task manager doesnt kill all processes - Android Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

is there a more robust app to stop processes?
my beef is "jetcet"?? from the stock browser menu you can print and the print job started, the first page printed but the second failed and the printing notification was in "on going" and killing all in task manager didn't stop the notification nor did force stop the app!
any way to properly stop all?


Advanced task manager

This may sound like a stupid question... but here it goes lol
Does task manager APPLICATION have to be running (blue icon in top left corner) for the auto terminate to work? or is there a separate PROCESS or something that allows it to kill tasks...
For completeness sake i don't exclude task manager ... am i defeating the whole purpose ?

Task maneger, anyone?

Hi there.
I'm looking for a widget task manager (not a task killer, just something that gives me quick access to running tasks), preferably something that shows me running tasks in the widget itself (as oppose to a widget that opens a menu of tasks when pressed).
I use to use the go launcher task manager, that suited my needs perfectly, but as far as I understand it, it's only available with the launcher.
The Active Apps / Task Manager looks good, but only shows the apps themselves in a menu, and not on the "desktop".
So, any recommendations?

Task manager recent task limit :help:

Why is it Task manger only Show like 16-20 recent taks even if the recent app is still in background(cached)
is there any other app for that or any way to remove that limit
i found this app which shows 30-40 recents apps https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=ms.salt.prehome&hl=en
but problem is it starts the app from start not from where i left it
no one?
it doesn't show which are running on background but the last 15 apps were in use.

svoice and stock task manager

is there a way to prevent the stock samsung task manager from killing Svoice running in the background? I use wake up command when screen is turned off to find out the time, weather, open google voice search, and make calendar appointments etc. and I use task manager's "end all" button to shut down apps that are not in use to free up ram. the problem is that sometimes Svoice does not show up on the running list and when i end all apps it closes and the screen-off wake up command does not work unless i manual restart Svoice. does the stock task manager have a ignore list? Is it possible to do this on a non-rooted phone?

[Q] How Android keeps opened apps on task manager even after rebooting the phone?

I can see the apps that I've opened in recent app section even after rebooting the phone.
If the apps are using RAM to work why don't they disappear when I restart the phone?
The Recents screen (also referred to as the Overview screen, recent task list, or recent apps) is a system-level UI that lists recently accessed activities and tasks. The user can navigate through the list and select a task to resume, or the user can remove a task from the list by swiping it away. The list is persistent, means it doesn't get cleared on Android's boot-up.
Resume: As long as an app listed in recent apps isn't removed there, it gets shown there.

