Lumia after 0% battery dead - Nokia Lumia 800

I got this problem. My battery gone on 0% and phone turns off normally.
After that no on.
When connected on charger it come NOKIA logo with vibrate and come windows phone logo and than shut down and repeat.
I tried all solutions over net and not helped me.
What to do?

please anyone? I dont have warranty any more....

That depends... What was the last thing you did on your phone?
Did you try unlocking the bootloader? If so, did you format the disk when prompted? Never, is anyone supposed to format it. If you chose 'Cancel' then theres hope.
I would suggest trying NSS & unlock it...
this should help...

I was just listen music and it turn off.
Not touching phone.

Zulea said:
I was just listen music and it turn off.
Not touching phone.
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Leave it on the charger for several hours. If the battery is completely empty it can take quite a while until it is able to be restarted.

8 hours was on charger and nothing.
When connect to charger bootlop is whole time.

Zulea said:
8 hours was on charger and nothing.
When connect to charger bootlop is whole time.
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Did you update your phone to Tango in the past day or so?

yes few days ago.

Zulea said:
yes few days ago.
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I had a similar problem after I updated my phone, the battery just wouldn't charge up. I was able to flash the older firmware back on to the phone and it would charge the battery but as soon as I put ANY of the tango firmware's on the phone the battery would stop charging.

I cant turn on phone, how will flash older firmware, any tutorial*

Zulea said:
I cant turn on phone, how will flash older firmware, any tutorial*
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When you plug in the charger you're phone is turning on but it keeps looping through the boot sequence as the screen eats up more power than it get's. Try using a wall charger to charge your phone, once the screen come on turn it off. You should be able to put enough power about 2% which would be enough to try your phone on long enough to flash it. First try to see if you can get the phone to boot up from a wall charger.

When is wall charger it come to windows logo and turn off.

Zulea said:
When is wall charger it come to windows logo and turn off.
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Can you turn the screen off before it gets to the Windows logo?

only turn off phone if plug off charger.

Zulea said:
I cant turn on phone, how will flash older firmware, any tutorial*
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Unfortunatly if you can't get the phone to boot up at all then you won't be able to flash on the firmware
The only solution you have is to send it back to Nokia. I dropped my phone in and was given a new phone which now works perfectly

I dont have warranty soo I gave to local service shop....
They said some problem with battery and will tell em tomorow how much will cost.


[FIXED]After root, phone wont charge while off?

So I rooted and installed CWM, and now when I try to charge my phone WHILE it is off, the charging light wont come on, which means is not charging while off at all. Has this happened to anyone else? When the phone is on, it charges just fine.
EDIT: Just tried it with FastBoot on, and now it charges when powered off. So to anyone having the issue, try this.
EDIT 2: It appears this only happens when on CWM recovery. TWRP does not exhibit this problem.
I've noticed the same on my end.
Try a different recovery.
Locked & Loaded
Same result here, i woke up to a dead phone this morning.
Happen to me too with different recovery.
Sent from my PG86100 using Tapatalk
Out of curiosity, were your phones _off_, or in the hibernation state that is used for Fast Boot?
blakejohnson86 said:
Out of curiosity, were your phones _off_, or in the hibernation state that is used for Fast Boot?
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Mine was in the "hibernation" state, but before I had root, I could charge the phone while off with either FastBoot off or on. Anyway, I already changed recoveries to TeamWin's, and Im in the process of a Nandroid backup, so as soon as its done, I will try to charge with both FB on and off to see what happens, and I will post results. BTW, I've seen that this has happened to quite a few more people, so it might be a widespread problem that not a lot of people know because most of us dont ever turn off the phone to charge it.
I dunno.. havent tried that but why do u turn your phone off to charge it anyways lol
brownhornet said:
I dunno.. havent tried that but why do u turn your phone off to charge it anyways lol
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Well, if you run your battery until the phone turns off, it'd be great to be able to charge it in your own phone instead of an external charger or non-rooted/s-on phone.
brownhornet said:
I dunno.. havent tried that but why do u turn your phone off to charge it anyways lol
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For one, the phone charges faster this way because its not using any power at all.
I have fastboot turned off in the menu and mine charges fine when I turn it off. I'm using Teamwin Recovery
devgrp said:
I have fastboot turned off in the menu and mine charges fine when I turn it off. I'm using Teamwin Recovery
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I can also confirm this, so it appears to be a bug related to CWM recovery, can any of the guys that still have that recovery and is experiencing this problem try to charge with FB off while the phone is off and confirm if it works or not?
Droga said:
I can also confirm this, so it appears to be a bug related to CWM recovery, can any of the guys that still have that recovery and is experiencing this problem try to charge with FB off while the phone is off and confirm if it works or not?
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Same here. I did notice however, the light would not turn green while off... It was on the charger for 7+ hours. Weird. I'm using TWPR.
It's definitely the cwm- recovery. I just tested with both twrp and cwm. twrp allows the phone to charge with fastboot off and phone off.
Fastboot on isn't really a 'fix' because the phone never goes off completely from what I understand. I just want to know I can charge a dead battery in my phone if I ever needed to.
mwalt2 said:
It's definitely the cwm- recovery. I just tested with both twrp and cwm. twrp allows the phone to charge with fastboot off and phone off.
Fastboot on isn't really a 'fix' because the phone never goes off completely from what I understand. I just want to know I can charge a dead battery in my phone if I ever needed to.
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This might be a serious problem to anyone whos using this recovery and their phone dies before they can get to an A/C outlet (for example, on a car w/o a car charger, etc). I will send the developers a quick note for them to check this out.
Good work on figuring this out... Im sure we will see more folks wondering wtf is goin on with their batteries
Sent from my Evo3D
I can confirm this. Using CWM the phone does not charge when powered off. Whats the best way to remove CWM and install TWR?
when you turn off the phone and plug in the charger, the red light does go off in a few seconds, but my phone was fully charged overnight (without the red light on)
Mine charged to 100% this morning. I stuck with CWM, I also flashed OMJ deodexed rom before I went to bed. I plugged it in when the phone was on and awake.
c19932 said:
when you turn off the phone and plug in the charger, the red light does go off in a few seconds, but my phone was fully charged overnight (without the red light on)
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I also wondered if it was just that the led wasn't on, but was really charging. I tried having the phone off with cwm, plugged in charger, led came on/went off, and left it for 30 minutes. It did not charge my battery at all.
str8upx said:
Mine charged to 100% this morning. I stuck with CWM, I also flashed OMJ deodexed rom before I went to bed. I plugged it in when the phone was on and awake.
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Yeah, the problem does not happen if the phone is on and charging.

Xperia Mini Pro SK17i Probably Bricked

Morning everyone,
I´m from Brazil, so my English is not the best ...
On Friday my phone turned off and not turn on, trying to turn on, the LED on it flashes red 3 times and nothing else happens ...
When connect on computer via USB, it says the device was not recognized ...
Do not even know where to start, I tried fastboot mode to put another kernel, but to no avail, I tried FlashBoot mode and could not ...
I need help ...
huelber said:
Morning everyone,
I´m from Brazil, so my English is not the best ...
On Friday my phone turned off and not turn on, trying to turn on, the LED on it flashes red 3 times and nothing else happens ...
When connect on computer via USB, it says the device was not recognized ...
Do not even know where to start, I tried fastboot mode to put another kernel, but to no avail, I tried FlashBoot mode and could not ...
I need help ...
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Red LED flashing 3 times?
Your battery is empty.
yes, flash 3 times, but if i connect the charger the LED still flashing RED, it´s normal?
EDIT: after 1 minute the LED stop flashing
EDIT 2: I can put in flashboot (green led) and fastboot (blue led) mode, but after 2/3 minutes my phone auto disconnect...
The charger not charging the phone, i will try one different charger, when you remove the battery ang put in directly on the charger...
If somebody have anyone ideia, i´m gratefully...
Sorry about the questions, i´m totally lost...
so sorry to hear about your problem.
i have an older sony ericsson phone.
red blinking light is not a good sign.
not charging when plugged in.
tried charging the battery itself, still did not work.
could be bricked already, try taking it to service center.
Before taking an expensive visit to the service...
Get Sony Mobile Update Service(link in my signature), install it and try Repair option on your phone, it will require to place your phone in flashmode(green LED).
What happened actually before turning off? Did the phone turn itself off or you did?
Hi,I think its just the battery broken.The phone did work since the battery was disscharged,its the battery for 99% sure.Dont buy new one,maybe some of your friends have same kind battery,or go to phone service and tell you want to check if its going to work,so they dont charge you nothing and you will see if its work.Hope I help you mate.
piotrasss87 said:
Hi,I think its just the battery broken.The phone did work since the battery was disscharged,its the battery for 99% sure.Dont buy new one,maybe some of your friends have same kind battery,or go to phone service and tell you want to check if its going to work,so they dont charge you nothing and you will see if its work.Hope I help you mate.
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1st - Batteries don't break down like this.
2nd - Phone's LED works, so battery still has power inside.
3rd - I have discharged my phone's battery completely quite a lot of times, still works just great(never calibrated and will never do).
Someguyfromhell said:
Before taking an expensive visit to the service...
Get Sony Mobile Update Service(link in my signature), install it and try Repair option on your phone, it will require to place your phone in flashmode(green LED).
What happened actually before turning off? Did the phone turn itself off or you did?
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But my phone fave DRM unlocked, the SMUS not brick my phone?
huelber said:
But my phone fave DRM unlocked, the SMUS not brick my phone?
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well you have nothing to lose right?? how much time did you left it charging??
huelber said:
But my phone fave DRM unlocked, the SMUS not brick my phone?
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Unlocked bootloader, then SMUS will not work...
i´ll buy the battery charger and test the battery, but i accept sugestions...
EDIT: The problem is not battery, when I turn on the device, it vibrates but the screen stays black with no sign of response.
I can plug it in fastboot mode and ... flashmode
Any suggestions?

[Q] SGS2 won't turn on but shows charge symbol

Hi all
My phone was shutting off instantly without any reason for couple of days and then I would turn it on. My battery was also acting weird. Sometimes when I turn it on it was showing 30% battery while before it was at 70%. Today, it turned off and wouldn't turn on. I tried Vol Up/Down+HOME+Power button and Home+Power button but it wouldn't turn on or go into recovery/download mode. When I put it on charge, charge symbol shows for a second and then it would turn off and then again on and off and continues forever.
Any help in this regard would be highly appreciated.
Either your battery is not accepting charge or is not getting any charge.
If you know someone else with an S2, ask to borrow their battery to find out whether your phone will boot.
I've a suspicion that you're going to have to replace either the battery or the USB charger port.....or maybe even both.
But the first thing to find out is if the phone boots with a 'known good' battery.
my wife says I'm a phone geek....
I'd have to agree......
keithross39 said:
Either your battery is not accepting charge or is not getting any charge.
If you know someone else with an S2, ask to borrow their battery to find out whether your phone will boot.
I've a suspicion that you're going to have to replace either the battery or the USB charger port.....or maybe even both.
But the first thing to find out is if the phone boots with a 'known good' battery.
my wife says I'm a phone geek....
I'd have to agree......
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Thanks a lot buddy for your reply.
An hour ago I put the phone on charge for about 15 minutes and the battery charging symbol stabilized. Then I pressed Power button and phone booted and was working fine. Then just to check, I shut off and it won't start again and came back to the same old problem. I would definitely battery from same phone and will let you know about the updates.
Its a very weird problem. I have put the battery of my brother's SGS2 in my phone and the problem is same. Then when I put my battery in my brother's mobile then that mobile shows the same problem. After switching batteries many time, my brother's SGS2 with its own battery would show the same problem. In other words that mobile was dead also. Then I plugged out the battery from the other mobile and left it out for some time and plugged in again and mobile was ok.
After that I didn't risk to switch batteries again. I have the feeling that problem is not at hardware end. For some reasons my mobile's software is corrupting batteries. I remember to have re-calibrated the battery couple of days ago with software named "battery recalibrate". I am lost at what the problem might be and what to do anymore.
Pls help.
Flash firmware with Odin that will rule out software problems. Flash say lsw and see if its the same.
andrewwright said:
Flash firmware with Odin that will rule out software problems. Flash say lsw and see if its the same.
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But I am unable to go in recovery/download mode and can't boot the device. How can I install firmware with odin.
ImranG2 said:
But I am unable to go in recovery/download mode and can't boot the device. How can I install firmware with odin.
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Thought you got it to boot?
andrewwright said:
Thought you got it to boot?
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Any idea/suggestion to boot the device.
Jig to force it to download mode
Just for the record. I discovered the solution to be ridiculously simple. Battery pins connection was loose and by just putting a foiled tissue paper at below corner of battery to strengthen connection of pins, all was back to normal. Ahh! it was such a relief.
Happy days glad you sorted it:thumbup:

S6 edge won't turn on, won't respond to anything, but is hot

Hey guys, I just did an update last night, the update was around 330mb, then I drained my phone completely, charged it, then fell asleep, when i woke up, I removed the charger, and the phone won't turn on. Tried pressing all 4 buttons, tried going to recovery, safe mode, and every other combination of buttons, but the phone won't turn on or even go to the samsung logo or blink or anything. Even if I connect it to the laptop, nothing happens. Screen is off, but even when it is not attached to anything, the phone is hot. Which means it is technically on? I'm thinking of letting it drain til it runs out of battery then recharge it?
Anyone? I tried all combinations, nothing makes it work, not even make the led blink, no vibration. Also, i tried charging it for a few hours, it just gets warm but no charging icon or anything.
Does it get recognized in Odin? You may be able to fix it by reflashing stock
crixley said:
Does it get recognized in Odin? You may be able to fix it by reflashing stock
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I'll try later. I still don't have odin. But that would probably be my last resort. I don't want to lose all my stuff.
Bu the way, my phone is all stock, no root.
OK so I kept the phone charging and now I tried turning it on, nothing, but the blue LED came on.
Now the blue light is off again.
Trya computer to see if it is recognized. If so, just copy your entire folder from your phone, try to Odin, then if successful copy over your files
crixley said:
Trya computer to see if it is recognized. If so, just copy your entire folder from your phone, try to Odin, then if successful copy over your files
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I have never connected it to my laptop before so it may not have the drivers? But the laptop does not read it. Kies does not see it. Now i borrowed a friend's wireless charger but he said he thinks something is wrong with this charger cus it charges, now i put the phone on top, the charger shows a blue light but phone is not responding to it.
limpbisquit said:
I have never connected it to my laptop before so it may not have the drivers? But the laptop does not read it. Kies does not see it. Now i borrowed a friend's wireless charger but he said he thinks something is wrong with this charger cus it charges, now i put the phone on top, the charger shows a blue light but phone is not responding to it.
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Whilst the blue led it lit hold only power + volume down for 10 seconds? Anything happen?
callumbr1 said:
Whilst the blue led it lit hold only power + volume down for 10 seconds? Anything happen?
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Tried that. It doesn't work. Oh and now that i tried charging with a wireless charger and still same thing, i guess i can safely conclude it's not the port. Maybe i need to try a charger with higher amps to try and wake it up?
Is it possible that the update does not allow the use of chargers that or not originally for the unit? And i used a samsung slow charger that night after the update, so the whole night the phone tried blocking the current and ended up frying the diode/resistor? Or maybe since i drained it to 0% it went to deep deep sleep?
limpbisquit said:
Is it possible that the update does not allow the use of chargers that or not originally for the unit? And i used a samsung slow charger that night after the update, so the whole night the phone tried blocking the current and ended up frying the diode/resistor? Or maybe since i drained it to 0% it went to deep deep sleep?
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No any charger should work fine it doesn't have to be official samsung charger. Do the touch key lights come on at all? Have you tried to connect to odin?
callumbr1 said:
No any charger should work fine it doesn't have to be official samsung charger. Do the touch key lights come on at all? Have you tried to connect to odin?
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I tried connecting to the laptop, laptop does not read it. I connected it to odin but it doesn't show anything, how do I know if odin reads it? Touch lights don't come on, no response from anything.
limpbisquit said:
I tried connecting to the laptop, laptop does not read it. I connected it to odin but it doesn't show anything, how do I know if odin reads it? Touch lights don't come on, no response from anything.
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Open odin, plug in phone and a box on odin will go blue and will say com 3 or something. If that doesn't work try smart switch
callumbr1 said:
Open odin, plug in phone and a box on odin will go blue and will say com 3 or something. If that doesn't work try smart switch
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I think it didn't show anything when i did. I will check again later.
Is it possible that after the update, when i charged it didn't accept the charger so the battery got drained fully and now it can't charge? A technician said the battery needs to be "shocked" but they don't have the equipment to take off the back to get to the battery. Any thoughts on that?
Would it help if i charge it using a 3.4A charger for a few hours? Maybe that will wake up the battery? Technicians say that because it got to 0% it might have been fully drained and unable to recharge, what they usually do is direct charge a battery but in the case of the s6 edge it's not that easy to do since you have to take it apart...
limpbisquit said:
I think it didn't show anything when i did. I will check again later.
Is it possible that after the update, when i charged it didn't accept the charger so the battery got drained fully and now it can't charge? A technician said the battery needs to be "shocked" but they don't have the equipment to take off the back to get to the battery. Any thoughts on that?
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This is possible, I had the same issue with an iPhone and I had to open the case and charge it externally
Anyone have any other suggestions? I would probably bring it to the service center on monday, but I think if i have it serviced, they will just forward it to another city since I don't think they do repairs in mine.
limpbisquit said:
Anyone have any other suggestions? I would probably bring it to the service center on monday, but I think if i have it serviced, they will just forward it to another city since I don't think they do repairs in mine.
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Official samsung charger should be enough to get it charging and working. Service centre sounds best option

G Alpha wont turn on.

I charged my phone night before last and I used it in the morning. I left it on top of the bed when I had to do stuff.
I went to get my phone and my wife said it was warm and that she found it under the blanket. The blue notification light was flashing but I could not get the screen to come on via the power buttom.
I cannot get the phone to respond using any methods.
Could my phone have just died in an instant?
Reseat battery, try getting your phone into recovery
echo124 said:
Reseat battery, try getting your phone into recovery
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I already reseated the battery.
I cannot get to recovery mode with volume up + power + home.
I dont understand what could have happened.
Blue notification light was flashing. I hit the power button to turn the screen on but the phone did not respond.
I pulled the battery and I put the battery back in but the phone would not power on.
No indication when it is charging.
Kies wont recognize it.
Wont power on, at all.
Stock rom with only a few extra apps. I deleted most of my apps when my phone would randomly lock up.
Could be bad battery. Try getting to recovery as soon as you plug in charger.
echo124 said:
Could be bad battery. Try getting to recovery as soon as you plug in charger.
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I tried to boot the phone with 3 different chargers with the battery in and battery out.
My charger
My wifes S6 charger
My moms Kindle fire charger.
I tried a total of 6 times to boot the phone, nothing.
Could the motherboard be bad?
Could it be hard bricked?
Could be the battery
Could the phone turn on without the battery while being plugged into charge?
I guess no, try battery from another alpha/new one.
kktkaran said:
I guess no, try battery from another alpha/new one.
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I did. I tried 2 new batteries that I got from a batteries and bulbs store.
Still acting like a brick.
svtfast said:
I did. I tried 2 new batteries that I got from a batteries and bulbs store.
Still acting like a brick.
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It can be Display problem, give it to service centre
Im also facing same issue. its totally dead. can't even charge. replaced battery . i think it might be IC issue.
kktkaran said:
It can be Display problem, give it to service centre
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I doubt that could be the problem because my computer wont even recognize the phone.

