CM 9.1 for Xperia S (nozomi) - Sony Xperia P, U, Sola, Go

Today I installed the cyanogenmod 9.1 for Xperia s (the latest nightly build). By far the fastest and smoothest rom I've installed till now. Plus it looks really cool to. Now I just realized that the Free Xperia cyanogmod on this website is different than the one from the cyanogmod website. (I've not installed the FreeXperia cm yet), but different md5 hash at least. What's the difference?
Sent from my Xperia S using xda app-developers app

Yes it is different is much more stable than the one on the cyanogenmod website..and much more smooth..
Yesterday i also installed CM 9.0 nightly build ..found a lot of bugs in back to CM 9.1..

CM 9.0 nightly build is not a stable build and may crash.

So they are not working together? But it's both called cyanogenmod. Seems a bit confusing. Btw I'm running the latest nightly from the cyanogenmod website and have not found any bugs yet..
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Are you talking about VS codegoogle ?
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dumbl3 said:
So they are not working together? But it's both called cyanogenmod. Seems a bit confusing. Btw I'm running the latest nightly from the cyanogenmod website and have not found any bugs yet..
Sent from my Xperia S using xda app-developers app
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I prefer the FXP builds found in the development section but they're both exactly the same. Made by the same developers.

Even I installed the CM 9.2 yesterday from It works great.
However there are some sony stock features I loved.
For example the Gallery, Walkman, DLNa etc.
I found the gallery, walkman and visualization app. However, features like dlna, auto-tagging are missing.
Is there any way I could get a consolidated list of all sony stock apps?
Thanks in advance.

rahuljonline said:
Even I installed the CM 9.2 yesterday from It works great.
However there are some sony stock features I loved.
For example the Gallery, Walkman, DLNa etc.
I found the gallery, walkman and visualization app. However, features like dlna, auto-tagging are missing.
Is there any way I could get a consolidated list of all sony stock apps?
Thanks in advance.
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Wait..what 9.2?? Where did you get that??

ap030993 said:
Wait..what 9.2?? Where did you get that??
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Go to, navigate to nozomi on the left, and you'll find the 9.2 nightlys. (

OK thanks for reply. I also meant the 9.2 nightly (from , not 9.1 (sorry for the confusion) . Anyway, still runs great. Even after installing loads of apps..
Sent from my Xperia S using xda app-developers app

Thread moved to Q & A section.


Doubt regarding CM10

Hello. I have using Sony Xperia S for 4 months now and am interested in using CM10. I got the bootloader for CM10 from
but I had a small doubt regarding the Google Apps that need to be downloaded. There are a number of variations for ICS as well as Jelly Bean on the above mentioned link. So is it necessary to download all of them or will the latest one suffice??
Latest one is fine. The differences are only updates.
try cm9 ics nozomi(codename of xperia s) version it's good all stuff working
in cm 10 camera app not working..
thanks if work
sry for my bad english
Sent from my LT26i using xda premium

[Q] Rom Suggestion

Hi people! It has been a week that I own my x10 and I am so exhausted of testing roms. If you don't mind I would like a rom with the following things:
- xLoud & Beats Audio ( I use my phone as mp3 player and as a musician too I like the best music quality)
- Bravia Engine
- High level of customization (transparent statusbar, icons/themes, tweaks...) as I had in my Galaxy Mini
- Camera 100% working, I mean with ZOOM please...
Now I'm using Mokee the dionysus 'cause any that I've tried was good for me (donut hd, mokee electra, x10s(i hate xperia style), feravolt v20...)
Answers will be gratefull :fingers-crossed:
Wolfillete said:
Hi people! It has been a week that I own my x10 and I am so exhausted of testing roms. If you don't mind I would like a rom with the following things:
- xLoud & Beats Audio ( I use my phone as mp3 player and as a musician too I like the best music quality)
- Bravia Engine
- High level of customization (transparent statusbar, icons/themes, tweaks...) as I had in my Galaxy Mini
- Camera 100% working, I mean with ZOOM please...
Now I'm using Mokee the dionysus 'cause any that I've tried was good for me (donut hd, mokee electra, x10s(i hate xperia style), feravolt v20...)
Answers will be gratefull :fingers-crossed:
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Try any dixperia roms as well..
mcsqwizzys98 said:
Try any dixperia roms as well..
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Dixperia does not have fully working camera. This is a stable rom well fitted and built on stock, fast and yes xloud and brava too.
Sent from my X10i using xda app-developers app
brenty108 said:
Dixperia does not have fully working camera. This is a stable rom well fitted and built on stock, fast and yes xloud and brava too.
Sent from my X10i using xda app-developers app
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One of dixperia8s roms is based on stock rom so it has fully working camera.
Sent from my X10z
brenty108 said:
Dixperia does not have fully working camera. This is a stable rom well fitted and built on stock, fast and yes xloud and brava too.
Sent from my X10i using xda app-developers app
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You cut the link :silly: hehehe
mmmm I don't want to be awkward, but I prefer CM because I can customize a lot of thins of the rom.
Wolfillete said:
You cut the link :silly: hehehe
mmmm I don't want to be awkward, but I prefer CM because I can customize a lot of thins of the rom.
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Well guys I think I wanna try this rom :
SE X10i MM TEAM MiUI 2.3.30 ML | Android 2.3.7 | NEW: V7.1 MILESTONE!! (05.05)
Someone has already it? Seems nice but I'm worried about camera doesn't work properly or the rom is very slow as some people says...
Help please!!
I tried MIUI, but I missed the Menu button. it is good, many things that you can change and stable. But I recommend the MM Cyanogen Mod 7.2 I'm using it and it's great and fast and stuff.
Sent from my Flying MM X10 using xda app-developers app
Moze666 said:
I tried MIUI, but I missed the Menu button. it is good, many things that you can change and stable. But I recommend the MM Cyanogen Mod 7.2 I'm using it and it's great and fast and stuff.
Sent from my Flying MM X10 using xda app-developers app
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Could you give me the link?
And does it have fully working camera with zoom?? :silly:
Here's the link
And the camera fully works, but I haven't tried the zoom yet, I just didn't need it.
Sent from my Flying MM X10 using xda app-developers app

[APP] [Android 4.2] Camera

Head over to this page and get Android 4.2 camera AND gallery app working for ICS and JB! (Use the ZIP file link).
Tested working on CM 9.1 stable. Gallery FCs every once in a while when in "Edit" mode! However since LWW doesn't have a gyroscope, I can't really experience PhotoSphere. Try flashing on phones that do have one (like the Xperia S/P/T). Does it work for you?
blackstallion1234 said:
Head over to this page and get Android 4.2 camera AND gallery app working! (Use the ZIP file link).
Tested working on CM 9.1 stable. No FCs at all! However since LWW doesn't have a gyroscope, I can't really enjoy PhotoSphere. Try flashing on phones that do have one (like the Xperia Sola). Does it work for you?
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this works for ics rom only? or works with jb roms also?
rullean said:
this works for ics rom only? or works with jb roms also?
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Presumably, it works on both ICS and JB. Not sure about the full ROM compatibility though. Take a nandroid backup and give it a try. The gallery FCs when Editing a photo.
Does it works on cm10?
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smtaba61 said:
Does it works on cm10?
Sent from my Live With Walkman using xda premium
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Yes, IIRC some people in the original thread report it to work on JB too. You could give it a try. Your original camera app remains the same. It's always better to take a backup though!
xperia active st17i cm10 camera don't work:crying:
Doesn't work
I have a Mini Pro on CM10 FXP147 and it doesn't work.
It take pictures but no preview.
Same dosent work in st17i with cm10
Sent from my Xperia Mini Pro using xda premium
For some 2011 MDPI devices,like mini or mini pro,CM10 uses the legacy camera as a workaround,so I think it couldn't work for the time being.
As for CM9,i.e. FXP's roms,the 4.2 camera works with a functional preview.But,of course,Photosphere can't work well due to lacking in Gyroscope.

[Q] Youtube not working on CM9

youtube normal quality not working ,only high quality on cm9.1 build 3 by miroslav_mm. need help
pitt33 said:
youtube normal quality not working ,only high quality on cm9.1 build 3 by miroslav_mm. need help
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ROM issue, try aosp 2.3.7 it rules
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using xda premium
andreas__ said:
ROM issue, try aosp 2.3.7 it rules
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using xda premium
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thank 4 share.
dont worry about that man,
you always have the option to try other custom roms if that issue is bothering you.
just try this Android 2.3.7 base on AOSP v.2.0 with kernel by miroslav_mm
and im sure, it would solve your problem
Oops, just bumped this but I just want to share anyway.
PolshVodka created a CM10 (Android 4.1.2) rom which works with YouTube HQ too well.
Sent from my Sony Tablet S using xda premium
andyabc said:
Oops, just bumped this but I just want to share anyway.
PolshVodka created a CM10 (Android 4.1.2) rom which works with YouTube HQ too well.
Sent from my Sony Tablet S using xda premium
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CM10 on this phone works nice without google account, facebook and i think now on this phone better is aosp 2.3.7

[Q] How can i get the 4.0 android Album apk to install on an X10

Hi all,
I am just wondering if this is possible? I really liked the app and have an apk for it but it would not install so i was wondering if there was maybe a clone of it that can install on 2.3.7 or if there is any way to get it to install?
crumpet678 said:
Hi all,
I am just wondering if this is possible? I really liked the app and have an apk for it but it would not install so i was wondering if there was maybe a clone of it that can install on 2.3.7 or if there is any way to get it to install?
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Hmmmmmm , I don't think you can find or port that official album for 2.3.7 because ics apps are built with sdk 15 which isn't supported on gb rom.
You may can find similar apps like quickpic
Sent From My BEAST , I mean X8
jay-z-s said:
Hmmmmmm , I don't think you can find or port that official album for 2.3.7 because ics apps are built with sdk 15 which isn't supported on gb rom.
You may can find similar apps like quickpic
Sent From My BEAST , I mean X8
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Np cheers for the help
AW: [Q] How can i get the 4.0 android Album apk to install on an X10
you can flash ics so it will be workin on x10....
Sent from my X10i using xda app-developers app
you can flash ics so it will be workin on x10....
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oh yeah i have seen a few of thos but i could never find one that ran smooth and responsively, do you have any suggestions?
AW: [Q] How can i get the 4.0 android Album apk to install on an X10
crumpet678 said:
oh yeah i have seen a few of thos but i could never find one that ran smooth and responsively, do you have any suggestions?
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to be honest it is not as smooth as gingerbread but it is. everything works now and the performance is pretty good and devs are still working. As long as you dont need to play any ramhungry games it is enough.
I suggest either cm9.1 by scritch which is cleaner or feravolts oce cream sandwich rom which is more tweaked. Also there is some jelly bean, Dixperia 9 had sony theme and so sony album, too. also i felt that jb was a bit smoother than ics (probably because of project butter)
Sent from my X10i using xda app-developers app
crumpet678 said:
oh yeah i have seen a few of thos but i could never find one that ran smooth and responsively, do you have any suggestions?
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i have flashed CM10 thats good for my x10i you shold try this:good:
keenofhiphop said:
to be honest it is not as smooth as gingerbread but it is. everything works now and the performance is pretty good and devs are still working. As long as you dont need to play any ramhungry games it is enough.
I suggest either cm9.1 by scritch which is cleaner or feravolts oce cream sandwich rom which is more tweaked. Also there is some jelly bean, Dixperia 9 had sony theme and so sony album, too. also i felt that jb was a bit smoother than ics (probably because of project butter)
Sent from my X10i using xda app-developers app
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the dixperia 9 looks good but i can't find a cm9 and cm10 kernel, do you know some that will work?
AW: [Q] How can i get the 4.0 android Album apk to install on an X10
crumpet678 said:
the dixperia 9 looks good but i can't find a cm9 and cm10 kernel, do you know some that will work?
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Answered. Look in your pms
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