN87 said:
Of course not. Xperia S is lt26.
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Xperia Sola its MT27i
i think sony xperia sola will be getting official jb by sony
check these out....
goto youtube n search these
"NovaThor™ U8500 - Jelly Bean first boot"
i trying to put link but iam new to xda iam not allowed till 10 post
salmansk said:
check these out....
goto youtube n search these
"NovaThor™ U8500 - Jelly Bean first boot"
i trying to put link but iam new to xda iam not allowed till 10 post
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You meant this one?
Looks nice.

CM 9.1 for Xperia S (nozomi)

Today I installed the cyanogenmod 9.1 for Xperia s (the latest nightly build). By far the fastest and smoothest rom I've installed till now. Plus it looks really cool to. Now I just realized that the Free Xperia cyanogmod on this website is different than the one from the cyanogmod website. (I've not installed the FreeXperia cm yet), but different md5 hash at least. What's the difference?
Sent from my Xperia S using xda app-developers app
Yes it is different is much more stable than the one on the cyanogenmod website..and much more smooth..
Yesterday i also installed CM 9.0 nightly build ..found a lot of bugs in back to CM 9.1..
CM 9.0 nightly build is not a stable build and may crash.
So they are not working together? But it's both called cyanogenmod. Seems a bit confusing. Btw I'm running the latest nightly from the cyanogenmod website and have not found any bugs yet..
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Are you talking about VS codegoogle ?
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dumbl3 said:
So they are not working together? But it's both called cyanogenmod. Seems a bit confusing. Btw I'm running the latest nightly from the cyanogenmod website and have not found any bugs yet..
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I prefer the FXP builds found in the development section but they're both exactly the same. Made by the same developers.
Even I installed the CM 9.2 yesterday from It works great.
However there are some sony stock features I loved.
For example the Gallery, Walkman, DLNa etc.
I found the gallery, walkman and visualization app. However, features like dlna, auto-tagging are missing.
Is there any way I could get a consolidated list of all sony stock apps?
Thanks in advance.
rahuljonline said:
Even I installed the CM 9.2 yesterday from It works great.
However there are some sony stock features I loved.
For example the Gallery, Walkman, DLNa etc.
I found the gallery, walkman and visualization app. However, features like dlna, auto-tagging are missing.
Is there any way I could get a consolidated list of all sony stock apps?
Thanks in advance.
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Wait..what 9.2?? Where did you get that??
ap030993 said:
Wait..what 9.2?? Where did you get that??
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Go to, navigate to nozomi on the left, and you'll find the 9.2 nightlys. (
OK thanks for reply. I also meant the 9.2 nightly (from , not 9.1 (sorry for the confusion) . Anyway, still runs great. Even after installing loads of apps..
Sent from my Xperia S using xda app-developers app
Thread moved to Q & A section.

