Gmail notifications not notifying? - Android Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

I get hundreds of emails every day and I currently get a notification but no audio tone or vibrate as it would be going crazy. This is how I want my general email notifications set up. So that part is fine. What I do want however is for starred messages to play a tone/vibrate similar to my text messages. I went into Gmail and then Manage Labels within the menu and I confirmed that 'Starred' is set to sync all and ring, vibrate, notify once. This to me seems like it should be notifying the way I just described that I'm looking for but there is no different notification for starred messages the way I had hoped. What am I doing wrong here?

Anyone? I can't seem to get this to work no matter what I do.


Grouping SMS messages from Google

I use SMS reminders in Google calendar. For some reason default Hero messages application does not group these messages under one name as it does for other contacts so I have pretty lengthly list of Google reminders in my inbox.
I tried adding dummy Google contact but it did help. Maybe I should have add telephone number to it but there is no sender number in message details.
Any ideas?
I had a similar problem, because each reminder message is from a unique number (the proper shortcode followed by a sequence number), so that Google's system can identify individual messages (and replies when applicable). I never did figure out a way to get them to group, but I did find a work around. I switched my notification types from SMS to Pop-up (in my GCal settings, online). If you have notifications turned on in your phone's calendar, then the calendar app on your phone will alert you (similar to the way the alarm does) rather than getting a text message. The other advantage to this, at least in my opinion, is that if I don't notice it right away, it'll snooze and pop up again in a few minutes, unlike a text message, which is a one shot thing.

[Q]+[Poll] Android :: Repeat Notifications ::

Hi all,
There doesn't seem to be an option to switch off repeat notifications. Whenever I receive an email and I don't read it immediately, I'll get a repeat notification sound every 5 minutes or so until I acknowledge the email in some way.
I have looked to no avail, so am hoping that someone can point out where this option is. I have set up quiet time from 10PM - 7AM, but this isn't helping outside these quiet hours.
Hope you can help.
I think its a gmail bug. Except for me I get the messages report in winmo. Even if I delete them they come back. Fu!$&ng annoying. Even though I don't use winmo, I still see them if I have to do a restart or something
I've never bad this problem at all...
Sent from my HTC HD2 using Tapatalk
I'm using an app called Improved Email. Not syncing to Gmail, but internal mail app grabs corporate exchange, improved mail to another exchange server and also a hotmail account. Still don't see an option to disable the repeat notifications..
Are you having this problem with Gmail, or a different mail app? Because there are a few bugs ive noticed with the Gmail app like mattfmartin said. Sometimes I wont receive an email in WM but the moment i boot up into Android i start getting notifications from old & new emails.
motoman234 said:
Are you having this problem with Gmail, or a different mail app? Because there are a few bugs ive noticed with the Gmail app like mattfmartin said. Sometimes I wont receive an email in WM but the moment i boot up into Android i start getting notifications from old & new emails.
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Click to collapse
Hi, I don't use gmail at all. I don't have a problem receiving email either, its just that when I do receive emails the notification sounds keep sounding every 5 minutes until I go into the mail application and read them which I don't often have time to do so the repeat notification sounds become quite annoying after 15 minutes or so, especially at work where they annoy other work colleagues as well.
my phone beeps one time, then the orange light stays on until i check it..
this must be build specific.. perhaps post in the build thread.
I dont use gmail either. And I get the notification repeats for everything. It's especially annoying for voicemail, and it doesnt matter if I have new voicemail or not, I check all the messages and then the notification comes back 5-10 minutes later, then I check again and there are no new messages... It's just annoying really though, not that big of a deal...

[Q] Duplicate SMS Notifications

Nevermind.. Solved it.
Could you post the Q&A for others who may search this? I was JUST posting about duplicates in another SMS thread.
I'd assume it's just because he has multiple apps that alert him when an SMS arrives. If you download handcent you'll get 2 notifications unless you turn them off on one of the apps.
Ahh, I'm getting the same sms messages a few times in the stock app... I'm guessing its user error on their end since it does not happen all of the time.
I've been using Handcent since day one and I made sure to turn notifications off on the default SMS app. Apparently Beautiful Widgets was causing me to get notifications from both apps even though alerts were turned off. Uninstalled the beautiful widgets app and everything returned to normal. Dunno what went wrong.

Reminder App

I thought this would be easy to find a GOOD app for this but it hasn't.
I'm after an app that will give reminders for notifications other than my calender and sms ones eg missed call, facebook, facebook messenger, touchdown email, etc.
At the moment I have calender snooze for my appointments which works great, and also go sms pro for messages with its inbuilt repeat reminder.
Now does anyone have one that will work for other notifications and not interfere with with my existing reminders, well I could turn go sms repeat reminders off i guess but not calender snooze.
Still Looking
Should have turned this into a battery thread about a cheap 5500mAh battery for $15. Woulda sure had replies
I can't quite work out specifically what you're after, but this seems to fit the bill.
Thankyou. Sure to give this a go.
Stupid thing is I searched a fair amount and all I found only did missed calls or text messaged etc.... Maybe I just left key words from my search and used the wrong terminology.
But this looks like it works for whatever program that has normal android notifications to be added. So can leave go sms pro out of the list and this won't duplicate the good built in repeat reminders.

Notification sounds sometimes silent??

I've got a stock Verizon S4, and I'm using the stock Messaging app. Sometimes, I get audible notifications when a new SMS message arrives, but often I don't. I cannot consistently reproduce the problem. I just tried rebooting, and the first message I got after the reboot only vibrated, even though notification volume is set to 7/7.
Gmail and Mail apps seem to behave as expected--audible notification on first new email received, but no audible notifications for subsequent until I check email...then first message received after the check is audible again.
Messaging app will sometimes give an audible alert for every message received, even if there are other unchecked messages already presernt (which is what I want), and sometimes will not alert for any message, whether it's the first unchecked or not.
I do use Llama, but I've confirmed that the "Normal" profile is active, and I've manually checked all the volumes and they're set where they're supposed to be. (All are 5/7 or higher.)
Anyone else have any issues with Messaging notifications?
Whoops...apparently it _is_ Llama. (More specifically, apparently it's the default Samsung messaging app, and how it reacts to the way most automatic sound profile-changing apps (including Llama) handle vibration settings.)
I'd searched for threads on this problem before I posted, but apparently not well enough. Found this one today:
For Llama users, the dev has figured out why the S4 acts differently, and has a beta version of Llama available to handle it. Check out the June 24, 2013 post on the dev's blog, here: .
Thanks to user kanahpoo in the referenced thread above for the pointer.

