Galaxy s2 hard bricked I think - AT&T Samsung Galaxy S II SGH-I777

So my current phone stopped working so i was going to switch back to my galaxy s2 that has been sitting unused for about 3 months. When i tried to charged it the device will not turn on. The phone heats up when it sits on the charger for sometime. Also if i hook it up to my computer without the battery and hold the power and up/down button i can get to the warning screen about custom os to put it into downloading mode but when I press up to continue the screen just goes black and nothing happen if i press down to restart nothing happens it just goes black and i can hold the power and up/down to get back to the warning screen. The phone was rooted with iscrewd a long time ago before i when to a different phone. I have a usb jig but i cant even get to the warning screen with the battery in. Any thoughts??

You don't say, but I assume the phone was working normally when it was put on the shelf? If you can put your hands on a good I777 battery that is at least partially charged or better yet fully charged, put that in the phone and see if it will boot.
Sitting for three months will completely drain the battery, and this phone is somewhat sensitive to that. At least I have seen quite a number of reports of full discharge of the battery giving the same symptoms of not charging and getting warm.
I don't know what would account for you not being able to go beyond the warning screen with the battery out, especially if the phone was working normally before. The correct button configuration is the volume down button only, when the battery is out. I think the other buttons don't intefere though. Might try with just the vol - being held down and see what happens.

I vaguely remember someone having a problem similar to this, and I think he fixed it by getting the phone into download mode, putting the battery in, and leaving it in download mode to charge the battery. I think after a while he was able to boot the phone and let it finish charging while the phone was on.

This happened to me before. I just bought a new battery on Amazon and it worked just fine.
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using xda premium

mvi57 said:
I vaguely remember someone having a problem similar to this, and I think he fixed it by getting the phone into download mode, putting the battery in, and leaving it in download mode to charge the battery. I think after a while he was able to boot the phone and let it finish charging while the phone was on.
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battery does not charge in download mode. nor recovery.

Bought a new battery for it and it booted up like normal
Sent from my SGH-I777 using Tapatalk 2


[Q] Rezound Bricked?

My Rezound is broken
I unlocked and de-sensed it, but that was when the unlock first came out and it's been working fine since, so I don't thing that's the problem.
The phone won't come on, and when I plug it in the charge light doesn't even come on. If I leave it plugged in, then take the battery out and put it back in the charge light comes on for a few seconds, then turns off.
I was at a new years party the night before and I may have laid down on top of it while it was in my pocket, but the water sensors are fine, and I don't remember it ever getting wet.
I notice there are a lot of connections between the phone and the back cover. Is it possible that something could be bent and these connections aren't being made, so the phone refuses to do anything? I tried putting wires across them where they would normally be connected, but it didn't seem to help.
So what do you guys think? Is there something else I can try? I guess if it's totally broken then they can't tell that it's unlocked, so I could try getting a replacement :/
First off, I wouldn't have put any wire across any of the antenna leads like that. Second, if the phone is not coming on with the cover off then you may have another problem. The phone should turn on without the cover. You just wouldn't have signal.
My opinion, try another batter if you know anyone who has one. Or maybe go to your VZW store and see if they will let you use one of theirs. If the battery/phone is too hot the LED will blink orange, once it is cool enough, or full enough to turn on/charge again it will become solid. The fact you get an indication when there is no battery leads me to believe there may be a problem with the battery itself.
with the phone off, pull the battery for several minutes. Then put it back in and plug it in to the charger. Do not try and turn the phone on. If the charge light comes on and stays on, just let it charge for a few hours until it turns green.
I've read of rezounds dying from the battery going completely out. Screws it up somehow. Verizon also has thunderbolt external chargers for 5 bucks. You could use that to charge the battery (it fits), then try and turn it on. If it still won't turn on after charging, put the battery in and try and boot into the bootloader menu (power on and vol down at the same time), from there you can restore your nandroid or flash another ROM if it will boot to it.
I tried leaving the battery out for a few minutes, and then for the rest of the day. No dice in either case. I'll try to get an external charger tomorrow :/
Thanks for the ideas, I'll let you know how it goes.
Mine died overnight. Same symptoms, charging light for a few seconds then nothing. I plugged it in, let it sit for a while (didn't time it, but not more than 15 minutes). Unplugged it, then: held power, volume up and volume down all at the same time. It booted up, as soon as the screen came on, I plugged it back into the charger. Running fine now. Hope this helps someone else.
Went to Verizon today. I bought another battery and ordered an external charger. Swapped in the new battery and the phone started right up
Now I just hope I didn't screw anything up messing with the antenna contacts :/
ministroni said:
Went to Verizon today. I bought another battery and ordered an external charger. Swapped in the new battery and the phone started right up
Now I just hope I didn't screw anything up messing with the antenna contacts :/
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After getting the new battery, does the orange LED come on while charging the phone when powered off? I replaced my battery after having the same problem and now the orange light does not stay on while the phone is charging when it is powered off. I guess it's no big deal, but it bothers me.
flie4wtguy said:
After getting the new battery, does the orange LED come on while charging the phone when powered off? I replaced my battery after having the same problem and now the orange light does not stay on while the phone is charging when it is powered off. I guess it's no big deal, but it bothers me.
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Yeah, it still works just fine. I turned it off just now and then plugged it in to check and the charging light came on immediately.
Maybe the battery is faulty or you got a thunderbolt battery by mistake and the phone is confused? Otherwise I have no clue why that would happen :/
I have them same problem. My phone is completely dead, won't turn on and a orange light comes on for 3 seconds and goes away and nothing happens. What do I need to do?
Sounds like your battery died. Pull the battery and let it sit for a few, then try to boot it back up and plug it in immediately.
I was reading a thread about this last night on RootzWiki. Dude did a lot of testing, came to find out it was ClockWorkMOD keeping a completely dead battery from charging at all. Is that the recovery you have? If so, I would put AmonRa on, try that.
Agreed, almost definitely a dead battery. You can try this:
1) Take out the battery and put it back in
2) Hold down power and volume down to enter the bootloader
3) Immediately plug the phone in and leave it there for 10 minutes or so
4) Reboot the phone now that you have enough power to make it through booting
This should work as long as your battery is completely dead.
My suggestion for the future though is to buy an external charger and a second battery. That's what I did, and now any time I accidentally let my battery die I just swap it out and I'm good to go at 100% while the other one recharges. Also an external charger is the easiest way to fix this if your battery is too dead for the above method.
ministroni said:
Went to Verizon today. I bought another battery and ordered an external charger. Swapped in the new battery and the phone started right up
Now I just hope I didn't screw anything up messing with the antenna contacts :/
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Also, remember that if you are using Clockwork Recovery for some reason that makes the phone not charge when its powered down. I had the similar issue where i couldnt get it to charge or come on at all, i put in a battery from my TBolt and it turned right on, switched Recovery to Amon Ra (Blue one, not the Red one) and from there it charged no problem!
slim6596 said:
Mine died overnight. Same symptoms, charging light for a few seconds then nothing. I plugged it in, let it sit for a while (didn't time it, but not more than 15 minutes). Unplugged it, then: held power, volume up and volume down all at the same time. It booted up, as soon as the screen came on, I plugged it back into the charger. Running fine now. Hope this helps someone else.
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this worked for me! thank you!! also to come to think of it, the problem happened after installing clockworkmod recovery. so there certainly seems to be a connection
slim6596 said:
Mine died overnight. Same symptoms, charging light for a few seconds then nothing. I plugged it in, let it sit for a while (didn't time it, but not more than 15 minutes). Unplugged it, then: held power, volume up and volume down all at the same time. It booted up, as soon as the screen came on, I plugged it back into the charger. Running fine now. Hope this helps someone else.
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This absolutely helped me! I'm really liking this Rezound I picked up but the damn thing is also just very temperamental in general. Still a fantastic underrated device overall though.
My wifes d2g did that once. I ended up taking an old charger, stripping the ends off and taping it to the contacts on the battery for 30 minutes. It charged it up and after that it would charge thru the phone again. A lot cheaper than a new battery.
Sent from my ADR6425LVW using xda app-developers app

[Q] please help!

Last night i fell asleep and my phone died all the way, and now when i plug it in all i get is a lg logo then it goes away and then a dark lit up screen. ive let it charge for awhile now and i still get nothing, i cant get into cwm either.. the phone is unlocked and rooted and im running the base rom. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Happened to me... leave it on the charger at least 3 hours and check it. The battery completely drains when you unplug the charger if you charged with the phone off. gl
Edit: If it still won't work, turn phone on and plug in charger.
Sent from my LG-E970 using xda premium
Pony Express said:
Happened to me... leave it on the charger at least 3 hours and check it. The battery completely drains when you unplug the charger if you charged with the phone off. gl
Edit: If it still won't work, turn phone on and plug in charger.
Sent from my LG-E970 using xda premium
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This happened to me too. I completely drained the battery and it kept going into a loop (black screen, LG logo, battery screen). I left it plugged in and off and let it boot up.
This has happened to several people. I have confirmed through testing, even exchanging my phone 2 days ago that this is an issue created when unlocking the bootloader. Rooting does not cause it. Once the bootloader is unlocked, you can not get around this by re-locking the bootloader.
The workaround is simple. Either leave your phone on while it is charging or if you charge with phone off, unplug your charger and hit the power button- you will still see the charge animation running- this is what causes the battery to drain. All you have to do is power up the phone at least to boot then it is ok to turn off. You can confirm it worked by touching the power button again and not see the charge animation. Hope this helps.
Wow thanks so much for the reply and help! I've got it working now and I guess I'll just avoid it by not letting it die lol
Sent from my LG-E970 using xda app-developers app
If you let it die all the way, its not a big deal. Plug it in, hold down the volume down button and the power button for 15 seconds, then it will work fine.
Threads like this makes this forum so great. Another potential problem to be avoided when using the phone.
Sent from my Nexus 7 using xda premium
I could use some help guys, if this thread isn't too old. I've searched high and low to the answer here and nothing is working. I've tried download mode, fastboot, recovery, reset, holding power down, plugging it in and unplugging it. I've pulled the plate off of the battery, tried LGNPST, drivers, etc. No go on anything.
The phone is still dead, and will not turn on. The best I've gotten is a solid red light after holding the power button for 15-20 seconds. Then after about 3-5 seconds it resumes flashing (alternating between the red light and the key buttons). If I continue holding the power button down it will repeat this, showing solid red and then reverting to flashing.
I can not get the screen to display anything, not even the charging animation, and none of my computers will even recognize the device. I've been messing with it all day and I'm stuck. If anyone can help me, at all, please do. I hate going to Sprint. Anything but that, please.
thistimearound said:
I could use some help guys, if this thread isn't too old. I've searched high and low to the answer here and nothing is working. I've tried download mode, fastboot, recovery, reset, holding power down, plugging it in and unplugging it. I've pulled the plate off of the battery, tried LGNPST, drivers, etc. No go on anything.
The phone is still dead, and will not turn on. The best I've gotten is a solid red light after holding the power button for 15-20 seconds. Then after about 3-5 seconds it resumes flashing (alternating between the red light and the key buttons). If I continue holding the power button down it will repeat this, showing solid red and then reverting to flashing.
I can not get the screen to display anything, not even the charging animation, and none of my computers will even recognize the device. I've been messing with it all day and I'm stuck. If anyone can help me, at all, please do. I hate going to Sprint. Anything but that, please.
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Dude i had the same isse like your did, so i search everywhere and endup here. I'd try many think like you said, when holding volume+ and power there nothing heapen but volume down and power, or just hold the power buton there red light of front led is flashed, and ... is realy dead.
I can't go to any sevice central, coz my friend bring this telus P973 for me from another contry, and im living at the mountian lol. So im about to take it to nake and try to reset by reputing the batery. Devil beside me, i have 2 extra LG Lu6200 but 1 got broken the touch system, the other been death after i take a shower, Optimus G is using small sim and i'hv cuted it, there no other phone i can use that sim for tomorow, my girlfriend sending me some monney tomorow, and i have to meet my new boss and taking a new job that's make me traveling alot, and i don't have a laptop.
Don't know what to say when looking at the black cold silent phone i used to like most....
Some body, please help!

Dead i777???

Ok here is the issue...I have been having random reboots for a while( 3-6 months) thought it was just a dirty flash. I did a clean install of AOKP as suggested and the problem persisted. I thought well maybe the ROM just does't like my phone so I tried ShoStock, CM10, SlimBean, Xylon, and straight up stock...Well none of these helped, the more I researched my problem on XDA, Rootzwiki, and Google the more I saw that it was probably a power button malfunction. I sent the phone into to get the power button replaced, they probably did a great job from all the reviews and testimonials I've got from my other dev team (Team Passion FTW:]) but now every time I plug it into a charger it flashes the charging battery symbol two or three times and then stops. The phone won't turn on and I can't get to download mode/ recovery/ any mode... The phone acts as though it's just dead. ANY help or suggestions would be greatly appreciated!!
Thanks XDA community, you've helped me in the past let us figure this out together!!
mattytom87 said:
Ok here is the issue...I have been having random reboots for a while( 3-6 months) thought it was just a dirty flash. I did a clean install of AOKP as suggested and the problem persisted. I thought well maybe the ROM just does't like my phone so I tried ShoStock, CM10, SlimBean, Xylon, and straight up stock...Well none of these helped, the more I researched my problem on XDA, Rootzwiki, and Google the more I saw that it was probably a power button malfunction. I sent the phone into to get the power button replaced, they probably did a great job from all the reviews and testimonials I've got from my other dev team (Team Passion FTW:]) but now every time I plug it into a charger it flashes the charging battery symbol two or three times and then stops. The phone won't turn on and I can't get to download mode/ recovery/ any mode... The phone acts as though it's just dead. ANY help or suggestions would be greatly appreciated!!
Thanks XDA community, you've helped me in the past let us figure this out together!!
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Did you let the bettery die? Have you tried a spare battery yet?
chapelfreak said:
Did you let the bettery die? Have you tried a spare battery yet?
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I did let the battery die...I hadn't used the phone in over a month so the battery was drained, you really think the battery is dead enough to not hold a charge at all??
P.S. I don't have an extra battery on hand, is there a way to check without a battery to see if the phone is really dead??
Sent from my Nexus 4 using xda premium
it is a known issue that the phone won't charge or turn on if you let the battery completely die. I've had it happen to me, but I luckily had a spare battery laying around.
Sent from my SGH-I777 using xda app-developers app
I've heard of this method but I have not tried it myself. You take a piece or two of tape and cover the data pins on the battery. They would be the first and third pins from the left (the ones without the + & -).
Once taped, you put the battery back in the phone and charge it. The screen should do nothing. After about 15-30 minutes, remove the tape and plug in normally. Your battery should now have enough juice to operate normally.
Sent from my SGH-I777 using xda premium
Red_81 said:
I've heard of this method but I have not tried it myself. You take a piece or two of tape and cover the data pins on the battery. They would be the first and third pins from the left (the ones without the + & -).
Once taped, you put the battery back in the phone and charge it. The screen should do nothing. After about 15-30 minutes, remove the tape and plug in normally. Your battery should now have enough juice to operate normally.
Sent from my SGH-I777 using xda premium
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Ok so I have determined it was the battery after using a battery of a friends phone. I have tried to cover up pins one and three but every time I plug the phone in it keeps flashing the battery sign and then shutting down.. I'm just wondering if this isn't going to work or if I should try the other pins?? I already ordered a new battery but I'm curious now how this is supposed to work.
I think the theory is that the phone is trying to read the battery but the battery doesn't have enough juice to provide the info. You block the data pins so only the positive and negative terminals make contact and you trickle charge it.
I've also heard of using a 9v battery to jump the battery. You just connect positive to positive negative to negative and pray neither one becomes a bomb in your face.
Sent from my SGH-I777 using xda premium
My phone is doing the same exact thing. The power button started acting up on my phone and then stopped working altogether. The battery died and now it won't turn or or charge, it just flashes the battery icon briefly then shuts off. I ordered a cheapo charger so I can see if charging the battery to full at least lets me turn it on. Please let me know if replacing the battery fixes things. I had this same problem with the battery about a year ago and it seemed to resolve itself after a few hours but that doesnt seem to be the case anymore after a few days it still won't work.
Yeh the battery's for these phones are odd. Some people can let their battery die completely and nothing negative will happen. Some let it die once and it never works again.
I've had this problem before. I wouldnt turn on completely, but if you plugged the phone in and powered it on in COMPLETE darkness, you can just see the backlight flickering on an off.
My way of fixing this was to plug the phone in the wall charger (without the battery) and then press and hold the vol down + power buttons (this is how you enter Download Mode) and then insert the battery while holding those buttons. It should power up into download mode. You just have to use something like Odin to return it to stock.
Now I know you ordered a battery already, but try this out to see if it works for you since you don't have the battery yet.
leo9891 said:
press and hold the vol up + down + power buttons (this is how you enter Download Mode)
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This button combination will put the SGH-I777 into recovery mode, not download mode. I'd like to be nice about it if possible, but please be sure you are posting correct information. Otherwise, it can be very confusing for those who don't know the phone real well.
leo9891 said:
I've had this problem before. I wouldnt turn on completely, but if you plugged the phone in and powered it on in COMPLETE darkness, you can just see the backlight flickering on an off.
My way of fixing this was to plug the phone in the wall charger (without the battery) and then press and hold the vol up + down + power buttons (this is how you enter Download Mode) and then insert the battery while holding those buttons. It should power up into download mode. You just have to use something like Odin to return it to stock.
Now I know you ordered a battery already, but try this out to see if it works for you since you don't have the battery yet.
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This is what is happening to me. If I plug it in I can see the the touch buttons on the bottom briefly flash and the screen flicker. It's as if its trying to start up but doesn't have enough juice. Unfortunately it does the same thing with the battery out and I am unable to get into download or recovery. Hopefully its just the battery.
Not sure if the OP made any progress but I was having the same problem and I bought a cheapo stand alone battery charger off of amazon and charged the battery for a couple hours and now the phone turns right on. Seems the other people in this thread are right about the phone being picky if the battery is completely drained. Here's a link to charger if anyone is interested.

Phone will only power up for 7 seconds total

Had and still have an issue today. While driving earlier yesterday, I was listening to music in my car with phone connected on headphone jack. It made a buzzing noise( that came through car audio) , I disconnected and removed battery. I replaced battery and phone will not turn back on at all, will only show both Samsung logo's then go black screen. The phone will only power up for a total of 7 seconds from initial power up vibration on any combination of buttons,or even using a JIG
which went right into download mode.
- If I plug into power source , phone will just vibrate.
- I removed battery and replace, both Samsung logo's will appear then turn off.
- If I hold volume down + power button and place battery in, it will go into download mode. In this mode I can hit volume down to restart but it will just stay on black screen. Also if I hold these buttons down and do nothing the screen will just go black after a few seconds.
- I can also put into download mode to hook up to ODIN using same method and pressing volume up, but will say downloading then shut off.
- I've tried holding down volume up+down and power and it will not go into recovery.
- Odin with recognize it for a second (say device plugged in) and start to download files then it will say device unplugged after a few seconds
I've been looking at unbricking and unrooting threads with no luck. Any help is appreciated.
I don't know about the buzzing sound, but the rest sounds like a dead battery. Are you sure it's charged or that your charger didn't die on you? I don't believe phones brick after the flash is up and running.
Really now said:
I don't know about the buzzing sound, but the rest sounds like a dead battery. Are you sure it's charged or that your charger didn't die on you? I don't believe phones brick after the flash is up and running.
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Yes I'm 1000% percent sure its not a dead battery and even had it at AT&T warranty center this morning having them look at it. I was trying my luck even though its out of warranty. This issue is like none I've heard, because of the fact that phone actually powers up and I can get into download mode within those 7 seconds, but will shut off after. I've timed it till it powers off.
Really now said:
I don't know about the buzzing sound, but the rest sounds like a dead battery. Are you sure it's charged or that your charger didn't die on you? I don't believe phones brick after the flash is up and running.
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Stuck power button? Flick back or the phone a few times
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I717 using xda app-developers app
Am having this same issue with my girlfriends phone just as of a couple hours ago. It's completely stock and just recently received an OTA update a few days ago, she showed me bragging how she can watch videos and do other things at the same time now knowing how much I want a Note lol, she's had zero issues with it other than the battery getting very hot while charging a week or so ago and seems to be very slightly bulging now that I've looked at it. Out of nowhere today as we're walking through a parking lot and she's carrying it in her hand, not even using it, she says something is wrong with her phone and hands it to me with it vibrating every couple of seconds and not reacting to any buttons. I take the battery out and when we get inside put it back in and without even pressing anything it goes to the Samsung logo, black, animated Samsung logo, then turns off and goes back to vibrating every couple seconds. I look up the button combination for recovery and download mode and all that, I try recovery and it does the same vibrate every couple of seconds but never goes to recovery, and if I take the battery out, hold down volume down, then put the battery in it comes up with the warning about installing ROMs and all that, weather I press volume down or do nothing it stays at that screen for maybe five seconds then turns off and the only way I can get to the download mode is to take the battery out then press volume down. I have the Sprint Samsung Epic 4G and the batteries aren't the same but are very similar, mine is just shorter and 1500mAh, hers is taller and 2500mAh. So for the heck of it I put hers in my phone and hold it enough to where it connects and turn on my phone without issue, it boots up and shows 70% on the battery, I now have it plugged in and charging the battery at the moment with no issues. I put my battery in her phone and held it till it connects and it does the same Samsung logo, goes black, Samsung animated logo, then turns off BUT no vibrating anymore. If I press ANY button though as long as it's being held it vibrates every couple of seconds and if I hold volume down while I connect the battery it goes to Download mode but can't do anything and it turns off after about five seconds same as before, still no recovery access either. Heard that there is a power button issue with this phone and for the heck of it I've wiggled and pressed the power button with no charger or battery connected for around half an hour just to see if I can make it better, but no luck.
Hope to hear a solution to this. I would take the back cover off and clean the power button but I'm not sure if that would void the AT&T insurance, not going to try till I know I can get away with it without them knowing because if I can't fix it it's getting sent off for repairs.
EDIT: And sort of following captemo's suggestion I took a metal box, laid a hoodie over it for a bit of padding, then moderately bounced the phone on its power button side (without letting the power button be pressed/pushed, by letting it hang over the edge of the box) for a minute or so as if thinking the power button was stuck pushed in and I was trying to knock it back out, then put its battery back in and what do you know it turns on fine now. Weirdest way I've ever had to fix a phone, but hey it works now so the girlfriend will be happy.
herqulees said:
Am having this same issue with my girlfriends phone just as of a couple hours ago. It's completely stock and just recently received an OTA update a few days ago, she showed me bragging how she can watch videos and do other things at the same time now knowing how much I want a Note lol, she's had zero issues with it other than the battery getting very hot while charging a week or so ago and seems to be very slightly bulging now that I've looked at it. Out of nowhere today as we're walking through a parking lot and she's carrying it in her hand, not even using it, she says something is wrong with her phone and hands it to me with it vibrating every couple of seconds and not reacting to any buttons. I take the battery out and when we get inside put it back in and without even pressing anything it goes to the Samsung logo, black, animated Samsung logo, then turns off and goes back to vibrating every couple seconds. I look up the button combination for recovery and download mode and all that, I try recovery and it does the same vibrate every couple of seconds but never goes to recovery, and if I take the battery out, hold down volume down, then put the battery in it comes up with the warning about installing ROMs and all that, weather I press volume down or do nothing it stays at that screen for maybe five seconds then turns off and the only way I can get to the download mode is to take the battery out then press volume down. I have the Sprint Samsung Epic 4G and the batteries aren't the same but are very similar, mine is just shorter and 1500mAh, hers is taller and 2500mAh. So for the heck of it I put hers in my phone and hold it enough to where it connects and turn on my phone without issue, it boots up and shows 70% on the battery, I now have it plugged in and charging the battery at the moment with no issues. I put my battery in her phone and held it till it connects and it does the same Samsung logo, goes black, Samsung animated logo, then turns off BUT no vibrating anymore. If I press ANY button though as long as it's being held it vibrates every couple of seconds and if I hold volume down while I connect the battery it goes to Download mode but can't do anything and it turns off after about five seconds same as before, still no recovery access either. Heard that there is a power button issue with this phone and for the heck of it I've wiggled and pressed the power button with no charger or battery connected for around half an hour just to see if I can make it better, but no luck.
Hope to hear a solution to this. I would take the back cover off and clean the power button but I'm not sure if that would void the AT&T insurance, not going to try till I know I can get away with it without them knowing because if I can't fix it it's getting sent off for repairs.
EDIT: And sort of following captemo's suggestion I took a metal box, laid a hoodie over it for a bit of padding, then moderately bounced the phone on its power button side (without letting the power button be pressed/pushed, by letting it hang over the edge of the box) for a minute or so as if thinking the power button was stuck pushed in and I was trying to knock it back out, then put its battery back in and what do you know it turns on fine now. Weirdest way I've ever had to fix a phone, but hey it works now so the girlfriend will be happy.
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Sort of is about right, glad you got it going. Many will complain about the button still clicking even though button is actually stuck. Many have cited some very simple sounding instructions for cleaning power button contacts with minimal deconstruction of phone. Using swab and alcohol. Run a search in q&a, sure you will get something.
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I717 using xda app-developers app
I tried the button with no resolution. I just went ahead and jumped ship and bought Note 3. Thanks to everyone who tried to help out

Stock device won't boot - possible power issue - PLEASE HELP!

So I have a STOCK (no nothing) Verizon Galaxy S4 that is/was up to date as of 6/23/14. I think the last OTA push was a month or so ago.
A few days ago the device rebooted on its own a few times and I had no clue what was going on, but it stabilized for a day or so. Then yesterday it shut off and would not turn back on - the battery level was at least 80%. I removed the battery and reinserted it. I did not press the power button, but the device vibrates and displays the initial boot screen for about 3 seconds before it powers back off. At least I assume it is powered off - the screen goes black and there is no sign of life. The buttons do nothing to stir its slumber. I can remove and reinsert the battery for the same results.
I've tried POWER+HOME+VOLUME UP once inserting the battery - the blue text appears at the top but again the device shuts off after about 3 seconds.
Charger plugged in shows no light. However, when plugged in, the top part of the device does becomes warm on the screen and on the back with the cover off. - It actually becomes quite warm so I removed the battery but kept it plugged in just to test and it remained very warm. Unplugged now. Also it appears that inserting the battery does nothing now - maybe it's drained.
I'm pretty certain it's a hardware problem at this point, but I have no clue where to start. Has anyone ever had this issue or come across someone that has? I can take the device apart - does anyone know where and what I should be looking for as far as a loose connection or damaged component goes? Is there an electrical component diagram out there somewhere?
Any help is much appreciated!!
Have you tried getting into download mode at all?! I know you say that it won't go into stock recovery... But if somehow it got bricked then recovery corrupt be borked as well. Least if you can get into download mode you could try a no wipe image....
Also could just be hardware related in such case I don't have experience with that so much..
Sent from my SCH-I545 using Tapatalk
Mistertac said:
Have you tried getting into download mode at all?!
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Yes. Same deal - it comes up for about 3 seconds... Must be a hardware issue.
tloth01 said:
So I have a STOCK (no nothing) Verizon Galaxy S4 that is/was up to date as of 6/23/14. I think the last OTA push was a month or so ago.
A few days ago the device rebooted on its own a few times and I had no clue what was going on, but it stabilized for a day or so. Then yesterday it shut off and would not turn back on - the battery level was at least 80%. I removed the battery and reinserted it. I did not press the power button, but the device vibrates and displays the initial boot screen for about 3 seconds before it powers back off. At least I assume it is powered off - the screen goes black and there is no sign of life. The buttons do nothing to stir its slumber. I can remove and reinsert the battery for the same results.
I've tried POWER+HOME+VOLUME UP once inserting the battery - the blue text appears at the top but again the device shuts off after about 3 seconds.
Charger plugged in shows no light. However, when plugged in, the top part of the device does becomes warm on the screen and on the back with the cover off. - It actually becomes quite warm so I removed the battery but kept it plugged in just to test and it remained very warm. Unplugged now. Also it appears that inserting the battery does nothing now - maybe it's drained.
I'm pretty certain it's a hardware problem at this point, but I have no clue where to start. Has anyone ever had this issue or come across someone that has? I can take the device apart - does anyone know where and what I should be looking for as far as a loose connection or damaged component goes? Is there an electrical component diagram out there somewhere?
Any help is much appreciated!!
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If this is 100% stock phone u are looking at hardware issue of some type...
sent via safestrap 3.72 and echo v25.1! !
decaturbob said:
If this is 100% stock phone u are looking at hardware issue of some type...
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It is and I agree. Just hoping someone on here might've seen this before and know how to fix it. I may try replacing the charging port hardware to see if that solves it.
amazon com/gp/product/B00EZ6LQ76/ref=ox_sc_act_title_1?ie=UTF8&psc=1&smid=A2N7MOLQT42QNO
tloth01 said:
I've tried POWER+HOME+VOLUME UP once inserting the battery - the blue text appears at the top but again the device shuts off after about 3 seconds.
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To boot into recovery you only need to hold the VOL UP+POWER. Once the phone vibrates let go of power but keep holding the up button. I let go once the blue text appears for about 2 seconds.
ckarrow2 said:
To boot into recovery you only need to hold the VOL UP+POWER. Once the phone vibrates let go of power but keep holding the up button. I let go once the blue text appears for about 2 seconds.
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Thanks... but then it turns off after that 3rd second...
If you can't get into download mode only option left is jtag
If you don't have a warranty there are places that will jtag it. I would recommend using someone that has done it before but I would be happy to try if you want to send it to me. I have the equipment but have yet to use it. I had a hard brick and thought I was going to have to try and Jtag mine but the warranty company decided they would go ahead and replace it. Like any place else, there would be no guarantee it will work. Of course if it is a hardware issue, jtag wouldn't work.
Some repair places will test it for free. I took one in for a sound problem and wanted to check out the loud speaker. The loud speaker was fine and they didn't charge me anything.
Tulsadiver said:
If you don't have a warranty there are places that will jtag it. I would recommend using someone that has done it before but I would be happy to try if you want to send it to me. I have the equipment but have yet to use it. I had a hard brick and thought I was going to have to try and Jtag mine but the warranty company decided they would go ahead and replace it. Like any place else, there would be no guarantee it will work. Of course if it is a hardware issue, jtag wouldn't work.
Some repair places will test it for free. I took one in for a sound problem and wanted to check out the loud speaker. The loud speaker was fine and they didn't charge me anything.
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Okay thanks! Yea, I'll see if I can figure out if it's a hardware problem or not. If not, then I may take you up on your offer.

